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How do you get your obsidian shards?


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Found Bandit Chest and Ley-Energy Converter have become my sources to accumulate them over time.


If I happen to get caught up in Silverwastes, I'll try to get some from the chests there.


If I need a lot of them quickly, I'll go to a LS vendor, or the Itzel vendor in Verdant Brink, since I seem to always have a huge surplus of Airship Parts.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > better question is, what to do with them? like i got 8 stacks or so and i have no idea what to do with them


> They are required for crafting legendaries, for crafting ascended gear too. You already have all your characters fully equipped then?


i am fully aware what they are used for, and yes, like 6 are full acsended.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > better question is, what to do with them? like i got 8 stacks or so and i have no idea what to do with them

> >

> > They are required for crafting legendaries, for crafting ascended gear too. You already have all your characters fully equipped then?


> i am fully aware what they are used for, and yes, like 6 are full acsended.


Well, if you only have six characters and they are fully equipped for all game modes that you play, then I don't know what to tell you. Get some legendaries maybe and sell those at the TP for gold?


P.S. Of course, it would be great if ANet introduced "eaters" for all crafting materials that cannot be sold. Auric Dust and the likes come to mind.

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Thanks for all the responses!

I do know about the vendor in the devastion orr map, it's where I usually get my obsi shards from aswell.

However as I said, i'm running out of karma all the time.

Wintersday is a good time to farm tons of karma, yet it is not enough since I need tons of Obisidan for my Legendary Armor.

Around 570 in total is requiered for it (45 per piece to craft clovers, and 50 per piece to craft gift of prowess).


I have 30k volatile magic, which I could spend to gain 300 obsi shards instantly. However now with the upcoming Ep5 I want to save it up, so I can

upgrade my karma boost in the new map. From that Karma I probably can get quite a few obsis aswell.

Unbound magic is only 7k at the moment for me, and I don't like converting the LS specific crafting mats (of which I have all nodes, full home instance in fact), because I always save them up to buy trinkets, especially the bloodstones since those even can be reset.


So my plan is to buy the karma boost, do all the achievements in the new map, gain karma from that, spend it on obsis.

Then as soon as I got everything I'll spend my unbound magic and volatile magic on obsis.

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It’d take much less time to farm unbound magic via the winterberry farm in order to buy obsidian shards than it would take to get the same amount anywhere else. You don’t have to exhaust your existing supply of unbound magic.


I needed to farm a lot of obsidian shards months ago and found all methods to obtain karma to be slow. When it comes to time spent farming, you’ll spend considerably less time farming unbound magic to buy shards than you would farming karma to buy them.

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