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What do you find to be the hardest thing to achieve in GW2?


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Let me explain the title:


What kind of goals you have had or currently are working on that have been the hardest to reach? It can be anything - raid boss kills, certain items, achievements, titles, completing a JP, completing a personal challenge of yours etc.


Keep in mind I want to hear about things that personally mean something to YOU, not just a "legendaries are too hard to get" or "raids are inaccessible". I want to hear about things you have worked on/are currently working on/are going to work on! :D


For me, the Fractal God title seems like a big, and a long term goal.

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I'm currently finishing up solo upgrading my personal guild to have every single improvement. Only one I have left is the last aetherium rate for the mine. Most people would find it useless/crazy but it was a challenge I set for myself when HoT launched. Just wish I would have thought about how slow making ley line tools is a looong time ago!

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Quality builds. Something about the build system in GW2 always threw me off when it comes to making effective builds. Sure I could just go to some web page and copy someone else's build... but that's not fun and would just feel like I'm playing someone else's character. So I just continue playing my low quality builds. :)

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The use of the word "hard" is way to ambiguous for you to get a good response because people use that same word to describe a simple, but tedious task that simply requires a ton of free time as they do for a complex and unforgiving challenge that may only take a few minutes to complete if performed well enough.


Without that distinction, the hardest thing to achieve is technically achieving the maximum amount of achievement points possible.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> any of the HoT masteries, i have almost maxed all of the rest (i just lack the points to fill them) but HoT masteries are leveling so frikin slow.

> i dunno if they require more XP or if the monsters in HoT territories simply give less XP but it's so frustrating.


If I remember right HoT Masteries require significantly more XP to level.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> any of the HoT masteries, i have almost maxed all of the rest (i just lack the points to fill them) but HoT masteries are leveling so frikin slow.

> i dunno if they require more XP or if the monsters in HoT territories simply give less XP but it's so frustrating.


Doing the meta events in those maps give a lot of XP. I use https://gw2timer.com to track them. Also it would be wise to be on the map 20-30 minutes early so you get a spot and look in the LFG for the particular map you're in to see if groups are forming.

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> @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> Griffon mount, i've given up long ago


It’s honestly not that bad. I put it off for aaaages but once I started I had it done over a weekend of pretty casual play.


As for the OPs question: for me it’s finding a class to stick with long enough to get properly proficient with. I tend to flit between my characters so they’re all reasonably geared, but none are top notch.

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> I'm currently finishing up solo upgrading my personal guild to have every single improvement. Only one I have left is the last aetherium rate for the mine. Most people would find it useless/crazy but it was a challenge I set for myself when HoT launched. Just wish I would have thought about how slow making ley line tools is a looong time ago!


Oh wow that is a big one! Now I feel inspired.



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Skipping up the Volcano. I felt really, really accomplished when I finally got that last Mursaat token. The second time I had to do it (for mastery of the LW Episode) I cheesed it with a friendly Mesmer. :) But that first time I did myself. I am not good at JP's! And it was a long time goal, I had tried (and failed) it before numerous times and then just let it go for months on end.

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I think my hardest challenge was to complete all masteries to get back my shards XP bar. :P


fortunately for me, ANet made the raid mastery bar optional right as I was starting to get ready to go suffer that (I don't like group content where specialized builds are better than hybrids or all-rounders, since my characters are all built to be self reliant and provide bonuses to others in group events). :D


I am pretty sure doing the chalice of tears to get the LS3 anomaly eater could had been a lot worse if I hadn't bumped right on time on a friendly mesmer that was helping people with it for free. :D

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I made it to Closer to the Stars. I think the Mini collections were the real blocker for me to get any further. But it sure was fun to work your appetite up for GW2. I sometimes feel like going back to GW1 for a while, but relearning how to Build a good Heroteam is too much of a hurdle right now, even though that was actually the funnest part.

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Finding a good guild.


I've burned through a bunch, and only recently have found one I can really feel comfortable in. Prior to that I found almost always that although most guilds are fine for SOME people, they also seem almost all to be focused on core members and neglect everyone else. Even some of the better ones either have too many members to make you feel included, too few to actually do things together, or just too many unpleasant members who sour the experience. GW2 is a very social game and it makes it all the more important to find a mix of people you actually like being around and doing things with. Not easy.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> GWAMM is the toughest I know of. That's what I'm shooting for.


That's one of my future goals!


> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> Skipping up the Volcano. I felt really, really accomplished when I finally got that last Mursaat token. The second time I had to do it (for mastery of the LW Episode) I cheesed it with a friendly Mesmer. :) But that first time I did myself. I am not good at JP's! And it was a long time goal, I had tried (and failed) it before numerous times and then just let it go for months on end.


Getting that one done felt GOOD! I am good at JPs but those tokens were a pain.



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> @"Meestercat.2748" said:

> > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > Griffon mount, i've given up long ago


> It’s honestly not that bad. I put it off for aaaages but once I started I had it done over a weekend of pretty casual play.


> As for the OPs question: for me it’s finding a class to stick with long enough to get properly proficient with. I tend to flit between my characters so they’re all reasonably geared, but none are top notch.


Could you give me some tips on how to get it? I only have 40g right now.


I've tried following that dulfy or whatever but there's still the 250g I need. And i'm no farmer.

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> @"Squirrel.6318" said:


> Could you give me some tips on how to get it? I only have 40g right now.


> I've tried following that dulfy or whatever but there's still the 250g I need. And i'm no farmer.


The main thing to note is that the 250g is not a one-time cost. It's the total of a series of much smaller purchases. So you can start working on your griffon without having all the money to finish it. Along the way you'll make some gold just doing the things you need to progress, but it may take a while if you aren't actively trying to make gold (I didn't do it until I had more than enough stored away, so I was able to complete quickly, but you don't have to rush). Also note that there's a couple of group events you'll need to complete, and you may as well get those over with whenever you get a chance rather than waiting until they become the thing stopping you from progressing. In other words get out of the way everything you can do now, and then as you get the money complete the parts that require a purchase.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> > @"Squirrel.6318" said:


> > Could you give me some tips on how to get it? I only have 40g right now.

> >

> > I've tried following that dulfy or whatever but there's still the 250g I need. And i'm no farmer.


> The main thing to note is that the 250g is not a one-time cost. It's the total of a series of much smaller purchases. So you can start working on your griffon without having all the money to finish it. Along the way you'll make some gold just doing the things you need to progress, but it may take a while if you aren't actively trying to make gold (I didn't do it until I had more than enough stored away, so I was able to complete quickly, but you don't have to rush). Also note that there's a couple of group events you'll need to complete, and you may as well get those over with whenever you get a chance rather than waiting until they become the thing stopping you from progressing. In other words get out of the way everything you can do now, and then as you get the money complete the parts that require a purchase.


Is the griffon unlocked on all characters after unlocked?

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> @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> >

> > > Could you give me some tips on how to get it? I only have 40g right now.

> > >

> > > I've tried following that dulfy or whatever but there's still the 250g I need. And i'm no farmer.

> >

> > The main thing to note is that the 250g is not a one-time cost. It's the total of a series of much smaller purchases. So you can start working on your griffon without having all the money to finish it. Along the way you'll make some gold just doing the things you need to progress, but it may take a while if you aren't actively trying to make gold (I didn't do it until I had more than enough stored away, so I was able to complete quickly, but you don't have to rush). Also note that there's a couple of group events you'll need to complete, and you may as well get those over with whenever you get a chance rather than waiting until they become the thing stopping you from progressing. In other words get out of the way everything you can do now, and then as you get the money complete the parts that require a purchase.


> Is the griffon unlocked on all characters after unlocked?




Including diwnleveled (new toons) toons.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > >

> > > > Could you give me some tips on how to get it? I only have 40g right now.

> > > >

> > > > I've tried following that dulfy or whatever but there's still the 250g I need. And i'm no farmer.

> > >

> > > The main thing to note is that the 250g is not a one-time cost. It's the total of a series of much smaller purchases. So you can start working on your griffon without having all the money to finish it. Along the way you'll make some gold just doing the things you need to progress, but it may take a while if you aren't actively trying to make gold (I didn't do it until I had more than enough stored away, so I was able to complete quickly, but you don't have to rush). Also note that there's a couple of group events you'll need to complete, and you may as well get those over with whenever you get a chance rather than waiting until they become the thing stopping you from progressing. In other words get out of the way everything you can do now, and then as you get the money complete the parts that require a purchase.

> >

> > Is the griffon unlocked on all characters after unlocked?


> Yes.


> Including diwnleveled (new toons) toons.


Which is helpful for leveling AND for the bane of my existence: map completion.

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I would say the hardest things for me that I was willing to give up on were the Clocktower and Wintersday JPs. Finally got the Wintersday one achievable once I learned that the snowflakes don't vanish on the quaggan path. Haven't even touched Clocktower in years, my physical method of steering and jumping does not work on a constant right turn with no time to spare to reposition my mouse.


The hardest thing that I still am dreaming over is getting a Permanent Hair Stylist Contract. At one point I got very close to having over 2K gold, which is my threshold to put down a bid, but as I am more RL cash frugal these days I converted gold to gems to supplement getting lesser cost items I wanted and am well shy of that amount once more. I'm not sure why I hold onto the dream, the days of my constantly altering character appearances are behind me and I only RP in game once a week at most, but I wanted it so much for years that I'm still keeping it as something to push for. Maybe it'll drop from a chest one day and save me thousands of gold -- I certainly won't sell it if it does! If I got invisible shoes or a chak infusion, I'd definitely sell those and pick up the hair stylist.

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