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What’s your FUN wvw profession and build?


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> @"neven.3785" said:

> I find glass weaver the most fun to play despite it not being meta optimal. The ability to blow up people on siege is a great bonus. When in small scale fights against people who know how to focus it's not so much fun :p


I know right? In small scale, all it takes is ONE to focus it though lol.

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It use to be D/W Tempest, but honestly most of WvW is not that fun anymore. I only play to enjoy the company of the friends I've made over the last six years.


I wish I could tell you why it's not fun anymore, but it's difficult to verbalize. It's a confluence of multiple problems including power creep, broken mechanics, toxic play styles, etc.

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> @"juno.1840" said:

> It use to be D/W Tempest, but honestly most of WvW is not that fun anymore. I only play to enjoy the company of the friends I've made over the last six years.


> I wish I could tell you why it's not fun anymore, but it's difficult to verbalize. It's a confluence of multiple problems including power creep, broken mechanics, toxic play styles, etc.


Same here. Actually one of the main reasons why I don't play wvw as much as before... Meta Hungry Commanders and their commander wannabe minions . Some tags tried very hard to get only meta classes into their groups and then what happened? Their groups got wiped over and over again by a bigger enemy zerg regardless of how meta they are : D


Earlier, I read a topic where someone posted capping towers in a group consisting of mainly Necro Minion Master and their minions, this is what I call fun <3


I enjoy playing Tempest Healer despite many claimed that their heals are mediocre compared to FB, Scrapper and Ventari. But, after watching many videos on those classes, I totally disagree *shrug* : ) What's more important is, I enjoyed playing as Ele healer. That's all that matters to me.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> Oh and I hate longbow Soulbeasts.

Who doesn't ... ... ... well ... those who play them ... what a broken class.




It's quite surprising that there's still so many people enjoying playing Ele.

Well, despite lacking very much in survivability and being quite static in a very mobile meta, it's still my favorite class. Mainly due to the versatility of being able to switch between somewhat acceptable (though nowhere near top) roaming and decent damage support.

I know a lot of people dislike the commanders calling for meta classes to be played, but seriously, when the zerg runs 50% rangers, there's no chance against a zerg that runs "proper zerg" classes, even if that zerg is only half the size. That's one of the main downsides of rangers being so good for roaming: everyone plays them.


Of course it is fun to play what you want, but since WvW is team focussed, for me a lot of the fun comes from being helpful to the others and playing something that leads us to victory. Fun really depends on what you enjoy doing. If you like running with a big group, smashing the enemies apart and storming their objectives, victoriously sweeping over their corpses, then you are best off with a class that helps that zerg. Than the question of which profession to play comes down to "what role do I enjoy most in the group?" and that's where I enjoy my Ele backrow artillery most. Being able to destroy a weak zerg in a choke point almost on your own is quite an impressive feeling. But it also requires a lot of good positioning, as a single mistake can lead to a certain and quick death. Keeping in mind all the ways for getting out of a sticky situation, keeping cooldowns in mind, keeping an eye on your and the enemy's zergs, while trying to position that meteor just correctly for the enemies to be forced into it ... and all while making sure no-one sneaks up to you, or blasts you away from 1.5k range with a long range shot ... that's definitely the kind of fun that makes me like my Ele. But not being able to push into objectives with the zerg is also sad on the other hand, and knowing that other classes do what you do - throw out almost the same damage you do - without the fear of dying in two, or sometimes even just one hit (I was crit for 20+k the other day...sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't just go full berserker gear) is a bit heartbreaking. It is a very great class for defensive and most times open field zerg play, but offensively it can be a bit disappointing if you aren't just spamming walls with meteor showers.

Roaming wise, going with the old Sword/Dagger Weaver build it's decent. Nothing special, works against any non-roamer like a charm and can nicely deal with the condition spam that's around a lot these days. Definitely lacks in power though and it gets quite obvious often, that "real and proper" roaming classes play in a different league. Sure, you can survive, but often outlasting an enemy is most you can do, hoping for backup to arrive. Miss an evade on an enemy's burst and the dream of winning is over. Still, it's quite forgiving in many ways, with lots of healing and sustain. But there are more powerful classes for roaming out there, and I feel like the limits that can be reached are higher on those. That certain long range class which just doesn't want to die and still dishes out damage like crazy is a nice example for this...but just one of a few.


So yes, Ele, definitely. Despite it's lack of mobility and squishiness in zergs.


(I also played Holosmith for roaming in WvW, but I really prefer that class in PvP. Not bad at all though.

Same with a core-Guardian build I tried, which also worked really interesting for roaming.

In both cases I missed my favorite role in zergs though...)

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Classes I tend to play:

* **Chrono** (with the changes to chronos there's no reason to run boonshare and mesmers are always strong roamers , zerging support via veil + heals on shatter) --- higher skill ceiling than mirage IMO as shatter is harder than spamming a bunch of condi clones; low kill count due to low number of ranged AoEs (over 60% of playhours on Mesmer, mostly in WvW)

--> well executed veils and portals are vital (don't make death trap portals)

--> golem rushing often requires Mesmer portals to be quick

--> Plan B : getting into a keep or SMC and waiting for enemies to leave so you can portal a squad into it is fun when it doesn't take ages (make sure to get scout participation sharing if you do this for longer than 15-20 min)

--> unpopular due to no need for stacking more than 1-3 per squad

* **Herald** (I roam with zerg build that provides 10-man perma fury and rarely die except to full condi builds when using dwarf+glint) --- lower skill floor , high kill count due to hammer , requires knowledge of terrain for CoR / hammer 2

--> far better for attacking towers and tier 1-2 keeps as well as defending

--> Elite skill's superspeed applies to golems and helps get people out of bubbles (superspeed is not a boon)

--> in a condi meta the mallyx resistance is extremely strong, in a power meta swapping to dwarf to provide a 50% damage reduction to power damage is really strong , if running healing gear Ventari heals even passively

--> doesn't stack well more than one per 5 or 10 people due to CoR limitations (you can't damage someone more than once per interval) although CoR is rather forgiving in terms of recharge time unlike meteor or necro wells


Maybe, depends on player/situation:

* Tempest/Weaver (it can roam a bit on non-staff, but is really weak to condi) --- higher skill ceiling ; very high kill count on staff , don't run full glass if you want this to be fun , the skill of playing elementalist is in positioning (i.e. precast meteor) and on weaver it's compounded by the dual-attunement swapping mechanism

--> as an elementalist on offense , sieging fortified structures is much more engaging than other professions since you can hit things with meteor even when they are located on the inner side of a wall

--> recent air traitline changes along with scholar rune changes make elementalists hit much harder with meteor and even fireball and chain lightning

--> damage stacks very well but is not fast (i.e. meteor, lava font, dragon's tooth if scepter, chain lightning, ice spike)

* Firebrand (it can roam on DH better , but vital for zerg) --- higher skill ceiling on firebrand than DH , can change outcome of battle if running mace+shield along with mantras (which requires a different gearing for roaming especially if you run meta full minstrel's)

--> running minstrel's is rather one dimensional since you only look at sustain and have little say in damage output other than burning.

--> it's essentially the backbone of any zerg

* Scrapper (it can roam or zerg on hammer) , not so much with gyro change on Final Salvo --- higher skill cap , playing this in a zerg is not fun if you camp med kit but can be alright if you run rapid regen and only swap to kits when extra healing is needed

--> I've never run this with full minstrel's so I'm glad I didn't after the gyro change

--> probably one of the worst stacking classes due to the way medical dispersion field is working

* Spellbreaker (it can roam or zerg with hammer) , not so much with full counter nerf --- lower skill floor , dropping well placed bubbles is fun but nothing much other than positioning

--> does not stack very well, more than a few bubbles isn't very helpful and requires good coordination/timing


Classes I don't find fun:

* Scourge / Reaper : dropping wells and pushing barriers is pretty boring , you get tons of kills due to boon corrupt and marks on staves though

--> there's so many players playing this it's cliché

--> scourge roaming is a terrible experience due to lack of stability on scourge other than trail of anguish as well as loss of shroud (which means all you get is barriers to stop you from being downed)

--> stacks extremely well due to well of corruption removing one boon per tick

* Soulbeast / Druid: druid is weaker than firebrand in WvW zerging , Soulbeast is typically gimmicky "Sic Em" abuse with stacking modifiers, longbow users are hampered by projectile hate

--> soulbeast stance sharing can be potent if conditions become meta

* Deadeye / daredevil Thief : I find initiative & stealth spam gimmicky and the lack of AoE except on staves (shortbow condi is easily cleansed) makes it difficult to get a proper place in a zerg


Having the option of being able to roam or zerg is essential when waiting on queues.

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Condi interrupt Mesmer with Staff+Sc/P. Been running variants of the build for about 4 years now. Mirage has been fantastic for raising the skill ceiling for this style of gameplay. There are far more viable and easier to play builds, but they're just not as fun to master.


Otherwise I like to play P/P Thief, not for Unload spam but more for the combination of Body Shot and Headshot for controlling an opponent. Again, it's not very viable, but it's fun to lock someone down, especially when playing as a duo.

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Oneshot zerk Soulbeast. It's just so much fun killing tryhard roaming builds with a 23k+ Winters Bite. Especially all those builds who rely on a passive invuln since you can just bypass that. I occasionally get slamdunked by Deadeyes using Backstab or people who can actually dodge/play, but that's not often the case.


I also love those salty forum threads regarding oneshot builds. They keep me going.

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My ranger Tarzan and his side kicks Hancho the flamingo and Cherryblossom the black leopard. Don't know the build because I usually just pick stuff that seems important to have. He's fun because he is a cute asura-centric ranger who assumes if you are an asura you're in charge and if you aren't an asura, you are an asura minion. He is great for roaming and killing evil guys -- anyone not on his side.

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