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Wvw community paradox

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

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Whenever you log into wvw all I ever hear is how wvwers, dont want pvers in wvw and that it ruins their wvw experience. Yet anet puts in gift of battle into wvw, so every pve that wants to craft a legendary, then needs to go into wvw in order to craft it.


Furthermore wvw would be nearly empty If these pve players didnt come to wvw to craft their legendaries.


What a paradox.

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WvW was built by pvers that had to come in for world completion. Before mass server transfers started occuring, many of these pvers waited weeks or months just so their server could form a zerg strong enough to take green garrison for the last POI and Vista they needed for THEIR legendary.


6 years later and nothing has changed, there's no paradox here, it's the same story, it just takes less time and less effort to finish it.

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If they actually play nobody would complain. I don't like the hostility towards pve players anyway. People use it as an insult, but it's none? Seems really silly to me.


Either way, if it wasn't for map completion back then I would have never started playing the mode and I still do to this day so clearly something must have worked out along the way.

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From my experience the only hostility towards Gift of Battle farmers is aimed at those who join and proceed to complain in mapchat about how much they hate WvW and how A-net are ruining their gameplay experience by forcing them to do it. They don't get much sympathy from a playerbase who a) enjoy the game mode, and b) are "forced" to spend considerably longer doing map completion if they want a legendary.

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There's so little effort involved in getting GOB that the argument is moot! The only real investment is time. You do enough to get your participation up to T6, then just flip a camp or sentry point every few minutes and wait it out. You don't even lose participation for logging out anymore!


It takes the exact same amount of time to get a GOB whether you flip T0 camps or engage in blob combat trying to take SMC. If you are PVE focused, it's boredom, not other people, that's your greatest enemy.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Whenever you log into wvw all I ever hear is how wvwers, dont want pvers in wvw and that it ruins their wvw experience. Yet anet puts in gift of battle into wvw, so every pve that wants to craft a legendary, then needs to go into wvw in order to craft it.


> Furthermore wvw would be nearly empty If these pve players didnt come to wvw to craft their legendaries.


> What a paradox.


To address your first point: some complain. Yes. As you may know there are always toxic people in every server and they are the most vocal. Mostly, WvW’s are helpful if someone is willing to learn.


Second point: WvW would not be empty without the very few people there only for the GoB. And frankly, many of the people playing WvW consistently now, started because of the WvW map completion and/or the crafting of the GoB.


So, no paradox. At all.


Now, if I was a cynical person I would be concerned that there are people that create topics in an attempt to ‘farm infractions’ but fortunately I am not.


I wish you a good day mr Lumpix.

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I always complain about the PVE players in WvW. To be more specific - the annoying useless PVE players hogging EBG map.

I have found myself in a constant position that when i tag up in EBG as a last resort (usually happens when there is no enemies to fight in bls) then getting a 50-70 man queue isnt something rare.

Now you may say that "you have a big queue, thats nice", right? Wrong!

Heres why:


1. EBG map has 90 slots and if youre someone who aims to go for fights, then its harmful to you when 60% of the players following you are utterly clueless (almost every PVE lander never joins discord).

2. Sometimes ive also found myself in position that you have a massive queue and the best you get on tag are 30-35 players max from a 90 slot map. Ironically usually 90% of those on tag are in discord and are people from recognizable WvW guilds.

Now often times ive thought that PVE landers are roaming and flipping camps or something but no. When i often times look around on the map then not a single camp is flipped from enemy side.

Are they having sPvP in the casual spots? Nope, the spots are empty.

Are they afk in the keep? Even keep is fairly empty.

Are they scouting or defending towers? No, not even scouting aside from some random joe linking a contested wooden tower. Additionally most PVErs cant even man nor build simple siege to get away group of 5 catapulting a single tower.

3. PVE people have garbage builds that do not work in WvW.


4. I find it very exhausting that if the queue stumbles above 50 and when theres people who say in discord or whisper via game "Ive waited 30 minutes and only have moved 5 slots in queue, this is depressing as fuck". Everyone knows that those actual WvW players join discord, have up to date meta builds and help the tag, those players are simply forced to wait cause some PVE monkeys need to hog the EBG map while basically contributing nothing to WvW.


Pop to borderlands and the discord numbers usually increase amongst with quality. You exchange PVE monkeys for WvW players when you leave EBG for bls.


EBG itself is a wonderful map for fighting and ive allways loved that map but nowadays, given the PVE player infestation it has in all servers, that map is simply ruined for WvW players.

Borderlands all the way these days. R.I.P if borderlands are dead.

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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> I always complain about the PVE players in WvW. To be more specific - the annoying useless PVE players hogging EBG map.


> EBG itself is a wonderful map for fighting and ive allways loved that map but nowadays, given the PVE player infestation it has in all servers, that map is simply ruined for WvW players.

> Borderlands all the way these days. R.I.P if borderlands are dead.


I know I'm not a good player and can't carry my weight so I avoid EBG. Felt like I was always the first to die when blobs engaged, which is embarrassing after a while. I'm surprised any PVE'rs go there at all since it's going to be more combat-heavy than the BL's.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> WvW was built by pvers that had to come in for world completion. Before mass server transfers started occuring, many of these pvers waited weeks or months just so their server could form a zerg strong enough to take green garrison for the last POI and Vista they needed for THEIR legendary.


> 6 years later and nothing has changed, there's no paradox here, it's the same story, it just takes less time and less effort to finish it.


"Can we take the SF keep? That's the last Vista I need."

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > I always complain about the PVE players in WvW. To be more specific - the annoying useless PVE players hogging EBG map.


> > EBG itself is a wonderful map for fighting and ive allways loved that map but nowadays, given the PVE player infestation it has in all servers, that map is simply ruined for WvW players.

> > Borderlands all the way these days. R.I.P if borderlands are dead.


> I know I'm not a good player and can't carry my weight so I avoid EBG. Felt like I was always the first to die when blobs engaged, which is embarrassing after a while. I'm surprised any PVE'rs go there at all since it's going to be more combat-heavy than the BL's.


Reason for that is that EBG usually tends to almost allways have a commander but in borderlands, not so often.

Additionally flipping objectives in EBG is fairly fast so you get more progress towards gift of battle.

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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> the truth is there is no pure WvW player. They just pretend to be real WvW player. When u see them getting spawn camp they log off or go do their pve like everyone else.


I got planty of guildies who only play GW2 cause of WvW. Outside of WvW they only do sPvP and thats it.


In my opinion it doesnt take much to be a WvW player though - have meta build, join discord, learn how to add proper scouting details and know how to man siege (so in cases where all it takes is 1 guy to man 1 mortar to save a tower, youll be that guy)

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Usually, the only people that say that out loud are insecure people that are probably PvErs themselves. They think that getting on an arrow cart or a cannon makes them a pro pvp'er. Not being taken seriously for years will do that and thus they must tell you they are a pvper or some crap at every opportunity.


On the other hand, we have people that are literally a waste of space at best joining because they want to be carried and thus literally ruining the experience. This is no different from the fool that joins a raid or high level fractal with strangers without being prepared for it and expecting to be treated like royalty. Therefore, your mere presence really isn't a good thing in and of itself. Should probably stop regarding it as such.


I don't call them "pvers" though, since there are plenty of "WvW veterans" that easily fall into this category.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Whenever you log into wvw all I ever hear is how wvwers, dont want pvers in wvw and that it ruins their wvw experience. Yet anet puts in gift of battle into wvw, so every pve that wants to craft a legendary, then needs to go into wvw in order to craft it.


> Furthermore wvw would be nearly empty If these pve players didnt come to wvw to craft their legendaries.


> What a paradox.


Lol... So what's the issue? WvW is too Casual for me to see the point ether way.

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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> I seen plenty of so called real WvW players still running base class dont want to buy expac can hardly kill a sentry and most of them cant even flip a camp by themselve, but these are the one they called themselve real WvW players taking up queue spot and they only play EB map lol.


aaaaa What? Those aren't real WvWers... If you haven't been in a competitive guild at least for one period of WvW, you can't call yourself real WvWer.

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