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Losing Streaks

Ok I Did It.2854

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How do you deal with loss streaks, do you just walk away and leave it for the day or continue to try and get back on the winning run,


I totally get it that sometimes you are just out played by better teams/players, but


Tonight i lost 6 matches, and the first 2 matches where close and decent games, 4 of them where total shockers, 2 thieves who wouldnt decap, 2 core guardians who just exploded the minute an enemy looked at them, i then had a match where the mesmer asked the 2 guards to go home, and they didnt, so the mesmer stood at spawn for the entire match, just calling them out non stop, they didnt partake in the match at all, so the game was a white wash.


Now im aware that i could always get better etc, i do tend to win my 1v1's and the occasional 2v1's but there is nothing i can do from AFK players, or players who refuse to decap/cap, or players who explode before event casting a skill.


Has PVP really just turned into PiP farming for rewards now with no effort to actually play? I swear its almost like red resign day from GW1 all over again.

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Only thing one can do is walk away. When ever the day comes when 2v2 and or 3v3 happens is the day this game get revitalised. Having to depend on 4 other strangers is a complete joke. This game 5v5 conquest the only game mode for 6 years is impossible to balance appropriately. Once 2v2 and 3v3 happens this game will be a new day of justice and fun between classes and peers.


You cant balance for a 5v3 sichuation if 2 of ur team mate explode. This game mechanic on how every class can cc heal and damage is broken and 5v5 conquest was a baad idea from the start.

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> @"Cicada.6298" said:

> > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:


> > Has PVP really just turned into PiP farming for rewards now with no effort to actually play?


> in short, yes.


Nerf gold rewards, and there goes half your player base.


Myself, I just keep banging my head, hoping the matches get better. They don't. Or bang it hard enough I quit for 1 - 2 seasons.

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By the sound of it you already have the mechanical skill and game knowledge to carry.


Now if you're not running something meta or you're forced into another role because of duplicate profession your margin of error is massively decreased - meaning in order to win you cannot take a wrong decision at any point in time during the match. Just being able to stall a 1v1 at the right place and right time in most matches is enough to do some good, so never ever start a game thinking you have no impact over the outcome no matter your team comp.


Next is the idea of a losing streak. It's completely natural to accept the good and resist the bad, namely win streaks and how they make you feel you've earned it. Even if you win you should be critical of your own decision-making, as this is what will save you whenever you are next on the verge of losing a match. And here is the most important point - take 1 match at a time. A losing streak doesn't manifest until you've lost 2 in a row. You can always turn it around the next match. The only reason we get frustrated is because we erroneously believe all those lost games were connected somehow for reasons beyond our control. But they are not. They happen because we get to comfortable after winning and stop trying as hard, or learn from our mistakes.


The only way up is to win more than you lose - the only way to stop losing is to improve. Luckily the behavour of afk-ing and chatraging decreases the higher you get, but the system is designed to flush in new players from below if you are stuck giving you the opportunity to rise if you take it whenever possible.

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Ugh. It's another one of these threads.


Ben has stated multiple times that the matchmaking is indeed perfectly working as intended, why would he lie to the community?

Me myself I had a bad placement run, going 5/5 and placing around 1450. Next thing you know I'm already plat1, barely breaking a sweat.

You just need to get good and learn to carry, stop blaming the algorithm or your team mates.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> How do you deal with loss streaks, do you just walk away and leave it for the day or continue to try and get back on the winning run,

Walk away, take a small break. It will just put pressure on you and annoy you more which makes you more prone to mistakes which will eventually lead to more losses.


> Now im aware that i could always get better etc, i do tend to win my 1v1's and the occasional 2v1's but there is nothing i can do from AFK players, or players who refuse to decap/cap, or players who explode before event casting a skill.

Luckily the enemy team has an equal (actually higher, if you are not one of them) chance of having one of those players, so it won't affect your ranking on the long run.



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It depends on your own emotional reaction to the losing streak. If you find yourself getting annoyed and angry, that's the point to stop; you'll play more sloppily, which will make you likely to continue losing, you'll be more inclined to simply blame your teammates and not examine your own play, which will inhibit your improvement, and, well, if you're not enjoying playing the game, then there's no real point in doing it.


If you can remain calm and treat each game individually, however, then I think the best way to improve is to keep playing and learn to look at trends in terms of dozens or hundreds of games, not just the last five or ten that you played.

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As mentioned above the best way to avoid getting tilted is to walk away.


Since im primarily a WvW player my method is simple. I play ranked until i lose 2 matches in a row. When that happens i go WvW for an hour. Then come back to PvP.


This accomplishes several things.

1. With the low player base it means you will reduce the likelihood of getting matched with the same pool of players.

2. Avoid getting frustrated/tilted as your loss streak gets bigger.

3. Killing noobs in WvW always makes me feel better.


Granted if PvP is your game mode then leaving for an hour or so may not work. The above method works for me.


Lastly i am a pip farmer. I couldn't care less about rank. I just want my shards to get my legendary armor. PvP armor is easier/faster to get than WvW armor.

Even though i don't care about ranked i still don't want endless losing streaks just for pips because lets face it we all want to have fun playing the game.


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Even if the 50/50 rate theory is not true (I can hardly believe) there is another big problem:

the information what MM is using to build up the teams is not enough therefore most of the time it can't build balanced games. There is a stronger team and a much weaker one. I wrote solutions and workarounds for a 100 times and Anet didn't answered any of them.

And about the streaks one dev once said laughing the maximum registered losing streak was 26. Nice eh?

It really seems they think its ok:(

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> @"Bazooka.3590" said:

> Even if the 50/50 rate theory is not true (I can hardly believe) there is another big problem:

> the information what MM is using to build up the teams is not enough therefore most of the time it can't build balanced games. There is a stronger team and a much weaker one. I wrote solutions and workarounds for a 100 times and Anet didn't answered any of them.

> And about the streaks one dev once said laughing the maximum registered losing streak was 26. Nice eh?

> It really seems they think its ok:(


You know why it's 50/50 at the top?


Because in order to climb you need to win more than you lose, and in order to drop you need to lose more than you win. Logic therefore dictates volatility increases the lower you go and decreases higher up because both teams now consist of evenly skilled players.


In other terms silver players can potentially carry a bronze game, gold players can carry a silver one, platinum players can carry gold matches and the few legends can even sway matches in plat.


However given the way matchmaking works (playing off primetime, fewer players and therefore matches with lower rated people, difference in win/lose rating gained, experimenting with builds and roles) it further drives players to artificially low ratings. This rewards meta players who play at primetime, and more players at the same mmr increases their chances of climbing.


There can only be a legend division if there's enough players in plat, as has been evidenced on the NA servers as your ratio far more easy centers around 50/50 since you now get paired with lower rated players more frequently than if there were enough in your respective division, giving you you the numerical opportunity to climb.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> You know why it's 50/50 at the top?


> Because in order to climb you need to win more than you lose, and in order to drop you need to lose more than you win. Logic therefore dictates volatility increases the lower you go and decreases higher up because both teams now consist of evenly skilled players.


> In other terms silver players can potentially carry a bronze game, gold players can carry a silver one, platinum players can carry gold matches and the few legends can even sway matches in plat.


> However given the way matchmaking works (playing off primetime, fewer players and therefore matches with lower rated people, difference in win/lose rating gained, experimenting with builds and roles) it further drives players to artificially low ratings. This rewards meta players who play at primetime, and more players at the same mmr increases their chances of climbing.


> There can only be a legend division if there's enough players in plat, as has been evidenced on the NA servers as your ratio far more easy centers around 50/50 since you now get paired with lower rated players more frequently than if there were enough in your respective division, giving you you the numerical opportunity to climb.


I can't say its only the server population that tricks the MM.

I don't remember big rows of perfectly balanced games back in the days but the implementation of elite specializations and with it the killing of the trait lines in the 2014 April Feature Pack (the black date of gw2) things just got worse.


The whole pvp balance is slowly gravitated toward a class(build) vs counter-class(build) type game mechanism but anet don't developed the match maker to prepare for that.




In many cases the actual league rank doesn't reflects the players total pvp experience very well.


I think the summarize of this two things can lead to total blowout matches. Class + experience unbalance.

And when the stronger team stands on the spawning point of the enemy and farming them its not "snow balling" is simply super bad balanced game.

In the first place match maker should strive to make both build balanced and experience balanced matches at all cost.

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> @"Bazooka.3590" said:



> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > You know why it's 50/50 at the top?

> >

> > Because in order to climb you need to win more than you lose, and in order to drop you need to lose more than you win. Logic therefore dictates volatility increases the lower you go and decreases higher up because both teams now consist of evenly skilled players.

> >

> > In other terms silver players can potentially carry a bronze game, gold players can carry a silver one, platinum players can carry gold matches and the few legends can even sway matches in plat.

> >

> > However given the way matchmaking works (playing off primetime, fewer players and therefore matches with lower rated people, difference in win/lose rating gained, experimenting with builds and roles) it further drives players to artificially low ratings. This rewards meta players who play at primetime, and more players at the same mmr increases their chances of climbing.

> >

> > There can only be a legend division if there's enough players in plat, as has been evidenced on the NA servers as your ratio far more easy centers around 50/50 since you now get paired with lower rated players more frequently than if there were enough in your respective division, giving you you the numerical opportunity to climb.


> I can't say its only the server population that tricks the MM.

> I don't remember big rows of perfectly balanced games back in the days but the implementation of elite specializations and with it the killing of the trait lines in the 2014 April Feature Pack (the black date of gw2) things just got worse.


> The whole pvp balance is slowly gravitated toward a class(build) vs counter-class(build) type game mechanism but anet don't developed the match maker to prepare for that.


> +


> In many cases the actual league rank doesn't reflects the players total pvp experience very well.


> I think the summarize of this two things can lead to total blowout matches. Class + experience unbalance.

> And when the stronger team stands on the spawning point of the enemy and farming them its not "snow balling" is simply super bad balanced game.

> In the first place match maker should strive to make both build balanced and experience balanced matches at all cost.


Yeah the server population pretty much only affect legend division (both) and high plat in NA currently, given there's enough plat players to match in a reasonable amount of queue time.


The thing to remember of the "old days" before the trait overhaul, is that professions functioned alot more as direct counters to eachother. Right now you might have a bunker vs a roamer, but back then the equivalent was a guardian vs a thief. I personally enjoy the fact that they opened up several roles within professions, but understand the balance complication aspect of it.


I actually believe (based on personal observation) that there is a function in the matchmaking algorithm that takes professions (including e-specs) into account. It's quite obvious when you start looking for profession representation in games, and how you never get teams of 5 pure healbots (statistically a .4% chance of happening every match, if 1000 are played this would happen in 4 of them unless accounted for). Same goes for full teams consisting of only 1 profession, and core specs vs elites, although there can be several reasons for this.


I agree with the league rank, there's alot of ways it punishes you rather than reward - but I believe this to be healthy to some extent as it takes more to stay at the top, and rotates players who play there while giving opportunity for those just below. Basically it's easier to get there than stay there, which is how it should be.


As for blowouts - climbing through gold and plat give a very good picture of this. At gold the most common reasons for blowouts are rotations since every 1v1 essentially is a 50/50, while in plat everyone know how to rotate but winning their matchups (mechanical skill) becomes the deciding factor. In my opinion alot of "unbalanced matches" could easily be salvaged by regrouping on close and then snowball across if you get a duelist decapping far, although this tactic ironically doesn't see any use until plat because every player have their own idea of what is the best course of action - and it's not the game's fault. It's incredibly rare for a play to have an equal option and therefore 99% of the time there is 1 right way to do things based on what's happening, a consensus that is reached in high plat allowing them to more effectively play the game - which is why they belong there.

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Its like this see. Login and ask this question "ah yes, let's see how the pvp que is this evening", play one game, if you win the answer is "ah, I see the que is good tonight, let us play another game" and continue until you lose. As soon as you lose one stop there, beware, you will never win after a loss! Any other instance of losing means the que is garbage and you will never succeed. Always stop after one loss. Some say two losses, but they've yet to cross over, join the one loss side, where all is well with the world.

May the que be in your favor friend.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> started the week at almost gold


> last night 6 straight loss from continuous play, always the same 2 sb rangers on the opposing team, took a break for an hour to finally get a win for daily, now down at silver 1 bar from 2 bars


> not sure how the algorithms are working as intended =.=;;


there are not enough players in the game mode

no life super skill dooferlicious can farm you at the right time of day

dont sweat it, you can actually look at a sample of the "elite" players. go do so...and decide if you really want to be that (God knows why they show their faces lol)

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> I actually believe (based on personal observation) that there is a function in the matchmaking algorithm that takes professions (including e-specs) into account. It's quite obvious when you start looking for profession representation in games, and how you never get teams of 5 pure healbots (statistically a .4% chance of happening every match, if 1000 are played this would happen in 4 of them unless accounted for). Same goes for full teams consisting of only 1 profession, and core specs vs elites, although there can be several reasons for this.


Yea, the matchmaking actively tries to prevent more than 2 of the same spec being on one team (I'm not a coder, but that's at least how I read the code).


That's why you don't see more than 2 Mirages or Soulbeasts in a single team.

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