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Suggestion: Dual Class instead of Elite Spec!


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Elite specs sometimes feel like a kind of dual-class spec. Scourge is Necro with Mesmer elements, Reaper is Necro with more warrior elements, Mirage is Mesmer with elements of sneak attack/mobility/evade from thieves, druid is ranger with Life Shroud, DH is guardian with Ranger's bow and traps, etc. Some are their own thing, or build on certain elements of their own class or resolve some complaints about the class (e.g. Soulbeast, for people who hate ranger pet AI).

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> A nightmare to balance, sounds fun to me.


The top reason why Anet abandoned GW1 after Nightfall and went with GW2, not feasible for the devs


you can thank dual class for us old time GW1 players got getting GW: Utopia, which was gonna be Aztec themed, speculated to be set on the continent west of Tyria (Wetland/Hownling Peninsula/Arid)

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> @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> The original Guild Wars utilised secondary professions. It was one of the most difficult things to balance. I'm sure you can find an interview with Izzie on this. It was one of the main reasons the developers chose to drop it for their second game. I would _not_ bank on them ever making a return and, personally, I do not think this game needs it.


This is actually a strawman Anet is using. GW1's system had an easier balance than the mess GW2 has. GW1 was actually a fairly balanced game, at least much more balanced than GW2, so, what is the excuse of GW2 not being balanced?

Maybe because it actually has more classes, more skills, more stats to balance around, and all the traits which are actually the skills on their own, then there are sigils and runes too. GW2's system is the mess to balance, far more complicated than GW1 ever was.

They dropped GW1's system and made the worse one to balance. Great job, and great strawman Anet.


That being said, no, as much as I love it in GW1, I don't want Dual Class system in GW2, ever, not even as a thought. It would completely break the game.

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> @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> GW2 has far less skills and combinations to consider per class than GW1, and yet it feels like it's balanced way worse to me.


> ... Maybe I just have nostalgia glasses on.


I think you are missing a trait system in your calculation. Trait system itself can be seen as skills which combine also with all the weapons, sigils, upgrades and stats...it is far more complicated and it has far more combinations than GW1, it also has more RNG effects. GW1 was easier to balance

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> This is actually a strawman Anet is using. GW1's system had an easier balance than the mess GW2 has. GW1 was actually a fairly balanced game, at least much more balanced than GW2, so, what is the excuse of GW2 not being balanced?

> Maybe because it actually has more classes, more skills, more stats to balance around, and all the traits which are actually the skills on their own, then there are sigils and runes too. GW2's system is the mess to balance, far more complicated than GW1 ever was.

> They dropped GW1's system and made the worse one to balance. Great job, and great strawman Anet.


> That being said, no, as much as I love it in GW1, I don't want Dual Class system in GW2, ever, not even as a thought. It would completely break the game.


I feel that you did not play enough PvP to garner a true opinion of the balancing in the first game. If you did, you'd know the suffering of Izzy and the balance team.


Dual class is not going to happen. Accept it and move on.

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> @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> > @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > This is actually a strawman Anet is using. GW1's system had an easier balance than the mess GW2 has. GW1 was actually a fairly balanced game, at least much more balanced than GW2, so, what is the excuse of GW2 not being balanced?

> > Maybe because it actually has more classes, more skills, more stats to balance around, and all the traits which are actually the skills on their own, then there are sigils and runes too. GW2's system is the mess to balance, far more complicated than GW1 ever was.

> > They dropped GW1's system and made the worse one to balance. Great job, and great strawman Anet.

> >

> > That being said, no, as much as I love it in GW1, I don't want Dual Class system in GW2, ever, not even as a thought. It would completely break the game.


> I feel that you did not play enough PvP to garner a true opinion of the balancing in the first game. If you did, you'd know the suffering of Izzy and the balance team.


> Dual class is not going to happen. Accept it and move on.


Did you read what I wrote? I think you didn't base on the last sentence. The first game was more balanced and it was easier to balance it than GW2, that is a fact.

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> Did you read what I wrote? I think you didn't base on the last sentence. The first game was more balanced and it was easier to balance it than GW2, that is a fact.


Are you able to provide proof for said fact?


During the build up for Guild Wars 2, the move away from dual professions was explained. I would suggest looking back over this.


Here is a point taken straight from the Wiki:


* The early development stages of Guild Wars 2 included secondary professions, a game mechanic available in the original Guild Wars. This feature was removed to allow for more unique customization of each profession and eliminate the associated balancing issues with multiple professions using the same skills.



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I kind of like the Elite Spec system in the game, currently. Every new spec has a "flavor" that almost feels like a new class while still being tied to its core spec.

I wouldn't want to see future builds become too "muddied" by dropping that identity-spec for the option to just mix and match your favorite parts of say, Chrono and Mirage.


I hope they continue to create new specs for future expansions or even change the rules a bit and find a way to tie it to a LWS (or sell the license separately rather than marrying all elite specs to expansions, especially considering that we may not get an expac until after LWS5 is done)


Outside of that, my hope for elites is that they continue to push the boundary of what new specs can do. Give Necromancer's a sword and a better array of interrupts/cc/blocks.

Give Thief a Scepter and create a "Spell Thief/trickster" -- find new ways to approach these core classes and change them a bit. Creativity!

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