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Ideas for the next "Balance Patch"


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As usual, I want better gyros, better pathing and movespeed for them, better or more impactful effects for gyros as a whole and a dedicated key for function gyro. Scrapper still lagging behind but their approach has been too passive.


Other than that very minor tweaking, actually liking how balance is shaping the metagame, but please stop messing with chrono.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Questions I don't have answers to. I don't see their plans for the future and neither does anyone else. People, including you, need to stop looking at any particular balance patch like it's the final word on the state of the game. Some things that are changed in one patch might be to prepare for the next one. I don't know the reasons, I simply know these aren't just random changes; they have purpose.

> > >

> > > It's also important to keep in mind that 1) changes CAN happen because of theme and 2) changes on one class don't have to be the same direction as another class.

> > >

> >

> > Your trying to answers the question though and going out of your way to say why my point of view is wrong.

> >

> > Anet can do any thing they want they could even cut the game off today if they wanted to but you can still point out what is wrong with them doing it.


> I answer the questions I can, I'm honest with you when I don't have the answers. You can't ask for more. You are making unarguably false statements and re-inventing what things mean to 'prove' Anet is doing it wrong. There is no place for that in honest discussions. It's not the first time this has happened. It just flags you as someone that complains with no substance; a person willing to literally say anything. There is no value in that ... except when it's countered with more accurate content.


> Anet did NOT remove content.

> Anet IS enacting change to move the game to what they want it to be.

> That DOESN'T mean it complies with your version or any other players version of what balance is.




Content is removed when you remove effects.

Anet is enacting effects of other classes by removing effects from all of the other classes. Or using it as an excuse not to add effects for classes.

This is less to do with balancing and more to do with how they are going about it.


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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Questions I don't have answers to. I don't see their plans for the future and neither does anyone else. People, including you, need to stop looking at any particular balance patch like it's the final word on the state of the game. Some things that are changed in one patch might be to prepare for the next one. I don't know the reasons, I simply know these aren't just random changes; they have purpose.

> > > >

> > > > It's also important to keep in mind that 1) changes CAN happen because of theme and 2) changes on one class don't have to be the same direction as another class.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Your trying to answers the question though and going out of your way to say why my point of view is wrong.

> > >

> > > Anet can do any thing they want they could even cut the game off today if they wanted to but you can still point out what is wrong with them doing it.

> >

> > I answer the questions I can, I'm honest with you when I don't have the answers. You can't ask for more. You are making unarguably false statements and re-inventing what things mean to 'prove' Anet is doing it wrong. There is no place for that in honest discussions. It's not the first time this has happened. It just flags you as someone that complains with no substance; a person willing to literally say anything. There is no value in that ... except when it's countered with more accurate content.

> >

> > Anet did NOT remove content.

> > Anet IS enacting change to move the game to what they want it to be.

> > That DOESN'T mean it complies with your version or any other players version of what balance is.

> >

> >


> Content is removed when you remove effects.

> Anet is enacting effects of other classes by removing effects from all of the other classes. Or using it as an excuse not to add effects for classes.

> This is less to do with balancing and more to do with how they are going about it.


There isn't any 'clean' way to make these changes though; balance patches simply don't happen all at once. I really can't comprehend this problem you have ... it's always been this way since the beginning. You just need to deal with it.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > Questions I don't have answers to. I don't see their plans for the future and neither does anyone else. People, including you, need to stop looking at any particular balance patch like it's the final word on the state of the game. Some things that are changed in one patch might be to prepare for the next one. I don't know the reasons, I simply know these aren't just random changes; they have purpose.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's also important to keep in mind that 1) changes CAN happen because of theme and 2) changes on one class don't have to be the same direction as another class.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Your trying to answers the question though and going out of your way to say why my point of view is wrong.

> > > >

> > > > Anet can do any thing they want they could even cut the game off today if they wanted to but you can still point out what is wrong with them doing it.

> > >

> > > I answer the questions I can, I'm honest with you when I don't have the answers. You can't ask for more. You are making unarguably false statements and re-inventing what things mean to 'prove' Anet is doing it wrong. There is no place for that in honest discussions. It's not the first time this has happened. It just flags you as someone that complains with no substance; a person willing to literally say anything. There is no value in that ... except when it's countered with more accurate content.

> > >

> > > Anet did NOT remove content.

> > > Anet IS enacting change to move the game to what they want it to be.

> > > That DOESN'T mean it complies with your version or any other players version of what balance is.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Content is removed when you remove effects.

> > Anet is enacting effects of other classes by removing effects from all of the other classes. Or using it as an excuse not to add effects for classes.

> > This is less to do with balancing and more to do with how they are going about it.

> >

> There isn't any 'clean' way to make these changes though; balance patches simply don't happen all at once. I really can't comprehend this problem you have ... it's always been this way since the beginning. You just need to deal with it.


That how i am dealing with it keeping an active talk about the problems of with anet balancing path. Better to add to lesser classes then to take away from classes whom have too much. As you end up hitting classes who have less to keep a on going logic of chose example taking away counter cc that would apply a cc of the same or different type but not adding back a another def effect that brakes the first cc in the first places for that class with less. Tempest def was never a hard cc back on the person who hard cc the ele but it would apply an effect that could something comply different from all of the other passive hard cc counters (it was more on the lines of a smoke field when hard cc).

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I think some people don't get what the problems is with nerf besides favorite class X of player Y is not so fun anymore and he/she is upset about it.

The hardest content which require the highest dps and support + some safety margin is the minimum what the game needs to function.

This means if you balancing around gw2 vanilla content like dungeons the whole endcontent of the game will break.


Then there is the problem the DPS on the golem which people post on youtube or SC are absolute unrealistic in real gameplay especial classes with complex rotas in encounters where a lot of movement is required. They also use often boons on which they don't have access to or just in raids . There is also problem most of the rotas have those DPS only in short bursts e.g as weaver/tempest my summing sword is at some point gone and my dps drops. With the change on SoI it is became even more ridiculous. You can do some similar dps when the boss is stationary and doesn't take too long but everything else is like a real life unicorn.


But despite this those numbers are taken were taken as they were facts and ate seems used for the balance this is also not good.



FB and chrono in some way also rev are built with the idea to make room for other classes so hard it sounds. Its not their dps which stands out its their their ability to be in multiple rolls at once. FB can be tank/healer/ support at once or condi DPS/support at once , chrono can be boon support and utility support at once , rev can be healer and support at once. Arena NET enforced the idea to make room (in raids) by increasing some of the effect to 10 players over time.


With the new stats we will see properly more builds which do more then just 1 thing.

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I have a crazy idea:


Trade all the skills of the revenant sword with the warrior, reworking the abilities of the warrior's offhand sword. The skills 1 to 5, which are now revenant, would pass to the warrior and those from the warrior to the revenant with the rework. What you guys think? Another thing, make the warrior's axe/axe an condition weapon option without changing the animation from the skills.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Strikerjolt.9418" said:

> > -snip-

> Making everything too strong can be just as unfun as having everything too weak.

> Having something so strong is un-fun to play against is just as bad as having something so weak that it is un-fun to play.

> Having one thing so dominant that nothing else matters can be just as bad as having everything being good at everything.


> Loss aversion or not. Objective balance or not. Subjective balance or not. When it comes to buffs and nerfs both need to happen and suggesting you only need one without the other, either way, would just lead to a poorer game over all.


> Pat yourself on the back with your parallels as much as you want and put me down in your post as much as you want but if you didn't see me advocating for both and not one or the other you have clearly missed my point. There are times when nerfing something is 100% the correct course of action just as much as there are times when buffing something is 100% the correct course of action.










I thought I responded to this but I didn't - I never suggested that you should only buff classes never nerf and nothing I have said alluded to that train of thought - so maybe before getting all huffy and puffy with me. Maybe try to come at me with something that's actually true.


But lately both in WoW and GW2 they tend to be nerfing anything that's remotely fun or good and some classes are getting completely destroyed by nerfs in both games.



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