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What is the best HEALER class in this game?


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First of all: No, you have to buy product and can't just change them. I guess. Maybe if you just bought it and didn't really activate PoF. Who knows - Anet probably.

Also, you probably mean Expansion, a bought (past form of buy) product extending the already existing core part of the game - and the first one isn't called Game of Thorns, oops.


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> @"Nemiko.3652" said:

> Is possible to change the byed patch?

> I mean , i want to change my actually Path of fire to Hearth of Thrones?


LOL. Heart of Thorns, has nothing to do with hearths or thrones.


You could contact support to see if they will allow you a refund for the expansion you bought, but there is no guarantee.


As for your initial question, Firebrand is the best "healer" choice, although there is no actual healer class as all professions can heal/support. But it also depends on which type of content you are aiming for: Raids? WvW?

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> @"Nemiko.3652" said:

> What is the best HEALER class in this game?

> That mean the most usefull in team PVP/PVE, and the best heal dealer !


> Please suggest me and describe a little bit why you think so !


> Thank you in advance.

This game is not a trinity game like other MMOs. If you come here from another MMO where you used to be a healer, you best study this game a bit more with regards to things like this. The roles are done very differently here. I played a healer for years in SWTOR for example and this game is nothing like that. So you can't think of GW2 in the sense of a traditional trinity set up.


You'll notice that people speak of support a lot which tends to mean maintaining buffs on the team and that's a split job with the healing. I never liked how they did that here so I don't do structured group content, but maybe you do like it. I just felt that maybe you're talking about a healer in the traditional sense and I wanted to tell you that that's not really how things work here.

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This PvE in this game focuses more on large burst damage that players have to actively dodge, and every class has at least one reliable heal skill - so healers generally aren't needed in most content, and are usually counter productive since it's usually just faster to bring another relitively bulky DPS.


If we were looking at healers, realistically you're looking at Harrier's Guardian Firebrand or Harrier's Ranger Druid. Elementalist Tempest has a high heal-over time, but that's basically all you can do, and Ventari Revenant has the highest heal burst but it can be a pain in the ass controlling that healing tablet (although you can get some good alacrity uptime). Support Chrono Mesmer also has a little healing thrown in, but you likely won't be saving anyone with it.


Harrier's firebrand has access to might, fury and aegis (which helps people with less than optimal dodge timing avoid critical attacks) on top of decent burst-healing, while Harrier's druid has Spotter and Frost Spirit, as well as Might, Fury, Swiftness, Weakness and Regen uptime (ideal for babysitting those Elementalist Weavers). Druid is probably the most popular choice for a support role because it focuses more on burst healing and offensive buffs.

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I usually always play a Druid in games that feature the class, but in GW2 it's not a class I like at all. The staff spells are very meh, so I am trying to find some other way of playing it. My Ranger has been on the back-burner for so long though that I'll have to buckle down and do some research!

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Given we are in between big balance patches, it makes absolutely no sense to focus on any support character right now.


Froma pure healing output perspective, Druid is probably last among all popular support builds. The reason druid is/was taken was due to its very powerful utility and synergy with chrono.


Currently Firebrand seems to be the most allround powerful support.


This is all likely subject to change with the next balance patch.

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As far as best raw healing. Tempest is best by far. I myself would heal 3 people while 10-15 people in wvw come and attack us. And my group will still be alive.


However raw healing is not everything you need depending the type of gameplay.


Raids. Druid is sufficient enough (if) the squad can follow mechanics.


For fracs Druid is fine as long as people follow mechanics, but its not (best) healer in fracs. Best raw is tempest. But the safest way in fracs is harrier firebrand + renegade. But still they are not that strong in healing.


As much as I would say scourge would be after tempest, but scourge only supply’s barriers. Which isn’t actually healing. They can supply as much barrier as you want, but you need a type of healing after your barriers are gone.


So to number the healing power strength if they were actually in magis or minstrels.


1 temp

2 renegade

3 Druid

4 firebrand.



I didn’t put scourge in there since scourge doesn’t supply heals. However if people would want to. Scourge would be ether beside tempest, or right after.


Best might bot is by far Druid.


Best support to supply alac that’s not a chrono, def rev


Best support to apply quick, firebrand.


But everything depends by the comp of the group.



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For raw healing i think scraper is the best the 50% healing you do to your self just brakes the amount you heal others so much that there is no way to out do it. That and the med kit 1 spam is effected by quickness so you can push out a lot of healing very fast. I am not sure why so many ppl think tempest is the best healer its ok burst heal but that it.


Raw healing is pointless though in this game its about being able to heal and do others things mostly dmg or apply strong boons (might is not that hard to get for most dps classes as support lol).


FB is the best support in the game it dose not need to be the best healing support and groups with FB dont need that type of healing support vs groups who have Druids or scraper or even tempest. Just the fact you have a FB in your group your going to simply not be trapped by dmg effects as often giving you as a player the ability to deal with dmg far better then any heal spam.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> As far as best raw healing. Tempest is best by far. I myself would heal 3 people while 10-15 people in wvw come and attack us. And my group will still be alive.


> However raw healing is not everything you need depending the type of gameplay.


> Raids. Druid is sufficient enough (if) the squad can follow mechanics.


> For fracs Druid is fine as long as people follow mechanics, but its not (best) healer in fracs. Best raw is tempest. But the safest way in fracs is harrier firebrand + renegade. But still they are not that strong in healing.


> As much as I would say scourge would be after tempest, but scourge only supply’s barriers. Which isn’t actually healing. They can supply as much barrier as you want, but you need a type of healing after your barriers are gone.


> So to number the healing power strength if they were actually in magis or minstrels.


> 1 temp

> 2 renegade

> 3 Druid

> 4 firebrand.



> I didn’t put scourge in there since scourge doesn’t supply heals. However if people would want to. Scourge would be ether beside tempest, or right after.


> Best might bot is by far Druid.


> Best support to supply alac that’s not a chrono, def rev


> Best support to apply quick, firebrand.


> But everything depends by the comp of the group.




Chrono druid is gone its firebrand rev now XD firebrand+ren is superior comp . And ren can easly maintain 25 might

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > As far as best raw healing. Tempest is best by far. I myself would heal 3 people while 10-15 people in wvw come and attack us. And my group will still be alive.

> >

> > However raw healing is not everything you need depending the type of gameplay.

> >

> > Raids. Druid is sufficient enough (if) the squad can follow mechanics.

> >

> > For fracs Druid is fine as long as people follow mechanics, but its not (best) healer in fracs. Best raw is tempest. But the safest way in fracs is harrier firebrand + renegade. But still they are not that strong in healing.

> >

> > As much as I would say scourge would be after tempest, but scourge only supply’s barriers. Which isn’t actually healing. They can supply as much barrier as you want, but you need a type of healing after your barriers are gone.

> >

> > So to number the healing power strength if they were actually in magis or minstrels.

> >

> > 1 temp

> > 2 renegade

> > 3 Druid

> > 4 firebrand.

> >

> >

> > I didn’t put scourge in there since scourge doesn’t supply heals. However if people would want to. Scourge would be ether beside tempest, or right after.

> >

> > Best might bot is by far Druid.

> >

> > Best support to supply alac that’s not a chrono, def rev

> >

> > Best support to apply quick, firebrand.

> >

> > But everything depends by the comp of the group.

> >

> >


> Chrono druid is gone its firebrand rev now XD firebrand+ren is superior comp . And ren can easly maintain 25 might


A lie. and truly won't happen. ren+firebrand only supply for 5. druid and chrono supply for 10.


2 chrono + 1 druid and 7 dps is still better then 2 firebrands, 2 ren, 6 dps. and they actually dont pull enough might for a squad of 10. In due time maybe 30 sec into the raid. But not instant 25 might where dps truly matters within the burst.


People will deny, deny , deny but once people test it, people will truly tell. druid + 2 chrono even with nerfs are still better comp sadly.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Given we are in between big balance patches, it makes absolutely no sense to focus on any support character right now.


> Froma pure healing output perspective, Druid is probably last among all popular support builds. The reason druid is/was taken was due to its very powerful utility and synergy with chrono.


> Currently Firebrand seems to be the most allround powerful support.


> This is all likely subject to change with the next balance patch.


I don't agree with Cyninja much, but this assessment is spot on.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> A lie. and truly won't happen. ren+firebrand only supply for 5. druid and chrono supply for 10.


> 2 chrono + 1 druid and 7 dps is still better then 2 firebrands, 2 ren, 6 dps. and they actually dont pull enough might for a squad of 10. In due time maybe 30 sec into the raid. But not instant 25 might where dps truly matters within the burst.


> People will deny, deny , deny but once people test it, people will truly tell. druid + 2 chrono even with nerfs are still better comp sadly.


Depends. Most Pug groups, and most statics I've been in as well, run 2 healers anyway.

At which point Ren + FB is more effective and sensible, than stacking Chronos and Druids.


Additionally, you only really need 1 Ren and 2 Support FB's.


On top of that, you can run both FB's as Quickbrands (full Viper with FB runes) and still supply perma Quickness while doing ~25k dps.

That allows you to run Renegade + 2Quickbrands + Druid, (+BS and 5 DPS), which isn't actually a group DPS drop, despite 5 full DPS looking low, it's really still 7 effective DPS's with the FB's and BS's contribution, compared to 2Chrono, Druid, off Healer, BS, 5 DPS most people run, while also being safer.


The reason Chrono + Druid sometimes looks smoother still, is just because people are used to the mechanical interactions and positioning required for those specs.


That said, those, and many other options are very much so viable things to run now, which is why I really appreciated the latest patch.

I'm sure one or the other will still come out as "optimal". But at least you are not insane any more not to just take Chronos.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > A lie. and truly won't happen. ren+firebrand only supply for 5. druid and chrono supply for 10.

> >

> > 2 chrono + 1 druid and 7 dps is still better then 2 firebrands, 2 ren, 6 dps. and they actually dont pull enough might for a squad of 10. In due time maybe 30 sec into the raid. But not instant 25 might where dps truly matters within the burst.

> >

> > People will deny, deny , deny but once people test it, people will truly tell. druid + 2 chrono even with nerfs are still better comp sadly.


> Depends. Most Pug groups, and most statics I've been in as well, run 2 healers anyway.

> At which point Ren + FB is more effective and sensible, than stacking Chronos and Druids.


> Additionally, you only really need 1 Ren and 2 Support FB's.


> On top of that, you can run both FB's as Quickbrands (full Viper with FB runes) and still supply perma Quickness while doing ~25k dps.

> That allows you to run Renegade + 2Quickbrands + Druid, (+BS and 5 DPS), which isn't actually a group DPS drop, despite 5 full DPS looking low, it's really still 7 effective DPS's with the FB's and BS's contribution, compared to 2Chrono, Druid, off Healer, BS, 5 DPS most people run, while also being safer.


> The reason Chrono + Druid sometimes looks smoother still, is just because people are used to the mechanical interactions and positioning required for those specs.


> That said, those, and many other options are very much so viable things to run now, which is why I really appreciated the latest patch.

> I'm sure one or the other will still come out as "optimal". But at least you are not insane any more not to just take Chronos.


True if we were talking meta. As in the elite groups, it would be the same comp they were using before. But meta doesn’t mean we (have) to go by that comp to clear the raid. I’m declaring what would make a faster clear. But would that make the clear safest? No.


If we were bringing in a firebrand+ ren. I would like to bring at least 1 chrono. Only because chronos signet adds everyone’s boons to a longer extent. If we wanted boon frenzy like we did, it would be that comp. 1 ren+brand. 1 drood, 1 chrono. Dps. It takes out the need for a second healer since ren+brand are considered healers. However it would be the safer group rather than running through a speed clear of your in an elite group.


As far as pugging. I truly don’t care the comp as long as we clear the raid. But that isn’t everyones opinion. Some people like to hard core through things even though they aren’t elite at all.



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