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The role of the Pale Tree [spoilers] Ep 6 speculation


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Beside my theory that Aurene will be caught in a loop, I have another theory that involve the Pale Tree.


#Everything began with the Pale Tree


Yes, the Pale Tree gave us the knowledge of the Egg, but what's interesting she showed us this vision of the Egg when she was most wounded. The Pale Tree carried this vision until she was most wounded, now I see that as the Pale Tree needed the Egg, needed its light, but first Mordremoth wanted to grab it, and Kralkatorrik now.



You can see the Pale Tree pictured as branches. And Autumn is turning into Winter, then we see the Shadow of Mordremoth wanting to possess the Egg, and then Crystal and Plant magic shatter the Egg.


I think this cinematic was foreshadowing Aurene's death, Kralkatorrik consumed some of Mordremoth's magic, and shattered the Egg, which in fact is Aurene.



But then when you watch the same video back, reversed, now everything comes from the view of the Egg (Aurene), and leads straight to the Pale Tree, Aurene renewed in the Dream.


This connection of the Dream and Aurene is unbreakable, it looks like the Pale Tree and Aurene must just keep closing to one another, and the only way they can unite, is by death.


Winter woods showed in the beginning means that something in the Pale Tree died, and the crystal mixed with plant magic shattered the Egg.


What's a wonder is that the Dream separated from the Pale Tree, and shared the wisdom with Caithe, so the Pale Tree was surprised that the Dream didn't share Caithe's new Wyld Hunt with her. And Caithe also got the role from the Dream.


And I think Caithe's true role was to connect Aurene with the Dream, **Caithe was the key to open Aurene a path to the Dream**.


It's been very interesting that Fear not this night was so oftenly and silently introduced in Season 4. And the lyrics of Aurene, Dragon Full of Light also made me thinking, they have hidden key words.


Aurene, Dragon Full of Light

Aurene, Guide Us Through the Night

Rise Up Fearless, Lead Us with Your Sight

Take Flight


Fearless = Fear not

the Night = this Night


Dragon of Light - Who needs the Light? - We need the Light, we need Aurene!


Rise Up = Ressurect



Fear not this Night - Fear not the Death, the light inside you will guide you like stars to a new daybreak.




I think we are heading to the point when Sylvari are returning on the front page, because this race even though full of darkness and nightmares, believed in hope, and hope can be powerful, but also dangerous; believed in new daybreak, even though they knew what's night.




Glint's death began the Legacy, first key to the world in peace, Vlast's death gave Aurene the sense of death, what's death is, second key to the world in peace, Aurene's death opened the final key to the world in peace, and I think those three will unite with the purest hope now - the Dream. Three of them united with the 4th crucial entity - the Pale Tree, that began the Hero's path through courage, war and loss, and those three components will prepare us all for a new beginning.


The repercussion of this Communion will be the creation of new Sylvari, that Caithe began.



The Dream is the Key.


I think the next map will be in Tarnished Coast, the final battle against Kralkatorrik will be the Battle in the Dream.



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Aurenes death was planned approx 1 year ago (as per interview in PC Gamer this week), whch means there was no foreshadowing by the pale tree or in any sequences prior to PoF.


I cannot see the Pale Tree being involved in this arc at all, let alone the Dream which has even less relevance now.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> You can see the Pale Tree pictured as branches. And Autumn is turning into Winter, then we see the Shadow of Mordremoth wanting to possess the Egg, and then Crystal and Plant magic shatter the Egg.

On top of what Randulf said, it was said that they brainstormed Season 3 and Path of Fire shortly after Heart of Thorn's release, hence why there was such a time gap between HoT and S3.


So that vision won't be showing anything past Heart of Thorns. Furthermore, the egg doesn't shatter.


You're giving ArenaNet far too much credit for planning for the future. Especially since they change their plans so often.


What that vision is showing is:


* The Pale Tree fading (leaves dying as she goes unconscious, like a tree in winter)

* The egg, and the Shadow of the Dragon seeking it.

* Tarir, the city of gold, rising up for the egg to be placed in

* The egg descends to its origin, Glint's lair

* Glint's lair, old and decaying (before, y'know, we visit it again years later where it's in much better condition), cracks and is destroyed; the egg in the center untouched as the vision zooms out, to show vines seeking towards the egg, being between us and where the egg is now.


> @"Arden.7480" said:

> What's a wonder is that the Dream separated from the Pale Tree, and shared the wisdom with Caithe, so the Pale Tree was surprised that the Dream didn't share Caithe's new Wyld Hunt with her. And Caithe also got the role from the Dream.


The Dream never separated from the Pale Tree. The Pale Tree was surprised Caithe took the egg, not that there was an unshared Wyld Hunt - and keep in mind, Caithe *didn't* get a new Wyld Hunt, that was Mordremoth tricking Caithe. Mordremoth used the same connections the Dream used to give Wyld Hunts and Dark Hunts to whisper into the minds of sylvari. So for some, it'd come in the form of thinking it's a Wyld Hunt, such as Caithe.


> It's been very interesting that Fear not this night was so oftenly and silently introduced in Season 4. And the lyrics of Aurene, Dragon Full of Light also made me thinking, they have hidden key words.


> Aurene, Dragon Full of Light

> Aurene, Guide Us Through the Night

> Rise Up Fearless, Lead Us with Your Sight

> Take Flight


> Fearless = Fear not

> the Night = this Night


> Dragon of Light - Who needs the Light? - We need the Light, we need Aurene!


> Rise Up = Ressurect

Again, I think you're looking too deep into it. Yes, there is a pretty clear parallel between Fear Not This Night and Aurene, Dragon of Light, but not as far as you're taking it, and you're taking it in a very specific direction.


Who Needs the Light was stated to be a rather impromptu thing that didn't have any more written for it than the trailer.


Rise Up doesn't mean resurrect, you're taking the two words out of context, the full context being "rise up fearless, lead us with your sight". In other words, to stand up and not cower/shy away, and lead the people as a beacon of light and hope.


> I think we are heading to the point when Sylvari are returning on the front page, because this race even though full of darkness and nightmares, believed in hope, and hope can be powerful, but also dangerous; believed in new daybreak, even though they knew what's night.


I'm pretty sure the sylvari's story is done, except if we ever go into Mordremoth's replacement.


> I think the next map will be in Tarnished Coast, the final battle against Kralkatorrik will be the Battle in the Dream.

How would Kralkatorrik even get into the Dream, and why would we have another mind battle? That'd just be repetition.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> mentioning another battle on Dream, just made me imagine we fighting a fat-soy-boy version of Kralkatorrik lolz.


The Avatar of Mordremoth was obviously a potato. And while I'd like to get an update on the Pale Tree and the state of the Grove, I'm afraid that will have to wait a little. Who knows, maybe the Pale tree is trying to take over Mordremoth's role in the all and become the first entity that is sharing the magic, instead of just hoarding it.

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> @"Castigator.3470" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > mentioning another battle on Dream, just made me imagine we fighting a fat-soy-boy version of Kralkatorrik lolz.


> The Avatar of Mordremoth was obviously a potato. And while I'd like to get an update on the Pale Tree and the state of the Grove, I'm afraid that will have to wait a little. Who knows, maybe the Pale tree is trying to take over Mordremoth's role in the all and become the first entity that is sharing the magic, instead of just hoarding it.


that's what I meant, but I complicated it too much.


I think that the Pale Tree is the entity that won't only become a part of the new balance cycle, but also that the Pale Tree will unite with the Dream, as she united with Caithe - physically, and also in mind.


I think that Aurene will not be resurrected, and her Joko magic made death aka Zhaitan's magic stronger thus the Pale Tree AND Aurene will unite the magic of Plant, Mind and Death.


I think the final battle will happen in the Dream, not that Kralkatorrik will be presented as a little gnome, but a full dimensional dragon. The battle inside something beyond would be amazing, and that would also make sense, because Kralk and Aurene and Pale Tree have an access to the Dream.


That's why Taimi mentioned something interesting that I also think foreshadows it all. When Caithe communed with Aurene, Taimi makes a good point: "I thought dragon minions couldn't be corrupted by other dragons! Is it 'cause her egg absorbed Mordremoth's magic?"


Aurene not only connected herself to Caithe, but also to the Dream, and I think that was also Glint's plans.


People now seem to wonder: Is it wise to trust Glint?


Yes, it absolutely is! Aurene was so brave, so strong after her secret talk with her Mother, that Aurene KNEW that she must die, and must become something more, must "ascend" to something unreachable, something new.





Also I think they planned some things years ago, so we can see the consequences of those events, for example in Season 2, the consequences of her (Caithe's) actions were resolved inHoT, Season 3 and Season 4 and partially in PoF. So they put some clues, and just write the story knowing that they left some easter eggs behind, they don't abandon the Pale Tree's vision, they keep it in mind, and they may give it some different light, as I base my speculation on. I see the story as a picture, as what happened before, and what consequences one event leads to, and if the writers don't do that, then their story won't ever make sense.


Like it or not, but if they really go this consequences-repercussion model in a whole story picture, explaining some loose stories, then the Pale Tree must play an important role in the Tyria's balance. I'm sure of that.

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I don't think the Pale Tree will ever be a major part of the GW2 story again. Some cameos perhaps, but that is it. Her story is long since done.


The writers do not foreshadow that far in advance or consistently link accurately back to older things. If anything they often tend to ignore older lore or stories and go even as far to rewrite/retcon as they go. It is the consequence of a team that has changed quite a bit over the years and a story that at times, doesn't really feel like it knows where it is going (likely the result of combining an unneccesary level of complexity which rarely works in fantasy and an ongoing small episodic format which has never naturally gelled with this type of game).


I'm still not understanding why the Dream has anything to do with this. There hasn't even been a mention of it and Kralk has not shown any obvious signs of using Mordremoth's abilities. And why would Joko's magic strengthen Dragon magic? If that was ever the case, Joko would have been a target long ago. Bringing Joko's magic in for any reason would be illogical at this point given his magic has clearly unbound and become benign at this point.


Even if Aurene united the magics, it is kinda a "so what" situation. She is still very young and the concept of her taking on Kralk in that last battle was laughable in itself, which is partly why I breathed relief at the fact Kralk easily overcame her despite being exhausted. We've also seen Dragon combine magics anyway - Jormag does it in Bitterfrost, Primordus does it in Draconis Mons, the Inquest do it with their Crucible of Eternity experiments and Kralk does it (with huge effort) in the last fight. Apart from Kralk's mega blast, there is little evidence of exponential power growth by uniting magics.



> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Yes, it absolutely is! Aurene was so brave, so strong after her secret talk with her Mother, that Aurene KNEW that she must die, and must become something more, must "ascend" to something unreachable, something new.


This bit I can prob agree with since it is a fairly obvious foreshadowing. The rest though feels so left field, we're into a new stadium

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Please no, the tree's involvement in the core story was some of the worst parts of it. I think there's something else we haven't considered. The player character is aurene's champion, we've been shown to absorb volatile magic using our connection with her and even further seem to train that ability in the latest episode. I'm just wondering if it might be a situation where we have to play a part in the all. Though admittedly I can kind of see some problems with that, so it might be more temporary while we try to find a way to restore her.

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> @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> Please no, the tree's involvement in the core story was some of the worst parts of it. I think there's something else we haven't considered. The player character is aurene's champion, we've been shown to absorb volatile magic using our connection with her and even further seem to train that ability in the latest episode. I'm just wondering if it might be a situation where we have to play a part in the all. Though admittedly I can kind of see some problems with that, so it might be more temporary while we try to find a way to restore her.


The way I see it, Aurene will have to come back into Tyria. The Pale Tree may be capable of taking Mordremoth's position in the All, but what about Zhaitan and Kralkatorrik? These positions seem to be required for the world to function in a stable and predictable fashion. Taking out one more dragon without replacing the position in the all will cause Tyria to [/world]. Granted, Glint's plan is a rather convoluted affair at this point, but here's a list of alternative plot directions:


  • Some people claim that bringing back Aurene would be "cheap" or "bad writing", but the alternative would be worse, either we bring a new dragon into the story, which will cause the same people who are already screaming bloody murder to howl in rage, chanting desu ex machina[sic], deuce* ex machina and other variations of it.


Or we let the commander take the role of an elder dragon. This could make those people happy, who dislike other characters for "stealing the spotlight", but at the cost of turning GW2 into Guild Wars Z (Piercing the shining clouds [...]).


Then there's the Laissez Faire approach: The commander falls into depression and spends his final days at the Serrated Blade getting drunk and fighting in the Bane. Meanwhile Kralkatorrik and Steve Bubbles reset Tyria.


Finally, as has been pointed out, we could desaturate our screens, adjust brightness to grimdark and simply kill Kralkatorrik causing the end of the world.


None of these are particularly appealing, so I'd rather see Aurene ascend than wreck either Tyria or the commander.

*This must be autocorrect in acton, I refuse to believe that deus is hard to spell correctly.

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> @"Castigator.3470" said:

> > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > Please no, the tree's involvement in the core story was some of the worst parts of it. I think there's something else we haven't considered. The player character is aurene's champion, we've been shown to absorb volatile magic using our connection with her and even further seem to train that ability in the latest episode. I'm just wondering if it might be a situation where we have to play a part in the all. Though admittedly I can kind of see some problems with that, so it might be more temporary while we try to find a way to restore her.


> The way I see it, Aurene will have to come back into Tyria. The Pale Tree may be capable of taking Mordremoth's position in the All, but what about Zhaitan and Kralkatorrik? These positions seem to be required for the world to function in a stable and predictable fashion. Taking out one more dragon without replacing the position in the all will cause Tyria to [/world]. Granted, Glint's plan is a rather convoluted affair at this point, but here's a list of alternative plot directions:



  • Some people claim that bringing back Aurene would be "cheap" or "bad writing", but the alternative would be worse, either we bring a new dragon into the story, which will cause the same people who are already screaming bloody murder to howl in rage, chanting desu ex machina[sic], deuce* ex machina and other variations of it.



Or we let the commander take the role of an elder dragon. This could make those people happy, who dislike other characters for "stealing the spotlight", but at the cost of turning GW2 into Guild Wars Z (Piercing the shining clouds [...]).



Then there's the Laissez Faire approach: The commander falls into depression and spends his final days at the Serrated Blade getting drunk and fighting in the Bane. Meanwhile Kralkatorrik and Steve Bubbles reset Tyria.



Finally, as has been pointed out, we could desaturate our screens, adjust brightness to grimdark and simply kill Kralkatorrik causing the end of the world.


> None of these are particularly appealing, so I'd rather see Aurene ascend than wreck either Tyria or the commander.

> *This must be autocorrect in acton, I refuse to believe that deus is hard to spell correctly.


Yeah the commander taking the place of one might not be ideal, though it isn't implausible. I can see it as a temporary measure maybe while working on resurrecting Aurene still. Maybe season 6 will end up being about finding her spirit in the mists and such.

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Anet's writers really messed up with killing Aurene, but I guess they thought it all out, and we can expect something interesting coming in the finale.


I am open to every speculation, well every other that doesn't include Jokrene. If that's the way they want to push the story, then yeah... that would be cheap storytelling!



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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I think that Aurene will not be resurrected, and her Joko magic made death aka Zhaitan's magic stronger thus the Pale Tree AND Aurene will unite the magic of Plant, Mind and Death.


The Pale Tree and Aurene mentally combining into one seems very unlikely and, imo, unrealistic given the situation.


If the Pale Tree becomes part of the main story again, it'd be for a brief "she can replace Mordremoth as a benevolent Elder Plant Dragon" followed by either her doing so without our aid, or more likely needing our aid to do so. And once she does, she'd fall into hibernation.


> That's why Taimi mentioned something interesting that I also think foreshadows it all. When Caithe communed with Aurene, Taimi makes a good point: "I thought dragon minions couldn't be corrupted by other dragons! Is it 'cause her egg absorbed Mordremoth's magic?"


> Aurene not only connected herself to Caithe, but also to the Dream, and I think that was also Glint's plans.


Aurene has no connection to the Dream, and branding Caithe shouldn't give her such. If anything, it'd be more likely to disconnect Caithe from the Dream since by all indication, the Dream and dragon corruption don't mix well.


Mordremoth might have been connected to the Dream, but note that he never corrupted sylvari - all who fell to his whispers were able to return to normal later, we even see one who looks completely like a normal sylvari during Festival of the Four Winds. Furthermore, in Season 2 and HoT promotions, it's stated that it is "the Pale Tree's protection" that prevents dragon corruption and resistance to Mordremoth, and the only protection the Pale Tree gives is the Dream. Lastly, we not only see that not all sylvari/mordrem are connected to the Dream (such as Malyck), but also that non-sylvari/mordrem *are* connected to the Dream (primarily the White Stag). The Dream and Nightmare also both actively fight against all Elder Dragons, Mordremoth included, and neither originate from the Pale Tree.


While there's a lot of questions surrounding the nature of the Dream and Nightmare, originating from Mordremoth is known to not be the case.


> People now seem to wonder: Is it wise to trust Glint?


> Yes, it absolutely is! Aurene was so brave, so strong after her secret talk with her Mother, that Aurene KNEW that she must die, and must become something more, must "ascend" to something unreachable, something new.


Aurene underwent Ascension during the trials. That's why she glowed blue. The devs confirmed this in the GuildChat, that the reason she glows is because through the trials and what Glint pulled her aside for, Aurene underwent Ascension already.


> Also I think they planned some things years ago, so we can see the consequences of those events, for example in Season 2, the consequences of her (Caithe's) actions were resolved inHoT, Season 3 and Season 4 and partially in PoF. So they put some clues, and just write the story knowing that they left some easter eggs behind, they don't abandon the Pale Tree's vision, they keep it in mind, and they may give it some different light, as I base my speculation on. I see the story as a picture, as what happened before, and what consequences one event leads to, and if the writers don't do that, then their story won't ever make sense.


Except that the devs outright stated they only had Aurene's death planned for about a year. And Season 2 Episode 4 was 5 years ago now. You're giving them **way** too much credit if you think they planned that far in advance.


The Pale Tree's vision was completed with the middle of HoT's plot. Placing the egg in Tarir and causing that beam of light (which we see in the vision) was the culmination of that vision.

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BTW What's also interesting is that in the Glint's Lair - the Scion's Refuge, there are crystal flowers - FLOWERS! The same flowers Caithe got when she was crystallized by Aurene!


I'm stubborn in thinking that the Pale Tree has a great role to play. If I'm wrong I won't be disappointed, but I hope the Dream is where a new beginning will be started.

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> @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> I really hope the pale tree doesn't come back into the spotlight, had enough of that in the core story.


6 years ago...


Well, don't take this theory as granted, it's just my wild speculation and the connections I made that can easily be turned to ashes, as well as thinking that killing Kralk would be easy as pie as I thought before Episode 5. So obviously I can be wrong, but there are things I'd love to see in the future, but will it be that near? I don't know, there are A LOT of theories I have for the finale, some including hope, some hopelesness, some creepiness, some matrix scenario, so Arenanet's writers really did a good job, because I have no idea what is to come, so if you are interested in further reading, then those are my theories in short:


1) Aurene in loop, she will die neverending deaths, because she has Joko's magic inside of her

2) Aurene ascends to a new form of being, pure manifestation of light itself.

3) Aurene, Vlast and Glint unite themselves with the Dream, the new circle of life begins, the Pale Tree is being reshaped, the Sylvari get a new option to choose being a Crystalline Sylvari, like Caithe, or stay as they are.

4) Aurene dead forever, no ressurection, no ascension

5) Aurene blasted her soul into Kralkatorrik as the final act, so she can kill Kralkatorrik from the inside

6) Zojja and the Commander will try to get into Kralkatorrik's mind, and they find Aurene's soul trapped inside of Kralkatorrik

7) Joko burst out from Aurene's body and shouts: IT'S SHOWTIME!

8) Kralkatorrik goes to sleep, we abandon killing the dragons, and we won't take to fight with Kralk anymore

9) We go to Kryta, because Anise summons us, because she heard we died, so she will want us to rejoin the Shining Blade, we agree. We meet Kerida aka Livia that says Lazarus escaped the Mists due Kralkatorrik's recent actions in Grenth's realm, and we have to kill him. The Eye of Janthir appears and shows us the vision of what is to come in Season 5.

10) We cry the whole next episode and we bury Aurene.

11) Glint appears to be our real villain so far, and Kralkatorrik was actually the one that believed in the hope of the world in peace, and he chased after all of them, because they simply prevented the world to become beautiful.

12) Joko is actually Lyssa's husband, and Jennah is their daughter.


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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:


> 3) Aurene, Vlast and Glint unite themselves with the Dream, the new circle of life begins, the Pale Tree is being reshaped, the Sylvari get a new option to choose being a Crystalline Sylvari, like Caithe, or stay as they are.


pretty sure the dream isn't part of the mists


> 12) Joko is actually Lyssa's husband, and Jennah is their daughter.





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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:


> > 3) Aurene, Vlast and Glint unite themselves with the Dream, the new circle of life begins, the Pale Tree is being reshaped, the Sylvari get a new option to choose being a Crystalline Sylvari, like Caithe, or stay as they are.


> pretty sure the dream isn't part of the mists


> > 12) Joko is actually Lyssa's husband, and Jennah is their daughter.


> wut?




I don't know if the Dream is the part of the Mists, but after seeing a Sylvari spirit in the Domain of the Lost aka the Mists I think there is no difference between the Mists and the Dream, it all work in a harmony. Because we could have speculated that Sylvari are returning to the place where they were born in the first place - the Dream, but no, they die, the Dream knows what's death, and Sylvari are well aware of that, so it was very important especially to them to kill the Death's greatest manifestation - Zhaitan.


Also it's been always the Pale Tree that gave us a 'light in the darkness', and always appeared in the story when the Dragons were in their full glory and she has always been our lighthouse. Vision of Orr in the Personal Story - when we still just began our whole journey to take down Zhaitan, we didn't know our purpose, but she said that in unity we can achieve great things; Vision of the Egg in Season 2 when it seemed Mordremoth cannot be killed, and then the Egg appeared - the hope of Tyria.


Now when Kralkatorrik is in his full glory, killed all of his enemies that could interrupt him, and I'd be happy if the Pale Tree would be our 'pharos', where we all will seek for some words of wisdom and some hope. Because what's the point of going to Ascalon and possibly face Kralk, while we won't ever win, our forces are devastated, Aurene is dead, so what's the argument that Ascalon will be a place where everything started and everything will end there beside that it was Kralkatorrik's first bed? It'd be more likely that he would want to regain his powers in this massive purple location in Elona, also it would be much more suitable to end the Season in Elona to be more consistent, not starting to jump from a place to place, Deldrimor has a natural border with the Crystal Desert, and we had various different reasons to go there.


I think we will get a Current Event soon, and we will get to see some changes on the Core maps that will be the first signs of Kralkatorrik's celebration. Creating rifts all over Tyria.



And btw about Joko and Lyssa thingy. It's just my crazy theory based on the ring that Joko left in the torture room in Gandara. It was a magical ring, unmasking the illusion. Also ring leads me to a conclusion of Joko's long lost love, and the power that it reveals the true picture of something put in contrast that the Mirror hid the truth from eyes. So maybe there is a connection between the Mirror and the Signet Ring.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> >

> > > 3) Aurene, Vlast and Glint unite themselves with the Dream, the new circle of life begins, the Pale Tree is being reshaped, the Sylvari get a new option to choose being a Crystalline Sylvari, like Caithe, or stay as they are.

> >

> > pretty sure the dream isn't part of the mists

> >

> > > 12) Joko is actually Lyssa's husband, and Jennah is their daughter.

> >

> > wut?

> >

> >


> I don't know if the Dream is the part of the Mists, but after seeing a Sylvari spirit in the Domain of the Lost aka the Mists I think there is no difference between the Mists and the Dream, it all work in a harmony. Because we could have speculated that Sylvari are returning to the place where they were born in the first place - the Dream, but no, they die, the Dream knows what's death, and Sylvari are well aware of that, so it was very important especially to them to kill the Death's greatest manifestation - Zhaitan.

> Also it's been always the Pale Tree that gave us a 'light in the darkness', and always appeared in the story when the Dragons were in their full glory and she has always been our lighthouse. Vision of Orr in the Personal Story - when we still just began our whole journey to take down Zhaitan, we didn't know our purpose, but she said that in unity we can achieve great things; Vision of the Egg in Season 2 when it seemed Mordremoth cannot be killed, and then the Egg appeared - the hope of Tyria.


> Now when Kralkatorrik is in his full glory, killed all of his enemies that could interrupt him, and I'd be happy if the Pale Tree would be our 'pharos', where we all will seek for some words of wisdom and some hope. Because what's the point of going to Ascalon and possibly face Kralk, while we won't ever win, our forces are devastated, Aurene is dead, so what's the argument that Ascalon will be a place where everything started and everything will end there beside that it was Kralkatorrik's first bed? It'd be more likely that he would want to regain his powers in this massive purple location in Elona, also it would be much more suitable to end the Season in Elona to be more consistent, not starting to jump from a place to place, Deldrimor has a natural border with the Crystal Desert, and we had various different reasons to go there.




> I think we will get a Current Event soon, and we will get to see some changes on the Core maps that will be the first signs of Kralkatorrik's celebration. Creating rifts all over Tyria.


probably not given the whole stuck in time thing anet does with their maps recently


> And btw about Joko and Lyssa thingy. It's just my crazy theory based on the ring that Joko left in the torture room in Gandara. It was a magical ring, unmasking the illusion. Also ring leads me to a conclusion of Joko's long lost love, and the power that it reveals the true picture of something put in contrast that the Mirror hid the truth from eyes. So maybe there is a connection between the Mirror and the Signet Ring.


so because joko owns an item that's enchanted with mesmer magic, you think he's dating the mesmer goddess? and also the queen of kryta is his daughter

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I don't know if the Dream is the part of the Mists, but after seeing a Sylvari spirit in the Domain of the Lost aka the Mists I think there is no difference between the Mists and the Dream, it all work in a harmony. Because we could have speculated that Sylvari are returning to the place where they were born in the first place - the Dream, but no, they die, the Dream knows what's death, and Sylvari are well aware of that, so it was very important especially to them to kill the Death's greatest manifestation - Zhaitan.


The Dream is described as a mindscape. When we enter the Dream, we never do so physically. We can do so physically for the Mists. So while they bear odd similarities, they don't seem to be related.


Also, why would seeing a sylvari spirit in the Mists be at all unique? Sylvari do not return to the Dream, nothing but idle dialogue questioning what happened to sylvari ever suggested they did. And they didn't feel the need to kill Zhaitan because it is "Death's greatest manifestation" - they feel a drive to kill all six Elder Dragons, even Mordremoth who was connected to the Dream as well. Zhaitan was merely highlighted in the core game because it was the focus of the core game, but there were sylvari who had wyld hunts to face off against minions of all other Elder Dragons and the Commander got a Wyld Hunt to kill Mordremoth too.


> so what's the argument that Ascalon will be a place where everything started and everything will end there beside that it was Kralkatorrik's first bed?


That's literally the entire argument, which is why I don't really subscribe to it.


> And btw about Joko and Lyssa thingy. It's just my crazy theory based on the ring that Joko left in the torture room in Gandara. It was a magical ring, unmasking the illusion. Also ring leads me to a conclusion of Joko's long lost love, and the power that it reveals the true picture of something put in contrast that the Mirror hid the truth from eyes. So maybe there is a connection between the Mirror and the Signet Ring.


Because illusions are so rare. It's not like there's a billion mesmers floating about.


The ring is an easter egg to the initial skill system of GW1 from the early betas, which involved [skill gems](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Skill_Gem) (that later became [skill charms](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Skill_Charm)), and skill rings. The idea was that the PCs wore eight rings, one per finger (thus 8 skills). Hence Braham's comment of "An ancient skill signet. Didn't think anyone used these anymore." Because... no one does, not even 250 years ago.


There's nothing god-related about the ring. It's just ancient magic. It's not even the first reference to this system in the lore: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Orrian_History_Scrolls#Everyday_Magic_in_Orr_and_Signets


"The gods, in their wisdom, dispersed their magic throughout Tyria. Magic was dissipated, so that none by be too tempted by its power. We know that we can draw and contain magic through intense study and the use of certain materials-'signets'-and also with the blessing of all the Six. Have the Orrian people simply internalized these lessons? Is the land there so magical that all are born with the ability to use magic without the need for education? My theory will require more research........."


In other words, before ambient magic in the world grew so much, after the Exodus of the Gods people relied on skill signet rings to utilize magic. Over time, they simply became unnecessary and obsolete. Orrians, living on a place of high magical concentration (thanks to The Artesian Waters and Zhaitan combined) did not need these skill signet rings far earlier than the rest of the world (if ever).

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