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WVW need more mobility


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The only suggestions I've seen to this kind of topic, that I'd agree with, are suggestion to make certain map mechanics available to ease transport.


For example the EotM wormholes, or other mechanics where you have to fight to enable it, and give certain shortcuts. Or like we already have the Shrines in DBL.


Something similar for ABL for example would be that having bloodlust and taking control of one of the capture zones gave you a similar speed buff, alternatively some kind of wormholes to get to the Skritt or Centaur areas from the middle of the map.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> The only suggestions I've seen to this kind of topic, that I'd agree with, are suggestion to make certain map mechanics available to ease transport.


> For example the EotM wormholes, or other mechanics where you have to fight to enable it, and give certain shortcuts. Or like we already have the Shrines in DBL.


> Something similar for ABL for example would be that having bloodlust and taking control of one of the capture zones gave you a similar speed buff, alternatively some kind of wormholes to get to the Skritt or Centaur areas from the middle of the map.


yes thats a nice concept a mobility which u need capture first, that would also add more levels of tactics

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I really do like the idea of mounts in WvW, knights and all that, but I can't see a reason for giving everyone that kind of movement speed let alone all the extra stuff mounts give.


Even gliding was very iffy, I like gliding but after seeing these brave stalwart defenders attack you 3v1 then all fly away when they tank damage it makes me think you should have to be out of combat to open your glider.

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No thanks WvW mobility is in full force as it is. Not sure what year you're living in but 2019 got the following:


* Expansions brought boons out the roof, including elite specs with leap skills... every single class pretty much has access to swiftness or some weapon they can swap to/have in invy for it

* DBL got those eagle transform bird things you can use

* Emergency waypoints

* Squad comp boon priority so as long as you near your allies you should always have swiftness

* Passive objective buffs (+25% movespeed)

* Utility writ (+25% movespeed)

* Gliding

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> @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> No thanks WvW mobility is in full force as it is. Not sure what year you're living in but 2019 got the following:


> * Expansions brought boons out the roof, including elite specs with leap skills... every single class pretty much has access to swiftness or some weapon they can swap to/have in invy for it

> * DBL got those eagle transform bird things you can use / Thats a first step

> * Emergency waypoints/ barely anyone uses those

> * Squad comp boon priority so as long as you near your allies you should always have swiftness/ to slow

> * Passive objective buffs (+25% movespeed)/ to slow

> * Utility writ (+25% movespeed)/ thats all 25%

> * Gliding/ even slower than swiftness



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I'd just be happy if DBL shrines gave a 10 minute buff (5 minute is way to short - barely enough time to do one thing and get to another shrine), and then the Med-Kit at ABL sentry posts be given a longer swiftness duration on skill 5.


But I wouldn't say no to an unstackable 15% movement speed enrichment (no more than 15% or would be too powerful for no investment). Slightly improved over 10% banner buff, but still slower than dedicated sources of higher movement speed.

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Note that actual movement speed is another issue in balance and design.


If you give players access to too much speed boosting, like say a permanent 50% speed boost at constant uptime, it will cause problems with trying to defend, as you can't get people shifted around to defend structures fast enough, as attackers could just run to the next and start attacking before defenders noticed, mobilized, and got to the place to check. Mobility is a balance factor for the WvW mode, despite what kind of shambles it is in.


As such I'll be against any and all pure +X% speed boosts, especially passive. We can already upkeep 100% swiftness, even without groups... Also remember that if we added something like a +50% speed boost that could be upkept full time, imagine the zergs (or roamers, scout, defenders, gankers, havoc) there is literally no enemies I want to see move faster than they already are.




This also doubles up with Mounts, because I don't think the direct movement speed would be a good thing for the game mode, and we would flat out have to remove all the special abilities so people doesn't jump into every single structure, and remove the disengage attacks so we don't get crazy mount nukes etc. At which point you're left with ... nothing.


To implement mounts into WvW as is, I'd:


* Reduce the max speed to +33% same as swiftness

* Remove Disengage attack

* Remove Special mobility (jumps, teleports etc)

* Remove the ugly bird anyways

* Only allow players to mount within controlled zones (same as gliding)

* Alternatively, make mounting an ability that only works within spawn/citadel, as a way to get from spawn out into the map, and once you're hit or disengage you can't re-mount. (And I think even that could be exploited without all the above).




I'd honestly rather that you got some kind of new mini events in middle of DBL, that let you control zones, and as long as you controlled them could get a mount (with the above limitations) to use until you disengaged. That way it could be more of a map mechanic/mobility. I dunno, collect dino eggs to spawn raptor hatchlings to ride ?

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> @"Kirin.7306" said:

> oh yes please imagine being hounded by mounted zerges who 1 shot you with 1 spam...


> this was sarcasm btw..


ESO has mounts in their AvA mode, and it works just fine. They can just remove the attack ability for the mounts in WVW, and you can't mount in combat. Although I will say the ESO map for AvA is a lot larger than even desert BL, so there they are necessary. GW2 maps are quite small in comparison. If they were to do this, I would suggest removing waypoints from the 2 keeps, and only have 2, the spawn one, and the one in garrison.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> ESO has mounts in their AvA mode, and it works just fine. They can just remove the attack ability for the mounts in WVW, and you can't mount in combat. Although I will say the ESO map for AvA is a lot larger than even desert BL, so there they are necessary.

Err... "alot" is a understatement. In the time it takes you to **run on foot** across EB, a horse will have taken you about 1/10th the way across Cyrodil (ie from one objective to another, basicly) - in total Cyrodil is somewhere along the lines of 20-30x the size of a GW2 map.


The simple answer is that mounts are pointless. They are neither needed nor neccessary for WvW. Anet could easily add the movement mechanics from DBL (jump pads, fire portals, bird portals, vertical teleporters) to the other maps if they really wanted to and that would be more than enough.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> I'd honestly rather that you got some kind of new mini events in middle of DBL, that let you control zones, and as long as you controlled them could get a mount (with the above limitations) to use until you disengaged. That way it could be more of a map mechanic/mobility. I dunno, collect dino eggs to spawn raptor hatchlings to ride ?


A decent idea, but I feel like giving a heavy purpose to the pve events associated with the middle of the map would just cause players to get irritable.

I'm not against people being mounted in their own territory, the people who are against this are likely the same people who thought gliding would break the gamemode.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:


> I'm not against people being mounted in their own territory, the people who are against this are likely the same people who thought gliding would break the gamemode.


> ~ Kovu


Well, I'm against mounts in PvE, where it by and large has broken the gamemode, or at least transformed it into one I no longer enjoy playing, so I'm dead set against having the ridiculous monstrosities in any part of the game that's curently spared them. Gliding, on the other hand, I think of as one of the very best additions to GW2 in the six and a half years its been with us. I was all for adding it to WvW and I think it's been a complete success there.


There's no comparison between the two things in terms of their impact on gameplay.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > I'd honestly rather that you got some kind of new mini events in middle of DBL, that let you control zones, and as long as you controlled them could get a mount (with the above limitations) to use until you disengaged. That way it could be more of a map mechanic/mobility. I dunno, collect dino eggs to spawn raptor hatchlings to ride ?


> A decent idea, but I feel like giving a heavy purpose to the pve events associated with the middle of the map would just cause players to get irritable.

> I'm not against people being mounted in their own territory, the people who are against this are likely the same people who thought gliding would break the gamemode.


> ~ Kovu


I see that point, and largely agree with how they would likely see/handle/deal with it.


Which is kind of sad, considering how much opportunity it could create for activity in middle of the map, and some actual roaming pvp against others trying to also grab it. Literally fight over mobility.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> If you give players access to too much speed boosting, like say a permanent 50% speed boost at constant uptime, it will cause problems with trying to defend, as you can't get people shifted around to defend structures fast enough, as attackers could just run to the next and start attacking before defenders noticed, mobilized, and got to the place to check. Mobility is a balance factor for the WvW mode, despite what kind of shambles it is in.


Giving large zergs/blobs a speed boost is definitely problematic, especially because they're able to carry many subs. Defenders need their time to track them down and communicate with the team.


But how about giving small groups of 1-5 players a speed buff in certain locations of the map. That could encourage roaming instead of blobbing or possibly new strategies for zergs.

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