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Condense Heroes banner to 1 buff


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To make UI clutter a little bit smaller, maybe we can get Heroes Banner grant just 1 buff with all effects it gives at the moment, rather than 5 or whatever different icons? Doesn't look like a complicated change and reduces UI clutter just a bit.


And maybe hide it from enemies just like Outnumbered. But don't want to ask for too much.

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There are several different buffs that can be obtained from other banners, meaning it's more than a simple UI change.


I'd rather see a different change to the UI. Either or both:

* Have separate locations for non-combat markers (banners, foods & pots, achievement, quest, etc), enhancements (boons, stealthed, etc), & hazards (conditions, environment, etc).

* Hide the non-combat-relevant effects from enemies (just show enhancements & hazards).

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Yeah this should happen. **Or just make them invisible** to enemy players who are trying to view things like available signets, marked, revealed, mirror, endure pain and such.


> Isn't that part of the counter play though?


reading comprehension,

*make the banner buffs invisible*


unless you mean using a hero banner is counter play to people trying to read your buff bar...

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > Yeah this should happen. **Or just make them invisible** to enemy players who are trying to view things like available signets, marked, revealed, mirror, endure pain and such.

> >

> > Isn't that part of the counter play though?


> reading comprehension,

> *make the banner buffs invisible*


> unless you mean using a hero banner is counter play to people trying to read your buff bar...


You said 'make them invisible to enemy players who are trying to view things...'

It's not reading comprehension, it's part of how you phrased it. Anyways, moving on.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Yeah this should happen. Or just make them invisible to enemy players who are trying to view things like available signets, marked, revealed, mirror, endure pain and such.


> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> You said 'make them invisible to enemy players who are trying to view things...'

> It's not reading comprehension, it's part of how you phrased it. Anyways, moving on.


The thread is about Banner Buffs. Banner buffs spam the buff bar and make it hard for people **who are trying to view things like available signets, marked, revealed, mirror, endure pain and such.**

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Just make it like the guild consumable buffs, only you can see it. Nobody cares about those annoying MF banner buffs etc, they care about available signets/trait icons so they can attempt to counter-play instead of having MF/XP boosts and lord knows what else came from PvE land clogging up the bar.

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I don't think the enemy should be able to tell what buffs or signets you are running. Period. Do they have some kind of magical scrying? I mean if they can tell what buffs you have, why don't they also get the ability to see your HP, Toughness, Power, Fury, Precision, etc.? I don't get to walk around in the real world and see some kind of bubble above everybody's heads that tells me info about them.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> I don't think the enemy should be able to tell what buffs or signets you are running. Period. Do they have some kind of magical scrying? I mean if they can tell what buffs you have, why don't they also get the ability to see your HP, Toughness, Power, Fury, Precision, etc.? I don't get to walk around in the real world and see some kind of bubble above everybody's heads that tells me info about them.


I can see both side of the coins for this, but I think there will be more complaints generated when someone can't figure a build that killed them.

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Yes, really, at the very least every non-combat buff should be removed for less UI clutter. Only the person that has them needs to know (and they should be able to be hidden as an option too).


> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> I don't think the enemy should be able to tell what buffs or signets you are running. Period. Do they have some kind of magical scrying? I mean if they can tell what buffs you have, why don't they also get the ability to see your HP, Toughness, Power, Fury, Precision, etc.? I don't get to walk around in the real world and see some kind of bubble above everybody's heads that tells me info about them.


Also agree. At least there should not be the detail there is. Instead there should be a few words, similiar to NPCs/Enemies that give a rough idea of build based upon selected trait lines and skills. Yeah, that would be some work involved, but I think would be better gameplay, because it would not give EXACT builds to the vet players, but would actually be more useful information to newer WvW players. It might also give ideas to builds that would not normally show in the bar.


For example, I run Chaos and Inspiration traitlines in WvW and Signet of Inspiration. Use vipers armor and weapons. All the bar shows now to enemies is that I have SoI. People who know that signet knows what that means, but still tells them nothing about traits and a new player might not know the signet without a mouseover.


Where as, if it instead displayed the phrase, "Self Sustain, Generates Boons, Delivers Conditions" everyone, new and old, would have a better idea what to expect.


Yeah, like I said, that would take a while to code up, and choices would need to be made what traits and skills mean what phrases (and how many phrases max and what is priority). But it would be a plus for both WvW and PvP (heck, even PvE for clicking on an ally and getting a quick build summary).

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I like to readily see my buffs, because I know where they are in the decay cycle so I can rebuff and I can see what buffs people are giving me. Also, I like to see allies buffs so I know shatd available and be on lookout. I also like to see what buffs the enemy is running. If they are all buffed to the gills you can expect organized -- or as organized as wvw gets -- resistance.


Also I like to see Hero Banner buffs because they make me happy, for some reason.

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Make it toggle-able, like a lot of the stuff on the right-hand side of the screen.

It does get kind of annoying when I tag a dragon banner and all of a sudden I have to scroll down my minimap to see if some of my boons are successfully cycling.


Though it always amused me when people would intentionally run signets, stack boons, eat a dragon banner and put on as many black lion & laurel buffs they could find -- I'd click on an enemy and their clutter would run the whole length of the screen.


~ Kovu

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And while they are at it, they should also remove or make it a toggle option the global message of "Server X has capture Y structure"

When I am fighting someone I cannot see what boons or utilities my enemy has used because of the annoying message pops up and block my view from their boon bar.

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Ye would be nice. They should also clean up the boon/condi bar while they're at it. Make all non-combat buffs invisible on enemies, add buffs to show if defensive procs (passive endure pain and w/e else threre is) ready instead


My suggestion would be make it so that it always shows all boons/condis but greyed out of you don't have them. So the positions are fixed.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> And while they are at it, they should also remove or make it a toggle option the global message of "Server X has capture Y structure"

> When I am fighting someone I cannot see what boons or utilities my enemy has used because of the annoying message pops up and block my view from their boon bar.

There is a toggle for it actually.

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