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Reducing XP requirements to 80?


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The first character to 80 took several months, wandering around seeing the sites, learning the game. Since then I have found leveling the long way around takes me about 20 hours (in game hours). This is true for new accounts as well so no stash of tomes. I remember wooden potato was able to take a fresh account to 80 in about 12 hours to show that raids are not beyond anyones' reach.

So no reducing required experience is not needed.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> the game is quite boring so i can understand the boredom in leveling, there is nothing in it so unless you're lvl 80 there is not much to do really.

> crafting is more a painful chore, the world is quite empty for a big world and hearts do get annoying after you've leveled enough characters already.


> i don't think the leveling rate is the problem tho, it's the world that's so frikin empty it bores ppl really fast.

> we need quests instead of hearts and achievements, we need more open world dungeons instead of more instance story. (and not just for lvl 80)

> i know they want to add more for maxed out characters but they're forgetting the slow leveling ppl, the ones who just want to explore the world while they level.


I couldn't disagree more. The open world feels more alive than any other MMO I've played, with events changing how friendly or hostile certain areas can be on an hourly basis. Years after the game's launch I continue to see other players exploring the maps and participating in these events. Exploration is rewarding, with actual unique locations, and there is always events going on. Hearts maintain the idea of quests by solving issues for others as you explore, but you're given a multitude of options, rather then a typical "kill 10 boar" scenario.


Now I can't say crafting is the best in any MMO I've played, but it does offer fair recipes for players during the leveling process, and it continues to be a main source of ascended equipment for veteran players, so it stays relevant.

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> @"Cyanchiv.2583" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > the game is quite boring so i can understand the boredom in leveling, there is nothing in it so unless you're lvl 80 there is not much to do really.

> > crafting is more a painful chore, the world is quite empty for a big world and hearts do get annoying after you've leveled enough characters already.

> >

> > i don't think the leveling rate is the problem tho, it's the world that's so frikin empty it bores ppl really fast.

> > we need quests instead of hearts and achievements, we need more open world dungeons instead of more instance story. (and not just for lvl 80)

> > i know they want to add more for maxed out characters but they're forgetting the slow leveling ppl, the ones who just want to explore the world while they level.


> I couldn't disagree more. The open world feels more alive than any other MMO I've played, with events changing how friendly or hostile certain areas can be on an hourly basis. Years after the game's launch I continue to see other players exploring the maps and participating in these events. Exploitation is rewarding, with actual unique locations, and there is always events going on. Hearts maintain the idea of quests by solving issues for others as you explore, but you're given a multitude of options, rather then a typical "kill 10 boar" scenario.


> Now I can't say crafting is the best in any MMO I've played, but it does offer fair recipes for players during the leveling process, and it continues to be a main source of ascended equipment for veteran players, so it stays relevant.


actually hearts simplifies the questing with some tasks to do, after doing that it's a death hole on the map, quests let you explore the map further then any event or heart will ever achieve.

not only that, quests fill the place, giving you a story and enriches the lore.

and just an FYI, the kill 10 boar thing already exists in the game, just without a reason to do so other then an achieve point.


crafting is the problem BECAUSE it's way to much a main source, it needs to be a side thing to do to make armor but not a main way to make armor as powerful and influencing as ascended.


i did skip the event part for a reason, they do keep things interesting.

however, they are just a shadow to what they promised from launch, just a forced quest that doesn't really do anything big enough to be something to fight for.

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I think leveling is boring because what actually happens to your character over the levels is mostly done by level 35 or so. After that it's just adding levels for automated attribute gains and skill points that you still gain after you're level 80 so why level for that? Sure access to exotic gear and up but you can move that up to level 35 anyway.


So from my point of view it's not the xp that's the problem but the 45 superfluous levels that are there just for the sake of having more levels that are the problem. GW1 did that better with 20 levels. I see the same in for example SWTOR that I played for a long time. The original 50 levels actually made sense in the way they did it. Now they've raised the level cap to 70 I guess but the latest 20 levels didn't really add anything and they just spaced the original progression over more levels. It's just bs really.


I know some people felt that GW1 had too few levels and that the leveling experience was too simple (just attribute points essentially) but it worked. And I feel that whatever depth they added in GW2 could've been done in 30-40 levels tops. I just make any alts max level here asap. I never do their personal story cause it's boring (only do story on my main) but I do map completion and collections with them. It's just not interesting enough for me to do much more with them. I probably play may main 80% of the time. My second character about 10% and the remaining 5 have to do with the remaining 10%. In GW1 I had 19 alts and I played much more time on alts. In SWTOR I had more alts even. In GW2 alting just seems less interesting to me. Leveling and the story are a big part of that though. Just not interesting enough.


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