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Among the new (horrifying and catastrophic) instabilities, which one do you hate the most?

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I like them, but maybe they should tested it more.. We had the bird instability yesterday (89 swampland).It felt like if you dodged the birds it spawned a hostile bird that should attacked enemies, but sometimwes there would be no enemies nearby and it went after random people maybe it should be and ally bird instead? I think slippery slope is ok except maybe cliffside or Uncategorized? also vigor may help with bird instability and purple star marker so you know they will attack you soon

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I kinda like them? We bleed fire you can reflect for extra dmg, which I find really nice. Outflanked no issue with that. The birds are a bit weird, but honestly not a problem except if they spawn camp you on bloomhunger together with skelks ;) For vengeance I suggest bringing a spellbreaker, it helps tons.

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Frailty + birds : try to play an elem with 8k HP against mobs with >20might and fury and birds that ""randomly"" chose you everytime. As if Elem had boonstrip or blind or stab or anything with any use but pur dmg. You liked the RNG "you'll be the only one with the flux bomb", you'll laugh a lot.

Vengeance also a pain.

I'm not sure it awards a "good" play, in a way it will just close a little more composition; like FB with wall and bubble and stab and aegis everytime evrywhere, SpB with a lot of boonstrip and not war or berserker, and DPS with hp pool or good enough own sustain like SB, Holo, DH.

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Honestly instabs like sugar rush and outflanked just make pugging unnecessarily annoying. Seems like the damage or attribute bonuses for enemies need to be balanced. Right now, add mobs to way too much damage, and not in a way where the damage is easily telegraphed or mitigated, they just straight up attack faster or hit harder. It doesn't seem like good design. SA is an example of a great rework. Doesn't punish you with over the top incoming damage, but forces you to play slightly differently to add some amount of fun to the mechanics. That's what I feel like instabs should be.


Honestly the two I mentioned are worse to me than toxic trail because at least there were visual indicators for the toxic trails that you could reasonably avoid by standing somewhere different. The new "positive effects" are kind of gimmicky too. Good concept, poor execution. Just buffing everyone's attack/move speed 15% does not offset adds also attacking and moving 35% faster. Adds moving and attacking faster makes them borderline unavoidable unless killed (again, unlike toxic trails), which sometimes can't even be done because pugs don't move in concert and will typically die trying to solo 2 vets with +35% attack speed before adds can be killed.


I'm not sure if ANet is trying to encourage a shakeup of the metagame, but if that's the goal, this feels like the wrong way to go about it. Like, if the answer to "Enemies deal more damage or attack faster" is "build more toughness or vitality for survivability!" then there's something seriously wrong, because instabilities change daily and most people don't have gear that they can simply stat swap each time instabs change.

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I think it's premature to offer an opinion. It hasn't even been a week, so not every fractal frequenter has had a chance to experience all of them. Very few of us have had time to absorb the changes, let alone consider how best to adapt. I am sure that in a month (probably less), there will be all sorts of ways to mitigate or take advantage of nearly all of them.


It might even turn out that the new social awkwardness is the worst, because people can knock each other off platforms, while Birds might end up being the best once people figure out how to ensure the Ravens go after fiends instead of friends.


In other words: give it time.

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> I think it's premature to offer an opinion. It hasn't even been a week, so not every fractal frequenter has had a chance to experience all of them. Very few of us have had time to absorb the changes, let alone consider how best to adapt.


I choose not to adapt to it and dropping fractals entirely. I see Anet having a different opinion when it comes to the content than me and that is disappointing (for me). This leaves me with very little to do with dungeons dead but I was never a fan of instabilities in the past and the new ones do not give me any reason to play them. (Fractal God, close to 300 CM 100 and 400 CM 99 runs)

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Instabilities were never fun or challenging for experienced players. Ran Aetherblade in a random pug today. Me and another one were carrying the other 3 in the final boss room with the golems and the lasers because they all died due to bird damage. Again it was a highlight to see casual players having no clue and wiping for no reason because they are too bad to adapt. Same will happen to Slippery Slope fractals where you'll constantly have players dying left and right. Well done, Anet!

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> Instabilities were never fun or challenging for experienced players. Ran Aetherblade in a random pug today. Me and another one were carrying the other 3 in the final boss room with the golems and the lasers because they all died due to bird damage. Again it was a highlight to see casual players having no clue and wiping for no reason because they are too bad to adapt. Same will happen to Slippery Slope fractals where you'll constantly have players dying left and right. Well done, Anet!


Lets see how u do in underground facility standing on plates and birds picking your eyes out ^^

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"we bleed fire" on Siren's Reef today (no t4 but was doing it for the maze achie before boss), we thought we might as well do the boss while we were there, had no problem with it before.. But nope, the constant flow of mobs during the endfight is just ridiculous to deal with while all of them are shooting rockets, you don't rally on any of the ghosts and you have to dodge the winds that push you off the boat so you can't really reflect as you can't stack. Definitely needs an adjustment, not the number of mobs since that's fine without the instability, but more like only having it on a certain number of the mobs or boss only.

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> @"spankyed.4735" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > Instabilities were never fun or challenging for experienced players. Ran Aetherblade in a random pug today. Me and another one were carrying the other 3 in the final boss room with the golems and the lasers because they all died due to bird damage. Again it was a highlight to see casual players having no clue and wiping for no reason because they are too bad to adapt. Same will happen to Slippery Slope fractals where you'll constantly have players dying left and right. Well done, Anet!


> Lets see how u do in underground facility standing on plates and birds picking your eyes out ^^


If I'm not in combat np because I'll be stealthed.

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**Slippery Slope**

Cancer, makes it harder to prestack, manevuer, and prevents certain skills from working properly, e.g. druid staff #3



Just stack properly? Mobs, especially in Swampland die to two hits, three with protection.


**We bleed fire**

Support can easily cleanse this. And cd itself is pretty long anyway.



I've got a small dot, will just try not dodging during it's duration.



The same as with outflanked, most of the time you pull mobs in packs so everything dies roughly at the same time


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shejesa - agree with everything you said except for Birds. The others, except for Slippery Slope and Birds, rewards good positioning and team play. I really like those types of instabilities.


Slippery slope is fun for about the first 3 minutes you have it then it becomes very annoying. I don't find it fun to loose control of my character. It defeats careful positioning that is one of the hallmarks of skilled fractal play. It also makes team mechanics much more difficult. Just had it in a T2 combined with the new social awkwardness and basically felt like I was playing with massive lag.


Birds is just annoying. It's not a small dot - it's around 7K damage to you if you eat all of it that also blinds you so you can't effectively attack. When you dodge it doesn't reliably get transferred, and doesn't seem to effect the mobs nearly as much as the player. It's not that this instability is challenging - it's not. I just find it no fun and annoying to be constantly swarmed by birds pecking and blinding you. They are kind of like flying Dredge that can show up in any fractal.

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One by one of course they are not "insurmountable".

But start to combine them .... Try to play weaver or thief when you get -30% HP and enemies deal more dmg or quicker or tons of conditions.

Deepstone today ; birds + We bleed fire : birds (already annoying, you can dodge, ok, but what about the 4 others deadbrain members ) and mobs and the "orbs" give fire, the boss fire projectile take off 40% of HP ...

Siren's Reef yesterday : Frailty + Sugar Rush, elems and thiefs (no good cleave) instant die.


So what is it about ? (A good) Healer is close to mandatory now, + resistance/ condi cleanse spam + stab spam + good cleave + good amount of HP or armor.

Yeah we can handle new instabilities, does it mean half the classes would be push out the zone to not be boring ?

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Before last nerf patch, my routine was Dailys + recs ( ~1h, lfg random party) + farming some T3 and T2 coz it was fun to help ppl with my supp.

Total playtime between 1h - 2h

Still on chrono nowdays (without the fun) Only doing dailys and recs (around 1h playtime) with exp ppl, when i can finish them.


My point is im not masochist, i'll not spend too much time on something that i used to like and finish "quickly" and wich is now annoying or cancer gameplay thanks the new instas. For expl we tried to finish the Siren last boss yesterday, after 6 try we left. Less a question of skills or mechs knowledge, more a question of annoying instabilities.


End results for me :

- Fractal are not attractive anymore atm, lost some kind of "fun".

- Not helping on low anymore coz boons are not easy to share with new players + after T4 instas my mind need fresh air.

= Less playtime, no farm, less rewards (wich is the goal i presume)

- Have to make choices/selection with who we play

- Avoiding all Slippery's, and sometimes even fail run (or close to) with bad insta combinaisons.

- Was thinking to switch necro heal but since new insta's i got doubts. Why invest time and money for playing annoying contents..?


If elite players are happy with the last patch im glad for them. But i guess im not the only one who lost some interest for this content and who's not masochist enought for those kind of "improvements".

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