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Hey all,


Glyphs are great! I really like them and I have a lot of them (well, all of them actually but that is just showing off so we will stick to "a lot"). Here is the thing though: I never get to use them. Let me refrase that: When you have more than 3 (so more than 1 glyph for every tool that you use) then they just sit in your Bank as you currently can only equip one on a tool. Which is a shame as you went through all that trouble to spend real money and/or gold to collect them and now they are just gathering digital dust.


I would like to see that instead of the limit being one per tool it be changed into one glyph of a type per tool. I am sure that other people would enjoy that as well. Since materials are essentially not worth anything in GW2 I don't really see a downside to allowing for this. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I would just like to be able to use what I have been collecting and I think other people would like that too.


Kind regards,



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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> I never get to use them. Let me refrase that: When you have more than 3 (so more than 1 glyph for every tool that you use) then they just sit in your Bank as you currently can only equip one on a tool.

You could buy more tools or you could keep the glyphs in a shared inventory. It was your choice to pay more to have spares. I chose to buy as few as I could use (I still have a few tools leftover without glyphs, since I have "extra" tools from when they were character bound.


> Which is a shame as you went through all that trouble to spend real money and/or gold to collect them and now they are just gathering digital dust.

You chose to spend, knowing that you could only slot one at a time.


> I would like to see that instead of the limit being one per tool it be changed into one glyph of a type per tool. I am sure that other people would enjoy that as well.

I'm not at all clear what that means. Do you mean that you could slot one glyph that affects gathering speed and one that affects bonus mats?

I don't see that ever happening.


> Since materials are essentially not worth anything in GW2

I'm not sure why you think that.


> I don't really see a downside to allowing for this.

People already farm nodes because of how profitable that is. Those people would continue to farm, collecting more mats more quickly, which would drive down the price. They would earn more (more to sell, despite the lower values), at the expense of those who don't farm so much, who would have the same amount of mats at the lower values.


> I would just like to be able to use what I have been collecting

I used to collect minis & dyes. (Sort of still do.) As well as weapon & armor skins. There's no way I can use them all.

Which is fine; I like having the option, even if i mostly don't make use of it. That's what it means to be a collector.


If that doesn't appeal, then there's really no need to spend to have all the glyphs.


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While I suspect the OP is wanting more materials per gather, one thing they could do that wouldn't affect it is that each time you use a tool, it randomly chooses which glyph on that tool to use. Then it uses the usual random chance to determine if anything happens. So if you had a glyph of tailor and glyph of leatherworker on your axe, harvested 100 logs, you'd get ~16 cloth and ~16 leather. This would be the same as if you harvested 50 logs, switched glyphs, then harvest 50 more.

All that said, I see zero reason for Anet to spend any time to implement this. sure, it could be handy, but players can just swap glyphs manually right now for the same effect.


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My thought is that you pointlessly bought too many glyphs. If they were all permitted to be used concurrently it would mean a real upset to the supply as people would farm nodes instead of doing other things, and then a glut would cause prices to drop across the board.

Fact is, most glyphs sell for prices that aren't recoverable through normal use for the average player. Buying all of them means that pretty much for sure you'll never gather enough to earn more than you spent. Not wise.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > I never get to use them. Let me refrase that: When you have more than 3 (so more than 1 glyph for every tool that you use) then they just sit in your Bank as you currently can only equip one on a tool.

> You could buy more tools or you could keep the glyphs in a shared inventory. It was your choice to pay more to have spares. I chose to buy as few as I could use (I still have a few tools leftover without glyphs, since I have "extra" tools from when they were character bound.


Got 4 full indestructable sets. Has nothing to do with the point.


> > Which is a shame as you went through all that trouble to spend real money and/or gold to collect them and now they are just gathering digital dust.

> You chose to spend, knowing that you could only slot one at a time.


Not relevant.


> > I would like to see that instead of the limit being one per tool it be changed into one glyph of a type per tool. I am sure that other people would enjoy that as well.

> I'm not at all clear what that means. Do you mean that you could slot one glyph that affects gathering speed and one that affects bonus mats?

> I don't see that ever happening.


Yes. And I want that to happen. Economy is completely dead in this game anyway, no point in pretending there.


> > Since materials are essentially not worth anything in GW2

> I'm not sure why you think that.


Because they are.


> > I don't really see a downside to allowing for this.

> People already farm nodes because of how profitable that is. Those people would continue to farm, collecting more mats more quickly, which would drive down the price. They would earn more (more to sell, despite the lower values), at the expense of those who don't farm so much, who would have the same amount of mats at the lower values.


What people who don't farm do is not relevant. Nor do they care because otherwise they would be farming.


> > I would just like to be able to use what I have been collecting

> I used to collect minis & dyes. (Sort of still do.) As well as weapon & armor skins. There's no way I can use them all.


False comparison.


> Which is fine; I like having the option, even if i mostly don't make use of it. That's what it means to be a collector.


Who said anything about being a collector? I am not. I got my gizmos and now I want to use them.


> If that doesn't appeal, then there's really no need to spend to have all the glyphs.


Already did.


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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> My thought is that you pointlessly bought too many glyphs. If they were all permitted to be used concurrently it would mean a real upset to the supply as people would farm nodes instead of doing other things, and then a glut would cause prices to drop across the board.


No, it wouldn't supply is stupidly high already and when it isn't ANet fiddles with it like they did with the lodestones, mithril and orichalcum last year.


> Fact is, most glyphs sell for prices that aren't recoverable through normal use for the average player. Buying all of them means that pretty much for sure you'll never gather enough to earn more than you spent. Not wise.


Yeah, don't remember asking for this.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> I think you should be thinking more carefully about your purchases in the future rather than buy first and regret later. Decide based on how they are not how they could become or what you think they should become. Maybe check with support about refunds.


I don't need to. I got nothing else to spend it on. I still have 27k gold and I just want to play with my toys. There is no point in bringing out a billion upgrades if you can only use one of them. Also: this is not buyer's remorse. I do not regret getting them. Stop pretending you know me from what I have written. You don't. Stick what is written.


ANet went: "Here are a billion upgrades. But you can only use one.". That is dumb and that needs to be rectified.

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It's a shame that the OP doesn't seem interested in evidence of a vibrant economy or in considering that you already have exactly what you paid for. It would probably help promote their idea if they acknowledged the impact on the rest of the community. And it would be useful to recognize that before ANet would agree to investing time to evaluate the idea, they would need to be convinced that this is a net benefit for the game and its players.



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Perhaps I should've worded that a little clearer in the original post. I figured people would have the decency to not ruin threads with false arguments, false comparisons and other nonsense that in no way has anything to do with the subject.


- I don't care about the near dead economy. In this game something is either worthless or insanely valuable. That is not a "vibrant" economy. That is a dying economy.

- Yes, I know got what I paid for. That is not the issue nor have I claimed it to be.

- No, I do not have buyer's remorse.

- Acknowledging an impact on a community? Nothing is going to change except that a few of us will have amazing gathering abilities. Or do you really think that mithril is going to drop even further despite it already have millions of mithril on the post right now... Do you really think leather is going to hit rock bottom despite millions of offerings? Or do you think that the problem is people undercutting you and having more means more undercutting but that has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with what I am suggesting.



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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> Mostly because the economy is not vibrant. It is on life support.

The evidence doesn't support that claim.


> And having what I paid is not the issue here nor the topic.

It's relevant to whether this is important to the game or not.


> How it affects the community is up to the community.

It's up to ANet who would need to agree to implement it.


> You seriously have to stop with this "You can't have your fun because someone else".

Good thing that isn't remotely part of my argument. There are economic implications to a change like this.


> Alsom you do not determine what ANet is and isn't interested in.

Good thing I'm not trying to do that. It's unfortunate that you choose to ignore what motivates them in pitching your idea, at least if you want to see your ideas considered.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > Mostly because the economy is not vibrant. It is on life support.

> The evidence doesn't support that claim.


Show your evidence and I will show you a very busy market in the democratic republic of Congo: the poorest, I mean most vibrant, country in the world.


> > And having what I paid is not the issue here nor the topic.

> It's relevant to whether this is important to the game or not.


No, it is not. Just like glyphs aren't relevant or important to the game. Pretending otherwise is silly.


> > How it affects the community is up to the community.

> It's up to ANet who would need to agree to implement it.


Don't change the timeline. Asking how it affects the community means a thought experiment where it is implemented. Don't switch to "but anet blablabla" when there is nothing to support your claim that it would be bad somehow.


> > You seriously have to stop with this "You can't have your fun because someone else".

> Good thing that isn't remotely part of my argument. There are economic implications to a change like this.


No, there really isn't. There's millions of everything gatherable on the market right and absolutely nothing would change.


> > Alsom you do not determine what ANet is and isn't interested in.

> Good thing I'm not trying to do that. It's unfortunate that you choose to ignore what motivates them in pitching your idea, at least if you want to see your ideas considered.


Well, this should be good.... Let's hear it...

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > Glyphs are great! I really like them

> > ...

> > materials are essentially not worth anything in GW2


> I'm genuinely confused. As far as I know, glyphs exclusively improve your ability to collect materials, so if you think materials have no value, why do you like glyphs so much?


Yeah, those two aren't mutually exclusive... I can still like an activity like gathering mats without it actually being very profitable. I also enjoy doing Teq and that is not very profitable either... In fact, that is an even bigger waste of time...

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> If the OP really wants this is in the game, then they should figure out how to convince ANet it's beneficial. They have yet to offer an explanation beyond stating how much they want this, because they chose to spend some of their wealth to collect a full set of glyphs.


Then I strongly suggest you start reading what I post. I have stated why on several occassions answers to everything you pose here.

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Sure. Instead of having glyphs (which reside in shared slots, presumably), buy a gem store item, which upgrades all (say) sickles to Industry (or whatever).


However, I realized later that that doesn't allow for customization, and some people have already bought other glyphs. So, to some folks (who spent a LOT of money buying four or more glyphs), they would be getting screwed by such a change.


So, I've refined my thinking to something like an item that adds a glyph to (say) five characters' sickles (or picks, etc.) That would allow for customization, and people who bought glyphs already wouldn't be getting shafted (like those who bought snowflakes before two Wintersdays ago, or during the magic find fiasco).

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > My thought is that you pointlessly bought too many glyphs. If they were all permitted to be used concurrently it would mean a real upset to the supply as people would farm nodes instead of doing other things, and then a glut would cause prices to drop across the board.


> No, it wouldn't supply is stupidly high already and when it isn't ANet fiddles with it like they did with the lodestones, mithril and orichalcum last year.


There is no cap to the effect of increased supply on a market. The fact that prices are low doesn't mean they can't go lower, and if they are so stupid low, why don't you just buy the mats rather than asking for them to be accessible through your glyphs?


> > Fact is, most glyphs sell for prices that aren't recoverable through normal use for the average player. Buying all of them means that pretty much for sure you'll never gather enough to earn more than you spent. Not wise.


> Yeah, don't remember asking for this.


So you want to lose money, but just want extra stuff when you tap nodes for the heck of it. Okay, fine. But why share this desire? It's completely nonsensical.

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