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About the Mount bug (Not loading and character stuck sitting in the ground) a Band-Aid solution.

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Since their "Fix" few months ago about mounts stuck in the ground, the problem was solved for most of players, but it was even worse for me, playing in crowded map was a real nightmare since everytime I wanted to use a mount, I had to wait for 15s-20s to be able to move without the camera being stuck where I mounted (rip auric basin loot).

After seeing some people complain about it in map chat I tried ALOT, of things to find a fix.

And well, it appear that this bug occurs only when you use the Default Mounts Skins, I never bothered to buy any, so I tryed one by one, and tested it in crowded maps, and no stucks with a new appearence.

But, sometimes you'll be in a Hilarious T-pose and no Running animation from the mounts... At least, the camera will follow your character.

So yeah... You have to Pay for a skin to bypass this stuck kitten show.

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> @"Only Even.6193" said:

> And well, it appear that this bug occurs only when you use the Default Mounts Skins, I never bothered to buy any, so I tryed one by one, and tested it in crowded maps, and no stucks with a new appearence.



Fascinating. I used to have that bug all the time, but then all of a sudden I stopped seeing it. That must have coincided with when I bought my first mount license and got a new raptor skin :)



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> @"Only Even.6193" said:

> Since their "Fix" few months ago about mounts stuck in the ground, the problem was solved for most of players, but it was even worse for me [...]


May I ask what your system specs are? Rendering issues can have several reasons, it is not always server-sided (could be the internet or an issue with your computer).

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Only Even.6193" said:

> > Since their "Fix" few months ago about mounts stuck in the ground, the problem was solved for most of players, but it was even worse for me [...]


> May I ask what your system specs are? Rendering issues can have several reasons, it is not always server-sided (could be the internet or an issue with your computer).


See my post under his initial one. It happens to non-skinned mounts regardless of hardware. There are several PCs in my house and no matter which one I use, my skinned mounts will not trigger the issue and the non-skinned basic ones will (on the same PCs). The PCs range from an old Core2Duo to a pretty recent Core i7, and I switched a new GTX1050 Ti, medium GTX960 and an old GTX460 card around multiple times in the different machines and it never changed - skinned mounts won't give me the issue no matter which hardware configuration.


Also, if this problem was caused by a hardware "rendering issue", I doubt that it would only manifest itself when mounting and not any other situation in the game (like transformation potions, necro shrouds, invisibility or anything else that changes the appearance of your character).

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i've noticed that it happens when we mount right after changing map level (on a very populated map) ie: getting out of underground bosses rooms in SW

during the races/ populated events in Divinity's reach, i also noticed that when the bug happens if we mount right after using an elevator, if we mount right before taking the same elevator in the same map population condition, there is no issue at all.


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  • ArenaNet Staff

Update from QA: There is a bug report and tracking info in the system regarding the fact that players can appear in the ground for a moment after mounting up in heavily populated maps. This means it's a reported issue, and they'll replicate it (if they can do so) and address it when they are able.


Out of curiosity, how long do you appear to be on the ground before you properly see yourself on a mount?

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I experience this frequently in towns, and lately in Thunderhead Peaks (once during an Adventure, and fell off a bridge as a result... ouch). It usually lasts 2 to 5 seconds, then resolves, but sometimes lasts up to 10 seconds, or until I get impatient and just dismount. My marker on the minimap still moves as I use WASD or my mouse, but my character is rendered with her legs in the ground from the knees down, with my camera standing perfectly still behind her. This happens on both my desktop computer (Win 10, RX 580) and my laptop (Ubuntu using Wine, Quadro M1200). I'll see about taking a video capture tomorrow.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Out of curiosity, how long do you appear to be on the ground before you properly see yourself on a mount?


During Thunderhead Peaks' opening few days, I started counting at a normal speed and got to 20 between pressing X and my springer appearing. So, worst-case scenario 10-15 seconds but about 3 seconds is standard.


Dismounting from a mount than didn't spawn is sometimes possible (I imagine it's just that the mount spawned and I dismounted before I saw it) but this occasionally drops you through the floor (luckily the sea in Istan extends under the island, but I've also been trapped inside scenery as I spawn below what I was on, but above the ground).

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> @"Krypto.2069" said:

> OP, WOW! Thank you for figuring this out! That explains why I only get this issue on my beetle. (I have custom skins on every mount but my beetle.) I appreciate you sharing your insights - VERY HELPFUL! :+1:

> Thanks again! :smile:


I'm pleased that it help ! =].


I had to deal with it several months before starting to get on my nerves ^^, doing Palawa or Auric Basin's loot phase was pretty obnoxious since I could not afford to wait 5-10-15s between each chests (forced dismounting to loot)... So I was that guy, running slowly trying to follow the rest of the crowd afoot~~. And yep sometimes I fell under the maps too If I dismounted during the stuck... /gg.

At least we have a workaround until they can figure out were is the real issue.


It appears that using a Mount Skin force the Default one to load with no latency, and when it happens your Mount will not have any movement animation, you still can move, and the camera will follow, but the mount will remain stuck to the Default Skin for all the bug duration, before loading any Skins you selected.


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Out of curiosity, how long do you appear to be on the ground before you properly see yourself on a mount?

For me it can even take longer, even up to 30 sec or so. it has been worse at Thunderhead Keeps lately. Also I noticed it commonly happens when mounting just after using a waypoint, but can occur at other situations as well. It's frustrating when there is an event going on and you miss it because being stuck for almost 1 min :anguished: Apparently it's only the camera that gets stuck, when trying to move the actual char position can be seen on mini-map and even interaction prompts show up when getting close to NPCs or interactable objects (the vid in the Erik.6951's post shows it as you see them being "teleported").


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This is very noticeable on slow systems. Even doubly so if you use Linux in a non-optimized wine installation, loading the mount model can take over a dozen seconds, in which time your character refuses to move (but it does on the mini map). During this time you can literally see everything around you getting loaded, and it seems EVERYTHING loads up before the mount, as if the mount was the very last thing that needed loading.


is there really any priority for loading models, other than the order in which they are added to the queue? I ask because it seems the game sets up the loading order based on what is immediately visible, and anything that comes into view afterwards gets added at the end of the queue. Hence, "waypoint and mount immediately afterwards" will result in the mount being loaded last, even after the grass by the waypoint. To avoid the issue I always mount before warping, so I only have to suffer it when changing maps.


It would help if the client didn't treat a mounted character as stuck in the ground before the mount loads, if they can't give your own mounts model loading priority.


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In order to raise the urgency of the effort to fix this long-standing bug, I can report that it can be reliably used to map break in Thunderhead Peaks. I won't post the details here, but it is very repeatable.


EDIT to add: And this bug happens on both bought mount skins and default mount skins. There seems to be no distinction for me. I rather like the branded skins for example, and I dye them myself.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:


> Out of curiosity, how long do you appear to be on the ground before you properly see yourself on a mount?


This effect can be replicated on a slow computer. If I use my (potato) laptop, start the game (so nothing of gw2 is in memory or cached), select a waypoint on the newer maps like Thunderhead Peaks that loads _a lot_ more assets (like the waypoint just south of Thunderhead Keep), it will happen almost 100% of the time. Or one can select a waypoint where you know there is lots of action/players around.


The mount "unstucks" when a certain part of map assets is loaded it seems. I would guess it's much worse on non-SSD systems.

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