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You encounter a 1v1 (enemy vs server mate) anywhere on the map, what do you do?


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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> I've always argued, if you want to PvP, you can go to the PvP lobby and enter the PvP arena. PvP inside a WvW open COMBAT FIELD I find obnoxious. That's just some Pvp player who grew bored with PvP in the PVP related arena. And that's not our problem, that's their problem. However, when I see a Servermate in combat, I assume he needs help, 100% of the time. In the past FOUR years, I've learned to look at their GUILD tags. If certain tags are on like [love] I steer clear of the pvp that i'm seeing. In fact you will reckognize certain PVP GUILDS who located themselves onto the WvW maps. You too will learn to steer clear. One, you entering the fray is considered an "interruption" your servermate will "back out" of the fight, and you won't even notice until your getting cut to pieces. You start to look around, and notice your servermate is no longer in combat, and is now watching your sorry kitten get handed to the ground that has a tulip with your name on it. After your dead, they continue on with their own personal 1 vs 1 battle, but not before talking to each other in private chat or discord, of how a bad player you are, how you sucked, how you clearly were overclassed but were too stupid too notice....yah. I don't like PvP players very much if at all. In fact in the entire Guild Wars 2 game...If I could nuke a portion of the game system, it would be PvP. I hate it that much. In some circumstances, I have tagged up and lead my zerg through pvp areas to clean it out. That's how pissed off I get when PvP is on my WvW map. You want to PvP...go to the Pvp lobby. But for those players in WvW….like I said...you'll reckognize certain guild tags. You'll learn who not to trust in a fight too. You can come across a real enemy whose not pvp'ing, who is working to destroy you...and that pvp servermate...will watch you instead of help. Because, they figure if your "good" enough that you should be able to finish off the enemy all by yourself. PvP players, are not Team players when it comes to WvW fights. Do not trust them, do not expect them to help. Do not expect them to defend, or be called upon when needed. Their basically...useless to the team in general. And the worst one's...are the "Lures". The one's where their "pretend" fighting, in order to lure unsuspecting players into the fight...and then they back out to watch you get ganked when more enemy show up. That's when you notice...their all in the same GUILD, including....your own servermate. So let this be a lesson. Know where PvP guilds actually Pvp inside wvw. Know which guilds specifically PvP only. And always place a Pvp member who has backed out of a fight, into your Blocklist...so you know when they are online, and which WvW map they are on....so you know that someone nearby ….might not help you in any fashion. Believe me, it does help to have them on a blocklist and knowing they are actively on the map your on, knowing full well they will not help the team.


Lol, that was a good read. Tagging up to kill people dueling. Very strong.

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> I've always argued, if you want to PvP, you can go to the PvP lobby and enter the PvP arena. PvP inside a WvW open COMBAT FIELD I find obnoxious. That's just some Pvp player who grew bored with PvP in the PVP related arena. And that's not our problem, that's their problem. However, when I see a Servermate in combat, I assume he needs help, 100% of the time. In the past FOUR years, I've learned to look at their GUILD tags. If certain tags are on like [love] I steer clear of the pvp that i'm seeing. In fact you will reckognize certain PVP GUILDS who located themselves onto the WvW maps. You too will learn to steer clear. One, you entering the fray is considered an "interruption" your servermate will "back out" of the fight, and you won't even notice until your getting cut to pieces. You start to look around, and notice your servermate is no longer in combat, and is now watching your sorry kitten get handed to the ground that has a tulip with your name on it. After your dead, they continue on with their own personal 1 vs 1 battle, but not before talking to each other in private chat or discord, of how a bad player you are, how you sucked, how you clearly were overclassed but were too stupid too notice....yah. I don't like PvP players very much if at all. In fact in the entire Guild Wars 2 game...If I could nuke a portion of the game system, it would be PvP. I hate it that much. In some circumstances, I have tagged up and lead my zerg through pvp areas to clean it out. That's how pissed off I get when PvP is on my WvW map. You want to PvP...go to the Pvp lobby. But for those players in WvW….like I said...you'll reckognize certain guild tags. You'll learn who not to trust in a fight too. You can come across a real enemy whose not pvp'ing, who is working to destroy you...and that pvp servermate...will watch you instead of help. Because, they figure if your "good" enough that you should be able to finish off the enemy all by yourself. PvP players, are not Team players when it comes to WvW fights. Do not trust them, do not expect them to help. Do not expect them to defend, or be called upon when needed. Their basically...useless to the team in general. And the worst one's...are the "Lures". The one's where their "pretend" fighting, in order to lure unsuspecting players into the fight...and then they back out to watch you get ganked when more enemy show up. That's when you notice...their all in the same GUILD, including....your own servermate. So let this be a lesson. Know where PvP guilds actually Pvp inside wvw. Know which guilds specifically PvP only. And always place a Pvp member who has backed out of a fight, into your Blocklist...so you know when they are online, and which WvW map they are on....so you know that someone nearby ….might not help you in any fashion. Believe me, it does help to have them on a blocklist and knowing they are actively on the map your on, knowing full well they will not help the team.


Thanks for the laugh.

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> I've always argued, if you want to PvP, you can go to the PvP lobby and enter the PvP arena. PvP inside a WvW open COMBAT FIELD I find obnoxious. That's just some Pvp player who grew bored with PvP in the PVP related arena. And that's not our problem, that's their problem. However, when I see a Servermate in combat, I assume he needs help, 100% of the time. In the past FOUR years, I've learned to look at their GUILD tags. If certain tags are on like [love] I steer clear of the pvp that i'm seeing. In fact you will reckognize certain PVP GUILDS who located themselves onto the WvW maps. You too will learn to steer clear. One, you entering the fray is considered an "interruption" your servermate will "back out" of the fight, and you won't even notice until your getting cut to pieces. You start to look around, and notice your servermate is no longer in combat, and is now watching your sorry kitten get handed to the ground that has a tulip with your name on it. After your dead, they continue on with their own personal 1 vs 1 battle, but not before talking to each other in private chat or discord, of how a bad player you are, how you sucked, how you clearly were overclassed but were too stupid too notice....yah. I don't like PvP players very much if at all. In fact in the entire Guild Wars 2 game...If I could nuke a portion of the game system, it would be PvP. I hate it that much. In some circumstances, I have tagged up and lead my zerg through pvp areas to clean it out. That's how pissed off I get when PvP is on my WvW map. You want to PvP...go to the Pvp lobby. But for those players in WvW….like I said...you'll reckognize certain guild tags. You'll learn who not to trust in a fight too. You can come across a real enemy whose not pvp'ing, who is working to destroy you...and that pvp servermate...will watch you instead of help. Because, they figure if your "good" enough that you should be able to finish off the enemy all by yourself. PvP players, are not Team players when it comes to WvW fights. Do not trust them, do not expect them to help. Do not expect them to defend, or be called upon when needed. Their basically...useless to the team in general. And the worst one's...are the "Lures". The one's where their "pretend" fighting, in order to lure unsuspecting players into the fight...and then they back out to watch you get ganked when more enemy show up. That's when you notice...their all in the same GUILD, including....your own servermate. So let this be a lesson. Know where PvP guilds actually Pvp inside wvw. Know which guilds specifically PvP only. And always place a Pvp member who has backed out of a fight, into your Blocklist...so you know when they are online, and which WvW map they are on....so you know that someone nearby ….might not help you in any fashion. Believe me, it does help to have them on a blocklist and knowing they are actively on the map your on, knowing full well they will not help the team.


So you complain about people doing pvp in WvW because when you do pvp in WvW they decide to do WvW instead.

Then you explain you'd help 100% when an allie is in combat. Sorry to break it, but that a 100% pvp thing. A WvW thing would be to analyze if that servermate is in a duel, being ganked or random roaming.

You don't like PvP players at all, yet you play WvW which is a PvP game mode...


The amount of contradiction in these 18 lines is beyond understandable...

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I pop holo. If I see them disengage and my servermate doesn't disengage as well, I run em through. If my servermate disengage, and the enemy is half heartedly fighting me after I attack, or doesn't fight back, I disengage and let them wail on each other again. No need to exchange words.


I'll freely fight to my heart's content if they fight back though.

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