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mesmer is trash and it needs buffs


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For the past 4 months in europe mesmer has been the least represented class on high elo and there have been the least players of the mesmer class in top 30 almost consistently and the 2nd least in top 50


It's not "MY OPINION" it's hard facts, the facts are that there are more elementalists in top 20 / legendary than mesmers on average and mesmer is actually severely underpowered due to the barrage of nerfs it received and i'm not even kidding. It's basic common sense, if mesmer was anywhere near as good as people try to imply that it is - we would see it reflected in reality but the reality is that currently as i am making this thread there isn't a single mesmer in top 20. I was the only legendary mesmer until a few days ago when i decided to keep on signing anyway (and got matched with trash cus anet matchmaking can put newbies and new players with legendary elo ppl) and as it stands right now there's not a single mesmer in top 20


there isn't a single game in which said "overpowered class "is underplayed and underperforming and has shit rates, it's just not how logic works

you dont have to take my word for it that mesmer is trash, just look at the results


@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" when will you buff the weakest class in gw2?

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> I can tell this thread is gonna bait some ppl

> inb4drama



It's not bait, it's me mentioning facts


> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Show us the stats and win ratios for ranked as well as most used class with each person on the leader board! Like this:


> https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/played



i can open the top 50 and tell you the class of every player in there

currently there are 4 mesmers in top 50


with 9 classes in this game the "average" per class should be 5.5~ but mesmer is only 4 when people consistently say that it's "the most overpowered class in the game"


under-average representation in top 50, zero mesmers in top 20


no bait no tricks just facts


edit: well thats no longer true cus im back in legendary and in top 20 but i've consistently been the #1 mesmer so it doesn't count, if it wasnt for me the class would have zero representation on high level

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > I can tell this thread is gonna bait some ppl

> > inb4drama



> It's not bait, it's me mentioning facts


> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Show us the stats and win ratios for ranked as well as most used class with each person on the leader board! Like this:

> >

> > https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/played



> i can open the top 50 and tell you the class of every player in there

> currently there are 4 mesmers in top 50


> with 9 classes in this game the "average" per class should be 5.5~ but mesmer is only 4 when people consistently say that it's "the most overpowered class in the game"


> under-average representation in top 50, zero mesmers in top 20


> no bait no tricks just facts


> edit: well thats no longer true cus im back in legendary and in top 20 but i've consistently been the #1 mesmer so it doesn't count, if it wasnt for me the class would have zero representation on high level


Genuinely curious. For your leaderboard what are the most and least represented players in the top 50/100 broken down by % if they play multiple classes? I.e a player counts as 0.5 thief and 0.5 mesmer if they share a 50/50 split between those professions.

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > I can tell this thread is gonna bait some ppl

> > inb4drama



> It's not bait, it's me mentioning facts


> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Show us the stats and win ratios for ranked as well as most used class with each person on the leader board! Like this:

> >

> > https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/played



> i can open the top 50 and tell you the class of every player in there

> currently there are 4 mesmers in top 50


> with 9 classes in this game the "average" per class should be 5.5~ but mesmer is only 4 when people consistently say that it's "the most overpowered class in the game"


> under-average representation in top 50, zero mesmers in top 20


> no bait no tricks just facts


> edit: well thats no longer true cus im back in legendary and in top 20 but i've consistently been the #1 mesmer so it doesn't count, if it wasnt for me the class would have zero representation on high level


Then clearly you dont need a buff.


Just curious how many renegades, eles, DHs and various specs are represented in your "facts"?


I too would like to see this stat sheet you are running off, without it, your facts are just opinions.

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> For the past 4 months in europe mesmer has been the least represented class on high elo and there have been the least players of the mesmer class in top 30 almost consistently and the 2nd least in top 50


> It's not "MY OPINION" it's hard facts, the facts are that there are more elementalists in top 20 / legendary than mesmers on average and mesmer is actually severely underpowered due to the barrage of nerfs it received and i'm not even kidding. It's basic common sense, if mesmer was anywhere near as good as people try to imply that it is - we would see it reflected in reality but the reality is that currently as i am making this thread there isn't a single mesmer in top 20. I was the only legendary mesmer until a few days ago when i decided to keep on signing anyway (and got matched with trash cus anet matchmaking can put newbies and new players with legendary elo ppl) and as it stands right now there's not a single mesmer in top 20


> there isn't a single game in which said "overpowered class "is underplayed and underperforming and has kitten rates, it's just not how logic works

> you dont have to take my word for it that mesmer is trash, just look at the results


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" when will you buff the weakest class in gw2?


Didn't you just make a thread exactly like this a week or two ago?

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > Just revert portal nerf please.


> It was justified


Not really. Mesmer's of all stripes should by design should be winning matches less by direct combat and more with unusual mechanics, one of a kind utility, and unpredictably countering their opponents. The way thief uses it's unmatched mobility to win matches.


Plus utilities that get exponentially better the more skilled the player and the more thought is put into using them is what we should want more of, not less.


Mirage's damage out put and 1v1 potential should have been hit and portal should have been untouched.


The portal nerf was the exact opposite direction Anet should be taking mesmer.


Edit: Oh wait, you're the guy who was in the old portal thread who had the bulk of his contributions to that thread suddenly vanished away, almost like they were deleted by a mod for being so pointlessly hostile.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> Genuinely curious. For your leaderboard what are the most and least represented players in the top 50/100 broken down by % if they play multiple classes? I.e a player counts as 0.5 thief and 0.5 mesmer if they share a 50/50 split between those professions.


most people don't get to top 50 (but top 20-30 is usually more representative)by playing multiple classes because "recent-experience "is the most important thing, i have thousands of games on ele/warrior but if i played them now i wouldn't do anything cus my recent experience is only on mesmer, altho i can play ranger somewhat cus i played it a bunch but it's not on the same level

there are a very few (less than 5, or even 3, not in game right now can't check), people that play multiple classes and their alts are usually support fb


from my experience (not actual stats) there are the most thieves,guardians,revenants in top 50 for obvious reasons, they're the current gankers/+1 classes and this role is by far the easiest if you have some general gw2 knowledge and experience cus no line of sight teleports are way too broken and you can't really kite rev/thief so if they +1 you and are good enough to be on high elo its almost a guaranteed death unless your team reacts or you manage to get to a no-port spot but even then they can kill if they chase, you'll just make them waste more time. Generally getting away from a gank in this game is near impossible unless u have full cds or they didnt ambush you mid-fight against the enemy). at some point earlier this season we had 3-4 thieves in legendary and that was without some of the regular legendary ones that were decayed at the time. In general there are more or less even numbers of all classes except ele which is the worst class in the game but if you play it as a healer/duelist/stall you can make it work and there are 2-3 eles hovering around the top usually, and yes mesmer is also under-represented which is why i made this thread




> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > Just revert portal nerf please.


> It was justified



i personally don't care about portal, never liked it, didn't use it, won't use it even if its reverted. Portal payoff ((could)) be huge but the cooldown is also huge, it's not as good as people have been trying to make it sound


the constant combat nerfs have been adding up to a point where mesmer isn't even that good any more, people just can't judge how hard it is to play mesmer because its condition dmg and for some reason everyone has a negative bias against condition dmg when in reality its actually harder to execute and to kill people with condition dmg on high level where people have their mechanics and knowledge on point and not lower level where ppl fail easy power combos or dont run condi removal.

Altho ill admit staff does make mesmer a lot easier to play but it also makes it a lot more limited, with staff you win harder vs some matchups but can't do anything in some other situations, even if its easier to "execute"


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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> currently in eu top 50 there is a single mesmer in top 20 (me, so it doesn't count cus im there due to skill not class) and two other mesmers in top 50 (that are normally not top 50 players) so out of 50 people there are merely 3 mesmers


> how about that lmao


Thing is you do have a solid argument concerning representation upon top50, however you will most likely get answers from people who are ranked below, where you have various situations that makes mesmer relatively annoying , though being less OP than what people thing. It's hard for me to give a good answer when you have teammates getting rolled by mesmers in 3 seconds, though i generally have no issue with these 1v1.


People basically can handle conditions at plat 2+, and generally cannot in average rating. Gives you the reason why you have so many reapers/mesmers at average, and so few at top.


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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> The reason why mesmer isnt very represented in the top bracket is because most of the good mesmers stopped playing or are taking a break.


Although I agree with this statement, I think there is still something to be said about the common assertion calming about "how brokenly OP it is and how **EASY**" it is to succeed with. This would imply that even if a lot of people stop bothering with the chore that is ranked conquest, these spots should also be flooded by people trying to easily rank.


People at this point are just buying into a meme. If you can avoid backstabs, and DE sniping you; you can avoid shatters and shutdown mesmers.

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