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Fix the PvP Ranking Points System


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If you lose a match to evenly matched team, make the loss no more than 10 points. If you win vs. such a team, make the gain no more than ten points. If you defeat better people, make the difference 20. So on and so forth. What I've seen in PvP ranked is that no matter what, I am losing more points from losses than I gain from wins, and it is so statistically improbable for me to be always facing better players in PvP that account for my losses that I can tell the ranking system unfairly punishes losses and does not properly reward wins. This needs to be fixed because it's imprisoning many in the ranking system in a downward spiral.

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Yeah, this has been complained about forever. I mean, you have to understand that you can't always get more for winning than you would for losing, but it's not impossible to make your personal performance, win, and loss streaks impact your rank gain/loss. Plenty of games already do this, but... this is Gw2 Ranked. Making something fair, balanced, and rewarding is second on the agenda to taking a single step forward before taking 2 steps back.

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Yep, we've being pointing out this issue forever. More than that, climbing is just so fucking boring. You need 300 points to cross divisions, thats like 30 wins in a row, and since most people have a winrate of 55~60%, that just takes like hundreds of games, turning the climbing into a mindless grindind, where most people just give up halfway.


You don't want to make your gamemode tiresome, you want to make it more rewarding and fun, to give people a reason to keep playing and a sense of rewarding for all the effort.


But I'm pretty sure it will just fall on deaf ears, as always.

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Years ago i played a game that had ladder tournament matches, and they used the 2 up 1 down ranking system, and it worked great, im sure at some point in the past it was covered, but i dont know what Anet arent using the 2 up 1 down system to be honest,


The way its setup now you could lose a match and it might take you 3 or 4 wins just to get even again, this isnt right, at least with the 2 up 1 down, if you get someone on your team who throws the match etc you at least have a chance to recover, this lose 30 gain 5 is stupid and just shows how broken the system is, this is why you see the top players on the ladder only playing the bare minimum games needed, just to protect rank, this is why ranked pvp is becoming a farm the pips afk,


I seriously think it will take both teams to afk every match before Anet go hmmm maybe we have a problem here.


I would love for a DEV to come and explain why someones rating can be destroyed because someone else decided to throw the match.


So yea, ditch the current rating system, start everyone at 1000, and you gain 2 points per win, and lose 1 on a loss, the top players will still move away, and the people who throw matches etc will drop, and at least people in between wont have to play 3 games to recover from the 1 that was a blowout.

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  • 7 months later...

Just some words to support you guys. The PvP ranking is seek. The picture bellow is just an example how nice it is working.

Note, in all four games listed here i was a top player at least on two categories from my team.

![Results of the last four games](https://cdn01.trixum.de/upload2/69000/68807/3/36e83a06eae1e1fa44502c03a2fa47c89.jpg "")


@ArenaNet: Could you please at least publish your ranking algorithm and indicate in the "Game History" all key numbers that everybody can follow it? Or nobody from developers is even reading the forums?




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this is one of the several reasons i stopped playing the sPvP game mode...


and i got tired of almost always being on the smaller team in 3v5 due to a couple teammates deciding to spawn-camp their own spawn point.


you would think that individual participation OR LACK THEREOF would be accounted for in the amount of points awarded / removed.


i/e no participation (no kills, no deaths, no caps, no nothing) would remove far more rank points than someone who died 30 times in a match due to being outnumbered constantly. at least the person who died 30 times was participating.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

The only game where is more worth not playing after reaching certain rating. Weird cause games usually want you to spend more time on them.


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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao


I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.


Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lol

Kids cute!

U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats crap :)

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao


> I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.


> Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lol

> Kids cute!

> U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)


My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing

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> @"bluri.2653" said:


> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

> >

> > I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.

> >

> > Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lol

> > Kids cute!

> > U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)


> My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing


I kno but the issue is especially with solo que the the rng of ur teamates skill is literally the defining factor of ur rank unless ur good enough to carry bad teams who don't rotate at all and can't win any engagements lol some matches a minute or less in u know u might as well afk cuz u know that no matter how good u personally perform ur losing the game and rank position. It's just unfortunate that rank depends so much on rng and not ur performance. I could be wrong but u duo que no? Ur awesome at the game and I'd imagine most ur duo partners are to which has to help no? I'm not saying u don't deserve to be high rank as ur definitely my favorite player to watch in the game just saying 2 people at ur skill level probably could carry most games where as us solo losers that arnt nearly as skilled have way less chance. I'd be interesting to see u record videos climbing from bottom rank to top on another account all solo que, if for anything to insure u dont go anywhere any time soon and vids continue haha

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> >

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

> > >

> > > I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.

> > >

> > > Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lol

> > > Kids cute!

> > > U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)

> >

> > My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing


> I kno but the issue is especially with solo que the the rng of ur teamates skill is literally the defining factor of ur rank


This is just not true, and is what everyone complaining about the rating system misunderstands.


Sure, in any one particular match, the outcome is heavily dictated by your team-mates.


But over 100 matches, the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out, because for every match you get bad team-mates, there's another match where the enemy gets bad team-mates. It gets cancelled out by the law of averages.


So if the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out over time, by the end of the season the overwhelming majority factor is your own personal skill.


If I flip a coin 2 times, the chances of getting 1x heads and 1x tails aren't that big. There is a large chance of getting 2x heads or 2x tails. But if I flip a coin 100 times, the chances of getting 100x heads or 100x tails drop away to almost nothing, and it averages out to about 50/50. **The "RNG" is made insignificant by increasing the sample size.**


This is also why right at the start of the season, when everyone has only played 10 matches, the ratings are all over the place. Because after only 10 matches the random-factor is still significant. But after 100 matches it becomes insignificant.


I 100% guarantee you that the players in Plat-3 are significantly better than the players in Gold-3. And the players in Gold-3 are significantly better than the players in Silver-3. It doesn't just come down to "chance". So explain again how the system is "broken" ?


Urgh, basic statistics, sample sizes, dimensional analysis. Why aren't people taught this stuff at school? **In any scientific discipline, when you are testing something you increase the sample size and repeat lots of times, to cancel out the impact of random factors.**




Lets continue the coin analogy.


Lets say an average, middle of the road player in Gold-2 is a coin with 50/50 heads(win)/tails(lose).


And lets say that a top-tier player in Plat-3 is a weighted coin with 70/30 heads(win)/tails(lose).


If you flip the Plat-3 coin once, the chances of getting a tails(lose) are still quite high. And the chances of getting 3x tails(lose) in a row is still high enough that it can happen every now and then.


But if you flip the Plat-3 coin 100 times, it'll roughly come out to 70x heads(win) and 30x tails (lose). So that player will be higher up on the leaderboard.


Again, I'll say it again, by increasing the sample-size, you cancel out the RNG.

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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > >

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

> > > >

> > > > I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.

> > > >

> > > > Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lol

> > > > Kids cute!

> > > > U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)

> > >

> > > My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing

> >

> > I kno but the issue is especially with solo que the the rng of ur teamates skill is literally the defining factor of ur rank


> This is just not true, and is what everyone complaining about the rating system misunderstands.


> Sure, in any one particular match, the outcome is heavily dictated by your team-mates.


> But over 100 matches, the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out, because for every match you get bad team-mates, there's another match where the enemy gets bad-team mates. It gets cancelled out by the law of averages.


> So if the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out over time, by the end of the season the overwhelming majority factor is your own personal skill.


> If I flip a coin 2 times, the chances of getting 1x heads and 1x tails aren't that big. There is a large chance of getting 2x heads or 2x tails. But if I flip a coin 100 times, the chances of getting 100x heads or 100x tails drop away to almost nothing, and it averages out to about 50/50. The "RNG" is made insignificant by increasing the sample size.


> This is also why right at the start of the season, when everyone has only played 10 matches, the ratings are all over the place. Because after only 10 matches the random-factor is still significant. But after 100 matches it becomes insignificant.


> I 100% guarantee you that the players in Plat-3 are significantly better than the players in Gold-3. And the players in Gold-3 are significantly better than the players in Silver-3. It doesn't just come down to "chance". So explain again how the system is "broken" ?


> Urgh, basic statistics, sample sizes, dimensional analysis. Why aren't people taught this stuff at school?



True that everyone has a chance to get the same rng as u do as far as skilled teammates but that does not mean many do not come ahead compared to others and more or less others as it's all random, add in duo que's adding to alot of peeps chances and it gives some groups a even higher chance especially if u know ur duo que partner is also really good and playing a class that complements their class etc etc. Its pretty simple a team based game that is based on a win/lose basis where the outcome of ur match is dependent on ur random team then ur own performance within the match as 4 people on average together will have more impact than 1 in a match even if the one player performs well.

It's a extremely lazy ranking system.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > >

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > > Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

> > > > >

> > > > > I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lol

> > > > > Kids cute!

> > > > > U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)

> > > >

> > > > My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing

> > >

> > > I kno but the issue is especially with solo que the the rng of ur teamates skill is literally the defining factor of ur rank

> >

> > This is just not true, and is what everyone complaining about the rating system misunderstands.

> >

> > Sure, in any one particular match, the outcome is heavily dictated by your team-mates.

> >

> > But over 100 matches, the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out, because for every match you get bad team-mates, there's another match where the enemy gets bad-team mates. It gets cancelled out by the law of averages.

> >

> > So if the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out over time, by the end of the season the overwhelming majority factor is your own personal skill.

> >

> > If I flip a coin 2 times, the chances of getting 1x heads and 1x tails aren't that big. There is a large chance of getting 2x heads or 2x tails. But if I flip a coin 100 times, the chances of getting 100x heads or 100x tails drop away to almost nothing, and it averages out to about 50/50. The "RNG" is made insignificant by increasing the sample size.

> >

> > This is also why right at the start of the season, when everyone has only played 10 matches, the ratings are all over the place. Because after only 10 matches the random-factor is still significant. But after 100 matches it becomes insignificant.

> >

> > I 100% guarantee you that the players in Plat-3 are significantly better than the players in Gold-3. And the players in Gold-3 are significantly better than the players in Silver-3. It doesn't just come down to "chance". So explain again how the system is "broken" ?

> >

> > Urgh, basic statistics, sample sizes, dimensional analysis. Why aren't people taught this stuff at school?

> >


> True that everyone has a chance to get the same rng as u do as far as skilled teammates but that does not mean many do not come ahead compared to others and more or less others as it's all random, add in duo que's adding to alot of peeps chances and it gives some groups a even higher chance especially if u know ur duo que partner is also really good and playing a class that complements their class etc etc. Its pretty simple a team based game that is based on a win/lose basis where the outcome of ur match is dependent on ur random team then ur own performance within the match as 4 people on average together will have more impact than 1 in a match even if the one player performs well.

> It's a extremely lazy ranking system.


Explain why the top 50 is basically the same people each season.


Explain why in AT, a team of Plat-3s will demolish a team of Golds, every single time.


Random luck is NOT the only factor at play here. As I explained above, if you would care to read, the RNG factor gets reduced more and more, the more games you play. After 100+ games, the chances of a player being "carried" to their rating by dumb luck drop to zero.


People don't like to hear this, but after 120+ matches at the end of the season, your rating (+/- ~5%) **is** an accurate measure of your personal skill. But everyone's convinced that they're special and should be #1, and that if they're not climbing its because Illuminati.

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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > > > Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lol

> > > > > > Kids cute!

> > > > > > U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)

> > > > >

> > > > > My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing

> > > >

> > > > I kno but the issue is especially with solo que the the rng of ur teamates skill is literally the defining factor of ur rank

> > >

> > > This is just not true, and is what everyone complaining about the rating system misunderstands.

> > >

> > > Sure, in any one particular match, the outcome is heavily dictated by your team-mates.

> > >

> > > But over 100 matches, the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out, because for every match you get bad team-mates, there's another match where the enemy gets bad-team mates. It gets cancelled out by the law of averages.

> > >

> > > So if the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out over time, by the end of the season the overwhelming majority factor is your own personal skill.

> > >

> > > If I flip a coin 2 times, the chances of getting 1x heads and 1x tails aren't that big. There is a large chance of getting 2x heads or 2x tails. But if I flip a coin 100 times, the chances of getting 100x heads or 100x tails drop away to almost nothing, and it averages out to about 50/50. The "RNG" is made insignificant by increasing the sample size.

> > >

> > > This is also why right at the start of the season, when everyone has only played 10 matches, the ratings are all over the place. Because after only 10 matches the random-factor is still significant. But after 100 matches it becomes insignificant.

> > >

> > > I 100% guarantee you that the players in Plat-3 are significantly better than the players in Gold-3. And the players in Gold-3 are significantly better than the players in Silver-3. It doesn't just come down to "chance". So explain again how the system is "broken" ?

> > >

> > > Urgh, basic statistics, sample sizes, dimensional analysis. Why aren't people taught this stuff at school?

> > >

> >

> > True that everyone has a chance to get the same rng as u do as far as skilled teammates but that does not mean many do not come ahead compared to others and more or less others as it's all random, add in duo que's adding to alot of peeps chances and it gives some groups a even higher chance especially if u know ur duo que partner is also really good and playing a class that complements their class etc etc. Its pretty simple a team based game that is based on a win/lose basis where the outcome of ur match is dependent on ur random team then ur own performance within the match as 4 people on average together will have more impact than 1 in a match even if the one player performs well.

> > It's a extremely lazy ranking system.


> Explain why the top 50 is basically the same people each season.


> Explain why in AT, a team of Plat-3s will demolish a team of Golds, every single time.


> Random luck is NOT the only factor at play here.


> People don't like to hear this, but after 120+ matches at the end of the season, your rating (+/- ~5%) **is** an accurate measure of your personal skill.


because they premade

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > > > > Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lol

> > > > > > > Kids cute!

> > > > > > > U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing

> > > > >

> > > > > I kno but the issue is especially with solo que the the rng of ur teamates skill is literally the defining factor of ur rank

> > > >

> > > > This is just not true, and is what everyone complaining about the rating system misunderstands.

> > > >

> > > > Sure, in any one particular match, the outcome is heavily dictated by your team-mates.

> > > >

> > > > But over 100 matches, the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out, because for every match you get bad team-mates, there's another match where the enemy gets bad-team mates. It gets cancelled out by the law of averages.

> > > >

> > > > So if the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out over time, by the end of the season the overwhelming majority factor is your own personal skill.

> > > >

> > > > If I flip a coin 2 times, the chances of getting 1x heads and 1x tails aren't that big. There is a large chance of getting 2x heads or 2x tails. But if I flip a coin 100 times, the chances of getting 100x heads or 100x tails drop away to almost nothing, and it averages out to about 50/50. The "RNG" is made insignificant by increasing the sample size.

> > > >

> > > > This is also why right at the start of the season, when everyone has only played 10 matches, the ratings are all over the place. Because after only 10 matches the random-factor is still significant. But after 100 matches it becomes insignificant.

> > > >

> > > > I 100% guarantee you that the players in Plat-3 are significantly better than the players in Gold-3. And the players in Gold-3 are significantly better than the players in Silver-3. It doesn't just come down to "chance". So explain again how the system is "broken" ?

> > > >

> > > > Urgh, basic statistics, sample sizes, dimensional analysis. Why aren't people taught this stuff at school?

> > > >

> > >

> > > True that everyone has a chance to get the same rng as u do as far as skilled teammates but that does not mean many do not come ahead compared to others and more or less others as it's all random, add in duo que's adding to alot of peeps chances and it gives some groups a even higher chance especially if u know ur duo que partner is also really good and playing a class that complements their class etc etc. Its pretty simple a team based game that is based on a win/lose basis where the outcome of ur match is dependent on ur random team then ur own performance within the match as 4 people on average together will have more impact than 1 in a match even if the one player performs well.

> > > It's a extremely lazy ranking system.

> >

> > Explain why the top 50 is basically the same people each season.

> >

> > Explain why in AT, a team of Plat-3s will demolish a team of Golds, every single time.

> >

> > Random luck is NOT the only factor at play here.

> >

> > People don't like to hear this, but after 120+ matches at the end of the season, your rating (+/- ~5%) **is** an accurate measure of your personal skill.


> because they premade


Not true.


I'm in Plat-3, I pug into AT groups all the time, with whatever random setup we get. Sometimes its 3x FB and 2x Ele, sometimes its 5x Mirage.


We still face-roll the Gold teams until we end up against one of the handful of mAT-winning teams left in the game.


Because players in Plat-3 aren't just there by chance. They're there because they're significantly, measurably better than players in Gold.

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > > > > Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lol

> > > > > > > Kids cute!

> > > > > > > U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing

> > > > >

> > > > > I kno but the issue is especially with solo que the the rng of ur teamates skill is literally the defining factor of ur rank

> > > >

> > > > This is just not true, and is what everyone complaining about the rating system misunderstands.

> > > >

> > > > Sure, in any one particular match, the outcome is heavily dictated by your team-mates.

> > > >

> > > > But over 100 matches, the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out, because for every match you get bad team-mates, there's another match where the enemy gets bad-team mates. It gets cancelled out by the law of averages.

> > > >

> > > > So if the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out over time, by the end of the season the overwhelming majority factor is your own personal skill.

> > > >

> > > > If I flip a coin 2 times, the chances of getting 1x heads and 1x tails aren't that big. There is a large chance of getting 2x heads or 2x tails. But if I flip a coin 100 times, the chances of getting 100x heads or 100x tails drop away to almost nothing, and it averages out to about 50/50. The "RNG" is made insignificant by increasing the sample size.

> > > >

> > > > This is also why right at the start of the season, when everyone has only played 10 matches, the ratings are all over the place. Because after only 10 matches the random-factor is still significant. But after 100 matches it becomes insignificant.

> > > >

> > > > I 100% guarantee you that the players in Plat-3 are significantly better than the players in Gold-3. And the players in Gold-3 are significantly better than the players in Silver-3. It doesn't just come down to "chance". So explain again how the system is "broken" ?

> > > >

> > > > Urgh, basic statistics, sample sizes, dimensional analysis. Why aren't people taught this stuff at school?

> > > >

> > >

> > > True that everyone has a chance to get the same rng as u do as far as skilled teammates but that does not mean many do not come ahead compared to others and more or less others as it's all random, add in duo que's adding to alot of peeps chances and it gives some groups a even higher chance especially if u know ur duo que partner is also really good and playing a class that complements their class etc etc. Its pretty simple a team based game that is based on a win/lose basis where the outcome of ur match is dependent on ur random team then ur own performance within the match as 4 people on average together will have more impact than 1 in a match even if the one player performs well.

> > > It's a extremely lazy ranking system.

> >

> > Explain why the top 50 is basically the same people each season.

> >

> > Explain why in AT, a team of Plat-3s will demolish a team of Golds, every single time.

> >

> > Random luck is NOT the only factor at play here.

> >

> > People don't like to hear this, but after 120+ matches at the end of the season, your rating (+/- ~5%) **is** an accurate measure of your personal skill.


> because they premade


This pretty much ^

If the guys arguing that premade that usually are playing together because their of similar skill ( again one would assume high skilked) don't have a high chance of success vs 5 random people I don't think the convos gonna go to far lol

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > > > > > Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lol

> > > > > > > > Kids cute!

> > > > > > > > U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I kno but the issue is especially with solo que the the rng of ur teamates skill is literally the defining factor of ur rank

> > > > >

> > > > > This is just not true, and is what everyone complaining about the rating system misunderstands.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sure, in any one particular match, the outcome is heavily dictated by your team-mates.

> > > > >

> > > > > But over 100 matches, the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out, because for every match you get bad team-mates, there's another match where the enemy gets bad-team mates. It gets cancelled out by the law of averages.

> > > > >

> > > > > So if the random-factor of team-mates gets cancelled out over time, by the end of the season the overwhelming majority factor is your own personal skill.

> > > > >

> > > > > If I flip a coin 2 times, the chances of getting 1x heads and 1x tails aren't that big. There is a large chance of getting 2x heads or 2x tails. But if I flip a coin 100 times, the chances of getting 100x heads or 100x tails drop away to almost nothing, and it averages out to about 50/50. The "RNG" is made insignificant by increasing the sample size.

> > > > >

> > > > > This is also why right at the start of the season, when everyone has only played 10 matches, the ratings are all over the place. Because after only 10 matches the random-factor is still significant. But after 100 matches it becomes insignificant.

> > > > >

> > > > > I 100% guarantee you that the players in Plat-3 are significantly better than the players in Gold-3. And the players in Gold-3 are significantly better than the players in Silver-3. It doesn't just come down to "chance". So explain again how the system is "broken" ?

> > > > >

> > > > > Urgh, basic statistics, sample sizes, dimensional analysis. Why aren't people taught this stuff at school?

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > True that everyone has a chance to get the same rng as u do as far as skilled teammates but that does not mean many do not come ahead compared to others and more or less others as it's all random, add in duo que's adding to alot of peeps chances and it gives some groups a even higher chance especially if u know ur duo que partner is also really good and playing a class that complements their class etc etc. Its pretty simple a team based game that is based on a win/lose basis where the outcome of ur match is dependent on ur random team then ur own performance within the match as 4 people on average together will have more impact than 1 in a match even if the one player performs well.

> > > > It's a extremely lazy ranking system.

> > >

> > > Explain why the top 50 is basically the same people each season.

> > >

> > > Explain why in AT, a team of Plat-3s will demolish a team of Golds, every single time.

> > >

> > > Random luck is NOT the only factor at play here.

> > >

> > > People don't like to hear this, but after 120+ matches at the end of the season, your rating (+/- ~5%) **is** an accurate measure of your personal skill.

> >

> > because they premade


> This pretty much ^


I literally just explained to you that a pug-team, NOT premade, of Plat-3s will still demolish a team of Golds.


But nah, put your fingers in your ears, and keep shouting that its all random luck.

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