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The "Weapon" Vlast refers to during The Sacrifice is not the Spear


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @ugrakarma.9416 said:

> > The dialogues about the weapon are very disconnected, I have the impression that the writers had a story that they aborted afterwards.

> > When Kormir said "Restore what has been broken" I imagined that we would rebuild the Spear that we destroyed in the previous chapters,

> > and try to use it against Balthazar.

> >

> > > Kormir: Kasmeer my dear child... You never needed our help.

> > > Kormir: You were already on the path. Follow the trail of Vlast.

> > > Kormir: **Restore what has been broken**.

> > > Kormir: The answers you seek are in the desert. I wish you good fortune, Commander.

> > > Kormir: It's time. I must join the others.

> > > Lady Kasmeer Meade: Goddess Kormir, before you go-

> > > Kormir: Yes?


> I think Kormir is referring to the balance of Tyria (destroyed when we killed Zhaitan and Mordremoth), not the weapon. Kormir never talks about a weapon.


> > @Pax.3548 said:

> > I've seen a lot of ppl tricking themselves into believing something without any solid evidence and being angry later because the plot did not live up to their expectations.


> You mean like almost every bandwagon theory there is?


> Forged Menzies! Jennah is Lyssa! Anise is Livia! Livia will show herself in Out of the Shadows! Livia will show herself in Head of the Snake! The Six Gods are the Elder Dragons! Queen's Jubilee will be interrupted by Scarlet making Primordus active! Flame and Frost is about Jormag versus Primordus!


> Even the "sylvari are dragon minions" was based on next to nothing (at least, not anything that couldn't be debunked).


> It's kind of funny how often people base things on nothing, and it gains huge popularity. But almost all of them get debunked and people either rage that it isn't the case, or act like they never thought it could possibly happen. And should it prove true they throw it in everyone else's face...


> Rather silly to see, in all honesty.


Well, I can theorize many things, or see many theories about everything, but I always remind me that if anet doesn't straightfoward prove one theory to be true, I don't hold up any expectation, because if I'm taken high above the clouds because my own ideas, it will be my fault if reality throw me back down, leaving me sorely dissapointed.

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> @Pax.3548 said:

> Don't get your hopes up for the staff of the mist, at least not yet, the idea is alluring, but until proven otherwise the staff is pretty much destroyed since gw1 and forever gone, so be careful not to delude yourselves without any solid clue or proof.


> I've seen a lot of ppl tricking themselves into believing something without any solid evidence and being angry later because the plot did not live up to their expectations.


Yes, of course. It's just a curious little thing to tease my imagination. I'm only convinced we have not yet seen the end of this story arc. There should be more to come.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> I think Kormir is referring to the balance of Tyria (destroyed when we killed Zhaitan and Mordremoth), not the weapon. Kormir never talks about a weapon.


I don't think that was it. I think it was more restore Aurene's mental state because at the time and current she's very fragmented and looking squarely for vengeance which if i had to hazard a guess is destroying the training and nurturing of her ability to restore balance.




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> @ugrakarma.9416 said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > I think Kormir is referring to the balance of Tyria (destroyed when we killed Zhaitan and Mordremoth), not the weapon. Kormir never talks about a weapon.


> this make sense now. thanks.


I actually think she is referring to putting back the sunspears... which we kinda do in game.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > I think Kormir is referring to the balance of Tyria (destroyed when we killed Zhaitan and Mordremoth), not the weapon. Kormir never talks about a weapon.


> I don't think that was it. I think it was more restore Aurene's mental state because at the time and current she's very fragmented and looking squarely for vengeance which if i had to hazard a guess is destroying the training and nurturing of her ability to restore balance.


She's a bit angsty and eager at that moment, yes, but hardly broken.


> @Artyport.2084 said:

> > @ugrakarma.9416 said:

> > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > I think Kormir is referring to the balance of Tyria (destroyed when we killed Zhaitan and Mordremoth), not the weapon. Kormir never talks about a weapon.

> >

> > this make sense now. thanks.


> I actually think she is referring to putting back the sunspears... which we kinda do in game.


Restoring the Sunspears (which we only initiate) doesn't really help with saving the world though.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Restoring the Sunspears (which we only initiate) doesn't really help with saving the world though.

> Only possible initiate, given that you can tell the city of Amnoon to not ally with the Sunspears... leaving them in the same boat as before.


No, the griffon mount collections - which is post-PoF content - is all about reforming the Sunspears. It has nothing to do with telling Amnoon to work with the Sunspears or not.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> No, the griffon mount collections - which is post-PoF content - is all about reforming the Sunspears. It has nothing to do with telling Amnoon to work with the Sunspears or not.

That just makes it even less likely because it's a 100% optional, post story, collection, and will never be mentioned ever again, like all the other collections, which really only exist as things for the player to do since it's a game, and not in the world/story events.

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I took it as metaphysical.


The weapon is the commander and his bond with the dragon, and the will to save tyria. This also agrees with Kormirs comments. I don't think they are talking about a physical weapon, but a metaphysical on the can heal the elder dragons and their primal raw connection and destruction of tyria.


The key is Aurene and the commanders bond.

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> @Opopanax.1803 said:

> I took it as metaphysical.


> The weapon is the commander and his bond with the dragon, and the will to save tyria. This also agrees with Kormirs comments. I don't think they are talking about a physical weapon, but a metaphysical on the can heal the elder dragons and their primal raw connection and destruction of tyria.


> The key is Aurene and the commanders bond.


How is supposed Balthazar do obtain said metaphysical weapon, though? Because that's what Vlast was concerned about. It doesn't fit.

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I have no further input, other than agreeing that the spear is most unlikely the resource to restore balance, since the weapon that Glint spoke of, would be useful in the fight with the dragons in general, and the spear is designed entirely for Kralkatorrik. At best, the weapon is not an object, but a plan (idea)

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I also thought that it seems unlikely that the spear is the weapon referred to by Vlast, but I thought we'd see some resolution on that front before the end of the story.


The Staff of the Mists is a good shout, but was, of course, destroyed. Its sister weapon, the Scepter of Orr, on the other hand, is not known to have been destroyed, it was set up in GW:EN to be relevant to GW2's story (for which we have not yet seen a payoff), and its last known bearer has only recently re-entered the story.

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> @Feanor.2358 said:

> > @Opopanax.1803 said:

> > I took it as metaphysical.

> >

> > The weapon is the commander and his bond with the dragon, and the will to save tyria. This also agrees with Kormirs comments. I don't think they are talking about a physical weapon, but a metaphysical on the can heal the elder dragons and their primal raw connection and destruction of tyria.

> >

> > The key is Aurene and the commanders bond.


> How is supposed Balthazar do obtain said metaphysical weapon, though? Because that's what Vlast was concerned about. It doesn't fit.


I thought that is why he was after Vlast. Vlast hadn't bonded/picked a champion and Balth would have forced that bond/choice.

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> @Opopanax.1803 said:

> > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > @Opopanax.1803 said:

> > > I took it as metaphysical.

> > >

> > > The weapon is the commander and his bond with the dragon, and the will to save tyria. This also agrees with Kormirs comments. I don't think they are talking about a physical weapon, but a metaphysical on the can heal the elder dragons and their primal raw connection and destruction of tyria.

> > >

> > > The key is Aurene and the commanders bond.

> >

> > How is supposed Balthazar do obtain said metaphysical weapon, though? Because that's what Vlast was concerned about. It doesn't fit.


> I thought that is why he was after Vlast. Vlast hadn't bonded/picked a champion and Balth would have forced that bond/choice.


But when Vlast died he simply went after Aurene, to use her in a completely different manner. So still doesn't fit.

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> @Opopanax.1803 said:

> I took it as metaphysical.


> The weapon is the commander and his bond with the dragon, and the will to save tyria. This also agrees with Kormirs comments. I don't think they are talking about a physical weapon, but a metaphysical on the can heal the elder dragons and their primal raw connection and destruction of tyria.


> The key is Aurene and the commanders bond.


The weapon "allows mortals to do the work of dragons". This implies more than just killing an Elder Dragon, and heavily implies that dragons are simply not needed to be present for mortals to use the weapon.


Further, the weapon allows mortals to kill Elder Dragon**S** - plural. This excludes the spear and Aurene/Vlast, as they themselves are only capable of slaying one Elder Dragon: Kralkatorrik.


The weapon is also something that Vlast is capable of destroying, but at the same time something Glint told him not to beforehand. A "bond" that does not yet exist cannot be destroyed (nor would Vlast so early seek his own death nor does he seek the death of his sister). Now while Vlast could have destroyed the spear, the spear is not so deadly to mortals who are not yet ready which is why Vlast wanted to see it destroyed.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Further, the weapon allows mortals to kill Elder Dragon**S** - plural. This excludes the spear and Aurene/Vlast, as they themselves are only capable of slaying one Elder Dragon: Kralkatorrik.


I think there's a chance that we're misunderstanding the idea that the weapon "allows mortals to kill Elder Dragons". It might just mean, it allows mortals to kill Elder Dragons without tipping the balance of the world's magic. From what I can tell the main distinction between Dragons and other creatures of the world is that Dragons are able to absorb magic to become larger/more intelligent/more powerful at will. I think there's still a good chance that Aurene is the weapon, and the endgame for her will be that she absorb the magic of dying Elder Dragons as they are killed in order to stop it from running out of control and causing another Bloodstone Fen-like situation. Maybe by bonding to the Commander and having a "good" worldview imprinted on her, Glint hoped that she could absorb the power of several Elder Dragons without having the same consequences.

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Aurene being the weapon doesn't really make sense, though. Firstly because Balthazar wasn't after Aurene until Vlast's death (so why would Vlast fear Balthazar would get Aurene?), and secondly because the weapon "allows mortals to do what dragons can do" which I would argue is the keyword here.


Aurene's existence doesn't allow mortals to do what dragons can do.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Aurene being the weapon doesn't really make sense, though. Firstly because Balthazar wasn't after Aurene until Vlast's death (so why would Vlast fear Balthazar would get Aurene?), and secondly because the weapon "allows mortals to do what dragons can do" which I would argue is the keyword here.


> Aurene's existence doesn't allow mortals to do what dragons can do.


I would say it does as the commander with a special guardian bond.

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> @Lowlights.7021 said:

> > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > I thought he was referring to Sohothin


> Oh that'd be interesting!


> Would be a neat mix with the "Rytlock is the new god of war" thingie


Few problems with that interpretation:


1. Balthazar hasn't shown any interest in Sohotin. Even in the Mists, when the sword was literally a few steps away from him, he just used it to bargain for his freedom. He didn't chase Rytlock down, instead he went after bloodstone's power and then immediately moved to dragons.

2. There's nothing pointing to Vlast being in position at any time to destroy Sohotin so that Glint would need to explicitly forbid it.

3. There's nothing pointing to Sohotin being able to let mortals do the work of dragons.

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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> Personal opinion, I don't think the "weapon" is a weapon at all, in the sense that it isn't a living breathing creature....perhaps it's something inside Aurene already and that is why she needs to unlock it?

If "the weapon was created so that mortals could do the work of dragons", it's pretty unlikely that the weapon in question _is_ a dragon.

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