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Are gankers bad players?


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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Hello everyone,

> My question is simple, but I don't want to create some misunderstanding.


> "Bad players" I mean players who lack skill and enough knowledge of the game to play their profession in a 1vs1.


> WvW is not a 1vs1 gamemode, and ganking is done by almost everyone to mantain partecipation and to get the heavy loot bag.


> But what I discovered during my roaming career is one thing.

> If I meet two or three players of the same guild, and I am alone and they attack me in a fair 1vs1 and the other 2 players just watch their mate, in this case those players are pretty good duelers and know how to fight on their profession.


> In all the other cases when people chased me 2vs1 3vs1 4vs1 5vs1 6vs1 and so on just to get the kill on me, with siege dropped after they got me, when I find one of those same guys alone in a 1vs1, even playing meta roaming builds, boonbeast, core war, condi mirage, everybody of them wasn't able to do anything in that 1vs1 and they barely dropped me under 80% health even tho silver gold platinum and mithrill rank and not at their first day of WvW.


> So my thought is: ganking will make you remain a bad player?

> I mean everyone is capable to go for clean up or outnumbered kills and win against one guy alone.


> Please don't say that WvW is not a 1vs1 gamemode etc.

> I know that already and people play the way they want to, but ganking has a price in my opinion, you won't improve as a player and at your profession.




You said it right, ganking will not help the player to learn their Profession and to grow with it. Guild Wars 1 is the platform for learning, failing and growth and allowing creativity while Guild Wars 2 platform is copy+paste the most broken builds, spamming the most bad design skills, and mechanics, allowing continual exploiting of Toxic mechanic, promoting unhealthy game play experience and condoning negative influences by these players to other players who want to learn, fail, grow


- **In Summary.....**


![](https://i.imgur.com/IA0hC04.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/IzRXJrN.jpg "")




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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> I know that already and people play the way they want to, but ganking has a price in my opinion, you won't improve as a player and at your profession.


Thing is: most people are more than willing to pay that price, since they couldn't care less about improving themselves.


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So let me just understand the thought process here. So u guys want to play in a wvw open world pvp environment and if a group of players see a roamer of the opposition or a zergling heading back to their zerg that's probably currently fighting ur teams blob u guys think either should just be able to freely travel without risk? Wtf am I missing here?

When is this moral code of ethics ever applied in any type of combat?

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Gank away. You would be foolish not to capitalize on man advantage or use the fact you have not been spotted to win an engagement before the fight even starts. If I get ganked running back to my team then slow clap. Well done. You got me. I had incomplete information about my surroundings, made poor assumptions about my own safety and got punished for my lack of situational awareness.


Making excuses for getting owned or devising a convoluted set of arbitrary rules to justify why you got played is scrub logic. Don't even go there.

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