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The Reason my friends don't play this game with me ... No Controller Support (A lesson for GW3)


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Well, the success of Kingdom Come: Deliverance has shown that as the big mainstream moves down to the lowest common denominator, they are creating a gap in the core audience segments. Dumbing down any further might be more trouble than it's worth.

As for controller support, all mainline PC platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) can support controllers either out of the box, or after a short driver installation. Not to mention that playing on a PC allows to create and debug your own mods, should that be something you wish to do.

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> @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> I don't know if it's just me and my friends now that we are getting older (35+), I'm sure everyone has different friends and experiences but allow me to share what's going on in my demographic.

> I grew up with large groups of gaming friends. All of us were keyboard warriors in our youth.

> I love this game, and honestly I want my friends to love it too. I've had a ton of friends try this game over the years, and only a few of them still play it from time to time. I always inquire why they didn't like this game. 9 times out of 10 the answer was always, "I can't do computer games anymore that require me to be hunched over a keyboard and mouse. " Then I thought about it, and realized that they were right and I wouldn't have played this game as much as I did if I wasn't using a third party program for controller support since day 1. (my setup works amazingly for this game btw, so anyone who says it's not viable for this type of game, you have been proved very wrong). I'm not here to promote third party software and I think in the future this type of game will do better with gameplay that is designed to use a controller. Of course the mouse/keyboard lovers can still always do their thing, but I would allow both. I don't think traditional keyboard/mouse games are going to be attractive to the masses in the future, (no one I know in my circle plays them anymore) and I'm hoping Guild Wars 3 will be mindful of that in the future if that's even in the works.


People throw in gw3 like it’s going to happen. Yet you don’t know you can actually use a controller on gw2. There’s few videos showing you can use a controller by overlaying steam with gw2. I also have achieved it with a steam controller. It’s possible to do it with an Xbox controller also. However casual play is great with it. But raiding, wvw, pvp is not advised. Since the combat and reflexes are much faster to use. If gw2 combat system was slow, then controller would be good. But if your using a engi, Ele, staff thief. It’s a whole other story.


Also a steam controller would be better since you can cast aoes much easier

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > I don't know if it's just me and my friends now that we are getting older (35+), I'm sure everyone has different friends and experiences but allow me to share what's going on in my demographic.

> > I grew up with large groups of gaming friends. All of us were keyboard warriors in our youth.

> > I love this game, and honestly I want my friends to love it too. I've had a ton of friends try this game over the years, and only a few of them still play it from time to time. I always inquire why they didn't like this game. 9 times out of 10 the answer was always, "I can't do computer games anymore that require me to be hunched over a keyboard and mouse. " Then I thought about it, and realized that they were right and I wouldn't have played this game as much as I did if I wasn't using a third party program for controller support since day 1. (my setup works amazingly for this game btw, so anyone who says it's not viable for this type of game, you have been proved very wrong). I'm not here to promote third party software and I think in the future this type of game will do better with gameplay that is designed to use a controller. Of course the mouse/keyboard lovers can still always do their thing, but I would allow both. I don't think traditional keyboard/mouse games are going to be attractive to the masses in the future, (no one I know in my circle plays them anymore) and I'm hoping Guild Wars 3 will be mindful of that in the future if that's even in the works.


> People throw in gw3 like it’s going to happen. Yet you don’t know you can actually use a controller on gw2. There’s few videos showing you can use a controller by overlaying steam with gw2. I also have achieved it with a steam controller. It’s possible to do it with an Xbox controller also. However casual play is great with it. But raiding, wvw, pvp is not advised. Since the combat and reflexes are much faster to use. If gw2 combat system was slow, then controller would be good. But if your using a engi, Ele, staff thief. It’s a whole other story.


> Also a steam controller would be better since you can cast aoes much easier


Well if you read what you quoted mate you would get down to this line.


{Then I thought about it, and realized that they were right and I wouldn't have played this game as much as I did if I wasn't using a third party program for controller support since day 1.}


So yes the OP knows you can use controllers in gw2 just that they want it supported through the game since friends dont seem to want to install 3d party program I guess.


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I prefer not to have the devs focus any energy into gamepad support. TERA had that, but it's system was completely different. It's targeting system was that of an FPS, so it made sense, but this is tab target based, so it wouldn't work for the majority. I'm sure your setup works properly, but then if your friends want to play this game the way you do, they're going to have to do the same. If they wish not to, then this game isn't for them.

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Well, my experience is the opposite I'm around that age range, grew up playing consoles and PC. My friends have no issue with no control support and I've even had friends who only played consoles however in recent years they've turned to MMOs in recent years and learn to use KB and Mouse.


What is this hunching over crap? There is no hunching over or not being comfortable, at this age invest in a good computer chair and nice monitors.


3rd party option, as you are using is a fine option. The fact they dont use it, yet your friends dont use it so doesnt that seem to indicate they dont really want to play the game?


It's a fine suggestion but GW3, if it happens there is no certainty AAA MMOs arent getting made currently, isnt in the beginning stages.

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FYI i got a friend who exclusively play this game using a XBOX controller so it is possible, and he told me you could use any anyway using an emulator.

Also about viability debate, consider that he's a PvP only guy, playing mostly Reaper and around 1650 (plat2) rn, so i guess it can be quite good. Anyhow your setup is about your personnal preferences and comfort so theres no need to argue about this IMO.

Here's a match he recorded so you can see some gameplay by yourself

If you want some further infos about this i can ask him for you.

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Please. We've seen what happens when a game is built around eventually porting to console/supporting controllers - take a look at ESO. You don't see us PC nerds coming over to your consoles all like....Ahem. Anyway. I kid. mostly (though I do worry about the dumbing down/shoehorning of mechanics into games to accommodate controllers)


The main beef you seem to have is that keyboard/mouse is difficult to relax? This can easily be fixed with a cheap but gaming-oriented chair, or simply being aware of your posture. A lot of people have a tendency to unknowingly lean forward while at the PC, resulting in the awkwardly hunched over position you've likely often found yourself in.


I played for several months using a kitchen table chair, just as an example. It's easily possible to be comf and relaxed while still using a keyboard and mouse.

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> @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> I don't think traditional keyboard/mouse games are going to be attractive to the masses in the future


I hope they will be! Controllers have too few buttons to be truly appealing for complex games. Also, no thumb movement can be as precise as a mouse, sorry.


Did you manage to beat Liadri 8 orbs with a controller? If so, wow.


> I'm hoping Guild Wars 3 will be mindful of that in the future if that's even in the works.


I am hoping there will be no GW3 within the next 15 years. See various threads on this subject.

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I'd like to see a gw coop RPG playable on chromebook, google Play, steam and Xbox with controller support. I'd do that in my off time if they kept it mentally engaging like gw1 was... no reason they couldn't pull something good and deeper than most mobile games with it. It would not require huge system spec requirements.

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> @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> The buttons aren't the problem, it's the ground targeted spells that are tricky. You have to direct the mouse pointer for those type of actions with a stick instead of a mouse. My solution for this, I keep shortcut button that instantly moves the mouse pointer to the center of the screen for ease of using spells at my feet or directly in front of me. That actually allows me to get those off faster, then if I was using a mouse, but I would be slightly slower if i'm throwing something down further away. So it balances out a lil bit, but fortunately, the vast majority of those actions are going at my feet anyway.

That works for some classes, but not for others. Try to do emergency healing at someone out of stack with renegade or with druid avatar skills, and you will quickly realize the problem - controller simply doesn't give you enough precision. Engi grenades at range quite often fall at the same category, especially if you're trying to hit a moving target. Same with chrono wells - if you're tanking, you want them close by, but you _shouldn't_ be casting them at your feet - they need to be aimed so they cover both you (the tank) and the stack at the other side of the boss. And i shouldn't even explain about placing ele conjures and warior banners.

And no, don't mention the option of automatic snapping ground aoes to selected targets. It's nice in theory, but in reality it doesn't work all that well.


Yes, it's that part that makes controller strictly inferior choice. If you add the problems from key shuffling on top of it...

Let's be honest, games that are build with controller support in mind have generally much more simplified control system, and they also have skills that target enemies/allies, not ground. GW2 is not such a game.


You can make the controller work somehow for GW2, but not having native support means Anet doesn't have to design the game around it. If they had, the game would look really different.


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> @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> I don't know if it's just me and my friends now that we are getting older (35+), I'm sure everyone has different friends and experiences but allow me to share what's going on in my demographic.


41 years old myself and swearing 100% to keyboard and mouse over controller... in fact, controller-only games get me rolling my eyes.

But that's just my demographic (= me). ;)


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > I don't think traditional keyboard/mouse games are going to be attractive to the masses in the future


> I hope they will be! Controllers have too few buttons to be truly appealing for complex games. Also, no thumb movement can be as precise as a mouse, sorry.


What is a complex game in your opinion. Because I don't understand how the control scheme influences that, and most games with a complex control scheme are a total mess in that area, and hardly fun to play.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > > I don't think traditional keyboard/mouse games are going to be attractive to the masses in the future

> >

> > I hope they will be! Controllers have too few buttons to be truly appealing for complex games. Also, no thumb movement can be as precise as a mouse, sorry.

> >

> What is a complex game in your opinion.


I meant in terms of the amount of possible actions and other functions that all require a key/button to be pressed, as well as games that require precise movement.

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I was just about to make a post about controller support!! Glad I saw this one!!!

I love gw1 and gw2 but I have the same problem with keyboard and mouse games it makes me hunch forward and as older I get it’s really not a posture I wanna have...so I’m currently taking a break from gw2 and playing bdo (black desert online) because it supports controller..


And I have to disagree with many people saying too many buttons not doable with controller bs which is not true lol!! BDO got wayyy more skills a character get access to and still manageable to use it with controller!! And my friends also refuse to play this game because it doesn’t support controller as well..so I know exactly what you mean!!!! B)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > > > I don't think traditional keyboard/mouse games are going to be attractive to the masses in the future

> > >

> > > I hope they will be! Controllers have too few buttons to be truly appealing for complex games. Also, no thumb movement can be as precise as a mouse, sorry.

> > >

> > What is a complex game in your opinion.


> I meant in terms of the amount of possible actions and other functions that all require a key/button to be pressed, as well as games that require precise movement.


Ffxiv uses more than 3x as many abilities as gw2 and has very solid controller support..

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Would "official" controller support offer any advantages in the competitive arenas? I don't game there, so I don't know but if so this might be a reason why ANet doesn't natively offer it?


Doubtful. People using controller usually play with action cam. Which in most cases is a disadvantage.


Also, there's probably not alot different to official support and 3rd party.


Tbh, 3rd party works really well, so I can't see Anet bothering.


For anyone interested, Xpadder, Steam and ReWASD are all good progroms.

Rewasd is the only one to fully support xbox elite controller.


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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> How would you play an elementalist/engineer on a controller?


Same as I play scourge or mesmer.


I have all skills(15) mapped, including, special action key, wepon swap, dodge, jump, mounts, item menu, map, select/pick up items, targetting., on an xbox elite controller. And I could squirrel out a few more options if needed.

The use of shift, alt, tab and button modifiers helps alot.

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I was just trying to make the point, that my immediate ( and small) sample size of experiences is showing a trend towards console games, and away from keyboard/mouse pc games. Even my most hardcore keyboard warrior friends don't play them anymore, for whatever reason, they just don't. Maybe it has to do with picking up a controller and just playing something streamlined? I'm not sure, just theorizing. I know, none of us bought Diablo 3 on PC, but when it came out on ps4, almost everyone I knew had it.


I didn't want to get into a debate of what's better , controller vs keyboard/mouse. I don't think either is better than the other. Both have their pros and cons, but it's absolutely ignorant to just say that controller doesn't work or it's objectively worse. You don't know what you're talking about and you probably lack a bit of imagination.

I'm not looking to change minds about what you prefer. You do you! Have fun doing what you like doing.

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