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Mirage main spotted.


You don't know what you're talking about.


Soulbeast is one of the most balanced, high skill cap specialization to ever exist in the 6 years of this game's lifespan. Boonbeast is just an okay 1v1er that is countered by power and condi mirage, spellbreaker, SD weaver and druid. Sic Em' Soulbeast does high damage, but it's extremely squishy and has the single highest skill cap in the game and it's burst is lower than guardian, holosmith, revenant, power mirage and FA weaver.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

Boonbeast is just an okay 1v1er that is countered by power and condi mirage, spellbreaker, SD weaver and druid.


Hahaha joke of the year.


Power mirage does not counter boonbeast unless he +1 the boonbeast with a teammate.

Condi mirage is forced to leave the node in 90% of the cases, but the fight can be won by the more skilled person.

Spellbreaker sees zero plays in the current meta and gets outplayed so easily by boonbeast.

Sd weaver no way it has the damage to kill and counter a soulbeast, probably he can stalemate if the player is good or lose easily if bad.

Druid... seriously I don't know if you are a troll at this point.


Sic'em soulbeast is a meme build for bronze silver or unranked, probably where you belong.


Boonbeast main who thinks his profession is so hard to play and require skill spotted.


If mirage is cancer, boonbeast is cancer having a cancer.


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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Boonbeast is just an okay 1v1er that is countered by power and condi mirage, spellbreaker, SD weaver and druid.


> Hahaha joke of the year.


> Power mirage does not counter boonbeast unless he +1 the boonbeast with a teammate.

> Condi mirage is forced to leave the node in 90% of the cases, but the fight can be won by the more skilled person.

> Spellbreaker sees zero plays in the current meta and gets outplayed so easily by boonbeast.

> Sd weaver no way it has the damage to kill and counter a soulbeast, probably he can stalemate if the player is good or lose easily if bad.

> Druid... seriously I don't know if you are a troll at this point.


> Sic'em soulbeast is a meme build for bronze silver or unranked, probably where you belong.


> Boonbeast main who thinks his profession is so hard to play and require skill spotted.


> If mirage is cancer, boonbeast is cancer having a cancer.



Mirage main spotted.


I don't play boonbeast. I fuck them for breakfast.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Boonbeast is just an okay 1v1er that is countered by power and condi mirage, spellbreaker, SD weaver and druid.

> >

> > Hahaha joke of the year.

> >

> > Power mirage does not counter boonbeast unless he +1 the boonbeast with a teammate.

> > Condi mirage is forced to leave the node in 90% of the cases, but the fight can be won by the more skilled person.

> > Spellbreaker sees zero plays in the current meta and gets outplayed so easily by boonbeast.

> > Sd weaver no way it has the damage to kill and counter a soulbeast, probably he can stalemate if the player is good or lose easily if bad.

> > Druid... seriously I don't know if you are a troll at this point.

> >

> > Sic'em soulbeast is a meme build for bronze silver or unranked, probably where you belong.

> >

> > Boonbeast main who thinks his profession is so hard to play and require skill spotted.

> >

> > If mirage is cancer, boonbeast is cancer having a cancer.

> >


> Mirage main spotted.


> I don't play boonbeast. I kitten them for breakfast.


Yeah you do, in bronze league.

Calling balanced a build which regen 4% health ticks per second without even using the healing skill, yeah... Very high skill cap and learning curve.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > Boonbeast is just an okay 1v1er that is countered by power and condi mirage, spellbreaker, SD weaver and druid.

> > >

> > > Hahaha joke of the year.

> > >

> > > Power mirage does not counter boonbeast unless he +1 the boonbeast with a teammate.

> > > Condi mirage is forced to leave the node in 90% of the cases, but the fight can be won by the more skilled person.

> > > Spellbreaker sees zero plays in the current meta and gets outplayed so easily by boonbeast.

> > > Sd weaver no way it has the damage to kill and counter a soulbeast, probably he can stalemate if the player is good or lose easily if bad.

> > > Druid... seriously I don't know if you are a troll at this point.

> > >

> > > Sic'em soulbeast is a meme build for bronze silver or unranked, probably where you belong.

> > >

> > > Boonbeast main who thinks his profession is so hard to play and require skill spotted.

> > >

> > > If mirage is cancer, boonbeast is cancer having a cancer.

> > >

> >

> > Mirage main spotted.

> >

> > I don't play boonbeast. I kitten them for breakfast.


> Yeah you do, in bronze league.

> Calling balanced a build which regen 4% health ticks per second without even using the healing skill, yeah... Very high skill cap and learning curve.


Sounds like somone hasn't heard of Sigil of Doom before.

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The big issue with Soulbeast IMO is actually very similar to the problem with Holosmith. These two specs just have too much CC immunity and can basically just freecast their skills and heal right in front of your face. You can't interrupt anything because they almost always have multiple stacks of stability.


People seem to forget that after Crystal config was nerfed but before Elixer U was buffed Holo was actually considered pretty balanced for a short time.



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Flandre youre and extremist elitist who just forgets about casual poeple who want to have fun.

Add this factors to your matchup spreadsheet:


1) Dont use meta build. AT LEAST 2 utilitys and 1 ofhand must be taken from mystic builds RNG build generator

2) Be ranked gold, prefferably low silver

3) No keybinds allowed, you muct be a clicker

4) No coffe or teenage reflexes allowed, you must be 40+ , 2 kids in backround and 10h of work warmup to NOT play too fast

5) No 5v5 , no cap , no elites, all duels performed on keep , fox only


These balance parameters change the game and make it vastly more fun. Maybe anet uses more refined ones on top, these are just the ones they leaked so far.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> The big issue with Soulbeast IMO is actually very similar to the problem with Holosmith. These two specs just have too much CC immunity and can basically just freecast their skills and heal right in front of your face. You can't interrupt anything because they almost always have multiple stacks of stability.


> People seem to forget that after Crystal config was nerfed but before Elixer U was buffed Holo was actually considered pretty balanced for a short time.




If boonbeast is SO OP compared to Condi Mirage where's Jawgeous's Boonbeast rant? Oh right. It doesn't exist because boonbeast is pretty balanced overall.

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On a side note, I have the mu over soulbeasts when I play some chrono-lockburst spec with boon clear on sigil + on shatter + arcane thievery. And I'm facing regulary the same opponents as op (Mu is something like 66% for me.). Chrono-tank countering soulbeast is false yeah but I didn't agree for chrono-lockburst.

(That said, chrono-lockburst is countered by some other specs...)

I wonder if a spellbreak with boon rip spec can pressure enough the soulbeast to decap a point ? (never see that so probably no but who know.)


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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Mirage main spotted.


> You don't know what you're talking about.


> Soulbeast is one of the most balanced, high skill cap specialization to ever exist in the 6 years of this game's lifespan. Boonbeast is just an okay 1v1er that is countered by power and condi mirage, spellbreaker, SD weaver and druid. Sic Em' Soulbeast does high damage, but it's extremely squishy and has the single highest skill cap in the game and it's burst is lower than guardian, holosmith, revenant, power mirage and FA weaver.


Balanced?high skill cap?ok at 1v1?

U honestly are the most clueless poster I’ve ever read in this forum and that is quite the feat. If u were trolling than I apologize


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Soulbeast overall just needs a nerf, t he sustain is quite stupid along with the condi remove and damage over time, people might say that mirage is worse but it isnt, soubleast has more mobility as well and can tank or win any class (well depending on the players skill) me for example i can win anyone 1v1 or sustain them forever if i wanted to sure there are other builds such as the sic em one but that is nott played at the higher tier where you can realize the viability of boonbeast, in t he recent patch they changed some of the stances for example the dolyak stance which only removed retaliation and gave basically another layer of protection which for 12 seconds you only take 33% of power damage. Overall soulbeast just needs a nerf in either the survivability or the mobility if you have any problems or reasons why you think soulbeast is balanced please say so i can help you realize soulbeast is not balanced :D

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@"mortrialus.3062" you areforgetting the amount of dodges the class has, sword 2,3 the normal dodges, with a stance you get evne more normal dodges and the dodge that comes with it, as i said in my post im a mutliclasser but play soulbeast in every AT hence why i got to the mAT finals with it being stupidly strong, and for mirage mobility, you are not basing this off of reality, no high tier mirage uses sowrd and portal anymore its not as strong as it was so not many if any use it. Boonbeast also has owl merge 1, sword 2 and maybe perma swiftness depending on the utilities the player uses. if soulbeast is as high skill cap as you say explain to me why i can just dodge and sustain everything from 2 of the best mirage and revenant players current (flandre and siki) for about a minute while also giving pressure back while i am immune to damage due to pet merge again, lets not forget the stupid amount of boons i get such as perma protection, a lot of regen and the sustain of 4% health every second not to mention the heal. I can literally autoattack some classes and stil win and ive yet to lose a 1v1 against anyone no matter if the other player is better than me. If you are basing the viability around jawgeous then you obviously dont play the game for yourself and witness it yourself the fact you thnik its a high skill cap shows that you do not know what it is capable of, also regarding the condi remove.. that is not needed due to the perma protection giving 33% damage reduction TO EVERYTHING (apart from fall damage) lets not forget the dolyak stance which does the same thing if you even take the time to notice that ONLY YOU thinks soulbeast is balanced with a high skill cap then you will realise that you are wrong.. then again who knows you are pretty determined to be blindly bias and stupid

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> @"Kachros.4751" said:

> @"mortrialus.3062" you areforgetting the amount of dodges the class has, sword 2,3 the normal dodges, with a stance you get evne more normal dodges and the dodge that comes with it, as i said in my post im a mutliclasser but play soulbeast in every AT hence why i got to the mAT finals with it being stupidly strong, and for mirage mobility, you are not basing this off of reality, no high tier mirage uses sowrd and portal anymore its not as strong as it was so not many if any use it. Boonbeast also has owl merge 1, sword 2 and maybe perma swiftness depending on the utilities the player uses. if soulbeast is as high skill cap as you say explain to me why i can just dodge and sustain everything from 2 of the best mirage and revenant players current (flandre and siki) for about a minute while also giving pressure back while i am immune to damage due to pet merge again, lets not forget the stupid amount of boons i get such as perma protection, a lot of regen and the sustain of 4% health every second not to mention the heal. I can literally autoattack some classes and stil win and ive yet to lose a 1v1 against anyone no matter if the other player is better than me. If you are basing the viability around jawgeous then you obviously dont play the game for yourself and witness it yourself the fact you thnik its a high skill cap shows that you do not know what it is capable of, also regarding the condi remove.. that is not needed due to the perma protection giving 33% damage reduction TO EVERYTHING (apart from fall damage) lets not forget the dolyak stance which does the same thing if you even take the time to notice that ONLY YOU thinks soulbeast is balanced with a high skill cap then you will realise that you are wrong.. then again who knows you are pretty determined to be blindly bias and stupid


It's not just me that thinks Boonbeast is balanced. In [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/811189#Comment_811189 "this thread") calling for boonbeast nerfs my comment pointing out how well balanced ranger is at the moment has more likes than the OP calling for nerfs. I think that's pretty definative.

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Lets put it this way, you are saying you are right despite players who have a better understanding of viability, have more skill and more experience, thaty we are wrong? Despite both flandre and me having boonbeast experience and playing it in the finals of the mAT? The fact flandre went from mirage to soulbeast shows that soulbeast right now has more viability than mirage with this meta. To simplify this you are trying to prove high tier players, with more experience and skill, wrong with opnions that are clearly wrong.

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> @"Kachros.4751" said:

> Lets put it this way, you are saying you are right despite players who have a better understanding of viability, have more skill and more experience, thaty we are wrong? Despite both flandre and me having boonbeast experience and playing it in the finals of the mAT? The fact flandre went from mirage to soulbeast shows that soulbeast right now has more viability than mirage with this meta. To simplify this you are trying to prove high tier players, with more experience and skill, wrong with opnions that are clearly wrong.


So Flandre is a mirage main calling Bonbeast op? Surprise, surprise. Called it.


This whole thing is a conspiracy. Mirage mains banding together desperately trying to stop the damage that was Jawgeous's legendary take down of the class that singlehandedly ruined conquest for everyone except Mirage mains. Sorry but the community is more aware and united that ever in regards to the true cancer of the game. That's not going to work.

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> @"Kachros.4751" said:

> @"mortrialus.3062" are you honestly stupid? holy kitten its not a conspiracy, its a fact, i can assure you IM NOT a mirage main if anything im a soulbeast main so i know better than msot when it comes to how strong it is.. both mirage and soulbeast need nerfs if you do not accept that then you will continue to be blind about pvp right now


If soulbeasts needs any nerfs, and that is a titantically sized if I might add, it needs less nerfs than Mirage, Holosmith, Core Guardian, Herald, Firebrand, Scourge, Reaper, Chronomancer, Spellbreaker, Deadeye, Weaver and Druid.

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