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What will wvw be like in gw3?

Duck Hunt.8027

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I can't see any logical reason why a potential GW3 would have a WvW at all.


It would likely be a pure PVE game or possibly a pure singleplayer game with some coop options.


Heck, if they listen to the majority of players in the game right now, I think GW3 would go back to a design closer to GW1 with hero/henchmen, MMO cities (so everyone can show off and gossip and whine), with all the maps being instanced so you can be in peace with your bots. And we'd probably have Trinity back, and a much less active combat system with more passive build mechanics (closer to gw1).


When I think about it, that does sound more and more like FF14 with the next expansion pack adding npc's to join you in dungeons. The more I play that game the more I think it fits pretty well to what most of the casual players in GW2 wants, and keeps requesting GW2 to turn into. (It also have no pvp worth mentioning)

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Hmmm , honestly, cant think about a WvW mode if they ever released a GW3... just look at the forums, wvw is almost abandoned , while pve/lore/ls , keeps getting devs answers :( , i dont get it why it's called "Guild Wars 2" , perhaps only by things in the story , but, there isn't "guild wars " going anymore , is just pve...it can be called , " How to Kill a Dragon "

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Going by what many people want to turn WvW into, it will be 20v20 small arenas with no objectives and of course no downstate.


Or it'll be 80 people per side sitting on a ballista that shoots flowers doing 1 damage to ensure an adequate TTK, with anyone managing to actually die to it complaining on the forums that thief is OP.

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> @"Duck Hunt.8027" said:

> Will be 1000 player in a map on one server?

> multiple 100 man zerg blobs roaming around?


it will be choose faction at start of game and whole pve map will be pvp map where u have to cap the towns in order to do your crappy heart quest etc balabal :D


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> @"samo.1054" said:

> GW3 only exists in a mind quite strongly disconnected with reality, so feel free to imagine any kind of WvW as well :)

Thats... just insulting Anet and not so much player suggestions, lol. Its been 7 years. The basics of GW3 has probably already existed for years.


It would actually be more shocking if it doesnt exist considering the amount of games Anet has going. Or what, people think that in 2038 we will see the 11th GW2 expansion in a healthy game still making a ton of money? By the year 2063 we will be able to order a Rytlock skinned robot butler cheering us on as we replay a ranger from level 1 in GW2. In 2127 we get a WvW server upgrade that increases max player count per side from 90 to 110 but because the server was moved to Amazon Mars it still lags on a 100tbps connection.

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it will be in GW3? LULZ.

WvW needs its own kitten Game!!!!

Lets Start with its Name (thats the first i think a Dev would Do):


1. Fort Stonemist

2. PlayerUnsticky Battlegrounds

3. Call of Doors: Guild Rams Matters

4. League of Stackers

5. Lag by Daylight

6. Sea of Baggys*

7. 24hourwatch




Oh my God it could be so awesome, butttt.....







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> @"Arcanaut.4158" said:

> it will be in GW3? LULZ.

> WvW needs its own kitten Game!!!!

> Lets Start with its Name (thats the first i think a Dev would Do):


> 1. Fort Stonemist

> 2. PlayerUnsticky Battlegrounds

> 3. Call of Doors: Guild Rams Matters

> 4. League of Stackers

> 5. Lag by Daylight

> 6. Sea of Baggys*

> 7. 24hourwatch




> Oh my God it could be so awesome, butttt.....








8. The Search for More Money

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> @"Aldoisnoob.4170" said:

> Hmmm , honestly, cant think about a WvW mode if they ever released a GW3... just look at the forums, wvw is almost abandoned , while pve/lore/ls , keeps getting devs answers :( , i dont get it why it's called "Guild Wars 2" , perhaps only by things in the story , but, there isn't "guild wars " going anymore , is just pve...it can be called , " How to Kill a Dragon "


"_How to Train your Dragon, and then kill it cause your character is an idiot who kicks every problem without thinking._"


> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Going by what many people want to turn WvW into, it will be 20v20 small arenas with no objectives and of course no downstate.


> Or it'll be 80 people per side sitting on a ballista that shoots flowers doing 1 damage to ensure an adequate TTK, with anyone managing to actually die to it complaining on the forums that ~~thief~~ _stealth_ is OP.



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Contrary to majority i think that it is quite possible that there will be gw3 in nearest future and that it will be with some sort of wvw system. The resoning is this : GW2 is one of the best mmo game out there but let's face it - this kind of game type is not as hot as it was several years ago. Therefore in some way, 1st place is determined also by the fact that the competition is really in a bad spot right now. And gw2 as same as other titles face some more and less serious issues with developers to lazy to fix them. And there is this company called Activision -Blizzard that had some hard time lately. They didnt beat LoL and Dota with their Hots, Overwatch was a big success ... at the start. Starcraft 2 didnt bring RTS games back to the cool table. They really need a big success and the Diablo 4 (aka 'Do-you-guys-not-have-phones' ) is not exactly a marketing masterpiece even before the relase. That - in my opinion - is really a big big reason why WoW needs to shine as hell. Problem is latest x-pac's didnt provide the quality and the attention as they were expectet to give. As a result, it is some sort of a proof that wow 1.0 formula is obsolete. That's why - keeping in mind that they need major cash making title, wow 2.0 is now more possible than ever. (new engine, new graphic etc). The moment new wow title will be anounced, Anet will be in a bad spot. Why? Because it's clear for everyone that gw2 is a title that is pve focused almost exclusivly. With all respect to theirs job so far, people who came to this game from original gw were expecting something different (in terms of difficult lvl and gameplay gw2 is far more infuenced by wow or warhammer online than gw1), pve community are the players that came here after they get bored by WoW and as soon as blizz will show some new features, with 2020 graphic, they will go back to horde vs alliance conflict without hesitation, especially if new wow will bring changes to combat system, might be even inspired by gw2. If that happens gw2 will have to be changes as well - pvp community was not taken seriously so many players left, wvw community was abandoned years ago and new pve content will never be as atractive as a fully new title. With limited player numbers even now bringing new maps with seasons or xpac is a risk due to the fact that other ares are less and less populated every day. It's also a big issue in terms of wvw that this gamemode is limited by CPU - i can run witcher 3 in 60FPS with high settings yet i need to switch to low in zerg battles in gw2. Tbh i don't think that it can be fixed with current gw2 engine. If on a horizon new title will allow us to play in 60 fps with decent graphic settings and decent combat system - we will move as well. Ofc if Anet will stay passive- which they won't. Cause as same as in case of blizz - there are forces far stronger than dev's, like owners and shareholders. And they will expect some sort of answer. If devs finally find a solution to servers population balans plus decent visual quality - they wil have some advantage over new wow. They do have experience with wvw system, fresh start without elites will be easier to balance etc. They also already now that wvw community expects fights over map events, they have databases with numbers of players and their choices (how many people play wvw, how many picks zergs over roaming, with what global setting the population was highest etc). Also its important to notice that in terms of performance - wvw face the same issues as global events - so solving CPU limitation problems will benefit in more than one game mode.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"samo.1054" said:

> > GW3 only exists in a mind quite strongly disconnected with reality, so feel free to imagine any kind of WvW as well :)

> Thats... just insulting Anet and not so much player suggestions, lol. Its been 7 years. The basics of GW3 has probably already existed for years.


> It would actually be more shocking if it doesnt exist considering the amount of games Anet has going. Or what, people think that in 2038 we will see the 11th GW2 expansion in a healthy game still making a ton of money? By the year 2063 we will be able to order a Rytlock skinned robot butler cheering us on as we replay a ranger from level 1 in GW2. In 2127 we get a WvW server upgrade that increases max player count per side from 90 to 110 but because the server was moved to Amazon Mars it still lags on a 100tbps connection.


Well you can make whatever you wish of it. I'm just saying that thinking Gw3 will ever be released is strongly delusional and if people don't understand that, I won't bother explaining it either. Ofc I hope I'm wrong and anyone is welcome to quote me in that case :)


I will just add that Anet may be working or will start working on a new game, but it won't be GW and it won't be an mmorpg either.

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i doubt there ever be a gw3 cause anet knows that alot of players have spend now years to acomplish what they have and alot players have by now put hundreds and thousands dollars into their accounts and alot players have already the grind of gw1 and gw2 in their bones.


letting these players start from scratch with a gw3 will be the nail into the coffin for alot of players.


i rather think they will go the same road like WoW. develope the game further.

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