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Should ele auras be strengthened?


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I want to see auras actually having a 'powerful' impact in the game, not a one-time use like conjures. For tempest you provide auras that last for a short time and can be easily played around + there is no consistency for a tempest especially whether it's a support or a damage dealer so once the enemy dodges them, you're on cooldown. For core ele and weaver, they are to be the most selfish versions of a profession ever, you provide nothing to your allies and with last update and less boons provided, Arcane trait line is dead, which even more prevents ele from providing any boons.


Ele is not a staff cleave pet that needs their owner to feed them well so they can do wonders.


I would love to see ele have built in auras within the skills. All utilities are pretty much a one-time use like conjures (conjure weapons are awful anyway), blasts that give nothing else but pure physical damage (don't tell me that ele has to keep a field up every time they wish to use a skill), or signets that almost have no use, glyphs are terrible (ele can't go condi without so much build up, glyph of storms is an exception and it's still on a high cooldown). Nothing from ele's utilities provide any aura to maintain a good uptime of them for either yourself or allies except 'Tempest' (so not all of Ele can have auras that much), but imagine giving away all your utility slots to have a 20-35s cooldown shout skill that is easily played around and a one-trick thing.


You simply can't put auras in utilities because these pretty much change according to the mode or situation, would rather have them built in the weapons or remove themed trait lines and start thinking of ele as an aura class because attunement themed trait lines encourages camping the 2 attunements you traited for, so what's the point of 4 attunements then. Make auras provide untouchable buffs, +x% outgoing dmg, -x% incoming dmg, corrupt/steal/strip a boon for upcoming 2 attacks, stun, reflect. Improve ele's boon uptime or make stacking auras reward with boons, swapping attunements will be rewarding then, and for 'Unravel', make it a core ele F5 skill with charges to allow easily swapping attunements without getting hardly punished for it.


I would love auras to allow ele to control the surrounding, when i think of a control or a support mage class, (and please forget the jack of all trades concept, each profession has 3 ways to go now able to fill in all roles uniquely), my eyes fall on revenant. Now with easier access to auras and ability to have different types of them at once, you can adjust the duration and effectiveness, but you can't improve or increase duration of something that is barely there in the first place.


In the end, that's how I would love to view auras

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I agree on the uptime thing.seeing how you have fewer sources for keeping uptime, I want to see some changes.


I don't know if this will click with everyone, but in everquest the fire shield does quite a bit of damage, but what if it was made to be triggered through arcane shield and you could have some sort of build up somewhere to give it to others more easily for support? the usage of auras and shields more easily access and stronger would improve tempest.




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Auras will never play a big role in PvE as long as they're purely defensive. Neither a longer duration, nor a stronger effect will change this. Giving auras a +X% outgoing damage mod would instantly make them meta, but it would also mean new power-creep.


I was thinking about making auras auto-detonate when they run out or are overwritten. That way their detonation mechanic wouldn't be limited to one skill on one weapon on one profession. The added damage would also be easyer to balance than a +X% damage mod that stacks with everything else in the game.

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I still think something has to be done in order to make auras more desirable for support, especially since auras are eles, especially tempests biggest unique things.


A bunch of classes can give might protection and stuff like that, even stability, but auras? That is a ele only thing.


What if on top of the 10% defense you also improve healing on healing classes? It is in the healing area after all. You could limit the amounts of tempests that can stack that effect to 1 if its too overpowered.


What if fire shield instead of giving burning gave some sort of bonus to condi users giving it a bonus to duration of condis? You could change its name to burning aura or something and



What if you could give stone heart to others as a effect, making it so they cannot be crit? just throwing around ideas.


They could just lower the cd on dagger dagger frost aura to 20 seconds, that would help.


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Auras that ele give out and auras that are on ele only other classes should and can have auras but they just should not be as strong as ele. Auras should be to ele as stab is to gurds a class effect that others get but not at the same level. The auras them self should have a few effects then just passive on hit they need boost effects depending on the aura type. As well as adding in more dentantaion effects that you can build for.

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What if the stability trait for Tempest where you gain stability on overload had an additional effect: "Allies gain stability when gaining an aura"? Possibly a GM trait, switching places with Lucid Singularity (which noone uses anyway). This would also make Staff a strong weapon because you could be able to blast into the water 4 skills which is tremendous (Arcane Brilliance heal could see a lot more use too). It would syngerize extremely well with Powerful Auras, granting group stability on demand with Feel the Burn as well as Rune of Earth if you're taking that.

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I voted Other. I think Auras are in a fine place, but I think the GrandMaster Trait Powerful Aura in the Water line should find its way in the Arcane Trait line. I feel like this would bring more diversity to aura-centric builds. Sure there might have to be trimming and tweaking to make sure it doesn't become something like the SoI Mesmer did, but in the long run it will make the archetype more interesting to play.

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ICD or effect should be revisited to be deterrent or to sustain more.

Shocking aura, is good; but why 2sec icd ? Fire aura; really who cares to burst an elem with fire aura ? You get 2 (1sec) burning, wow no, pls no wow I gonna die.

The only Above Average aura is the magnetic one. Auras need you to get hurt to affect, it seems to me a sustain mechanical; but effects are boring, no one cares about

And a F5 skill would help to "Transmute " auras you applie to yourself or allies. I mean, what the point of the fire spec if I need to play with a focus to transmute the aura?

Stop put traits on auras when you need 5 specs to make a decent build around them and when you have in reality poor access to auras nor leap combo finisher with core and weaver. Fury and Swiftness in air and ... ah no no more aura in the spec, condi removal in fire + fire aura, protection in earth, aura sharing in water + frost auras, the rez thing in arcane ... chose wisely.

Why not make something like Peak-Performance and Rampage with Conjured weapons ? You earn an aura based on the weapon every time you use a 2-3-4-5 skill (with the CD this is not that much "OP")

Swap the Aura sharing from Water spec with the Aura healing from tempest ; because tempest should have the choice to be a buffer or a healer, and not the obligation to use water and so be a healer. And because it's logical.


Schoking, keep the 2sec icd but add superspeed for 2sec.

Fire aura : burning and dmg

Frost and light aura : 10% everytime you get hit (no icd) increase chill base duration

Magnetic aura : no idea ... add bleeding per projectile.

Add chaos armor to elem (in arcane spec or something)

Tempest : add an unique effect to auras like lesser Harmonious Conduit and/or the +33% duration from the runes.

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I think longer durations on fire, water, aether and light auras (even if not on ele) could be easily doubled.

Earth and lightning are quiet strong on 4s so i would keep them.

On the other hand id say boons on aura traits should somewhat improved or have an aspect that also benefits aura detonation.

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I think the major issue of auras is that they "aren't fun to play or play against" like all the effect that proc when you are stuck.

Modifying auras so that they proc their effect when you hit a foe and moving some effects onto other skills would probably be better.

- Fire aura: Burn (2-3s) and gain might (10s) whenever you hit a foe (1 second ICD). This allow to increase the burn base duration.

- Static aura: Daze (1/4s) and apply vulnerability whenever you hit a foe (1 second ICD).

- Frost aura: Take 10% less damage from foes, apply chill whenever you hit a foe (1 second ICD).

- Magnetic aura: changed to Earth aura, prevent incoming critical hits and apply bleed (6-8s) whenever you hit a foe (1 second ICD).


Change _stone heart_ into _magnetic core_, allowing auras on you to deflect/destroy projectiles.

Lesser elementals's active skills from the _lesser glyph of elemental_ grant an aura based on their element to the elementalist instead of the current effects. (4 second aura on a 15s CD should be fine)


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For auras to be useful, I think they need a trait line focused on nothing but them and utilities to support the fact that ele has auras. Auras also need any offensive value value as well as good defense, detonation effect applying a condi and some damage based on the aura seems like a good idea but not enough for offensiveness because you will need to be in melee range which may only work for tempest as it shares them to others that can face tank, with some modifications to the auras things should brighten up. Allowing core ele and so weaver to access auras is great, while as a tempest maximizing and sharing them would be perfect. The whole profession needs a rework: remove attunement themed trait lines and replace them by other useful ones that actually fit the class, trying to fit many things in fire spec for example so that ele doesn't get blown up would be unfair for other professions as well as water/air/earth lines, and thus the trait line will remain the same forever, carrying all multipliers while giving no defence whatsoever.

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The only aura I feel the effects of is magnetic aura. Firstly because 4-5s of reflecting all projectiles helps immensely vs ranged projectiles, but also because its transmute skill is on staff. It helps that it's a blast finisher that provides protection too.


Fire aura is too short for it to be useful, typically. Its transmute is on focus offhand. I don't see why this couldn't outright add burning to attacks within a certain range while it is up.

Frost aura is too short , essentially you obtain a short chill and -10% incoming damage. Transmute aura skill on dagger offhand gives short regen. This would be far more interesting if it mitigated or stopped burning and bleeding damage or something akin to that.

Shocking aura is extremely clumsy in PvE without transmuting it, mediocre in WvW and probably okay as a secondary effect in PvP. It's on dagger mainhand which has fallen out of favor a bit.


I'd like to see powerful aura incorporated into tempest traitline but realistically I don't see anything like that happening.


WvW tempests usually run powerful aura if dagger+warhorn.

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I voted for longer duration but now that I think abou it ....


Wouldnt it be fun if they actually had some close range pulsing effects for enemies / allies?


Like when a player has fire aura, they pulse burning in melee range on an X second interval

Frost aura heals the player and pulses chill in melee on an interval

Shocking aura, damage and a very short daze on an interval (altho maybe like a 2 second interval)

Earth aura, bleed/cripple/blind (choose any) on an interval


Would be a fickle to balance tho.

Since, what about 5 players with fire aura hugging one enemy.

Also, would we want to keep the unique aura mechanics? (like the reflect from earth aura or the -10% dmg from frost aura)


But I always thought it would be fun if auras had a more "active gamplay"-component to them ....LIke people would seriously want to back up / you would actually want to melee as much as possible, when an aura is applied.

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I do think eles need a buff but I'd rather have a good gameplay update (viable elite skills, reworked summoned weapons, survivability buff in PvE, reworked Tempest to make it interesting instead of "spam Overload Air") rather than having a buff on auras, which are completely uninteresting in a gameplay perspective (I'd like that all auras weapon skills be replaced).

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Here are the changes I'd like to see to auras in the ele:



- remove the ICD on static, frost and fire aura. If someone wants to unload on you while you have an aura, let them suffer the consequences (currently 1s ICD).


[On traitlines (major traits)](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/59263/elementalist-traitlines-for-the-current-state-of-the-game "On traitlines (major traits)"):

- Fire adept: powerful auras - **Auras you apply give might (2 stacks for 10s). Fire auras pulse might (1 stack for 10s every second)**;

- Fire master: Smothering fire - **Fire auras you apply last longer (33%) and pulse resistance (1s every second)**;

- Air adept: Zephyr's Boon - **Grant boons (fury and swiftness) to allies you grant auras to. Glyphs apply boons based on your attunement**;

- Air master: Zephyr speed - **Static auras you apply pulse superspeed (3s every 3s). Apply quickness (3s) when you apply superspeed**;

- Earth adept: Rock Solid - **Gain stability when attuning to earth. Magnetic auras you apply pulse stability (1s every second)**;

- Earth master: Elemental Shielding - **Grant protection when applying an aura to yourself or an ally. Protection you apply have improved damage reduction**;

- Water adept: Soothing Ice - **Gain frost aura when critically hit. Frost auras you apply give regeneration (3s)**;

- Water Master: Invigorating Auras - **Auras you apply heal allies and also grant vigor**;

- Arcane Master: Final Shielding - **Create an Lesser Arcane Shield when your health drops below the threshold. Arcane shield is now an aura**;

- Tempest Master: Elemental Bastion - **Receive an aura at the start of your overloads based on attunement. Auras you apply last 33% longer**;

- Tempest Grandmaster: Tempestuous Auras - **When you apply an aura to yourself, apply the same aura to 10 allies**.


So now water has the heal on auras and tempest has the aura share. Makes sense thematically and lets tempest be a support with or without water (offensive support) , while core ele and weaver can use the aura heal for sustain.

Fire can now try to resist conditions by maintain fire aura for resistance, leaving water to be the traitline for cleansing and fire for resisting condis. Two different playstyles with pros and cons...

Air can use auras to provide quickness and fury that can be shared with the group if you run tempest, or used for yourself on a burst build (by using other sources of superspeed as tempest shout or weaver traits).

Arcane can change arcane shield into an aura, providing boons on its activation, or even sharing with the group (with tempest) giving it some nice group utility.

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> @"lLobo.7960" said:

> Here are the changes I'd like to see to auras in the ele:


> Baseline:

> - remove the ICD on static, frost and fire aura. If someone wants to unload on you while you have an aura, let them suffer the consequences (currently 1s ICD).


> [On traitlines (major traits)](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/59263/elementalist-traitlines-for-the-current-state-of-the-game "On traitlines (major traits)"):

> - Fire adept: powerful auras - **Auras you apply give might (2 stacks for 10s). Fire auras pulse might (1 stack for 10s every second)**;

> - Fire master: Smothering fire - **Fire auras you apply last longer (33%) and pulse resistance (1s every second)**;

> - Air adept: Zephyr's Boon - **Grant boons (fury and swiftness) to allies you grant auras to. Glyphs apply boons based on your attunement**;

> - Air master: Zephyr speed - **Static auras you apply pulse superspeed (3s every 3s). Apply quickness (3s) when you apply superspeed**;

> - Earth adept: Rock Solid - **Gain stability when attuning to earth. Magnetic auras you apply pulse stability (1s every second)**;

> - Earth master: Elemental Shielding - **Grant protection when applying an aura to yourself or an ally. Protection you apply have improved damage reduction**;

> - Water adept: Soothing Ice - **Gain frost aura when critically hit. Frost auras you apply give regeneration (3s)**;

> - Water Master: Invigorating Auras - **Auras you apply heal allies and also grant vigor**;

> - Arcane Master: Final Shielding - **Create an Lesser Arcane Shield when your health drops below the threshold. Arcane shield is now an aura**;

> - Tempest Master: Elemental Bastion - **Receive an aura at the start of your overloads based on attunement. Auras you apply last 33% longer**;

> - Tempest Grandmaster: Tempestuous Auras - **When you apply an aura to yourself, apply the same aura to 10 allies**.


> So now water has the heal on auras and tempest has the aura share. Makes sense thematically and lets tempest be a support with or without water (offensive support) , while core ele and weaver can use the aura heal for sustain.

> Fire can now try to resist conditions by maintain fire aura for resistance, leaving water to be the traitline for cleansing and fire for resisting condis. Two different playstyles with pros and cons...

> Air can use auras to provide quickness and fury that can be shared with the group if you run tempest, or used for yourself on a burst build (by using other sources of superspeed as tempest shout or weaver traits).

> Arcane can change arcane shield into an aura, providing boons on its activation, or even sharing with the group (with tempest) giving it some nice group utility.


That makes too much sense to be implemented one day, but I like the idea.

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I believe Auras are strong as is- the issue is the lack of trait synergy that really helps other skills shine on other classes.


We could use an Aura Duration trait in Water or something; add it to the Powerful Auras trait since it wouldn't be too strong. This would allow us to stack insanely high aura duration in something like PvE or PvP- but that's just a ridiculous idea personally. 33% + 33% + 25% for Fire Shield would be an example of what I mean.


Eh, anyways. We've got something new to our Auras called Transmutes; should we have more traits revolved around that sort of mechanic? It would definitely help us out more than just buffing our passive bonuses to Auras like Fire Aura granted Fury or something silly. We don't really need that.


Let me show some examples of what I'd actually like to see:

* Smothering Auras: This trait is pretty much perfect for replacing Regeneration clearing on Tempest.

* Zephyr's Boon: Give this a Transmute effect such as grant Superspeed to nearby allies and drop the Swiftness when gaining an aura since it's an Adept.

* Elemental Protection: Transmutes grant additional Protection.

* Powerful Auras: Transmutes reapply the aura to allies. ~~Strictly Allies; don't need a vicious infinite cycle of auras-- although it could happen anyway with a bunch of smarties using a lot of Tempests.~~

* Invigorating Torrents: Transmutes grant a small amount of healing. ~~Yay, synergy with Powerful Auras and stuff!~~


Anyway, those are just pipe dreams; I don't think any of these could be realistic without toning down some other skills.

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I always wondered if the devs or anyone else came up with some of the ideas I have for stuff like this. I can only assume, those that spend so much more time on this game than I do likely already came up with such ideas and scrapped them.


Just an off the wall idea: Remove stacking auras. That is, elemental auras will replace an aura of another element (and Chaos/Light will replace each other). You could create a mechanic similar to transmute that either auto-desctructs the replaced aura before applying the new one to allies or add in some unique element like a Fire+Frost Aura creates a "Fog/Steam Aura" (depending on which replaces what) that grants evade frames or a Fire+Air Aura creates a "Caustic/Backdraft Aura" that immobilizes and reduces damage.


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> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> I do think eles need a buff but I'd rather have a good gameplay update (viable elite skills, reworked summoned weapons, survivability buff in PvE, reworked Tempest to make it interesting instead of "spam Overload Air") rather than having a buff on auras, which are completely uninteresting in a gameplay perspective (I'd like that all auras weapon skills be replaced).


Spamming Air overload must be a PvE thing?

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Chaos Armor Give yourself random boons and your foe random conditions whenever you are struck.

Fire Shield Enveloped in a fiery shield that burns foes, grants might each time you are struck (1-second cooldown per attacker).

Frost Aura Chill foes that strike you (only once per second for each attacker); incoming damage is reduced by 10%.

Light Aura When struck, you gain retaliation. Incoming condition damage is reduced by 10%. (Cooldown: 1s)

Magnetic Aura Reflect projectiles with magnetic energy.

Shocking Aura Stun nearby attacking foes with an electric shock (only once per 2 seconds for each attacker).


From https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aura


Given that chaos armour isn't technically an aura and it and light aura isn't common on ele it just leaves the others. In my opinion all of them are fine except maybe fire aura, I'd like to see the ICD for that reduced to 1/2s.


They also buffed a lot of them by letting you transmute them and they have really good transmute effects.


I'd personally like to see the passive frost aura's leave traits though. Tempest gets tons of frost aura from water and tempest which makes attacking them really obnoxious and they're passively activated.

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