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The elite spec you want for your main

Invisible Kittens.6380

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > A high risk high reward pure condi dps spec for the Necro, i.e.: **Vampire**. Where the shroud is actually punishing (eating away) the life pool instead of complementing to it in return for very high _bursty_ condi dps.

> > Although I do miss a _real_ **minion master** as well, maybe it could be combined?


> No. Minion master elite spec and Vampiric elite spec absolutely should be two separate specs. Its not like Blood magic and Death magic from GW1 are lacking in design space. On the contrary, they have a lot of design space available to them.


I agree! If I would think of a Vampire spec, I would definitely link it to blood, and not death (Minions). And Vampire does fit a theme of degeneration unless it feeds itself: hence the punishing shroud mechanic idea I suggested. But could such a mechanic also fit in a Minion Master design? Maybe if you think in a sense of creating/maintaining powerful minions/golems from your own flesh and blood (life), link this to shroud in some way, and you have a theme! I wouldn't call it a vampire then, though :)

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > > A high risk high reward pure condi dps spec for the Necro, i.e.: **Vampire**. Where the shroud is actually punishing (eating away) the life pool instead of complementing to it in return for very high _bursty_ condi dps.

> > > Although I do miss a _real_ **minion master** as well, maybe it could be combined?

> >

> > No. Minion master elite spec and Vampiric elite spec absolutely should be two separate specs. Its not like Blood magic and Death magic from GW1 are lacking in design space. On the contrary, they have a lot of design space available to them.


> I agree! If I would think of a Vampire spec, I would definitely link it to blood, and not death (Minions). And Vampire does fit a theme of degeneration unless it feeds itself: hence the punishing shroud mechanic idea I suggested. But could such a mechanic also fit in a Minion Master design? Maybe if you think in a sense of creating/maintaining powerful minions/golems from your own flesh and blood (life), link this to shroud in some way, and you have a theme! I wouldn't call it a vampire then, though :)


It could. However the question isn't could it but should it? And I'm strongly in the camp of "NO!". I'm an Old Foggie when it comes to GW. I've been playing since Prophecies, a few months before Factions came out and I've done just about every build the necromancer had available to it in GW1. Like, if Anet wanted to they could technically design 2-3 separate elite specs around Minion masters all with their own unique design and feel. There is that much space for it. Also they could design like 3-4 Vampiric sets just from play styles of GW1. There is a wealth of design space they haven't tapped with the game that we should consider before hyper limiting our options like that.


So for a Vampiric set there is more to blood than just life stealing. There is also Bleeding. Bleeding is a major part of the blood in GW1, self and bleeding others. Barbed signet comes to mind. There is also a strong blood for energy theme going on in GW1 that the spec used. And a Party buffer. The idea of using minions with Blood really didn't have much going for it. Some Odd synergies like with hexes that heal allies when they strike with an attack, but that's pretty minor. They also had dark pact but that was an outlier. Blood Magic was more about sanguinemancy then necromancy.


In my opinion, the best option for a Vampiric spec would be a primarily offensive spec using bleeding to unlock power and inflict damage at usually close range. Touch skills was a pretty popular build early on in GW1, so keeping to that close range neck biter theme would work extremely well with them. So a sword.


Minion master on the other hand exists in GW2, but not optimally. This one needs to embody the Death nova builds in GW1 that sent out large numbers of sacrificial and pestilent minions. Death magic was widely known for spreading disease and poison while also amassing an army. It wasn't defensive like it is in GW2.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > > > A high risk high reward pure condi dps spec for the Necro, i.e.: **Vampire**. Where the shroud is actually punishing (eating away) the life pool instead of complementing to it in return for very high _bursty_ condi dps.

> > > > Although I do miss a _real_ **minion master** as well, maybe it could be combined?

> > >

> > > No. Minion master elite spec and Vampiric elite spec absolutely should be two separate specs. Its not like Blood magic and Death magic from GW1 are lacking in design space. On the contrary, they have a lot of design space available to them.

> >

> > I agree! If I would think of a Vampire spec, I would definitely link it to blood, and not death (Minions). And Vampire does fit a theme of degeneration unless it feeds itself: hence the punishing shroud mechanic idea I suggested. But could such a mechanic also fit in a Minion Master design? Maybe if you think in a sense of creating/maintaining powerful minions/golems from your own flesh and blood (life), link this to shroud in some way, and you have a theme! I wouldn't call it a vampire then, though :)


> It could. However the question isn't could it but should it? And I'm strongly in the camp of "NO!". I'm an Old Foggie when it comes to GW. I've been playing since Prophecies, a few months before Factions came out and I've done just about every build the necromancer had available to it in GW1. Like, if Anet wanted to they could technically design 2-3 separate elite specs around Minion masters all with their own unique design and feel. There is that much space for it. Also they could design like 3-4 Vampiric sets just from play styles of GW1. There is a wealth of design space they haven't tapped with the game that we should consider before hyper limiting our options like that.


> So for a Vampiric set there is more to blood than just life stealing. There is also Bleeding. Bleeding is a major part of the blood in GW1, self and bleeding others. Barbed signet comes to mind. There is also a strong blood for energy theme going on in GW1 that the spec used. And a Party buffer. The idea of using minions with Blood really didn't have much going for it. Some Odd synergies like with hexes that heal allies when they strike with an attack, but that's pretty minor. They also had dark pact but that was an outlier. Blood Magic was more about sanguinemancy then necromancy.


> In my opinion, the best option for a Vampiric spec would be a primarily offensive spec using bleeding to unlock power and inflict damage at usually close range. Touch skills was a pretty popular build early on in GW1, so keeping to that close range neck biter theme would work extremely well with them. So a sword.


> Minion master on the other hand exists in GW1, but not optimally. This one needs to embody the Death nova builds in GW1 that sent out large numbers of sacrificial and pestilent minions. Death magic was widely known for spreading disease and poison while also amassing an army. It wasn't defensive like it is in GW2.


I was actually more thinking in the lines of: Blood of the Master and Verata's Sacrifice. They were actually really important skills back in the days for a minion master (on and off, cause it changed a couple of times, and I can know, cause I played from day 1 of Prophecies). They are definitely Death Magic, but the sacrifice was real :D, in order to heal your minions! Ow, and don't forget about Order of Undeath, although later in the game ... it hurts the Necro as well a lot, in order to get far more powerful minions!

So, with flesh and blood, I don't mean blood magic, but more decaying yourself (death magic), in order to get more powerful minions!

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > > > > A high risk high reward pure condi dps spec for the Necro, i.e.: **Vampire**. Where the shroud is actually punishing (eating away) the life pool instead of complementing to it in return for very high _bursty_ condi dps.

> > > > > Although I do miss a _real_ **minion master** as well, maybe it could be combined?

> > > >

> > > > No. Minion master elite spec and Vampiric elite spec absolutely should be two separate specs. Its not like Blood magic and Death magic from GW1 are lacking in design space. On the contrary, they have a lot of design space available to them.

> > >

> > > I agree! If I would think of a Vampire spec, I would definitely link it to blood, and not death (Minions). And Vampire does fit a theme of degeneration unless it feeds itself: hence the punishing shroud mechanic idea I suggested. But could such a mechanic also fit in a Minion Master design? Maybe if you think in a sense of creating/maintaining powerful minions/golems from your own flesh and blood (life), link this to shroud in some way, and you have a theme! I wouldn't call it a vampire then, though :)

> >

> > It could. However the question isn't could it but should it? And I'm strongly in the camp of "NO!". I'm an Old Foggie when it comes to GW. I've been playing since Prophecies, a few months before Factions came out and I've done just about every build the necromancer had available to it in GW1. Like, if Anet wanted to they could technically design 2-3 separate elite specs around Minion masters all with their own unique design and feel. There is that much space for it. Also they could design like 3-4 Vampiric sets just from play styles of GW1. There is a wealth of design space they haven't tapped with the game that we should consider before hyper limiting our options like that.

> >

> > So for a Vampiric set there is more to blood than just life stealing. There is also Bleeding. Bleeding is a major part of the blood in GW1, self and bleeding others. Barbed signet comes to mind. There is also a strong blood for energy theme going on in GW1 that the spec used. And a Party buffer. The idea of using minions with Blood really didn't have much going for it. Some Odd synergies like with hexes that heal allies when they strike with an attack, but that's pretty minor. They also had dark pact but that was an outlier. Blood Magic was more about sanguinemancy then necromancy.

> >

> > In my opinion, the best option for a Vampiric spec would be a primarily offensive spec using bleeding to unlock power and inflict damage at usually close range. Touch skills was a pretty popular build early on in GW1, so keeping to that close range neck biter theme would work extremely well with them. So a sword.

> >

> > Minion master on the other hand exists in GW1, but not optimally. This one needs to embody the Death nova builds in GW1 that sent out large numbers of sacrificial and pestilent minions. Death magic was widely known for spreading disease and poison while also amassing an army. It wasn't defensive like it is in GW2.


> I was actually more thinking in the lines of: Blood of the Master and Verata's Sacrifice. They were actually really important skills back in the days for a minion master (on and off, cause it changed a couple of times, and I can know, cause I played from day 1 of Prophecies). They are definitely Death Magic, but the sacrifice was real :D, in order to heal your minions! Ow, and don't forget about Order of Undeath, although later in the game ... it hurts the Necro as well a lot, in order to get far more powerful minions!

> So, with flesh and blood, I don't mean blood magic, but more decaying yourself (death magic), in order to get more powerful minions!


Ah. You should read my Deathcap elite spec then.

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> @"Samuel.4812" said:

> Why not a pirate spec?


Oh yeah, as a thief spec with off hand sword it would fit.

And the utility skills would be flasks (with ammo) with different brand of booze that you can drink whenever you want, but if you drink too much or too fast you get stacks of conditions.

F1 would turn into "drink water" to clear conditions or something like that xD

And F2 would be some kind of "cheer" that refills all your flasks and share your boons to allies around you with your pirate shouting : "this round is on me ! "

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  • 3 weeks later...

>! * Revenant: Dual daggers, with the legendary spirit of Svanir the Nornbear. Basically balancing the aspects of sanity and madness and transforming into a werebear who grows more corrupted the more it fights, until it becomes an unstoppable force of nature. Using daggers like claws you rampage your way through your foes with devastating cataclysmic destruction.

* Necromancer: The wicker-mancer, Basically call down totems based around wicker-men/witchcraft which act something like turrets. Pulsating with unholy magic these gnarled spiritually imbued totems siphon life and corrupt the air with foul magics. Your eliet spell could be summon the four spirits, which could be a good nod to ritualist and I feel they should get sword and shield? Maybe hammer because of "The Might Of arah?"

>! * Messmer: Eldritch Terror, You abuse the mind of your foes and descend them into madness with visions of the dark depths. A clone-less messmer who instead conjures nightmares and feeds on the terror of their enemies. You gain Dagger main-hand and scepter offhand with this spec, and focus on transformation and manifestation like abilities with all the tentacle goodness.

* Ranger: Pack Alpha, You gain a hammer and a second pet and basically become a bunny thumper. Your whole goal is to tag and cc your foe so your pets can do the damage; It also evolves them into their next stage and allows you to tame more powerful beasts to fight alongside you. (Can be interchanged with rifle.)

>! * Warrior: Monk, You gain staff and become imbued with the aspect of valor causing you to heal and buff allies while smiting and punishing foes with your fervorous zealous nature. (Basically the old smite/protection monk from guild wars 1)

* Guardian: Ritualist, Gain Dagger/dagger and gain the ability to summon spirits and your blessings become ashes. You then become a hybrid damage/healer with a longer range as you now are a caster bent on using the souls of your ancestors to aid you in battle.

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Ranger - Bunnythumper, hammer weapon + pet, strong CC, specialized pet combos especially with hammers (but compatible with all ranger weps) with a focus on CC.


Elementalist - Rifle spec, long range damage dealer with a focus on DPS, elemental caster shell mechanic for utility/support. Bazooka style explosions from carbine based gunplay because elemental magic + cool factor. Elite skill would fire a round that causes a singularity that pulls all enemies in and does gross damage/CC.

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E-spec that make turret more useful, it is what draw me to pick engineer as my main and i was disappointed by it, an E-spec that change turret into mobile weapon would be great, traits that affect a specific turret like make rocket turret fire 3 rockets; each rocket has reduced target(3).

Also ranger use rifle as a shotgun, most people says it isn't lore friendly for a ranger to use a rifle but........doesn't E-spec job is to break the stereotype? It turned necro, a magic-casting class, into a melee brute.

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Elementalist: basically anything that lets me use water attunement for damage (that doesn't use lightning hammer). Would be cool if the other attunements were flipped too. Fire for healing, boons/condition in air, burst damage in earth. Maybe call it Flux and give it a greatsword.

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Necromancer: **Night terror**


_Mechanism:_ Entering shroud replace your weapon skills by a skillset and invoque a nightmare ( https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Nightmare_(Kryta) ) instead of giving you a 2nd health bar. The LF bar is your nightmare health bar / the "shroud" is not a transformation and thus do not lock you out of your utilities / the nightmare disappear when you leave the shroud / if your nightmare die you leave the shroud. In shroud form you hold a short bow.


_Shroud skills:_

- Life shot: Basically ranger's shortbow AA without the bleed.

- Dark step: Your nightmare teleport next to the targeted foe.

- Shadow of fear: Your nightmare fear and weaken foes around it.

- Fetid aura: Channel life force into your nightmare dealing damage and poisoning foes near it with each tic.

- Dark heart: transfert all damage taken onto your nightmare.


_Utility skill:_ Spirit (proc minion's traits)

Spirits work like ranger's one except that their active will leave a _mark_ instead of unloading it's effects directly. They trigger minion traits.

Example of spirit:

- Bloodmoon spirit: Passive: grant life steal to allies every X seconds. Active: teleport to your position and leave a _Ravenous Mark_ that drain foes life. (healing skill)

- Spirit of madness: Passive: Allow allies to gain fury on hit every X seconds. Active: Teleport to your position and leave a _Mark of fury_ dealing damage and applying vulnerability on foes.

- Spirit of pestilence: Passive: Allow allies to apply poison on hit every X seconds. Active: Teleport to your position and leave a _Rotting mark_ dealing damage and applying poison and weakness.

- Plague spirit: Passive: Allow allies to transfert a condition on hit every X seconds. Active: Teleport to your position and leave a _vile mark_ dealing damage, removing boons and transfering transfering conditions from you.


_Weapon:_ Longbow (continuing further onto the ranger picture)

- AA: Putrid arrow: Shot an arrow that deal damage to your target and apply poison to up to 3-5 foes close to the point of impact. 20% projectile finisher.

- Deathly swarm: Send a slow moving swarm of insect onto your target dealing AoE damage centered on your target. The swarm bounce 2 time. _swarm cannot be damaged or count as a minion._

- Death's retreat: Leave a _Fetid mark_ (deal damage and poison foes) and you Shadow Step to a nearby location directly away from your target. count as a leap finisher.

- Lifebane Arrow: Shot an arrow that dealing damage and fearing the target.

- Entengling Asp: immobilize targeted foe and poison it.





- Dark bond: "In shroud" traits affect your nightmare. Whenever you gain a boon, copy that boon on your nightmare.

- Demonic flesh: Your nightmare isn't affected by weakness effects.


Upper traitline: traits that support your nightmare. GM trait: Shrd#1 grant a stackable buff that increase your nightmare attack speed.

Middle traitline: traits that focus on minions (necromancer got 5 of them on core why not more). GM trait: spirits drain on them conditions from allies every 10 seconds and gain % life each time a damaging condition is successfully drawn.

Lower traitline: focus on poison and damage. GM trait: Lingering mark: marks have 2 tics instead of a single tic when they are triggered.




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I'll throw couple of my ideas at least.


A guardian with a focus on close quarters fighting, using Physical skills to shred through the enemy and with an off-hand sword going for them. Virtues when activated turn into short-term buffs depending on the buff.


A thief who taps into the power of zen, learning how to use their sixth sense to fight and dodge, using Meditations to confuse the enemy while keeping him safe, learning also how to utilize his free hand for things. (one-handed style, learns skills 4 and 5 when not using anything off-hand). Steal turns into Concentrate, giving you a random buff to use after 0.5-1 second. During channeling you evade everything.


A ranger who can use two pets at once (with weaker stats from normal), and who can even summon more to help if needed by Conjuring them. Can no longer swap pets in combat but can activate both of the pets' skills.


An engineer who managed to use golemancy to create himself a robot to use for combat, but losing his toolbelt on the way. That doesn't matter as they can still use golemancy through his glyphs and has a staff to use for combat as well.


A warrior with a determination to humiliate you using their Tricks, but also doing it still from afar with pistol(s) in hand. This would focus on far-ranged combat, so single target DPS. Adrenaline has an additional skill which where you can use the lvl 1 adrenaline skill immediately after using a lvl 1 or 2 adrenaline skill. Own cooldown, max adrenaline bar is still 3 but max lvl is 2.


An elementalist who wants to live by its name to imbue herself and her weapons with elementals, with mace(s) in their hand and Wells at their disposal. Imbuing yourself with elemental gives buffs depending on the element.


A necromancer who becomes one with the shadow itself - literally, with sword in main hand, to cull their enemies using Deception to get the job done as well. Shroud turns into shadow double, allowing for quick onslaught due to double strikes albeit for one target only


A mesmer who studied even further into the illusions to make fake miracles to confuse enemies or to support their allies, with daggers slicing through the air from mid-range to the enemies and tomes in hand.


A revenant who invokes the past giant-king of the Jotun, Elder Thruln, to wreck havoc with AoE damage and a greatsword in hand.


There, just random ideas.

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For new elite specs I would really want


Elementalist: Arcane user/ wizard. With epic spells and counter magic and stuff. Removing boons or conditions, defensive and utility aoe abilities and stuff.

Elementalist no 2: Elemental specialist-attune to 1 element but have weapon swap and more powerful skills.


Ranger: shapeshift

Guardian: witch hunter with pistols

Necro: vampire


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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> More than e-spec, it's more a few mechanisms that I'd like to see introduced by the mea of e-spec:

> - Engineer: An e-spec more focused on "drugs" with "implants" as utilities that work like signet does for other professions.


......So you want a drug dealer...


> - Necromancer: An e-spec that "animate" the shroud, making it a "minion" and glyphs having similar effect than the ranger's shouts. **An e-spec where the necromancer drain endurance from it's foes and focus heavily on weakness. **(both e-specs can probably be fused into a single one)


Necro turns into a Cat with behavior issues


> - Ranger: A zoo e-spec based on insects, named the swarmmaster. The pet would be replaced by swarm and utilities would be insects minions.



Ranger turns into a beetle borg


> - Revenant: A "norn" e-spec with the owl as the legend. F2 become an upkeep transformation and the owl grant utilities with some stealth.



Rev turns into an animorph..



I got nothing for the other two ?



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