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How many characters do you have, and why?


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I have 12 characters currently. One of each profession, and 2 extra characters that are meant to be used as a separate build of the same profession, and also as they were given to me freely. Also all the species are represented too. My final character is my key run character, deleted and recreated weekly. Despite having that many characters I usually only play on my first one ever created, and I haven't touched some of those characters for years at this point.

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Thirteen. Each for every profession, plus a second Guardian and Ranger, as I wanted to "outsource" the elite specs I don't truly like (namely Firebrand and Druid), as well as two Warriors, as one elite spec fits my Charr better and the other one of my Norn.


Oh, and one character I no longer play and whose only purpose is to hoard my many scriptures and to farm the garden in Mount Maelstrom daily.

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70 (since the option is not available, i voted 60-69)


because i'm an altaholic... at least one class for each race (5 races , 9 classes) plus extras for RP. The extras are basically family and friends of my main characters, such as spouses, children, siblings. AND every character runs a different build. AND yes, i'd like 20 more. at least.


seriously. if you had max available slots during the pre-orders for the expansions, you could get an extra slot for each expansion that you preordered when you had already maxxed out your slots. i was NOT maxxed when HoT launched, but WAS maxxed for PoF launch.

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9 humans (all classes), 9 sylvari (all classes), 4 norn, 2 charr and 4 azura, 1 key farmer.


Why? Because every time I get bored I would make my key farmer a new character with some idea cosmetic wise. Currently sitting at 29 (voted 30+) and already have 2 ideas for 2 more azura. Just haven't gotten around to making them with the holidays going on.


In general I enjoy the human/Sylvari model the most with azura reminding me of Lurikeen from DAoC. Norn are okay, charr I really do not enjoy (absolutely personal preference).

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13 total. Mostly human males. Got a Norn male, Charr female, and Asura male and an Asura female. I tend to play my Reaper, Dragonhunter and Weaver almost exclusively. Most of the others are just mules. Although my two latest characters were created to give Mirage and Scourge a go since I didn't want to change my Reaper around too much (I like him just as he is now) nor did I want to fiddle around with my Chrono.

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I have over 40 characters. Mostly I like to make different looks and themes. Some are funny, like an old, craggy, angry looking male norn named Get Off the Lawn, who I made look as ridiculous as possible. I also have a cool looking norn pirate named Captain Argghhhh. And I have a character named the Guildfather. I also have characters that are more serious...Surreal by Nature is a canthan themed character.


The idea is that since this game is about skins, using the skins I've unlocked makes sense. I also prefer having different builds and setups. I have condi and power soulbeast characters for example. Or different elite specs. I have a power repear and a condi scourge as well as a celestial scourge for WvW. I prefer making a new character to carrying armor and switching out on one character.

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7 total but as a mainoholic, I only play one character actively. My current main has been a Firebrand since PoF.

My old mains between 2012 and 2017: Ranger, Necro, Engineer are inactive.

I have an experimental Elementalist who ended up as my banker.

I have one lvl50 Thief who is my bag opener and PvP slave.

And one permanent Key farmer who gets recreated every week.

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