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Serpent's Ire Discussion [Merged]


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I've been going around my achievments looking for somenthing to do and I decided to make the Sandswept Island backpiece (The IG-6417). The problem is: The final part require me to to do Serpent Ire, and there been days I've been looking in LFG for people to do it and nothing... Try to form a group? Good like getting more than 5 people to join you. I remeber this event is stupidly hard, only to get 2 blues and one green as your reward.


Can we please tone down this event or give more incentive for people to actually try do it? I think it's bad to have a hard event that a player will do once and then never bother with it again.

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I see it being organized near every day, sometimes advertised in various maps, sometimes not. A couple of guilds do it just on weekends. I'm sure with the holidays/year end, a lot of people who normally organized aren't available to do so.


I'm not against adding rewards (it's a lot of effort without some sort of guaranteed floor of value). I just don't think it's accurate to say no one does it or that it can't be done these days. Or a chance of high value loot, like ascended weapons or something.


PS the rewards are **much** better than 2 blues & a green; just not comparable to Tequatl or 3-headed worm.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> **much** better :/

> ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/F39x5r4.jpg)


[Chest of the Bazaar Raider](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_the_Bazaar_Raider) includes the option of an [intact Mosaic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Intact_Mosaic), about 2g in the TP, which, by itself, is much better than just two blues and a green.


That's still a far cry for what we get from Tequatl. People who participate in all phases of that fight get four loot boxes, not one, plus the Dragon's Chest. In contrast, participating in SI's pre-events results in just regular event rewards

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> I've been going around my achievments looking for somenthing to do and I decided to make the Sandswept Island backpiece (The IG-6417). The problem is: The final part require me to to do Serpent Ire, and there been days I've been looking in LFG for people to do it and nothing... Try to form a group? Good like getting more than 5 people to join you. I remeber this event is stupidly hard, only to get 2 blues and one green as your reward.


> Can we please tone down this event or give more incentive for people to actually try do it? I think it's bad to have a hard event that a player will do once and then never bother with it again.


I'm by no means trying to be rude, but with the older or less popular/rewarding events you need to have some initiative. The playerbase has been asking Anet to tune Serpent's Ire ever since PoF was released, and it's getting pretty obvious they won't. So instead of crying about not finding LFG squads, you need to take matters into your own hands if you want to get it done. You're definitely not the only one.


Make a post here or on Reddit about organizing a squad for an event, and make sure to mention the timezone and region you're in. Ask people to show up early, and if you need advise with the event, mention that you're not an experienced leader and would like to hear any tips veterans might have. Also remember to advertise in the map chat; hop into every major city to advertise the event well before it begins.


This way I'm sure you'll get enough people to join in and complete the meta. Alternatively you can look into the schedules of the biggest community guilds, like someone already mentioned. I'm sure there are guilds that organize a successful meta at least once every day, on both regions.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > **much** better :/

> > ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/F39x5r4.jpg)


> [Chest of the Bazaar Raider](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_the_Bazaar_Raider) includes the option of an [intact Mosaic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Intact_Mosaic), about 2g in the TP, which, by itself, is much better than just two blues and a green.


> That's still a far cry for what we get from Tequatl. People who participate in all phases of that fight get four loot boxes, not one, plus the Dragon's Chest. In contrast, participating in SI's pre-events results in just regular event rewards


Teq also doesn't take as long. Just the search part of SI can take longer than the entirety of the Teq event.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > **much** better :/

> > > ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/F39x5r4.jpg)

> >

> > [Chest of the Bazaar Raider](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_the_Bazaar_Raider) includes the option of an [intact Mosaic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Intact_Mosaic), about 2g in the TP, which, by itself, is much better than just two blues and a green.

> >

> > That's still a far cry for what we get from Tequatl. People who participate in all phases of that fight get four loot boxes, not one, plus the Dragon's Chest. In contrast, participating in SI's pre-events results in just regular event rewards


> Teq also doesn't take as long. Just the search part of SI can take longer than the entirety of the Teq event.


Also true.


I don't think ANet should even try to balance all metas to be on par with each other, in terms of effort/time/earnings. I think that's impossible to achieve, sets unreasonable expectations for the community, and ends up giving us less interesting & diverse things to do.


However, I do think it could be better for the game if there were a floor to what we can get from "map wide" metas that take coordination and prep time. I don't think Serpent's Ire has to be nerfed; I don't think it has to have better rewards. But I think it's not "fun enough" for the trouble I go through to join in, rather than do something else during the same time period.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > **much** better :/

> > > > ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/F39x5r4.jpg)

> > >

> > > [Chest of the Bazaar Raider](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_the_Bazaar_Raider) includes the option of an [intact Mosaic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Intact_Mosaic), about 2g in the TP, which, by itself, is much better than just two blues and a green.

> > >

> > > That's still a far cry for what we get from Tequatl. People who participate in all phases of that fight get four loot boxes, not one, plus the Dragon's Chest. In contrast, participating in SI's pre-events results in just regular event rewards

> >

> > Teq also doesn't take as long. Just the search part of SI can take longer than the entirety of the Teq event.


> Also true.


> I don't think ANet should even try to balance all metas to be on par with each other, in terms of effort/time/earnings. I think that's impossible to achieve, sets unreasonable expectations for the community, and ends up giving us less interesting & diverse things to do.


> However, I do think it could be better for the game if there were a floor to what we can get from "map wide" metas that take coordination and prep time. I don't think Serpent's Ire has to be nerfed; I don't think it has to have better rewards. But I think it's not "fun enough" for the trouble I go through to join in, rather than do something else during the same time period.


The 2g from Intact Mosaic also depends on the whims of the market but the gold from Teq is just gold.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why anet don't make Serpent Ire in Vabbi possible ? after 1years......

every player on gw2 complain about this meta from the start of POF ( on Reddit , and on Gw2 forum ) .

the reward of this meta is just sarcasm , and the difficult is just insane...

no one do it anymore , and if ppl try they fail. its like this from 1 years now and anet just don't pret any attention to it... really sad.

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> @"Zem.4139" said:

> Why anet don't make Serpent Ire in Vabbi possible ? after 1years......

> every player on gw2 complain about this meta from the start of POF ( on Reddit , and on Gw2 forum ) .

> the reward of this meta is just sarcasm , and the difficult is just insane...

> no one do it anymore , and if ppl try they fail. its like this from 1 years now and anet just don't pret any attention to it... really sad.


They could just remove breakbar phase wich makes it imposible

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Zem.4139" said:

> > Why anet don't make Serpent Ire in Vabbi possible ? after 1years......

> > every player on gw2 complain about this meta from the start of POF ( on Reddit , and on Gw2 forum ) .

> > the reward of this meta is just sarcasm , and the difficult is just insane...

> > no one do it anymore , and if ppl try they fail. its like this from 1 years now and anet just don't pret any attention to it... really sad.


> They could just remove breakbar phase wich makes it imposible


It doesnt need removing, just tuning or scaling better

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More visibility for the Zealot spawns would go a long way to making this meta more simple to do, many smaller groups lose time trying to find them.


The reward is abysmal compared to the time invested. Tarir is significantly better. Tequatl, one of the earlier large scale metas has a better reward.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > @"Zem.4139" said:

> > > Why anet don't make Serpent Ire in Vabbi possible ? after 1years......

> > > every player on gw2 complain about this meta from the start of POF ( on Reddit , and on Gw2 forum ) .

> > > the reward of this meta is just sarcasm , and the difficult is just insane...

> > > no one do it anymore , and if ppl try they fail. its like this from 1 years now and anet just don't pret any attention to it... really sad.

> >

> > They could just remove breakbar phase wich makes it imposible


> It doesnt need removing, just tuning or scaling better


I meant in most cases ppl dont want to cc i noticed :(

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A few structured guild events happen once or twice a week. Aside from that the reward isn't worth it for people to learn. It's less about the breakbar phase and more about people just don't care enough to do it. Most people that are there are just playing around and do not care about the CC phase (Or still haven't learned about the importance of the defiance bar.), which in turn increases in difficulty with the more people you have. If everyone cared enough about the meta to follow instructions, it wouldn't be too difficult.


I'm fine with it being a hard meta to do. Plenty of people failed the HoT map meta's too in it's first few weeks. The difference between those and Serpent's Ire, is that those were worth learning and doing for rewards while Serpents Ire only gives you a rare and a few other pieces that could be farmed easily elsewhere and more often.


While I understand your sentiment, it does not need a nerf. It needs a buff to it's rewards. But due to Anet's business model, I doubt it'll be significantly changed, if at all. And like you said, they released it over a year ago, and aside from bug fixing, they've moved on to bigger and better things. The only time we'll see a change to the meta, is if a single dev cared enough about that one event to spend extra time making it more rewarding outside of their current assignments. If you need to do it for a collection, or want to do it, you only have to do it once, so I recommend looking into a meta guild that has a set schedule on when they organize a run for Serpent's Ire, just like Triple Trouble.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > > @"Zem.4139" said:

> > > > Why anet don't make Serpent Ire in Vabbi possible ? after 1years......

> > > > every player on gw2 complain about this meta from the start of POF ( on Reddit , and on Gw2 forum ) .

> > > > the reward of this meta is just sarcasm , and the difficult is just insane...

> > > > no one do it anymore , and if ppl try they fail. its like this from 1 years now and anet just don't pret any attention to it... really sad.

> > >

> > > They could just remove breakbar phase wich makes it imposible

> >

> > It doesnt need removing, just tuning or scaling better


> I meant in most cases ppl dont want to cc i noticed :(


Part of the issue is how much cc needs commiting to, in order to break the bard. So sometimes it seems no one wants to, but often it is just a case of the event asking for too much. Im not defending those who just turn up and dont bother, but the event design is as much to blame.

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I think that some people are forgetting that you can get a guaranteed Intact Mosaic from the full event, which currently has a value of 2-4 gold. (Amalgamated Gemstones are currently selling for around 1.9 gold to compare). You also have a chance to get exotic Sunspear weapons, although only the ones needed for collections have reasonable value.

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> @"tasmaniajones.4376" said:

> I think that some people are forgetting that you can get a guaranteed Intact Mosaic from the full event, which currently has a value of 2-4 gold. (Amalgamated Gemstones are currently selling for around 1.9 gold to compare). You also have a chance to get exotic Sunspear weapons, although only the ones needed for collections have reasonable value.


In worse case scenario like what happened today it takes under 5 minutes to do Matriarch in VB for 1 AG. While typical time is around 1.5 minutes. SI is a minimum of 3 times as long.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Zem.4139" said:

> > Why anet don't make Serpent Ire in Vabbi possible ? after 1years......

> > every player on gw2 complain about this meta from the start of POF ( on Reddit , and on Gw2 forum ) .

> > the reward of this meta is just sarcasm , and the difficult is just insane...

> > no one do it anymore , and if ppl try they fail. its like this from 1 years now and anet just don't pret any attention to it... really sad.


> They could just remove breakbar phase wich makes it imposible

Removing it would be a little too drastic, but scaling the break bars _way_ down would probably fix Serpent's Ire. Also mark the Zealots in the first phase because playing hide and seek across the brand isn't actually engaging in any way.


Maybe have a successful meta temporarily turn off the storm, too, or make the storm a consequence of failure like the fish heads at Tequatl.

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My point still stands that the rewards are better than what people have implied here - though probably not the fastest way to get gold (for example, you can port into a finished map of AB and still get all the chests, which have at least 5 rares per cycle and an Amalmagated Gemstone daily). If Intact Mosaics still had their value before Elegy armor was introduced (5s) then I would be more inclined to agree that the reward needed to be improved.


I wouldn't go around making blanket statements that "every player has complained about this", because you don't represent the voice of every player that plays this game. I do agree though that in its current state it's something that I'd probably only do for a collection, not daily - mainly because the mechanics aren't that interesting to me.


If I was to compare this with Triple Trouble though, that event is easier now especially due to PoF mounts and power creep. While you still need co-ordination between the three groups and ways to control eggs and husks, you only need 6 players (out of about 90-150 at the event) to cover those specialised roles. There's also an option to redo it if it's not successful - if Serpent's Ire fails you have to wait another 60-90 minutes.

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> @"Zem.4139" said:

> Why anet don't make Serpent Ire in Vabbi possible ? after 1years......

It is possible. The first three times I tried were spontaneous PUG squads. Two succeeded; one failed. Since then, I've participated in organized and ad hoc groups, most of which have succeeded.


> every player on gw2 complain about this meta from the start of POF ( on Reddit , and on Gw2 forum ) .

Not all that many people complain, not even that many of those in those two forums.


> the reward of this meta is just sarcasm

The value of the intact mosaics is a lot higher now than a year ago. However, the total value of the event isn't commensurate with similar metas that require the same level of organization or time. I would support changing the reward structure.


Comparable metas in my opinion are death-branded shattererererrer (lesser value base rewards, but chance of a shiny infusion), Tequatl (four substantive chests, with a low but measurable chance of ascended with a unique skin).



> , and the difficult is just insane...

It's actually not that hard, it's just that most people don't know what to do, which results in failing mechanics. That's precisely the same as Tequatl, if people didn't know how to e.g. stomp grub holes or defend the turrets. (Which used to happen often when the event was new.) The difference is that Tequatl has a substantive enough reward that enough people are inclined to do it daily, whereas SI is lower yield for the effort.


> no one do it anymore ,

Untrue. I haven't found it hard to find a group if I'm inclined (again, the issue is that I don't have any real reason to bother with it).



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