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Which profession has the least amount of buttons?


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You can do a lot in gw2 without relying on all skills that certain class has to offer. Good examples are flamethrower engi, bearbow ranger, minion necro, GS mesmer/warrior, fire staff ele etc. It won't get you through competitive part of the game, but it's good enough for core game or even open world later on in expansions and story (hopefully you'll learn more about your class and start using more skills by then).

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If you include weapon swap, most classes have 15 skills (+1 button for swap) for a total of 16 at any given moment. Core engineer, at its lowest, can have as little as 15 skills (10 on bar + 5 toolbelt). On the high end of the lowest side, elementalist has 29 skills (25 on bar from attunements, +4 for attunement buttons).


At the upper end, holosmith comes in first for the most potential skills, with 5 toolbelts, 5 weapon, 30 kit buttons, 5 utility, +5 from photon forge, for a total of 50 maximum skills on a bar. Core elementalist has 4 attunements (20 skills per weapon + 4 attunement buttons) and conjure weapons, which add a potential for another 20 skills, +5 for the utility slots for a total of 49 skills. Core engineer comes in third with a maximum of 45 total skills (-5 no photon forge).


As you can probably surmise, engineer and elementalist are the most complex classes, and engineer has the greatest potential diversity in builds.

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-Make Warrior. All utility skills take signets. Take 1 weapon set you like (Greatsword, Axe Axe,..) and you can go with 6 buttons EZ life (1-5+F1) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQFARjMdQdH23BOeAnIGKCKc1bhUwGgHIAuxYBSeA-jBBXgAAK/6V/JUHwjSQA-e

-Make minion necro 5 buttons to press http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQFAWjM0QXN2WDO1A7NOmGq5DcBHLdGuhMVOAFQAA-jBBXgA9q/Ao87RJYoOAA-e

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Thank you everyone for the answers!


> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> Thief has the lesser amount, but having more/less buttons doesn't mean it's harder/easier to play, if that's what you're worried about.

Complexity does not worry me. What I hate is not being able to see cooldowns.


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