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About in-game trolling...


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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> >

> > > I've done it myself a few times (not intentionally) using my LB4 skill to knock an enemy away as someone else lunges at it causing them to miss entirely while my follow up attack crits and kills it before the other player can land a hit costing them the loot and exp they would have got..

> >

> > Incidentally, try not to use your knockback unless: a) you are taking melee damage and need to use it; b) as cc to reduce a break bar; c) no one else is fighting the same thing.

> >

> > Nothing more annoying than rangers knocking mobs away from other players' aoe and melee damage. I wouldn't call it kill stealing but it is definitely irritating.

> >

> >


> The smh ones (and I've seen this fairly often) are the ones who use the knockback attack, then run into melee range with the mob to continue the LB autoattack.


That seems incredibly pointless lol

If you're gonna LB best let the enemy come to you before you melee.

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> @"Llethander.3972" said:

> What one person calls "trolling" isn't necessarily actually trolling. The word has lost much of its meaning these days and, a lot of the time, ends up being used in a way that means nothing more than "someone who disagrees" or "someone who does something I dislike".


Absolutely this. More often than not, the "troll" often has valid points in the argument they're making and ends up being called a troll because somebody disagrees with them. Choosing to be willfully ignorant does not make the other person a troll, nor does it mean you're the one who is right. There's been many times I've been sitting in LA with some dumb discussion going on in map chat, and some person gets "offended" by someone else's opinion. They then call them a troll, and announce that they've blocked them. If someone else says "Yeah but he has a point..." Then automatically they are also labeled as a troll and ignored as well. I'm not saying all arguments go down like this, as obviously, there are real trolls who just want to verbally abuse people. But just because you disagree with someone's opinion, does not make them a troll. It means you're unable to accept when people disagree with you and would rather filter out dissenting opinions rather than grow as a person. I find that pretty destructive, personally.


There's some pretty dangerous advice in this thread. Instead of making assumptions, I think dealing with "trolls" is pretty cut and dry. Use the ignore feature. If it's circumvented by multiple accounts, then take screenshots, and file a ticket for harassment. Do not bother playing mental gymnastics with yourself regarding what their motive is, or whether they're "stalkers". Just take the action you have access to and go about life. You'll be less stressed out that way. Be the bigger person.


Sidebar, I don't really see the point of this post, as the OP's message reads like a tweet about her mood, which I guess isn't much of a problem, but it doesn't offer any real quality to the discussion. I almost never ignore actual trolls myself, as I find most are pretty amusing, and I have no problem agreeing to disagree with argumentative types. The only time I ever ignore someone is if they're spamming me in whispers because they're mad that they died, or something along the "incredibly annoying constant spam for the sake of being a jerk" kinda lines.




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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said> Heh. Last night I was starting a new key farmer in Queensdale...Every time I summoned a worm from the farm with the wormholes, one of a small group of rangers would one-shot it with a longbow from behind me before I hit it...


Almost the exact same thing happened to me except that it was a single player repeatedly one-shotting the worms before I could hit them. (It was a troll because he tried to stay hidden and he didn't start any worms of his own. He only shot at other people's.) Luckily I knew other ways to complete that heart, ways a troll couldn't mess with, like entertaining the cows and tending the corn. Still, it seemed particularly pathetic to me that someone was trolling new characters at the lowest level in the very beginning of the game. Like the OP it ticked me off that someone was trolling like that. Unlike the OP I didn't say anything though. Don't Feed The Trolls is a rule I learned online a long time ago. As others have said in this thread, no good can come out of arguing with them.




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> @"Geneticide.6987" said:

> > @"Llethander.3972" said:

> > What one person calls "trolling" isn't necessarily actually trolling. The word has lost much of its meaning these days and, a lot of the time, ends up being used in a way that means nothing more than "someone who disagrees" or "someone who does something I dislike".


> Absolutely this. More often than not, the "troll" often has valid points in the argument they're making and ends up being called a troll because somebody disagrees with them. Choosing to be willfully ignorant does not make the other person a troll, nor does it mean you're the one who is right. There's been many times I've been sitting in LA with some dumb discussion going on in map chat, and some person gets "offended" by someone else's opinion. They then call them a troll, and announce that they've blocked them. If someone else says "Yeah but he has a point..." Then automatically they are also labeled as a troll and ignored as well. I'm not saying all arguments go down like this, as obviously, there are real trolls who just want to verbally abuse people. But just because you disagree with someone's opinion, does not make them a troll. It means you're unable to accept when people disagree with you and would rather filter out dissenting opinions rather than grow as a person. I find that pretty destructive, personally.


> There's some pretty dangerous advice in this thread. Instead of making assumptions, I think dealing with "trolls" is pretty cut and dry. Use the ignore feature. If it's circumvented by multiple accounts, then take screenshots, and file a ticket for harassment. Do not bother playing mental gymnastics with yourself regarding what their motive is, or whether they're "stalkers". Just take the action you have access to and go about life. You'll be less stressed out that way. Be the bigger person.


> Sidebar, I don't really see the point of this post, as the OP's message reads like a tweet about her mood, which I guess isn't much of a problem, but it doesn't offer any real quality to the discussion. I almost never ignore actual trolls myself, as I find most are pretty amusing, and I have no problem agreeing to disagree with argumentative types. The only time I ever ignore someone is if they're spamming me in whispers because they're mad that they died, or something along the "incredibly annoying constant spam for the sake of being a jerk" kinda lines.





There are some really obsessive and petty people out there. If you run afoul of one, they'll make it their personal hobby to ruin you. They'll become a hatescriber. They'll follow every single one of your posts, reporting them on trumped up charges and publicly arguing against every single thing you say, no matter how innocuous. This isn't done just to make you mad, it is done to destroy your reputation and get you banned. Sadly, this is an effective tactic, because only the most astute will notice that one person is figuratively following and shouting down another. Everyone else will be influenced by the stalker, unaware of what is going on.


In these cases, the ignore button doesn't work. It stops you from seeing it, but it doesn't stop everyone else from seeing it. That's where the real damage is done. This (sort of) happened to me once, in the comment section of a website where I noticed that every comment I made always had an angry response... from the same man... using broken rhetoric just to make me look bad. That is a mild case, however, as there are people who will track down your identity and call your bosses with accusations and threats, all over a disagreement in a videogame.

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> @"Emily.6941" said:

> Have you ever met an another player trolling in the game yet he/she still has a tons of explanation to proof that he/herself isn't/isn't wrong/etc?

> And the reason I don't want to argue with them isn't because I'm scared, I just don't want to start another war on the map chat. sigh....


You new to this here internet? You have to have thicker skin than that to survive ?

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> @"Jethro.9376" said:

> Q: How do i get X?

> A: Have you tried walking there?


> Does this count as trolling?

> Knowing how to walk in this game gets you pretty far.


This is more like a witty reply.

Trolling is doing or saying something with the only intent of getting negative reaction from others to laugh at it.

The biggest example of trolling in GW2 is when people put consumable or portal on stuff like chests or NPC. The only purpose of doing that is to get people angry and laugh at their anger.


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