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One server to rule them all?

Elizabeth Reed.9173

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I've been playing GW2, the WvW part on and off for the past 5 years. In all that time I have never seen a server as dominant as Blackgate. It is not just that Blackgate is number one day in and day out, week in and week out, year in and year out it is the fact that there appears to be NO RESTRICTIONS on this one server by ANet. Why is this? Why does ANet allow ONE server to dictate the rankings of all the rest? Why does ANet allow what appears to be an unlimited amount of transfers to this one server? Why does ANet discourage other servers and it's leadership from making in-roads into the rankings which are set up and ultimately maintained by one server.


When one and only one server wins time and time again with no restraints what you have is a monopoly. A business monopoly. A handshake between a powerful developer and a willing but limited number of players whose purpose is to make sure that he game is played a certain way. The only way to win is to transfer to Blackgate. It is Authoritarian gamesmanship at it's finest. The public be damned.

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The reason why beast gate has been so dominant is because it has the best elite players in GW2.

I have been in beast gate for about 6 years now and what i have noticed is that the other servers always roam in groups.


Everywhere I go, I do not see a single green ally dot on the map, but I encounter many many 2+ enemies roaming and chasing me for hours.

We actually go and capture stuff and do not need to roam in groups.


Every day I roam alone I encounter 5+ enemies chasing me for hours and not a single ally appears on the mini map; that tells you that the population of Beast gate is actually contributing to the score rather than chasing a single enemy for hours and hours.


This is what I have noticed, low tiers always chase and chase single targets like hungry zombies.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> The reason why beast gate has been so dominant is because it has the best elite players in GW2.

> I have been in beast gate for about 6 years now and what i have noticed is that the other servers always roam in groups.


> Everywhere I go, I do not see a single green ally dot on the map, but I encounter many many 2+ enemies roaming and chasing me for hours.

> We actually go and capture stuff and do not need to roam in groups.


> Every day I roam alone I encounter 5+ enemies chasing me for hours and not a single ally appears on the mini map; that tells you that the population of Beast gate is actually contributing to the score rather than chasing a single enemy for hours and hours.


> This is what I have noticed, low tiers always chase and chase single targets like hungry zombies.


Funny that you say that, i also solo roam (or atleast used to, rarely play the game anymore)

My server used to be in the top3 for weeks on end a few years back and now is one of the lowest servers. And you know what? You get chased in any tier as solo roamer, it doesnt matter. This is on eu, mind you. But you cant judge how elitist your players are by the amount of ppl chasing you, lol. Thats absolute nonsense.


Oh and btw, matchup thread, where the mods at? Do your thing and feed the meme.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> The reason why beast gate has been so dominant is because it has the best elite players in GW2.

> I have been in beast gate for about 6 years now and what i have noticed is that the other servers always roam in groups.


> Everywhere I go, I do not see a single green ally dot on the map, but I encounter many many 2+ enemies roaming and chasing me for hours.

> We actually go and capture stuff and do not need to roam in groups.


> Every day I roam alone I encounter 5+ enemies chasing me for hours and not a single ally appears on the mini map; that tells you that the population of Beast gate is actually contributing to the score rather than chasing a single enemy for hours and hours.


> This is what I have noticed, low tiers always chase and chase single targets like hungry zombies.


I don't buy this at all. I've seen too many times where other servers playing against Blackgate take them out even when Blackgate outnumbers them by 30% or even more. I've done it myself.


The truth is if you have the most coverage, the most night capping, you're going to win most matches and Blackgate does. But the corrollary of this is that if you are the best, there's no one to get better against. Teams playing against Blackgate have to hone their skills constantly against superior numbers. Blackgate has to show up. And because they're virtually always in higher numbers, how are they ever really going to get better, or even test themselves.


Blackgate is stacked populationwise and coverage wise. They're not winning because they necessarily play better, unless you consider the strategy and organisation of coverage as part of playing better.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> The reason why beast gate has been so dominant is because it has the best elite players in GW2.

> I have been in beast gate for about 6 years now and what i have noticed is that the other servers always roam in groups.


> Everywhere I go, I do not see a single green ally dot on the map, but I encounter many many 2+ enemies roaming and chasing me for hours.

> We actually go and capture stuff and do not need to roam in groups.


> Every day I roam alone I encounter 5+ enemies chasing me for hours and not a single ally appears on the mini map; that tells you that the population of Beast gate is actually contributing to the score rather than chasing a single enemy for hours and hours.


> This is what I have noticed, low tiers always chase and chase single targets like hungry zombies.


Really? I have to say no way to this. For example... today I was with 8 people on our home bl, SoS - Desert bl this week. So we say hey let's to take that T3 sw camp... and I say... be ready for the BG blob.. because it WILL come. We got there and ONE BG guy was there... and seriously within 30 seconds at least 25 BG dropped on us and blobbed us to death.. you're right though.. not a single green ally to be found... 25+ yes.. lol :)


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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > The reason why beast gate has been so dominant is because it has the best elite players in GW2.

> > I have been in beast gate for about 6 years now and what i have noticed is that the other servers always roam in groups.

> >

> > Everywhere I go, I do not see a single green ally dot on the map, but I encounter many many 2+ enemies roaming and chasing me for hours.

> > We actually go and capture stuff and do not need to roam in groups.

> >

> > Every day I roam alone I encounter 5+ enemies chasing me for hours and not a single ally appears on the mini map; that tells you that the population of Beast gate is actually contributing to the score rather than chasing a single enemy for hours and hours.

> >

> > This is what I have noticed, low tiers always chase and chase single targets like hungry zombies.


> I don't buy this at all. I've seen too many times where other servers playing against Blackgate take them out even when Blackgate outnumbers them by 30% or even more. I've done it myself.


> The truth is if you have the most coverage, the most night capping, you're going to win most matches and Blackgate does. But the corrollary of this is that if you are the best, there's no one to get better against. Teams playing against Blackgate have to hone their skills constantly against superior numbers. Blackgate has to show up. And because they're virtually always in higher numbers, how are they ever really going to get better, or even test themselves.


> Blackgate is stacked populationwise and coverage wise. They're not winning because they necessarily play better, unless you consider the strategy and organisation of coverage as part of playing better.


But if is so stack as you claim, why don't I see them in my map? i go to so many different places in the map capturing camps and even towers by myself without a single ally showing up to help me.


When I am capturing a tower by myself, i even write in the chat for someone to come and help me but noone comes. I always end up fighting lords, NPC and additional 1 or 2 enemy players that "defend" the tower, but in the end i capture it.


If you are not in BG you have no idea how dead it looks and the reason it looks dead is because we are spread around the map.


on the other hand, enemy players congomerate on a single camp. i go capture a camp and I see 5+ enemies, I go to another camp and I see 3+ enemies...

Everywhere I go I see groups of enemies and that is why you guys do not win against BEAST gate because we do not need 10+ to capture a sentry or a camp.


Spread your wings and fly alone, roam alone, do not be afraid to roam alone!

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > The reason why beast gate has been so dominant is because it has the best elite players in GW2.

> > > I have been in beast gate for about 6 years now and what i have noticed is that the other servers always roam in groups.

> > >

> > > Everywhere I go, I do not see a single green ally dot on the map, but I encounter many many 2+ enemies roaming and chasing me for hours.

> > > We actually go and capture stuff and do not need to roam in groups.

> > >

> > > Every day I roam alone I encounter 5+ enemies chasing me for hours and not a single ally appears on the mini map; that tells you that the population of Beast gate is actually contributing to the score rather than chasing a single enemy for hours and hours.

> > >

> > > This is what I have noticed, low tiers always chase and chase single targets like hungry zombies.

> >

> > I don't buy this at all. I've seen too many times where other servers playing against Blackgate take them out even when Blackgate outnumbers them by 30% or even more. I've done it myself.

> >

> > The truth is if you have the most coverage, the most night capping, you're going to win most matches and Blackgate does. But the corrollary of this is that if you are the best, there's no one to get better against. Teams playing against Blackgate have to hone their skills constantly against superior numbers. Blackgate has to show up. And because they're virtually always in higher numbers, how are they ever really going to get better, or even test themselves.

> >

> > Blackgate is stacked populationwise and coverage wise. They're not winning because they necessarily play better, unless you consider the strategy and organisation of coverage as part of playing better.


> But if is so stack as you claim, why don't I see them in my map? i go to so many different places in the map capturing camps and even towers by myself without a single ally showing up to help me.


> When I am capturing a tower by myself, i even write in the chat for someone to come and help me but noone comes. I always end up fighting lords, NPC and additional 1 or 2 enemy players that "defend" the tower, but in the end i capture it.


> If you are not in BG you have no idea how dead it looks and the reason it looks dead is because we are spread around the map.


> on the other hand, enemy players congomerate on a single camp. i go capture a camp and I see 5+ enemies, I go to another camp and I see 3+ enemies...

> Everywhere I go I see groups of enemies and that is why you guys do not win against BEAST gate because we do not need 10+ to capture a sentry or a camp.


> Spread your wings and fly alone, roam alone, do not be afraid to roam alone!


Right the days when I'm running around and I can't go two feet without running into a blob are just my imagination. And you guys are so amazingly great that the three of you on the server are taking on our entire zerg on a constant basis.


Yes, WvW is a team sport, even if you personally like to solo roam. People don't abandon their target to come help you. If they're wanting to take hills, why would they come and help you with a single fight? Or a single camp even? Doesn't mean the zergs aren't there in the sizes I've seen them.

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This is an example of Matthew Principle and servers have been in Pareto distributions for many years.


It is sometimes summarized by the adage "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."




Matthew Principle will be true for alliance battle too. So try to be the top alliance early on to ensure your alliance dominance.

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> @"Lord of Rings.5371" said:

> This is an example of Matthew Principle and servers have been in a Pareto distribution for many years.


> It is sometimes summarized by the adage "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."


> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_effect


> Matthew Principle will be true for alliance battle too. So try to be the top alliance early on to ensure your alliance dominance.


Given how vulnerable a lot of GW2 players seem to be to drama I think some well placed rumours would probably make a lot of alliances crumble.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> The reason why beast gate has been so dominant is because it has **the best elite players in GW2**.

> I have been in beast gate for about 6 years now and what i have noticed is that the other servers always roam in groups.


> Everywhere I go, I do not see a single green ally dot on the map, but I encounter many many 2+ enemies roaming and chasing me for hours.

> We actually go and capture stuff and do not need to roam in groups.


> Every day I roam alone I encounter 5+ enemies chasing me for hours and not a single ally appears on the mini map; that tells you that the population of Beast gate is actually contributing to the score rather than chasing a single enemy for hours and hours.


> This is what I have noticed, low tiers always chase and chase single targets like hungry zombies.


Just two question: a) Why are you on BG then? b) How can you know how players on all other servers are?

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> The reason why beast gate has been so dominant is because it has the best elite players in GW2.

> I have been in beast gate for about 6 years now and what i have noticed is that the other servers always roam in groups.


> Everywhere I go, I do not see a single green ally dot on the map, but I encounter many many 2+ enemies roaming and chasing me for hours.

> We actually go and capture stuff and do not need to roam in groups.


> Every day I roam alone I encounter 5+ enemies chasing me for hours and not a single ally appears on the mini map; that tells you that the population of Beast gate is actually contributing to the score rather than chasing a single enemy for hours and hours.


> This is what I have noticed, low tiers always chase and chase single targets like hungry zombies.


BG has coverage - they're on when you're not playing. They may not have a strong NA prime (if that's when you're on) but they have consistent coverage 24/7 which no other server has. So when the other servers have no one, BG is rolling and back capping.


Elite though - not so much. BG typically won't fight unless they have significant odds in their favor.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> The reason why beast gate has been so dominant is because it has the best elite players in GW2.

> I have been in beast gate for about 6 years now and what i have noticed is that the other servers always roam in groups.


> Everywhere I go, I do not see a single green ally dot on the map, but I encounter many many 2+ enemies roaming and chasing me for hours.

> We actually go and capture stuff and do not need to roam in groups.


> Every day I roam alone I encounter 5+ enemies chasing me for hours and not a single ally appears on the mini map; that tells you that the population of Beast gate is actually contributing to the score rather than chasing a single enemy for hours and hours.


> This is what I have noticed, low tiers always chase and chase single targets like hungry zombies.


I was going to write a long post to call your bullshit based on things I've seen YOU do in game, but I'll problably just get infracted if I do.


But I'll just leave this here: For someone with "Charr Warrior Master Race" on your signature, you sure been playing a lot of Norn lately.... And back in the days when this game actually had skilled roamers, using Rampage on 1v1 was frowned upon, even if they were playing meme Rifle Warrior.

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