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We need more rewards.

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I feel this game doesn't reward its players enough. When you play cell phone games, specifically gatcha games the amount of rewards they give out is insane comparatively to this game. I feel like the new generation is used to this and I have to admit coming back to an mmo and getting blues and greens or a daily chest feels really lackluster after these games spoil us. Black lion key drops nerfed into oblivion, can only farm one per week now. The only thing worth farming is infusions from limited events, all of which have insanely low drop rates and are in mostly hot maps. The rest of the loot we get is downright useless, mostly vendor trash or can be put on the TP for 1 gold. It's not exciting and treasure and rewards for playing should be, especially considering how many other options there are out there now. It's not 2012 anymore.


The holidays were an example, we get a mini pet for completing the annual achievement. I mean... thanks? Couldn't we have received something a little more exciting? Like some gems or maybe a mount select license or maybe made a mount skin and give that as the reward instead? Something more substantial. I feel like gw2 needs to get with the times and realize that other games are inundating their audiences with treasure and loot, while gw2 remains the same.


Furthermore, I feel like gw1 vets who have stayed with this game and company the longest should be rewarded further then the initial rewards we received at launch. I dunno it feels like loyalty is unrewarded as well.

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Funny thing about in-game rewards and people. Inundate us with rewards and that becomes expected and commonplace. Unrewarding. Unexciting. It's habituation.


I picked up D3 over the holidays, been playing it. Start out, white drops. Get a few purples, the whites look bad. Get a few yellows, the purples look bad. Get a few Gold-Orange, the next thing I know I look at a drop and say, "Oh, only three yellows. Yawn."


It's almost like, for rewards to be really rewarding, they have to be rarely given.

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> @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> i can see it.

> players: we need more REWARDS"!!!!!

> Anet: Okey here for you.

> Player: oh nice " a bag in a bag in a bag in a bag in bag in a suitcase... -_-"



... ultimately containing 1 Green, 1s 48c and some Bloodstone dust that your character gets overly excited about.

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One problem is that the more rewards we get, the less valuable we feel they are, and so after a while we'd say "meh, just a mount select license? why can't we get some proper rewards?".

For me playing the game IS the reward. I don't need a lot more shiny pixels to confirm I've enjoyed myself in the game.

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> @"Arsenic Touch.7960" said:

> More meaningful rewards, yes. The amount of rewards is fine, if not too much at times, the problem is that most of the time it's kitten.


QFT. If anything we get too many rewards but they are generally bland and more of the same. That's why I focus more on collections because then at least it feels like I'm getting somewhere.

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> @"Arsenic Touch.7960" said:

> More meaningful rewards, yes. The amount of rewards is fine, if not too much at times, the problem is that most of the time it's kitten.


I'd be intereested in examples of what you'd consider "more meaningful" rewads. It would make it easier for me (and possibly others) to have an opinion about this.


It would also be interesting to see how you envision these rewards to keep feeling meaningful, without entering an ever increasing spiral of better and better rewards (to counter the devaluation when rewards become too commonplace).



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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> The game that hands out participation trophies like candy (not that I mind that too much) isn't rewarding enough.


> I've seen it all


Well if they try to not make a participation award ppl complain. Look at the beetle race from halloween for example.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Black lion key drops nerfed into oblivion, can only farm one per week now.

I just wanted to say that this is not true, you can farm more than one key a week, it just depends how much work you are willing put into it. It is only the Level 10 story key that can only be farmed once a week. If you rank your key farmer up to about level 35 before doing the story (with or without tomes) you will make the last five levels while playing the story and be able to get the level 40 key. Others actually get the level 60 key weekly. If you do some of your player ranking by doing map completions, you have a chance at more keys that way. Some lucky keyfarmer characters have pulled in 5 keys in one week.


Like anyone else, I want more rewards, but realistically, it would never be enough. Human nature always wants more.

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I tend to agree that they could increase significantly drops of BL keys, exotics (some named exotics instead of panties of the aristocrat you immediately salvage), precursors, and infusions.


I mean, some items are so rare it’s completely irrelevant. Chak infusion doesn’t even have any sell order and buy orders are set at 10k gold.


I didn’t play holidays events because a boring farm would most likely reward me with bat tonics and blues-greens. Tonics are cool but so rare you don’t even expect to get them. Sounds like lottery.

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> Mobile games, especially gacha ones, should never become an industry standard! They're the biggest cancer on the gaming market today and I hope lootbox regulations destroy them all. Gacha games only feel rewarding if you don't think about what you're getting. Most of the time it's the equivalent of 3 blues and a green.


Theres loot boxes in gw2 that would be against your own interest. I'm in favor of loot boxes, parents should watch their children and stop intruding on my fun.

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