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Lift limits on simultaneous in-game mails.


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Make that in your mutual friends list and I'm right there with ya. Keep in mind that this game doesn't require a player to accept your friend request before they are on the list, so unless they've also friended you they should be immune from spam. Otherwise the spam mailers would have a field day just friending everyone in the map and blitzing them with ads.

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I agree that it is annoying. The issue has been discussed several times. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the main reason for this limit is to help preventing gold sellers. I would have to browse the forum to find again the thread in which it was explained in details. If I recall correctly, for now, there is no easy alternative solution that can be put in place.

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I think the ability to send mail to guild mates would be nifty. At christmas, I tend to send everyone in my guild a lump of coal (as a joke), and it can take upwards of an hour to get all of the mails sent out (with help from anyone online and willing to help out durring christmas). If the 90 second - 2 message timer weren't so strict, I'm pretty sure I could cut that time down.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > Only if guild mates are given an option to opt out of guild mail spam.

> >

> > There is such an option, its called "leave guild". :p


> And those that want guild mail have an optional, it’s call “Message of the Day” :)


Unfortunately no one reads the message of the day.


That being said, there is one issue I see with this - the limit of received mail is at 10.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> I agree that it is annoying. The issue has been discussed several times. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the main reason for this limit is to help preventing gold sellers. I would have to browse the forum to find again the thread in which it was explained in details. If I recall correctly, for now, there is no easy alternative solution that can be put in place.


That is correct. With limitless mails, RMT will start spamming every account in the game. :( I understand the desire, but I also understand the reasons for the limitations. I will bring this up with the devs to see if there's a potential work-around, but so far, one (without drawbacks) has not been evident or something that was reasonable and without risk to implement.

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I don't think anyone actually wants limitless emails, just maybe loosen the rules up a notch. Or maybe have an email count as half an email if it contains an item, so the limit goes up a bit when mailing actual items out.


Yes, there is a risk it will be abused, but I've seen the current system get abused as well. It's just that the current risk/utility balance is shifted maybe a bit too far onto the risk side.

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > Only if guild mates are given an option to opt out of guild mail spam.

> > >

> > > There is such an option, its called "leave guild". :p

> >

> > And those that want guild mail have an optional, it’s call “Message of the Day” :)


> Unfortunately no one reads the message of the day.

Then why would people want to receive an email of the week?


I get that there are some guild leaders who would make good use of an option to bulk mail, but I think there are a lot more that would not. People don't read messages of the day often because they aren't relevant to the guildie; that's not a mechanical issue.



Relaxing the limits for mutual friends seems sensible.

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> That is correct. With limitless mails, RMT will start spamming every account in the game. :( I understand the desire, but I also understand the reasons for the limitations. I will bring this up with the devs to see if there's a potential work-around, but so far, one (without drawbacks) has not been evident or something that was reasonable and without risk to implement.

It is simple, give us freedom to message friends. When it is outside of guildmates, friends then dampen it. It should be possible to put a filter on the mail system so it recognizes the receiver as a friend or guildmate. Heck, make an in guild mail system if nothing else.


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> > I agree that it is annoying. The issue has been discussed several times. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the main reason for this limit is to help preventing gold sellers. I would have to browse the forum to find again the thread in which it was explained in details. If I recall correctly, for now, there is no easy alternative solution that can be put in place.


> That is correct. With limitless mails, RMT will start spamming every account in the game. :( I understand the desire, but I also understand the reasons for the limitations. I will bring this up with the devs to see if there's a potential work-around, but so far, one (without drawbacks) has not been evident or something that was reasonable and without risk to implement.


I can give a concrete example how annoying this limit can be: I am officer in a guild. One of my tasks is to welcoming new members, sending them main info about our guild via a standard 2 parts-mail (due to size limitation it needs 2 parts). If I welcome only 1 or 2 new members, let's say 3, I just take care to do that slow enough (I think the delay is 45 seconds?) and that's fair enough. But when there are a lot arriving same time... :/


It is only one example out of several others related to guild. So for us (guildies), the proposal above to message friends would not be a solution. We would rather need something at guild level. :)


This shows that maybe an idea could be to categorize messaging maybe? Inside a guild, between friends... I don't know. We will take it as it comes B)

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Is it that difficult to wait 30 - 45 seconds, give or take, between messages?


It isn't so much that it's difficult as it is annoying.


Say you're running a contest in the game and you want to give prizes; You can wind up with more than two winners and have to stand around awkwardly after sending a reward to the first pair. Perhaps it's not a contest, perhaps you want to give packages of snowballs to friends for some spur of the moment fun. Same issue. Lastly, say you're in a dungeon with some friends or preparing to run a fractal with a PUG, and you have an item on hand that can boost the effectiveness of your whole party -- if only you could send it to all of them and get right to the activity at hand.


It's a quality of life request that does warrant a second look, though the current limits are also understandable due to the nature of spam.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> > I agree that it is annoying. The issue has been discussed several times. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the main reason for this limit is to help preventing gold sellers. I would have to browse the forum to find again the thread in which it was explained in details. If I recall correctly, for now, there is no easy alternative solution that can be put in place.


> That is correct. With limitless mails, RMT will start spamming every account in the game. :( I understand the desire, but I also understand the reasons for the limitations. I will bring this up with the devs to see if there's a potential work-around, but so far, one (without drawbacks) has not been evident or something that was reasonable and without risk to implement.


We understand that the risk lies with RMT and public spamming.

But such an issue should not, and could not, arise between mutual friends and/or guilds, no?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > Only if guild mates are given an option to opt out of guild mail spam.

> > > >

> > > > There is such an option, its called "leave guild". :p

> > >

> > > And those that want guild mail have an optional, it’s call “Message of the Day” :)

> >

> > Unfortunately no one reads the message of the day.

> Then why would people want to receive an email of the week?


> I get that there are some guild leaders who would make good use of an option to bulk mail, but I think there are a lot more that would not. People don't read messages of the day often because they aren't relevant to the guildie; that's not a mechanical issue.


> ****

> Relaxing the limits for mutual friends seems sensible.


At some point one has to wonder why people would be against communication within a guild, at a reasonable level, but still want to be part of said guild.


Surely, if you want to be a part of a guild, you can just as easily communicate that you really don't want any guild spam mails from them. IF said guild would even do that.







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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Is it that difficult to wait 30 - 45 seconds, give or take, between messages?


Not difficult, annoying and time consuming.


I have alt accounts that I mail items to and mail items from them to my main account. It’s very easy to hit the two mail limit and then have to sit and wait for the timer to run out. The reasoning about limits to stop spam messaging doesn’t apply for accounts owned by one person and is of dubious logic for guilds and mutual friends.


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I could see a limit of five but I hit two constantly. Sometimes I rob my alt account, sometimes I want to help one of my daughters with something they are working on.


Usually goes like this: Mom do you have any extra rugged leather? I need six more. (I send). Wait I need ten iron ingots too. (I send). Oh and could you spare just one glob of ecto? (Spam limit reached. Argh.)

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