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Stuck at the oil spilling

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> @"Palador.2170" said:


If you're talking about the one where you have to work you way around the fence to the flame point, don't go around the fence. Spill oil right at the fence, and the flames will go right through the chain links.



Well, kitten me. I never thought of that. That said...


>! ... it *is* possible to go around the fence. All you need is to make the puddles as far apart as you can get them to be and still light each other.


@"voodoo.7412" There is a maximum number of oil puddles that you can have "active'" at one time. Fortunately, they age out and disappear.

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I had an issue where everytime I put down an oil puddle, the first one in the "chain" disappeared (which is intended behavior when you reach the cap I guess) - BUT: in my case it happened when I had only 3 puddles down in total - not enough to reach the pipe...


After many many tries I noticed that this also happened exactly at the time when somebody else poured oil on the floor... The instant their pouring animation played, my oil disappeared - as if the oil cap was somehow shared among players...


There were about 10 people trying to get this done at the same time (unsuccessfully). Only when those people were busy with a nearby event, I was finally able to make it - I doubt this is a coincidence...


Maybe if you run in this issue you can try to convince other players to take turns (so you're not blocking each others' oil).

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> @"Palador.2170" said:


If you're talking about the one where you have to work you way around the fence to the flame point, don't go around the fence. Spill oil right at the fence, and the flames will go right through the chain links.



It didn't work for me, unfortunately. I have tried this path twice and the flames stopped at the fence. Don't know if its just a bug that doesn't occure every time but thats exactly the point where im stuck for now. Will try again tonight - maybe another path or so.

Someone mentioned on reddit that you can have have 6 puddles.

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Thx all for the help the issue that i had that both first and second dishes i was able to spill oil to burn it the 3 rd no oil come out of those barrels no visual bug also, i solved this issue by trying to change server disconnect and connect to the game again it worked on the 4th attempt as i was able to spill the oil on the ground so it seems some kind of bug anyway thx all for the help.

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I put 1 spill at about the middle of the vehicle, then 3 more to reach the fence (staying closer to the nearby structure). Then ran around the fence and dropped 2 more to reach the flame spot. It took me a couple tries to get the right spot on the vehicle - it seems very sensitive to where that oil is placed.

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Hey. You can only have 7 ish oil puddles out at a time. once you get to 7 you cant lay any more without a puddle vanishing.


Run it through the fence, or close to the fence. They should add a line to the oil barrel tooltip that says only 7 puddles can be out at a time to prevent people from thinking theres a bug or the oil isnt spilling because its on uneven terrain.

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I also spent an inordinate amount of time on this. I ended up (after watching several videos) going around the fence putting three puddles on each side. I made sure that my first one was right on the tank. That's what finally worked for me. I admit that the spacing issue was tough (and touchy). Sometimes the flames would leap across small spaces from puddle to puddle...sometimes not. Thankfully, it's over.

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A very nice person who was watching all the frustrated folks yesterday when I was on that step revealed the trick to us, pour one splash on the tank, then pour the rest around the fence *leaving gaps between them* because the fire will bridge the gaps. I got it first try after getting that advice.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:


If you're talking about the one where you have to work you way around the fence to the flame point, don't go around the fence. Spill oil right at the fence, and the flames will go right through the chain links.



I finally got it done but even with that knowledge it can be a right pain in the rear end. Whenever I'd get close to it the bucket just refuses to put oil down and I'd lose too much time again. I did it like 15 times as you suggest before it finally let me put the oil down close enough to the fire. That's the part of it that makes it a pain in the rear end.

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The problem i had with this segment was the tank's hit box.


There were times where i had oil and subsequently fire visually present on the tank without the "Earth Shattering Kaboom" so to speak.

Eventually i did get it, but there's probably an underlying terrain mapping issue causing some headaches.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:


If you're talking about the one where you have to work you way around the fence to the flame point, don't go around the fence. Spill oil right at the fence, and the flames will go right through the chain links.


It's bugged, and sometimes it just won't pour oil no matter what you do and where you do it. And by the time it unbugs (which usually requires trying to pour oil several times _away_ from the previously poured patches) what you poured on before disappears.


I have noticed that changing maps sometimes help - on some it's perfectly fine, while others have some unexplainable problems that prevent it from working. No idea why, although the previously mentioned suspicion it may have something to do with other players seems reasonable - for me and my friends it never worked when there was a group of other players trying it as well.


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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> Reading this thread just shows me how casual and unimaginative many players are. Holy... took me about 3 mins to do this without any help...

It's quite easy, as long as it doesn't bug on you. If it does, you may end up spending half an hour and still not succeeding, even while completely understanding how it should work. It is that case, i'm sure, and not the normal, unbugged version people are complaining about.


So, it didn't bug _for you_. Congratulations. Not everyone was so lucky, though.

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I understand the mechanics and likewise ran into issues on the third run after doing the others in quick succession, took about 30 mins to get third run done. Posted bug report as well. Figured out the fence bit after first try. But the pouring bugging out was really annoying. Saw issues in it trying to multipy pour from one activation to others where pours two and three would fail to apply though animations would activate.This was even with grabbing both oils. Seemed to be worse when more players were present. Had to wait till people moved thru before it was acting more consistent.

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