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Frequent AFk reports should warrant a PvP ban


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> there probably should be an automated system in place..


> say 15 seperate reports within 24 hours should issue a week dishonour or something


Now that I see it more clearly..there may be a problem, how do you actually prove one player is afk in a timely manner after a report? There are players who just afk in base but move every 40 or so seconds to avoid being kicked out....

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > there probably should be an automated system in place..

> >

> > say 15 seperate reports within 24 hours should issue a week dishonour or something


> Now that I see it more clearly..there may be a problem, how do you actually prove one player is afk in a timely manner after a report? There are players who just afk in base but move every 40 or so seconds to avoid being kicked out....


these are player reports Im talking about so with enough reports they would get banned via automated system and if they chose to contest the dishonour then Anet could see the evidence of thier actions and action accordingly..


Most likely will never happen out of fear of potential abuse though and I would personally like the return of premades first or the delivery of swiss and alliances.


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While I agree with OP's sentiments and most certainly empathise with the frustration....why should we as players have to tell Anet how to fix their game? Surely someone at least sees the volume of reports coming in. Do their own stats not tell them something is very fecking wrong? Well, apparently not. Cos seasons come, seasons go and it is afk/idler mayhem. I have, with disturbing regularity, seen players announce in map chat "GG, I'm afk"

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> But this is not the case...and there is no explanation why, if one player get reported for AFK several times...he should be temporarily banned from PvP is that simple, he can still play the rest of the game but he woudn't ruin the game for the rest for some time at least


World of Warcraft's Right Click To Report feature getting players autobanned including getting reports from the enemy team being enough to get people disconnected and banned for a month from rated battlegrounds mid match makes it pretty clear this is pretty clear this is a bad idea.




You can see this happen at about 4 minutes into this video. A handful of reports gets you squelched. Enemy player I don't want to go up against? Spam afk reports and get them auto kicked. Is a streamer we want to mess with? Spam reports and get them DC'd and squelched.

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System like this should not exist, trust me, you have no idea how many times are **you** reported just for being better than someone. The number of reports you can get in your person per Day without even knowing it or getting accused of it can range up to dozens, depending on how much you play.


This system would get us all

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> System like this should not exist, trust me, you have no idea how many times are **you** reported just for being better than someone. The number of reports you can get in your person per Day without even knowing it or getting accused of it can range up to dozens, depending on how much you play.


> This system would get us all



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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> System like this should not exist, trust me, you have no idea how many times are **you** reported just for being better than someone. The number of reports you can get in your person per Day without even knowing it or getting accused of it can range up to dozens, depending on how much you play.


> This system would get us all


This is how history repeats itself. This kind of report system has reported before, as someone mentioned above. It doesn't end well. But people forget that.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> But this is not the case...and there is no explanation why, if one player get reported for AFK several times...he should be temporarily banned from PvP is that simple, he can still play the rest of the game but he woudn't ruin the game for the rest for some time at least


Can you prevent this system from being abused by players?

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So one other game i play is overwatch, idk if the devs are aware of there competitive game rules, but they have a system for there competitive scene where an infraction in game play such as afking by reports or straight up leavers would result in a 30 minute ban. 3 hours for a 2nd infraction and 6 hours for a 3rd then 6 hours ban for anything more/again. Either by report limit or leaving a competitive game. This is a great syatem and i feel its about time anet cracks down and pick up something similar.

Hard hours long ban for team distruptment and or gameplay sabotage. Needs to haapen for competitive play.

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Funny thing is that if reporting actually resulted in ban or temp ban. The more reports the worse the ban. The "top" (lol) players would all have to have like 10 alt accounts to just keep the wintrading up.


Wont happen. Anything to improve pvp is looked down upon. We all as simple customer peasants should just play pve and buy flashy skins for cash. How dare we want to pvp or even pvp competitively.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> We all as simple customer peasants should just play pve and buy flashy skins for cash. How dare we want to pvp or even pvp competitively.


I have this same attitude over "only pve players spend money on the game"... Even though I paid cash for Nightfury and several Legendaries, how dare I look glamorous in pvp!! lol



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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> Ye, cause there is no way any half-organized group of people would NOT abuse an automated ban system.

> Do people ever think about exploitability, when they make system suggestions?


This is very true.


I don't think it would take much for a dedicated team to analyze people with multiple reports and issue a ban based on their performances over their past few matches. I get that they already do this to an extent, but the longest i've ever seen someone get banned for it is 72 hours. If someone's consistently afking in ranked matches, or even worse; ATs, then it should be more like 72 days(An entire season's length about.)

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automated bans sure, but if player loges dispute - and finds players abused the rport to troll, all those who gave fake reports should get a month ban. Also f2p players should not be able to report. And threshold fro f2p = 5 reports in 1 week. 10 repors in 1 week for paid player. Also if you feed on purpose to speed up game, need to report that too. (I am sure logs of fight can tell)

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An automated system could easily find out if a specific player is afk/dancing in spawn... If a player haven't participated in any event like dealing damage, capping nodes, receiving damage ... If a player doesn't involve in any of those events for a specific time, bannnn. So temp banning is viable... Maybe we can expect it in the next release update ;)


Now we have offence, defense, podium position based on player performance... So... I think it can be totally automated... No need to report a player manually... But then again...


They can feed the enemy continuously in spite

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Give us community GMs. Good players put their hand up to be considered. Observations are made and penalty points are handed out to afkers in game. Bans issued based on negative points scored. Various offences to have varying penalty points. Abusive language, botting, manipulation all can be handled in this way.

Engage us. We're here to help.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Fear stops progression.


What fear? What progress? More like evidence of what is actively happening in other games with this same system. Look at World of Warcraft after it was implimented and watch as people get banned mid match while the opposing team spams reports and gets them all kicked or top steamers getting banned because a handful of chuckleheads watching thought it would be funny.


"It would be a nightmare. Oh dang guys the guy on top of the leaderboard is on the enemy team. Let's spam report him until he gets kicked mid game."


That's the nightmare you're going to unleash on everyone. The OPs siggestion would literally kill the rest of the PvP community. AFKers suck, but getting autobanned for weeks and even months because the enemy team spammed report on you is orders of magnitude worse.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Fear stops progression.


> What fear? What progress? More like evidence of what is actively happening in other games with this same system. Look at World of Warcraft after it was implimented and watch as people get banned mid match while the opposing team spams reports and gets them all kicked or top steamers getting banned because a handful of chuckleheads watching thought it would be funny.


> "It would be a nightmare. Oh dang guys the guy on top of the leaderboard is on the enemy team. Let's spam report him until he gets kicked mid game."


> That's the nightmare you're going to unleash on everyone. The OPs siggestion would literally kill the rest of the PvP community. AFKers suck, but getting autobanned for weeks and even months because the enemy team spammed report on you is orders of magnitude worse.


Progression also includes brainstorming to resolve the "what if" scenarios rather than blatantly saying "look at the evidence of other games", you basically recognized that other systems don't work due certain conditions and yet refuse to offer suggestions to work around them..


I already have one to evolve the original idea, 7 reports in one game and get a dishonor..

If you think that players are immuture enough to report everyone they come across then what are the chances that 7 players will all pick the same person?


either way, nothing much will change.

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