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Wail of Doom should be a radius effect


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Wail of Doom should be a radius effect. Thematically it makes sense as it is a sound like shouts are. It is a perfect candidate for giving necro an active "defense like" skill (because we don't seem to get blocks or the like) even if it's not a true defense mechanic. The main problem with it is the cone shape. If it was a radius effect it could interrupt all in the parameter in the middle of a spike. Being unblockable helps. The ring shape helped for Spectral Ring and I think it would help for Wail of Doom. Thoughts?

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The cone is okay. The cooldown is just too high for the effect because it did fall behind in the game's powercreep. The cooldown should either be lowered to 20s or the skill should have an additional effect like corrupt 2 or strip 3 boons.


But in general before ANet starts to rework warhorn4 they should rework focus4 first, which probably is the most unreliable skill in the game.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> The cone is okay. The cooldown is just too high for the effect because it did fall behind in the game's powercreep. The cooldown should either be lowered to 20s or the skill should have an additional effect like corrupt 2 or strip 3 boons.


You mean reapers touch?

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> The cone is okay. The cooldown is just too high for the effect because it did fall behind in the game's powercreep. The cooldown should either be lowered to 20s or the skill should have an additional effect like corrupt 2 or strip 3 boons.


> But in general before ANet starts to rework warhorn4 they should rework focus4 first, which probably is the most unreliable skill in the game.


^This. Scrap Banshee's Wail trait (nobody will ever take this over any of the other 2!!!). Lower both skills cd to 25sec. Adjust their effectiveness with +25%-30% and add another, more interesting trait on its place.

Also cone daze is good, don't need to change in any way, imo.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> You mean reapers touch?

Focus4 = Reaper's Touch


I like its functionally if it wasn't buggy as hell - even the regeneration is pretty good. When synergized with vital persistence and soul eater you get a nice 400 hp/s regeneration. But it only connects by accident. Even when you manage to hit your target the reflect of the scythe to yourself is also buggy and often vanishes into nowhere without granting you the regeneration.


In contrast to that wh4 is actually usable in pvp. Focus4 on a moving target has an **in**acceptable amount of rng.


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> @"Akrasia.5469" said:

> Wail of Doom should be a radius effect. Thematically it makes sense as it is a sound like shouts are. It is a perfect candidate for giving necro an active "defense like" skill (because we don't seem to get blocks or the like) even if it's not a true defense mechanic. The main problem with it is the cone shape. If it was a radius effect it could interrupt all in the parameter in the middle of a spike. Being unblockable helps. The ring shape helped for Spectral Ring and I think it would help for Wail of Doom. Thoughts?


The buff to spectral ring was questionable because the wall could fear people indefinitely an unlimited number of times while the ring covers more space and can act as a trap at best you are only likely to get 2 fears per single target assuming your placement is perfect and they walk in from the out side then out side from the inner ring. Dont get me wrong its a good change but it simply should not be used as means to assume everything is better as an AOE


A roundabout AOE on this skill could mean

- a shorter daze

- its no longer unblockalbe

- its no longer a daze

- the ranger is much smaller

- the cooldown is higher

- it comes with a negative cost to the necromancer for using it.


Remember not everything is better as an all around you AOE and you have other options that can achieve a similar effect

If you need this effect just use **"Chilled to the Bone"** same thing as what you are suggesting but a bit stronger and can be cancelled to force dodges due to how overly visible its tell tail is.


As for this idea i don't think war horn needs it considering its a magical focused attack thematically it makes sense that it only goes in the direction you point the horn rather than out in an aoe. Its not the same as warrior war horn where its more of a **"thematic inspire your allies to fight"** kinda skill which should blast out in a aoe around you. This attack is meant to hurt people directly in its focused path of fire and so just makes sense that it does stronger effect at the cost of having to aim it. A single deep breath from the casters lungs and excellent craft and use of the dark arts. Its meant to daze anyone who falls in its focused point it with its loud disrupting wail.


I did suggest in one of my elite spec proposal things some months a go that the new shroud get a skill on skill 3 (which is usually the cc skill) called Vocal minority.

I think it was something like Strip defensive boons and daze nearby foes for some nasty period of time with the primary boons to be removed being stab and protection.

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> @"James.1065" said:

> I like the idea to keep it the same (cone shaped daze) just increase the daze to 3 sec and have it also transfer 2 random Conditions on the necro to each target the horn hits.


> Now that's a real wail of doom!


Daze duration could get too long with traits and runes. Condi transfer overlaps with offhand dagger and staff.


I really don't feel it needs much if anything. Offhand warhorn is an incrediblely strong offhand weapon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would prolly need to have range/radius decreased if it became a full circle, I am okay with that tbh, but I am also okay with the current state


Imo necro has 2(3 with scourge) great offhand weapons and 1 decent one (focus), getting some better mainhands to go with them is more important imo

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