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Fix The Oil Mission

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> It's weird to me that we see so many ppl struggling with this but I don't think anet intended the mechanic to be as frustrating as some seem to find it, so where is the harm in a fix? How hard would it be to change six to seven . . ?


Can't speak for Anet, but I thought this was supposed to be challenging so it is working as designed. It's not impossible; many players have completed it. I don't see a need to fix it.

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What frustrated me was that even though I was doing the story with others, one of them getting it finally didn't finish it for the rest. We EACH had to do the silly thing which made it even more frustrating. Nothing worse than knowing people are waiting on your 'need to git gud' self.


I ended up having to go around the fence. I guess technically it took minutes, but it was long enough 2 of our party went out to smoke while I and one other messed with it.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> What frustrated me was that even though I was doing the story with others, one of them getting it finally didn't finish it for the rest. We EACH had to do the silly thing which made it even more frustrating. Nothing worse than knowing people are waiting on your 'need to git gud' self.


> I ended up having to go around the fence. I guess technically it took minutes, but it was long enough 2 of our party went out to smoke while I and one other messed with it.


That is the same for all story segments in the open world.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > It's weird to me that we see so many ppl struggling with this but I don't think anet intended the mechanic to be as frustrating as some seem to find it, so where is the harm in a fix? How hard would it be to change six to seven . . ?


> Can't speak for Anet, but I thought this was supposed to be challenging so it is working as designed. It's not impossible; many players have completed it. I don't see a need to fix it.


Yeah if it's supposed to be hard that's fine. But in the past everything with story has always been easy mode and they have been quick to nerf anything that interfered with story progress. And with a -- hopeful -- influx of new players during this ep's free week it would be worth addressing now . . .

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Oh for hen's sake.

It's nice to have something different apart from yabbayabba, kill x, y mob, jump this, follow this.. It was a puzzle, which took a bit to work out and was refreshing. I don't think anyone should just think it should always be easy. In GW:EN if anyone care to remember we had the same sort of thing, be it spaced out and I think it's nice to have these challenges away from the norm. I would like to see more taxing stuff in this game.

Besides as pointed out there are guides out there which there wasn't when I did this so i think any solution is well catered for.

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Wow ... it's easy to forget how dumbed down MMO's have made things for everyone until you read threads like this ...


I remember being stuck in a game for MONTHS trying to figure out a puzzle ... no internet, no nothing. Just you, using your brain. Maybe if you are lucky, some friends stuck at the same part. It sounds bad but ... it actually forces you to explore and play the game, not just go through the motions.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Oh for hen's sake.

> It's nice to have something different apart from yabbayabba, kill x, y mob, jump this, follow this.. It was a puzzle, which took a bit to work out and was refreshing. I don't think anyone should just think it should always be easy. In GW:EN if anyone care to remember we had the same sort of thing, be it spaced out and I think it's nice to have these challenges away from the norm. I would like to see more taxing stuff in this game.

> Besides as pointed out there are guides out there which there wasn't when I did this so i think any solution is well catered for.


Oh I'm an enthusiastic supporter of more challenging content and am frequently frustrated by how eager anet is to nerf certain content at the first hint of player complaint *cough*halloweenbeetlerace*cough* . . .


But I'm also an enthusiastic supporter of consistency and anet has trained us that story mode is supposed to be easy mode. This 'puzzle', if you want to call it that, isn't challenging, but it does frustrate a lot of players, and is about to frustrate a lot more during this ep's free week. Frustrating ppl you are trying to pull into the game is a bad idea . . .

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> @"khaadim.7856" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > > @"khaadim.7856" said:

> > > i guess my point is if im STILL doing something wrong after spending Literal Hours on this over a period of several days & im far from the only complaint, maybe they need to consider changing something. i dont know about yall but i dont have the kind of free time to keep doing this over and over indefinitely in slightly different ways

> >

> > Hmm...does "Git Gud" help?


> yeah it does actually, ive been trying really hard to get into this game/community since recently falling in love with the setting, but some of yall have repeatedly proven its not worth the effort. im too old for the git gud kitten

> ill go be 'insane' somewhere else lol

> thanks for the push


Were you able to complete the quest?

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