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[POLL] Would you change your character's race?


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> @LanfearShadowflame.3189 said:

> > @serialkicker.5274 said:

> > > @LanfearShadowflame.3189 said:

> > > Nope. 23 slots, 23 characters. All races and armor tiers accounted for in there somewhere. Probably not done making characters anytime soon. I tend to put quite a bit of thought into making my characters, so there is no desire to reroll them as a different race. I know what I like by this point.

> > >

> > > Besides, unless something has changed (which is always possible) Anet has told us that a race change isn't possible due to technical limitations. Things hard coded into the code base as opposed to be variables populated from a database, which makes it difficult to change such things. I believe the phrase "it would cause too many bugs" was used. I no longer have the post bookmarked. I don't recall if it was a reddit post, or on the old forums.

> >

> > So, what exactly would stop you from doing what you're doing if we had an OPTION for race change?


> The question was "would" I, not am I for or against it. Which, nothing in my response states whether I am for or against. Only that I wouldn't (which answers the question asked) and why if the option existed, and then goes on to cite (at least partially) why we may never see that option.


Fair enough.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> Won't happen because personal story is tied to race.


Imagine: You buy a race-change-coupon, activate it on a chosen char and immediately the screen shifts into a character-screen where you chose a new race and there you can decide every important step in your personal story from scratch.

To be honest, they only have a minor impact.

Then when you're finished, you click on the submit-button and tadaa, a new charr, norn or human is born.


Is it hard to make ? If it's programmed well, no.

If they messed up the code by bounding race-decision and personal story too tight together then, yes.

But even spaghetti-code can be remade.

Overall a race-change is probably just not on their list, though it bothers me that they excuse it with saying that it would cause too much trouble.

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