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What features would you like to see in the next expansion?


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Asuran extension with many maNY MANY lore, with 5 maps like rata novus. With undergroung gardens. To sum up, maps essentially inspired by metrica province, mount maelstrom and sandswept isles.

Also volcanic caverns and event everywhere, a huge meta and gold farm.

In constant siege between contested waypoints or not due to destroyers, epic fights between army of asuras/golems and giant destroyers.

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An ideal expansion would have the meta events of HOT and the map design of POF with a range of difficulties in the map itself. There should be some areas that can solo'd and others where you actively group up or feel like there is an incentive for playing with randoms you run into.


I would like to see new weapons (not just specializations) introduced more than a race, class, or housing. Think Flails, Great Axes, brass knuckles, land Spears.


Story wise I would like a greater emphasis on guilds. They started this in HOT but dropped it.



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> @"Mysticjedi.6053" said:

> An ideal expansion would have the meta events of HOT and the map design of POF with a range of difficulties in the map itself. There should be some areas that can solo'd and others where you actively group up or feel like there is an incentive for playing with randoms you run into.


> I would like to see new weapons (not just specializations) introduced more than a race, class, or housing. Think Flails, Great Axes, brass knuckles, land Spears.


> Story wise I would like a greater emphasis on guilds. They started this in HOT but dropped it.




they dropped alot of things after HoT

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* A new sPvP game-mode (Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, something that isn't capture points PLEASE).

* Customisable UI (stealing from you ProtoGunner, this one is awesome).

* Cantha (duh. Maybe the ocean dragon is frozen in Jade or something). This will help draw in some weebs from Blade & Soul, maybe.

* Space? You teased it with that little portal fiasco in season 4 of the living story. Maybe there will be a space dragon?

* A useful (in all game-modes) spec for Necromancer that you don't need to nerf into oblivion a few months after release. I believe in you anet, you did a fairly good job with Mesmer so I know you have it in you.

* Build templates. I know arcdps has it now, but it is a little clunky. It would be nice if this were refined and put in game.

* Lots of new alien landscapes. Rata Primus was beautiful, and you have a lot of unique areas and environments you've created. I have no doubt you'll do this and blow us away. This is one of your strengths, your art direction. Keep it up!

* Interesting new profession mechanics. You did this in PoF with shades, mesmer's new dodge, soulbeast's merging. I'm sure you'll have a nice surprise for us, but new mechanics were rather fun. It also lets us go back to the old profession mechanics with a fresh mind.

* Revamp underwater combat. Uh. . .making all skills work underwater in some fashion would be a start. Not gonna lie, it's pretty jarring to dive underwater and find out your build doesn't work. Underwater sPvP could be a thing if it is revamped. That'd be fun.

* MORE. WORLD. BOSSES. PLEASE! We need more, these things are beautiful.

* Give elementalist better elites. Revamp necromancer's lich form and staff #1 skill.

* Harder enemies. Give enemies the profession skills and abilities players have access to. Let the "mirage is balanced" crowd feel the sting of mirage NPCs. Maybe give enemies some healers too. Firebrand and Elementalist skills could be used for these ones?

* Fractural legendary armor. sPvP can do it, Raiders can do it, WvWvW can do it. Give the hardcore frac maniacs a way!


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Wish list:

1. Bank space

2. Improve some of the less desirable classes. I see a ton of rangers and necromancers but few Revenants or Elementalist. People don't like to play classes that fall over dead if a strong wind hits them.

Side note: all of those who think the game is too easy should play something other than a Necro.


3. Would love to see some beauty in the new areas. The Desolation---hate the scenery. Caledon Forest---where I started, love the scenery.

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If a new expansion will come, I want the devs to look to one particular game and to learn. I wish the next XPac to:


- To question everything, to be a something who defies the competition.

- Something you "want to play if you love MMORPGs. But if you hate traditional MMORPGs, then you should really try the XPac. Because, it doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs. It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill."

- To be something different from other games who are about preparing to have fun, or about grinding for a future fun reward. To be designed to be fun from moment to moment

-The next XPac should avoid with any price the classical MMORPG stereotype: "I swung a sword. I swung the sword again. Hey, look, I swung the sword again!! (A sword, or a pickaxe. Or a wood axe)". Nobody enjoys grinding, nobody finds it fun.

- The next XPac should be "build for the players" (and not for TP). With a real solid story.


All I wrote is quoted from Mike O'Brien / Colin Johanson / Ree Soesbee. Unfortunately it seems these are not very known persons and our current dev team does not know what they said.


Well, maybe I'm nostalgic, but I want the next XPac to be something GW2-like and very different from the mess we are playing now.



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First of all, I'd like to see an expansion to begin with. There's no indication that we're getting one.




* I want them to stop design-by-accretion. Like World of Warcraft, start folding/removing abilities as new are added in an expansion. There's *so much cruft* in each spec and class. Cut all the excessive stuff!

* Seriously rework the trait/traitline system from the ground up. Leave no stone unturned.

* While we're at it, cut&replace item stats with something entirely focused on style, remove item stats whole, do all balancing directly in the skills and traits. The new system isn't expansion-exclusive of course, but the expansion brings a significant focus on it.

* Mobile app integration for chat and auction house.

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I don't really have any new features per se in mind that excite me.


What I want is just more Elite-Specs, core skill categories filled out and a major overhaul of core weapons and Traits.

Maybe even overhauling the core Story and gameplay experience in general to bring new players in.

In addition to that, Guild content. Stuff like Player Housing and fishing sounds utterly boring to me tbh.

Guild Wars 2 has a major problem with encouraging group play and doesn't really need more solo content.

Guild Halls and Missions have been dead for way too long to a point where Guilds is not even something I think about in this game any more.



Oh yea, as a Feature, obviously build in Build Templates etc.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> First of all, I'd like to see an expansion to begin with. There's no indication that we're getting one.


> Then:


> * I want them to stop design-by-accretion. Like World of Warcraft, start folding/removing abilities as new are added in an expansion. There's *so much cruft* in each spec and class. Cut all the excessive stuff!

> * Seriously rework the trait/traitline system from the ground up. Leave no stone unturned.

> * While we're at it, cut&replace item stats with something entirely focused on style, remove item stats whole, do all balancing directly in the skills and traits. The new system isn't expansion-exclusive of course, but the expansion brings a significant focus on it.

> * Mobile app integration for chat and auction house.


I hope this is a joke. World of Warcraft went to sh... because they started removing abilities and class gameplay feels terrible.

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> @"Portia.2975" said:

> Wish list:

> 1. Bank space

> 2. Improve some of the less desirable classes. I see a ton of rangers and necromancers but few Revenants or Elementalist. People don't like to play classes that fall over dead if a strong wind hits them.

> Side note: all of those who think the game is too easy should play something other than a Necro.


> 3. Would love to see some beauty in the new areas. The Desolation---hate the scenery. Caledon Forest---where I started, love the scenery.


I've levelled every class to 80 and tried every spec. None of them is difficult. It can be hard to adjust for people used to playing tanky characters at first, but learning how to use the dodge feature is basic to playing GW2, and once you do that you're golden.

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My personal opinion:

* Player housing is a nice idea but very risky, it can be done right, and can be a disaster. If they do not rush it, and take the time to make sure it's good, I'm up for it.

* New weapon types are also welcome: Spear, Greataxe, Throwing dagger, Whip, whatever floats their boat.

* Build templates. We desperately need them.

* New elite specs, but they are likely to come.

* Maybe revamp the old maps, so that they are no par visually with the new ones? Create new story that leaves our characters back to old maps again?

* Underwater combat needs some attention, but I actually enjoy it a lot as it is right now.

* Map meta-s are important to most people, it gives a lot of incentive to return somewhere.

* Maybe some spec balance / overhaul to allow for more builds.

* A very simple new mount that you can gain at lvl 20, which has absolutely zero unique abilities, it just lets you travel the world faster. They can decrease the amount of waypoints at the same time. The world is nice, enjoy it while being there and not just via loadind screens. (The current amount of waypoints in POF maps is perfect).

* Loot overhaul, make it easier to gain lower level materials, which would also stabilise TP prices for these materials.

* Get rid of lower combat-speed.

* New cultural armors.

* Break outfits into armor pieces and sell them on Gem Store :)

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I don't want player housing as part of an expansion. To me, that isn't real, playable content and would cater to a sub-set of the player base. I'd rather they focus on content that would be of interest to a majority of the player base.


Now, if they offered housing as something that could be purchased outside of normal content or expansions, then I'd be ok with it even though I probably wouldn't buy it.

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Vanilla Rift, before the xpacs came out, had what I considered one of the most fun features I've experienced in an MMO: a place called "Ember Isle". Ember Isle was just a series of small islands covered in constantly running real-time events. Rifts were opening left and right, bosses were spawning constantly, and they had these little fort-like areas where survival battles would take place- you and anyone else around would run into the middle to defend it against wave after wave of incoming NPCs, and could build/upgrade turrets around the fort to help protect it/fight off the waves. These battles would happen once every 15-20 minutes per fort, and if you ran around you could always find a fort in progress.


Honestly, I've always wanted to see something like that again. If you ever got bored and wanted senseless, multiplayer PvE combat that was fun, you would head off to Ember Isle. It was like WvW for PvE.

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> @"Klakax.2596" said:

> I hope this is a joke. World of Warcraft went to sh... because they started removing abilities and class gameplay feels terrible.


It's not a joke and if you think that was the core of WoW's class design worries then you ought to play it first. There's a good reason that minimalist design is usually seen as rather important, at least to a degree. GW2's utter clutter makes it quite easy to understand why, too.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Klakax.2596" said:

> > I hope this is a joke. World of Warcraft went to sh... because they started removing abilities and class gameplay feels terrible.


> It's not a joke and if you think that was the core of WoW's class design worries then you ought to play it first. There's a good reason that minimalist design is usually seen as rather important, at least to a degree. GW2's utter clutter makes it quite easy to understand why, too.


Listen, people beg for old class design in WoW - they felt better few years ago with more abilities than they do today with less.


I hope GW2 will never take this route.

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