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That character should stay dead

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> @"RubberDougie.2750" said:

> That character that just died was getting to be a huge Mary Sue and counter-productive to good writing. That character was pretty much going to be the solution to all our problems it seems, and it is best it just stays dead.


Agree very much.


Our "character" the Commander needs to suffer for being a dumb fool who charges before thinking.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > @"RubberDougie.2750" said:

> > > @"Lome.8239" said:

> > > None of this matters

> > >

> > > If Zojja does not save us soon

> >

> > Zojja was confirmed dead in episode 4 with a one-liner by either Snaff or Eir.


> No she wasn't , only mentioned that they talked but not as to when.


Not even that, just that he had heard about Taimi and that she was Zojja's apprentice. But Eir also knew about Taimi, so she's the more likely source of information.

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> @"RubberDougie.2750" said:

> > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > Not gonna happen, sorry.


> source?


No source, not going to happen because of the lore and the knowledge we have of the Elder Dragons relationship to Tyria and magic...you need a new Elder Dragon to replace the ones that have been killed and the one that still needs to be killed...also, prophecies.

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I tend to agree. Hobbling around that corner to see the sheer brutal spectacle of all those visions made reality was a powerful moment, and bringing that character back next episode would rob it of that potency.


That being said, I have no doubt that our dead friend's story is far from over. Just look at the influence a very dead Glint has had on proceedings. And speaking of Glint, I also think she told the dearly departed that her death was inevitable, if not (somehow) essential, at the end of the trials in the first instance.


However it plays out, next episode is going to be interesting ...

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She WILL stay dead.

I mentioned in my other post. It IS a short cut solution in exchange for peace and end of this LS. Lazy and boring way to end.. I have no emotion as a story reading or player. All we have been playing up till now.. it's nothing... The solution to peace is not to kill the elder dragon.. removing that character removing the threat to elder dragon.

Everyone will move on now that elder dragon is back to his lair.. he won't cause anymore chaos because he is no longer feeling a threat anymore.

So guys.. this is total rubbish..I'm sorry.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> She WILL stay dead.

> I mentioned in my other post. It IS a short cut solution in exchange for peace and end of this LS. Lazy and boring way to end.. I have no emotion as a story reading or player as look guys.. all you gave been play up to now.. it's nothing... We bring you the end. Our solution for you for peace.. is nothing.

> We will move on now that elder dragon is back to his place .. he won't cause anymore chaos because he is no longer feeling a threat anymore.


Thats a naive way to look at it. First anet will most likely bring the character back because they dont have it in them to find a better way to handle this and them being able to ressurect has been setup since ep 3, but also its naive to think that the dragons destroy and feed only because they feel threatened. It was stated tha he has begun devouring the mists and if he grows too powerful he can devour reality. Its not something they do out of spite or anything, its simply something they do.


But i agree with the op, im scared how said character would impact the story and future big moment if they can come back and help us finish the job. I feel like after that mosts danger will be nothing compaired to our power. Then again if the character comes back im not gonna compain that its an asspull because it was setup.


Tho ill complain because throught this season death has to some extent been reduce (tho not much since dead characters stay dead and are mostly left alone)

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I didnt want her to die, but now that she is dead, I hope she remains dead. As a punishment for these bad writers who can't think about anything new. The technical part of the episode was great, the written story felt empty and they had to add something to it to make it feel special. Since this game name is Guild Wars not Dragon Wars, they could add something else other than dragon's killing. We already killed enough dragons and even when we don't, they kill one for us. Also, I am tired of being commander and just do everything other characters tell us to do, go from one spot to another doing everyone's job. I am sure these writers have 50 shades of grey as their inspiration book to write their stories. and they all see us in a submissive role.

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I'm fairly confident our friend will return, one way or another.


But I find the Joko explanation for return problematic, and this is why:

Joko apparently has unlimited extra lives.

Then Aurene eats him, and "He ain't coming back from being eaten by a dragon!"

So, Kralk eats Aurene.

1. If Joko couldn't recover from being dragon-eaten, Aurene can't come back from being dragon-eaten by absorbing his powers. He does not have the power to come back from being digested. He did not have a 'get out of dragon digestion' power for her to absorb.

2. If Aurene could simply take away his power by eating him, then Kralk can simply take away her power by eating her.


My hopes instead are placed on the secret for-dragons-only conversation that Glint had with Aurene in the trials section.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> Our "character" the Commander needs to suffer for being a dumb fool who charges before thinking.


I believe we were very much manipulated into taking the actions we took when we took them.


(_...since we are using names now, I removed the spoiler tag..._)


I believe it was never Glint who sent Eir to tell us that it was time for Aurene to take over Kralkatorrik's place; Glint has the gift of prophecy, plus Aurene was her only surviving offspring. She would definitely have known that her baby dragon was in no position to take on an Elder Dragon at this point in time. She would not have sent her only child into certain death and put the world in overwhelmingly huge peril like that.


I also don't believe it was Glint who spoke to us during the "trials" in this episode, because of the nonsense she talked about Kralkatorrik and, again, the aforementioned reasons. I believe it was Kralkatorrik all along, manipulating us to charge prematurely into battle and, naturally, lose.


As for the OP's sentiment: I believe that character is very much dead, and should they turn out to come back somehow, that would be incredibly bad writing.

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> @"Yitsul.8342" said:

> She ate an awakened. so she might awaken. Otherwise we're kitten'd


Close but Anet is likely going to bring her back with some kind of application of Zhaitan's spooky death magic. There was no other real reason to mention it during the fight other than to set up a plot device to effectively retcon the events of this entire chapter.


Or I could be wrong and that was a pointless throw away line to signal the arrival of skeleton centaurs. I really hope I'm not because that would be even worse than what I described above.


Also, regardless of how any of us feel about *******, without her, the plot kind of hits a giant roadblock and Anet then needs to come up with some new "thing" we need to obtain/assemble/meet to contain dragon energy so it doesn't melt the planet.


> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> Everyone will move on now that elder dragon is back to his lair.. he won't cause anymore chaos because he is no longer feeling a threat anymore.


It's been repeatedly established that the dragons wake up and then basically consume all magic in the world until there's nothing left, go back to sleep, leach it out into the world, and continue the cycle. Kralk just going back to sleep for no reason would be even worse than ****** becoming some kind of magic battery god.

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