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Why do skilled roamers avoid fighting other skilled roamers?


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In most cases its that „Veteran roamers” know each other, already met few times in duel zone and made fights hundreds of time outside it, already know that one of them is better or have build advantage and just wont start that boring fight again (because they already know the result). Of course sometimes they will, if theres literally no1 else to fight, or they think they got better fron last time.


Usually you want to encounter some1 new to check yourself and this fresh meat. In current state of WvW some links are more than stable (for example in EU Wsr, Deso/old bandwagon AG and Gandara some time ago), where most roamers know each other more than they wanted to, because of weeks or even months without any enemy changes.


Idk about streamers and they pride, but speaking of youtubers its always funny to see them ridiculously dying 1v1 and then seeing another „Great roaming montage”

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It can also be they have already fought. I roamed a lot on my Scrapper when I played which is sub optimal. But i cant be assed re gearing, ran into a well played condi mirage a couple times. Its a non contest fight, I dont have the condi clear to have a decent chance in that matchup.


Once you fight a couple of times it's like meh not bothering to fight the condi mirage again.

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for me avoiding fights can have several reasons:

a) i dont fight some people of wich i know that they dont enjoy fighting me and that were able to tell me that without resorting to insults. afterall my aim is not to ruin another players day, but do have fun myself. that can go hand in hand, but doesnt have to.

b) some people after you have killed them (maybe by suprise) and they tried to 'show' you that they are better than in the first fight, they stop trying new tactics after 2-3 tries and you kind of feel their rage rising and them fighting more and more irrational. then i tend to go out of their way to let them cool down a bit.

c) sometimes i am in a PPT mood and do want some objective and fighting other people is not always the fastest way to claim something as they (especially the ones that are more skilled or think themselves as such) will return if you kill them, wich might keep you from capturing what you want.

d) i usually dont attack the one i am chatting to. like if i have 5 opponents nearby and chat with one about whatever, then i will mostly attack other players (may depend on the chat tho)


but then again i am not sure i am 'skilled' by your definition. i mean i win most of my encounters yet i also do 'cheese 'em' as they call it, i simply like to use every tool the game offers and prefer fighting opponents that do the same.

usually inexperienced opponents are more fun to fight as they still try different approaches and dont give up after their first try to adapt.

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> @"Chorazin.4107" said:

> It can also be they have already fought. I roamed a lot on my Scrapper when I played which is sub optimal. But i cant be assed re gearing, ran into a well played condi mirage a couple times. Its a non contest fight, I dont have the condi clear to have a decent chance in that matchup.


> Once you fight a couple of times it's like meh not bothering to fight the condi mirage again.

To give another example, our zerg roflstomped the enemy yesterday so that wasnt a problem. But they drew *all* friendlies on the border while the enemy started to spread out (loosing to the zerg even more, but flipping the entire border). In particular there where a couple of smaller 3-5 man groups with several condi mirages in them each that we - or rather, I alone - kept fighting with for, oh maybe 45 minutes. Always outmanned and couldnt win.


Of course it frustrated me. But going by their performance and troubles to down me, I could have beaten them all in a straight up 1v1. I was confident of that and kept fighting hoping to just get *one* low enough to down them and flip the fight. Not so easy when the groups was also supported either by heal eles or guards.


Ultimately, what caused a "nope not engaging like this anymore"... a spellbreaker. Just one. I fought 2 mirages and 1 ele for minutes - I lasted seconds against that warrior. Glass cannon with glass damage? No, **kitten immortal**. Fought several times and never got him below 90% hp. He just constantly healed everything I tried to do - knocking off huge chunks of hp from trailblazer mirages was *easy* in comparison. But nope, on that fellow solo roamer it was like hitting a brick wall while he reached 8k+ arcing slice on 3k armor in return. I dont question his skill - or rather the "skill" of using a cheese build they know how to play, I have no idea how skilled he was or what the comparison was. I know because most will probably consider me cheese when I *accidentally* kill someone I barely even targetted in a 1v3.


The question is - why *shouldnt* I avoid fighting such a roamer? Does the skill even matter?


If I could have gotten two decent roamers with me we would have piled on him so hard and jumped on his corpse. But in the back of my head I knew that both would probably had been lost zerglings and given him an excellent 1v3 outmanned video for youtube. Thats WvW for you.

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Eh...skilled or not 99% of the time I will fight anyone I come across despite how skilled they are. Live stream or not. I have a saying in GW2


"If you wanna get good, fight those better"


Im 99% allows down to sharpen my skill by fighting. Heck, I even jump in outnumbered fights just to see how long I can last and see if I can down someone.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> The roaming community is small and for veteran roamers, many of the above average roaming players and guilds are pretty much well known across all the servers.

> One trend I've been seeing though, while playing and watching live streams on twitch, is that skilled roamers avoid fighting each other a lot.


Cause noone wants to get #EXPOSED


Also cause you normally fought these people before and don't really wanna fight the same person over and over, also cause fights between good players is mainly decided by builds.


> They run around the map, bump into each other, recognize each other from guild tag, looks etc. and move pass or detour without fighting.

> Then when they encounter a pug who might just be a zergling or a less skilled roamer, they jump on them and stomp them into the ground and thump their chest howling in victory.


Cause it's low effort and you haven't found any fights in forever


> The vibe I get from skilled roamers who avoid fighting each other is like "Hey I know you're good and you know I'm good. So lets not risk fighting each other."

> Its like...why?!

> Isn't it more exciting to fight another skilled roamer than to stomp on a pug?


Depends on if you fought the person before and/or know the result already cause of the MU, the difference is skill between most good players isn't big enough to compensate for bad MUs.

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**Chorazin.4107** Makes a fair point.


Especially true if you're running gimmick/non-meta builds (because heaven forbid we make our own builds for fun/creativity, niche roles). Let's not let the 'lures' slide either, that 1v1 is short lived... more often than not his 2 other guildies magically appear at his aid so yeah, not worth going for that target again if you already know what bs they're gonna pull 10 seconds later.

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> @"Chorazin.4107" said:

> It can also be they have already fought. I roamed a lot on my Scrapper when I played which is sub optimal. But i cant be assed re gearing, ran into a well played condi mirage a couple times. Its a non contest fight, I dont have the condi clear to have a decent chance in that matchup.


> Once you fight a couple of times it's like meh not bothering to fight the condi mirage again.


Yea, I guess given how the game is some builds are not even worth fighting.

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@lodjur.1284 said:


> also cause fights between good players is mainly decided by builds.


This pretty much right here is why the mode has turned into a meme joke (like the ANet attempt at eSports). _The builds matter more than the skill levels._ Cause Power Creep sells expansions.


Until WvW also uses the Pvp build system (or a variant) there will never be any attempt at balance.


I build to _roam_ which means taking objectives and maybe killing players when I can. But I need to be confident of the kill, cause if I lose I have to run back to get the objectives again.


You're confusing _roamer_ builds with _dueling_ builds, which are different things.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> @lodjur.1284 said:


> > also cause fights between good players is mainly decided by builds.


> This pretty much right here is why the mode has turned into a meme joke (like the ANet attempt at eSports). _The builds matter more than the skill levels._ Cause Power Creep sells expansions.


> Until WvW also uses the Pvp build system (or a variant) there will never be any attempt at balance.


pvp build system (or a variant) wont change it.

fights in spvp are more balanced as the situation you will be in is much more predictable and the fights are strongly affected by the envoiremental rules. you play for points in spvp not for winning a specific fight. you can win an encounter without killing your opponent, even without surviving the opponent. because what matters is the points gained from the encounter and not wether you killed the opponent or he killed you.

in WvW roaming, many dont care primarily for scoring and even if they did you would have much more time and space for a fight as your opponent will need longer to return. this does basically 2 things:

1) range + mobility/stealth is much stronger in WvW as you can abuse it to its fullest.

2) hit and run becomes a viable and with that the strongest tactic as it is always relatively low risk + high reward.

just having time and space for the fight makes it impossible to balance for WvW roaming in a way that these fights would no longer be primarily dominated by build. because there is simply no drawback for abusing it and having better kiting tools means you basically cannot lose without making a mistake, having inferior kiting tools on the other side means you can lose even if you do play perfectly. that is why thief always has been a top roamer in WvW, but mostly is terrible in spvp to 1 vs 1 people.

> You're confusing _roamer_ builds with _dueling_ builds, which are different things.

correct in a duel you usually have limited space and your opponent wont fight you another round if you too much rely on hit and run as that is simply too boring for them. you can just try sitting with a deadeye on a duel spot and see how many people want a duel against you.


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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> @lodjur.1284 said:


> > also cause fights between good players is mainly decided by builds.


> This pretty much right here is why the mode has turned into a meme joke (like the ANet attempt at eSports). _The builds matter more than the skill levels._ Cause Power Creep sells expansions.


> Until WvW also uses the Pvp build system (or a variant) there will never be any attempt at balance.


Amulet system would make WvW more like sPvP which is worse in every way. More burst, less tankiness, not being able to focus your build (except as a burst build ofc)


> I build to _roam_ which means taking objectives and maybe killing players when I can. But I need to be confident of the kill, cause if I lose I have to run back to get the objectives again.


Roaming's purpose is to kill players, taking objectives is a way to lure people out, if objectives are your primary goal you're doing something else (not meant as a bad thing just not the same thing).


> You're confusing _roamer_ builds with _dueling_ builds, which are different things.


Not that different really, most duel spots seem to allow max cheese reseting which is the roaming meta.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > I build to _roam_ which means taking objectives and maybe killing players when I can. But I need to be confident of the kill, cause if I lose I have to run back to get the objectives again.


> Roaming's purpose is to kill players, taking objectives is a way to lure people out, if objectives are your primary goal you're doing something else (not meant as a bad thing just not the same thing).


in that case i am very often not roaming, but doing _something_ else. you will hardly be able to tell the difference tho, as the difference is just my intention.


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For me it's a respect thing. If I know someone is skilled (from many past encounters, whether I won or lost), regardless of class/build/guild-tag, I'll let them be.


Also, from my experience, other skilled roamers I see tend not to do this thing unless.... the person they're avoiding is a friend/guildie/former server-mate they know well, or it's someone they just recently dueled.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > I build to _roam_ which means taking objectives and maybe killing players when I can. But I need to be confident of the kill, cause if I lose I have to run back to get the objectives again.

> >

> > Roaming's purpose is to kill players, taking objectives is a way to lure people out, if objectives are your primary goal you're doing something else (not meant as a bad thing just not the same thing).


> in that case i am very often not roaming, but doing _something_ else. you will hardly be able to tell the difference tho, as the difference is just my intention.



Then I guess you aren't, but the term generally doesn't refer to people who primarily cap small objectives (as their goal,while the goal for a roamer would be to find fights).

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > I build to _roam_ which means taking objectives and maybe killing players when I can. But I need to be confident of the kill, cause if I lose I have to run back to get the objectives again.

> > >

> > > Roaming's purpose is to kill players, taking objectives is a way to lure people out, if objectives are your primary goal you're doing something else (not meant as a bad thing just not the same thing).

> >

> > in that case i am very often not roaming, but doing _something_ else. you will hardly be able to tell the difference tho, as the difference is just my intention.

> >


> Then I guess you aren't, but the term generally doesn't refer to people who primarily cap small objectives (as their goal,while the goal for a roamer would be to find fights).


no, just taking objectives is not the goal. taking the objective from someone is the goal. so i like to take objectives that my opponent wants to protect. that doesnt have to inculde an actually fight tho. and i usually go for towers/keeps. camps are just for supplies and sentries to help me track opponents, i dont see how taking them would be anything worth a primary goal - its just too easy, like killing other players. (basically what a havoc group would do, just solo)

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > I build to _roam_ which means taking objectives and maybe killing players when I can. But I need to be confident of the kill, cause if I lose I have to run back to get the objectives again.

> > > >

> > > > Roaming's purpose is to kill players, taking objectives is a way to lure people out, if objectives are your primary goal you're doing something else (not meant as a bad thing just not the same thing).

> > >

> > > in that case i am very often not roaming, but doing _something_ else. you will hardly be able to tell the difference tho, as the difference is just my intention.

> > >

> >

> > Then I guess you aren't, but the term generally doesn't refer to people who primarily cap small objectives (as their goal,while the goal for a roamer would be to find fights).


> no, just taking objectives is not the goal. taking the objective from someone is the goal. so i like to take objectives that my opponent wants to protect. that doesnt have to inculde an actually fight tho. and i usually go for towers/keeps. camps are just for supplies and sentries to help me track opponents, i dont see how taking them would be anything worth a primary goal - its just too easy, like killing other players.


Well if you're talking keeps that's def not roaming. Playing objectives is the opposite of roaming. Especially if taking them doesn't lead to a fight.


Killing other players here generally means finding satisfying fights, that can be a 1v3 vs bads or an 1v1 with a good player or w/e else kinda PvP one finds fun, even if it's something not challenging like instabursting semi-afk people from stealth.


How is easy or not isn't really relevant to what it is, roaming is just a name for when you're very few people (max 2 maybe 3) and your goal is to find fights and you couldn't care less for the objectives/scoreboard.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > > I build to _roam_ which means taking objectives and maybe killing players when I can. But I need to be confident of the kill, cause if I lose I have to run back to get the objectives again.

> > > > >

> > > > > Roaming's purpose is to kill players, taking objectives is a way to lure people out, if objectives are your primary goal you're doing something else (not meant as a bad thing just not the same thing).

> > > >

> > > > in that case i am very often not roaming, but doing _something_ else. you will hardly be able to tell the difference tho, as the difference is just my intention.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Then I guess you aren't, but the term generally doesn't refer to people who primarily cap small objectives (as their goal,while the goal for a roamer would be to find fights).

> >

> > no, just taking objectives is not the goal. taking the objective from someone is the goal. so i like to take objectives that my opponent wants to protect. that doesnt have to inculde an actually fight tho. and i usually go for towers/keeps. camps are just for supplies and sentries to help me track opponents, i dont see how taking them would be anything worth a primary goal - its just too easy, like killing other players.


> Well if you're talking keeps that's def not roaming. Playing objectives is the opposite of roaming. Especially if taking them doesn't lead to a fight.


> Killing other players here generally means finding satisfying fights, that can be a 1v3 vs bads or an 1v1 with a good player or w/e else kinda PvP one finds fun, even if it's something not challenging like instabursting semi-afk people from stealth.


> How is easy or not isn't really relevant to what it is, roaming is just a name for when you're very few people (max 2 maybe 3) and your goal is to find fights and you couldn't care less for the objectives/scoreboard.


thats what roaming is to you. but that i guess is a big issue on this forum, there is no definition of what roaming is, that everyone does agree on. that makes it very hard to discuss anything roaming related.

but yeah if we are talking people who only are interested in 'good' fights, then avoiding any opponent doesnt make sense

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > > > I build to _roam_ which means taking objectives and maybe killing players when I can. But I need to be confident of the kill, cause if I lose I have to run back to get the objectives again.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Roaming's purpose is to kill players, taking objectives is a way to lure people out, if objectives are your primary goal you're doing something else (not meant as a bad thing just not the same thing).

> > > > >

> > > > > in that case i am very often not roaming, but doing _something_ else. you will hardly be able to tell the difference tho, as the difference is just my intention.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Then I guess you aren't, but the term generally doesn't refer to people who primarily cap small objectives (as their goal,while the goal for a roamer would be to find fights).

> > >

> > > no, just taking objectives is not the goal. taking the objective from someone is the goal. so i like to take objectives that my opponent wants to protect. that doesnt have to inculde an actually fight tho. and i usually go for towers/keeps. camps are just for supplies and sentries to help me track opponents, i dont see how taking them would be anything worth a primary goal - its just too easy, like killing other players.

> >

> > Well if you're talking keeps that's def not roaming. Playing objectives is the opposite of roaming. Especially if taking them doesn't lead to a fight.

> >

> > Killing other players here generally means finding satisfying fights, that can be a 1v3 vs bads or an 1v1 with a good player or w/e else kinda PvP one finds fun, even if it's something not challenging like instabursting semi-afk people from stealth.

> >

> > How is easy or not isn't really relevant to what it is, roaming is just a name for when you're very few people (max 2 maybe 3) and your goal is to find fights and you couldn't care less for the objectives/scoreboard.


> thats what roaming is to you. but that i guess is a big issue on this forum, there is no definition of what roaming is, that everyone does agree on. that makes it very hard to discuss anything roaming related.


Well very few people refer to objective players really when talking roamers. Most discussions I see are related to the size of the group.


> but yeah if we are talking people who only are interested in 'good' fights, then avoiding any opponent doesnt make sense


Well if you know it won't lead to a good fight and will take a long time, then avoiding it makes perfect sense.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > > > > I build to _roam_ which means taking objectives and maybe killing players when I can. But I need to be confident of the kill, cause if I lose I have to run back to get the objectives again.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Roaming's purpose is to kill players, taking objectives is a way to lure people out, if objectives are your primary goal you're doing something else (not meant as a bad thing just not the same thing).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > in that case i am very often not roaming, but doing _something_ else. you will hardly be able to tell the difference tho, as the difference is just my intention.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Then I guess you aren't, but the term generally doesn't refer to people who primarily cap small objectives (as their goal,while the goal for a roamer would be to find fights).

> > > >

> > > > no, just taking objectives is not the goal. taking the objective from someone is the goal. so i like to take objectives that my opponent wants to protect. that doesnt have to inculde an actually fight tho. and i usually go for towers/keeps. camps are just for supplies and sentries to help me track opponents, i dont see how taking them would be anything worth a primary goal - its just too easy, like killing other players.

> > >

> > > Well if you're talking keeps that's def not roaming. Playing objectives is the opposite of roaming. Especially if taking them doesn't lead to a fight.

> > >

> > > Killing other players here generally means finding satisfying fights, that can be a 1v3 vs bads or an 1v1 with a good player or w/e else kinda PvP one finds fun, even if it's something not challenging like instabursting semi-afk people from stealth.

> > >

> > > How is easy or not isn't really relevant to what it is, roaming is just a name for when you're very few people (max 2 maybe 3) and your goal is to find fights and you couldn't care less for the objectives/scoreboard.

> >

> > thats what roaming is to you. but that i guess is a big issue on this forum, there is no definition of what roaming is, that everyone does agree on. that makes it very hard to discuss anything roaming related.


> Well very few people refer to objective players really when talking roamers. Most discussions I see are related to the size of the group.

if its just groupsize, then i am a roamer tho. even when playing for objectives.



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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > > > > > I build to _roam_ which means taking objectives and maybe killing players when I can. But I need to be confident of the kill, cause if I lose I have to run back to get the objectives again.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Roaming's purpose is to kill players, taking objectives is a way to lure people out, if objectives are your primary goal you're doing something else (not meant as a bad thing just not the same thing).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > in that case i am very often not roaming, but doing _something_ else. you will hardly be able to tell the difference tho, as the difference is just my intention.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Then I guess you aren't, but the term generally doesn't refer to people who primarily cap small objectives (as their goal,while the goal for a roamer would be to find fights).

> > > > >

> > > > > no, just taking objectives is not the goal. taking the objective from someone is the goal. so i like to take objectives that my opponent wants to protect. that doesnt have to inculde an actually fight tho. and i usually go for towers/keeps. camps are just for supplies and sentries to help me track opponents, i dont see how taking them would be anything worth a primary goal - its just too easy, like killing other players.

> > > >

> > > > Well if you're talking keeps that's def not roaming. Playing objectives is the opposite of roaming. Especially if taking them doesn't lead to a fight.

> > > >

> > > > Killing other players here generally means finding satisfying fights, that can be a 1v3 vs bads or an 1v1 with a good player or w/e else kinda PvP one finds fun, even if it's something not challenging like instabursting semi-afk people from stealth.

> > > >

> > > > How is easy or not isn't really relevant to what it is, roaming is just a name for when you're very few people (max 2 maybe 3) and your goal is to find fights and you couldn't care less for the objectives/scoreboard.

> > >

> > > thats what roaming is to you. but that i guess is a big issue on this forum, there is no definition of what roaming is, that everyone does agree on. that makes it very hard to discuss anything roaming related.

> >

> > Well very few people refer to objective players really when talking roamers. Most discussions I see are related to the size of the group.

> if its just groupsize, then i am a roamer tho. even when playing for objectives.




I am not saying it's groupsize primarily. I am saying what people disagree on when it comes to roaming is generally groupsize.


However the vast majority of discussions I see come with the viewpoint that roaming is the opposite of playing for objectives.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > > > > > > I build to _roam_ which means taking objectives and maybe killing players when I can. But I need to be confident of the kill, cause if I lose I have to run back to get the objectives again.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Roaming's purpose is to kill players, taking objectives is a way to lure people out, if objectives are your primary goal you're doing something else (not meant as a bad thing just not the same thing).

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > in that case i am very often not roaming, but doing _something_ else. you will hardly be able to tell the difference tho, as the difference is just my intention.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Then I guess you aren't, but the term generally doesn't refer to people who primarily cap small objectives (as their goal,while the goal for a roamer would be to find fights).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > no, just taking objectives is not the goal. taking the objective from someone is the goal. so i like to take objectives that my opponent wants to protect. that doesnt have to inculde an actually fight tho. and i usually go for towers/keeps. camps are just for supplies and sentries to help me track opponents, i dont see how taking them would be anything worth a primary goal - its just too easy, like killing other players.

> > > > >

> > > > > Well if you're talking keeps that's def not roaming. Playing objectives is the opposite of roaming. Especially if taking them doesn't lead to a fight.

> > > > >

> > > > > Killing other players here generally means finding satisfying fights, that can be a 1v3 vs bads or an 1v1 with a good player or w/e else kinda PvP one finds fun, even if it's something not challenging like instabursting semi-afk people from stealth.

> > > > >

> > > > > How is easy or not isn't really relevant to what it is, roaming is just a name for when you're very few people (max 2 maybe 3) and your goal is to find fights and you couldn't care less for the objectives/scoreboard.

> > > >

> > > > thats what roaming is to you. but that i guess is a big issue on this forum, there is no definition of what roaming is, that everyone does agree on. that makes it very hard to discuss anything roaming related.

> > >

> > > Well very few people refer to objective players really when talking roamers. Most discussions I see are related to the size of the group.

> > if its just groupsize, then i am a roamer tho. even when playing for objectives.

> >

> >


> I am not saying it's groupsize primarily. I am saying what people disagree on when it comes to roaming is generally groupsize.


> However the vast majority of discussions I see come with the viewpoint that roaming is the opposite of playing for objectives.


i dont think opposite is the correct term for it, but i guess i understand your view.

that explains why people are so upset with 'roaming balance', if you play by your own rules within a set mode you cant really expect it to be balanced around your rules.

as said above the fight as such is nearly impossible to balance as it will mostly be decided by kiting ability/range advantage. now one can be upset about that, if that is the only thing you care for. but once you play for objectives, once you play for score regardless of groupsize, then the professions are much more balanced and mostly the population inbalance will be your issue. and you can 'win' in your goals despite losing a fight.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > I build to _roam_ which means taking objectives and maybe killing players when I can. But I need to be confident of the kill, cause if I lose I have to run back to get the objectives again.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > Roaming's purpose is to kill players, taking objectives is a way to lure people out, if objectives are your primary goal you're doing something else (not meant as a bad thing just not the same thing).

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > in that case i am very often not roaming, but doing _something_ else. you will hardly be able to tell the difference tho, as the difference is just my intention.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Then I guess you aren't, but the term generally doesn't refer to people who primarily cap small objectives (as their goal,while the goal for a roamer would be to find fights).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > no, just taking objectives is not the goal. taking the objective from someone is the goal. so i like to take objectives that my opponent wants to protect. that doesnt have to inculde an actually fight tho. and i usually go for towers/keeps. camps are just for supplies and sentries to help me track opponents, i dont see how taking them would be anything worth a primary goal - its just too easy, like killing other players.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Well if you're talking keeps that's def not roaming. Playing objectives is the opposite of roaming. Especially if taking them doesn't lead to a fight.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Killing other players here generally means finding satisfying fights, that can be a 1v3 vs bads or an 1v1 with a good player or w/e else kinda PvP one finds fun, even if it's something not challenging like instabursting semi-afk people from stealth.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How is easy or not isn't really relevant to what it is, roaming is just a name for when you're very few people (max 2 maybe 3) and your goal is to find fights and you couldn't care less for the objectives/scoreboard.

> > > > >

> > > > > thats what roaming is to you. but that i guess is a big issue on this forum, there is no definition of what roaming is, that everyone does agree on. that makes it very hard to discuss anything roaming related.

> > > >

> > > > Well very few people refer to objective players really when talking roamers. Most discussions I see are related to the size of the group.

> > > if its just groupsize, then i am a roamer tho. even when playing for objectives.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I am not saying it's groupsize primarily. I am saying what people disagree on when it comes to roaming is generally groupsize.

> >

> > However the vast majority of discussions I see come with the viewpoint that roaming is the opposite of playing for objectives.


> i dont think opposite is the correct term for it, but i guess i understand your view.

> that explains why people are so upset with 'roaming balance', if you play by your own rules within a set mode you cant really expect it to be balanced around your rules.

> as said above the fight as such is nearly impossible to balance as it will mostly be decided by kiting ability/range advantage. now one can be upset about that, if that is the only thing you care for. but once you play for objectives, once you play for score regardless of groupsize, then the professions are much more balanced and mostly the population inbalance will be your issue. and you can 'win' in your goals despite losing a fight.


Yet quite a few people are just interested in having good fights and think the score is just a number they personally can't affect (to a relevant degree).


You must realize a lot of roamers don't even stomp but just cleave downs after winning fights because they just genuinely couldn't care less about the scoreboard. I am included in this category.


The problem is if there's no scoreboard/objectives etc there's noone to fight. But roaming balance doesn't have to be at odds with objective balance, the changes needed to the dominant classes in roaming could be compensated with changes that make them better at objective fighting (mostly more tankiness at the cost of mobility/range).


I can personally feel satisfied after losing a fight too if I got the opportunity to play well and did so (and it some degree mattered). However losing a fight after not getting the opportunity to actually play well is insanely frustrating in a way that makes you not wanna bother to continue posting while losing a fight when you had the opportunity to play well but didn't is frustrating in a completely different and much less exhausting way.



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