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I'm done. I'm done. Dead eye cheese now.


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Trying to roam on core s/d thief, getting 1v3 1v4 by condi mirage and 2 boon beasts, all day every day.


Trying to play a melee class on 220ping on a good day.


I really wish we had an arena queue system. Why 2v2 was removed I will never know, but after I have enough clips for my next wvw commentary video, i'll just reroll to dead eye cheese and pick and choose my fights instead of walking for 5 minutes and getting chased accross the map by 4 decked out pew pew rangers AND a holo smith AND a condi mirage who chase me like I'll drop a chak infusion.


I don't like pvp, it is super toxic, full of bots, and elitists, the mmr system is broken, and i hate the circle holding aspect of it. So I play wvw. I love roaming but the "fights" are few and farrrrrrr in between.


I'll see you all as a dead eye guys and girls! perma stealth and just instantly remove revealed when I fail my one shot, lets see 5 guys try to chase me 500 miles for a loot bag as dead eye.



Yes I am super annoyed. WHY is it so important for a gang of five to chase down and annihilate a core thief? WHY is there no new pvp game mode after 6 years that we can just queue up for? People have been asking it for years and the arena system was a hit...



whatever. perma invis dead eye cheese will be my wvw contribution from now on, no more dueling attempts getting run over. losers. absolute losers. omg its a core thief we'll just pop 2 sic em and zephyr and chase him accross the map for no reason other than to kill him because he has no other game mode to go to hurr durr. yeah the condi mirage can join in too because even though he can make an ARMY he still is IMPOSSSIBLE to run from and has more mobility than soul beasts... idk why zzz.




While we're at it lets make this a "bad experiences" thread. Whats your stressfull wvw experience? Mine is having to run around for ages hoping for a fight then having some randoms come jump in, all day every day for the past 3 days.


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Got news, those guys chase anything, in fact that's the new definition of roaming, seeing how many people they have to use to chase 1 player across the map. If the player gets away or downs any of the chasing group, its because their profession and/or build is broken, if the player gets killed, the roaming group is skilled, if the player being chased by 4 or most times 5-10 happens to run into 1 ally along the way, then their server and/or server+link obviously has too many people.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> All arguments null and void because thief.




And see it the other way around. You managed to Keep 4-5 enemy Players busy chasing you! If they had to chase you 2 minutes it means they wasted 10 minutes of Manpower on their Server while your Server lost only 2 -> 8min plus for your server, that is enough to flip a few campls or a Tower or maybe even a zergfight was won much more clearly due to this.

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> Got news, those guys chase anything, in fact that's the new definition of roaming, seeing how many people they have to use to chase 1 player across the map. If the player gets away or downs any of the chasing group, its because their profession and/or build is broken, if the player gets killed, the roaming group is skilled, if the player being chased by 4 or most times 5-10 happens to run into 1 ally along the way, then their server and/or server+link obviously has too many people.


Don't forget that if the 4 people chasing get kited into the guild mates from their victim then it's a noob'ish gank guild :trollface:

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All good points except the one who didn't read the post because it had "thief" in the title.


However I'd like to point out you also answered your own question, as it were.

> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> getting chased accross the map by 4 decked out pew pew rangers AND a holo smith AND a condi mirage

That's why they group up, because if they're solo they will also get ganked

> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> I love roaming but the "fights" are few and farrrrrrr in between.

..and that's why they chase you untill you die, get safe or give up. Because like you they are bored and are willing to drain all the pleasure they can from any combat when it finally hits their path.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> Playing thief with 200 ping is bad idea :p u should co side changing class. Take inf signet if u got problems with mobility

> Edit: funny how all the ppl cry about thiefs


I don't play high-reaction builds either partly because of ping and partly because I'm old and slow.

People watch my videos and some have told me they like how composed I am when pressured but actually they don't know that I am just slow to react hahaha.

I'm usually on 270-320 ping on non-NA prime time and 400-500 ping on NA prime hours.

Hence, a tanky condi bunker class is best.

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And I guess, the next complaining thread will be about towers, traps and other cheat mechanics that are unveiling deadeyes ;)


What is dead may never d-eye.


> @"Prinzsecond.4863" said:

> And see it the other way around. You managed to Keep 4-5 enemy Players busy chasing you! If they had to chase you 2 minutes it means they wasted 10 minutes of Manpower on their Server while your Server lost only 2 -> 8min plus for your server, that is enough to flip a few campls or a Tower or maybe even a zergfight was won much more clearly due to this.

That also was my calculation for a time, and I liked it. But then I realized, that lots of these ppl just do nothing useful, and only enter WvW to chase outnumbered enemies. So, its not like you kept a bunch of ppl from doing something useful. Because they just dont do that, even if they are not chasing single enemies across the map. They just kept you from doing something useful.


> @"saloja.7920" said:

> All good points except the one who didn't read the post because it had "thief" in the title.

I, personally, love to read thief tears a lot, its worth it every single time :p

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> @"LaFurion.3167" said:

> Trying to roam on core s/d thief, getting 1v3 1v4 by condi mirage and 2 boon beasts, all day every day.


> Trying to play a melee class on 220ping on a good day.


> I really wish we had an arena queue system. Why 2v2 was removed I will never know, but after I have enough clips for my next wvw commentary video, i'll just reroll to dead eye cheese and pick and choose my fights instead of walking for 5 minutes and getting chased accross the map by 4 decked out pew pew rangers AND a holo smith AND a condi mirage who chase me like I'll drop a chak infusion.


> I don't like pvp, it is super toxic, full of bots, and elitists, the mmr system is broken, and i hate the circle holding aspect of it. So I play wvw. I love roaming but the "fights" are few and farrrrrrr in between.


> I'll see you all as a dead eye guys and girls! perma stealth and just instantly remove revealed when I fail my one shot, lets see 5 guys try to chase me 500 miles for a loot bag as dead eye.



> Yes I am super annoyed. WHY is it so important for a gang of five to chase down and annihilate a core thief? WHY is there no new pvp game mode after 6 years that we can just queue up for? People have been asking it for years and the arena system was a hit...



> whatever. perma invis dead eye cheese will be my wvw contribution from now on, no more dueling attempts getting run over. losers. absolute losers. omg its a core thief we'll just pop 2 sic em and zephyr and chase him accross the map for no reason other than to kill him because he has no other game mode to go to hurr durr. yeah the condi mirage can join in too because even though he can make an ARMY he still is IMPOSSSIBLE to run from and has more mobility than soul beasts... idk why zzz.




> While we're at it lets make this a "bad experiences" thread. Whats your stressfull wvw experience? Mine is having to run around for ages hoping for a fight then having some randoms come jump in, all day every day for the past 3 days.



Trying to duel in wvw on core thief in today’s version of the game mode is asking to be frustrated,it’s weak as kitten now. Although people still argue core is still a top dueler like the old days,not sure if they truly believe that or just like them nurfed into the ground as they’ve been and are afraid of them getting buffed and standing a chance in a fight. Let’s face it people love downing thief’s lol. DE perma stealth backstabing doesn’t help either lol. I’ve said many times all these nurfs to core and DD ontop of non thief players falsely claiming it’s in a good spot due to their dislike of the class hoping to keep it weak are gonna make a large majority of core players to get frustrated and jump on the DE perma stealth train. Than the community turns around and whines about all the DE players haha it’s hilarious. I say do it, Go DE for sure and cheese as many people as u can as often as u can

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Than the community turns around and whines about all the DE players haha it’s hilarious. I say do it, Go DE for sure and cheese as many people as u can as often as u can


> You talk as if people didn't complained about Deadeye since Day 1 from PoF.


Oh they did lol and as a result core/DD got further nurfed and DE got buffed. There was a large majority with in the community that warned a sniper spec would be a disaster balance wise in a mmo’s pvp mode but a larger majority wanted it and they got it lol an invisibilie sniper at that lol. But it kinda fits into the invulnerability holo,boonbeast/zerk lb,endure pain warrior,Condi Mirage,Condi spam scourge meta cheese builds so their balanced as far as I’m concerned haha. Thief needs somthing,their so hated by the community they aren’t allowed buffs it seems unless it’s DE buffs due to arenet promoting its newest spec. Imagine a s/d core fighting these builds? Yeah be a real balanced fight lol

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On more then one occasion I have come late to a the party where a small group on my team flipping a tower. There might be only two or three of our group there and when I do come to said tower i can run into a group of 5 or more enemy coming to save it. They give chase. 5 guys want that kill bad and chase across half the map. We get the tower, they get a kill. I laugh. A respawn is easy.

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Why is balance in WvW so important to some? I get that it might be your favorite game mode, but expecting balance in a game mode that has zergs running around is just silly. I am not saying there aren't outliers that might make it unfun, but I would NEVER personally expect WvW to be balanced.


EDIT: if anything having outliers that roam and such makes the game mode more interesting. IMHO. Else it would mean you just zerg in groups.

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I mean, if all you're seeing is Mirages and Soulbeasts then it's not really cheese of you to switch to the OP DE build. Fight cheese with cheese? Though beware, the Mirages and Soulbeasts don't think that they're cheese. They're all super skilled according to them :)

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I usually end up using mostly s/d on my deadeye anyway, I think the one thing that keeps me in most fights of any scale in WvW is Snipers Cover, but I could ditch that and narrow my focus and not have a huge problem. If you're a core build and have a shortbow you should be able to travel fine.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Than the community turns around and whines about all the DE players haha it’s hilarious. I say do it, Go DE for sure and cheese as many people as u can as often as u can


> You talk as if people didn't complained about Deadeye since Day 1 from PoF.


Really it was only a complaint against Death's Judgement and how it was affected by Malice passively built up on a *different* target. Other than that DE was almost unanimously considered to be the 2nd weakest POF elite (next to Renegade). It was a joke unless the pilot hopelessly outplayed his opponent, up until the rework almost a year after the release of POF.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Than the community turns around and whines about all the DE players haha it’s hilarious. I say do it, Go DE for sure and cheese as many people as u can as often as u can

> >

> > You talk as if people didn't complained about Deadeye since Day 1 from PoF.


> Really it was only a complaint against Death's Judgement and how it was affected by Malice passively built up on a *different* target. Other than that DE was almost unanimously considered to be the 2nd weakest POF elite (next to Renegade). It was a joke unless the pilot hopelessly outplayed his opponent, up until the rework almost a year after the release of POF.


Yeah, it was a complaint about a build that could one shot you out of stealth with almost no tell (Only DJ's l4z0r beam)... Now we have Malicious Backstabbery that do the same thing except that it actually have no tell and have a much easier time maintaining stealth thanks to the dumb change to Silent Scope.


Same thing, different name... Deadeye is a wasted potential.

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