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"Extremely awesome" WvW Announcement Next Week

Ni In.6578

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > Please say it's mounts. I hope it's mounts.

> >

> > If they add mounts then they better make all of the maps larger, with more keeps, towers etc.

> >

> > Also they should disable engaging combat skill, and lower the mount speed by 50%.


> Mounts can work if they are only used for travel speed. No CC, no damage, no boons, nerf Cavalier runes.


> I'd prefer to see an exclusive Warhorse mount that does nothing but move you around and get you into battle faster. If it's done in minimalist fashion it wouldn't be a detriment.


Problem is the speed itself. Leaving out special abilities the speed aspect alone would really make taking anything nightmarish.

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Before implementing mounts to WvW they need to do a great analysis of all objectives, if not wrong in EB a tower is without walls on a certain side, because it's on a higher ground, so if you have a jumping mount you can enter inside and take that tower for free.

Not sure about other objectives, but for sure mounts with full mobility unlocked could be able to bypass lots and lots of towers or keeps.

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What is this erroneous assumption that Mounts would have all the abilities and masteries that they have in PvE?


I have gliding maxed in WvW, and I don't recall being able to catch updrafts, or ride ley lines. Or drop bombs.


I can glide with infinite endurance, which might have been a mistake, but it's not a full copy paste of PvE.


One would assume the same for mounts. Odds are they will have **ONE** mount, most likely just the raptor. Or even the skimmer, as it's slowest, the engage does little damage (assuming they even allow engage skills) and it's evade ability is limited.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Before implementing mounts to WvW they need to do a great analysis of all objectives, if not wrong in EB a tower is without walls on a certain side, because it's on a higher ground, so if you have a jumping mount you can enter inside and take that tower for free.

> Not sure about other objectives, but for sure mounts with full mobility unlocked could be able to bypass lots and lots of towers or keeps.



Literally **all** objectives can be bypassed outer through inner straight to lord if we assume the bunny mount is available, lol. Dont need an analysis (great or not) to know that.


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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Before implementing mounts to WvW they need to do a great analysis of all objectives, if not wrong in EB a tower is without walls on a certain side, because it's on a higher ground, so if you have a jumping mount you can enter inside and take that tower for free.

> Not sure about other objectives, but for sure mounts with full mobility unlocked could be able to bypass lots and lots of towers or keeps.


If mounts are implemented and it works like gliding, players won't be able to activate a mount in hostile territory so no worries about being able to bypass hostile barriers.

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At this point, which day exactly will they announce this WvW update?


Most of my guildmates are against mounts and I certainly will significantly reduce my available gaming hours for other games.


Just stick it into EOTM if people want mounts so bad in a pvp environment you might get tags and blobs back that way in there.


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> @"kins.3294" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"kins.3294" said:

> > > Did they ever announce what the exciting thing was?

> >

> > When it's next week. It's not next week yet


> Didn't they make the announcement last week? Wauw... Days just blend together these days




Seems like there should be a guild chat coming soon, good place for extremely awesome announcements.. Maybe it was mounts and they actually do read the forums.

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From the ‘that’s a really bad idea’ department: At next relink we will be merging NA and EU. We will be pairing the most populated NA server with the least populated EU server, and the most populated EU with the least populated NA. Links will remain as they are currently. We will not create any further tiers. The servers will be based in Madagascar to even out the lag.

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> @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > Before implementing mounts to WvW they need to do a great analysis of all objectives, if not wrong in EB a tower is without walls on a certain side, because it's on a higher ground, so if you have a jumping mount you can enter inside and take that tower for free.

> > Not sure about other objectives, but for sure mounts with full mobility unlocked could be able to bypass lots and lots of towers or keeps.


> If mounts are implemented and it works like gliding, players won't be able to activate a mount in hostile territory so no worries about being able to bypass hostile barriers.


That's not what I would be most worried about, but you can wipe complete zerg in your own territory by using mounts abilities then.

Also it gets way easier to defend keeps and towers cause you can enter them anywhere. Which is pretty bad, because that's already easier than taking the keep or tower

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> @"Ni In.6578" said:

> Legendary anything isn't that exciting or awesome.


No, but it would boost population for a few months with afk pip farmers, supply wasters in smc, and clueless people using magic find food and running around in zerk gear getting one shotted. On the bright side, more bags :)

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People keep talking about mounts or getting rid of down states, which may or may not be nice from a certain point of view, but certainly not "Extremely Awesome" Anything short of having to fight zerg on zerg on zerg over an open pit of viper quaggan, who viciously crunch any player falling to their clutches, will fall short of that term for me. But I am open to being surprised.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > Legendary anything isn't that exciting or awesome.


> No, but it would boost population for a few months with afk pip farmers, supply wasters in smc, and clueless people using magic find food and running around in zerk gear getting one shotted. On the bright side, more bags :)


As a perma-tier 4 CD lyfer, you wouldn't believe how good Chocolate Omnomberry Cream is. You don't need good food against anyone who drops into T4.


CD has tier 4 down to a science. Never push anything but last place while the other two servers keep the body bags flowing.

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