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Themed wvw guilds?


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I don't think there are these totally devoted full time "all of one type" guilds, but I've seen certain guilds do this from time to time.


I once joined TW guild "all asura" raids.

They moved about with about 20 members, all asuras, and they **walked** into combat literally, they used walk instead of run while taking sustained pressure from all sides and not dying.

Just imagine 20 small dudes at walking pace moving into combat in WvW and not dying while getting bombed from all sides.

It was real fun and an eye opener.


Or the recent run with PAL guild, they went all snowballs tonic for the christmas cheer.


I've seen an all blue celestial charr guild.


I've also seen an all winnie the pooh charr styled guild.


I've also seen an all kodan tonic styled guild.


I've also seen an all Ascalonian Mages tonic styled guild.

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I'm pretty sure I've seen all asuran guilds before (on eu), although that was mostly in 2k16 - not sure what happened to them now. I know last year there were a few themed nights during weekends like those necro ones etc. I also suggested in team chat for themed nights a long time ago but it went nowhere, but I think it would be fun. I used to see those RP'ers a lot but now I hardly see any of them around, but I am not everywhere at all times so I can't say for sure if it's like that on every server.

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> My guilds almost exclusively asura, we have a few that sometimes play a bookah. There's a few charr exclusive or near exclusive also, Shadow Warband I think? is one.


Shrouded Warband, but we are pretty smol :3


There's also TLC, but it's not really exclusive to Charr, just heavily encourages members to use Charr characters.

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Heya. Shrouded warband guild leader. My guild is currently based in fort aspenwood and themed around the lore of charr warband in the mists. We’re not a fully devoted rp guild, just a guild with roots in rp and a theme of charr (mostly) in the mists.


As for other wvw guilds, there are some themed ones that try to keep to the guild’s name as best as possible, but mainly adopt a broad theme to encompass every player. For example, MR does their all one race theme.


Other guilds do not have a real theme but do themed zerg nights. Themed nights are fun because there is a mixture of memes and general fuckery in a night of wvw.


Feel free to message me in game if you ever want to know more. Atros.9607


Obligatory edit: I saw your reddit post and totally forgot to comment in it too because I was spacing out at work.

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> @"Hadan.2841" said:

> Depends what you are looking for, most wvw guilds are not RP and just do it for fun. In [MR] we swap between all charr or all asura, currently we are doing all asura. Ive seen [Yeti] running all white charrs in wvw with matching snow outfits.


Yeti changes every other month or so, mind, so it's less of a racial theme and more of a seasonal theme. [Tiki] earlier was all asura, I believe.

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