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Let's just remove every skill from the game and give everyone a stick.


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All I ever seem to hear other than posts relevant to the SoI nerf is "X is too overpowered" and "Y has too much faceroll/stealth/utility/etc". What gets me is when people say it in lieu of something that is also not only overpowered, but basically does the same thing just better. It just shows how little people actually understand about class matchups or how their super awesome unkillable metabattle build is somehow inferior to something that is specifically made to counter said build assuming the player isn't just trying to faceroll their way towards a kill like everyone else seems to do without thinking.


So here's a solution...


Instead of trying to "balance" everything because we know just how much people **love** balance patches ~~if they're so ungrateful then why bother?~~, why don't we just give everyone a stick? Here's the thing about a stick. A stick is made out of wood. Usually fallen off a tree or something so it doesn't have any magical properties or anything special.... **BUT,**


They are extremely effective at whacking things. Specifically people! So instead of people outwitting and combo'ing eachother to death or brainlessly walking up to others whilst wondering why they are dying, they can do just that and now everyone can have fun hitting eachother! It's also great stress relief and it's a video game so nobody has to feel any pain! ~~Egos aside anyway~~ And it's not complicated at all! All you have to do is press 1! Just don't press 1 too much or it'll get nerfed. And be careful you don't hit that enter key. Someone might think you're using a macro if you accidentally put a long string of 1s mixed with WASD in chat.


So let's remove every skill from the game and give everyone a stick. Oh and please be sure to report any player that is using a bot to use their 1 for them. We all know they could just be using their autoattack, but who can tell the difference? Besides, we're salty. Gotta get back at everyone that beats us because anyone that does is either stick carried or isn't playing by the rules.


inb4 tomorrow: "Stick OP, pls nerf"

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It'd be more enjoyable than most of the BS we have right now to be honest.


Nobody's upset ANet is making changes. It's just the changes they make address symptoms and not actual problems which makes the real problems worse and worse and more difficult to actually fix over time.


You don't solely give someone painkillers for a broken bone. You set it and make sure it heals properly. Because the bone being out of place is the problem, not the pain alone. ANet has a history of just providing these kinds of fixes which do nothing and compound existing ones while getting themselves too deep in some other system making a real fix impossible. I think the number of implemented systematically-abused, bad-design reworks/changes that have been in the right direction and hit the real source of the problem over the past 6.5 years in respects to their professions and PvP balance is less than 10.


Considering most of the problems surrounding the classes have never been really addressed anyways (meaning nothing has changed so it makes no difference), I'd go to back to late-2013-era gameplay speed and balance immediately. I'd be okay with never receiving a patch or update ever again. Hell, I'd pay a monthly subscription of the full cost of the game for it, and would probably get a few years' worth of entertainment. And I haven't dropped a penny since HoT. PoF was gifted to me and I was upset ANet got paid as a consequence because I vote with my wallet. That's how good this game was. That's how bad it's gotten.

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> @"Vincenzo.3145" said:

> So let's remove every skill from the game and give everyone a stick. Oh and please be sure to report any player that is using a bot to use their 1 for them. We all know they could just be using their autoattack, but who can tell the difference? Besides, we're salty. Gotta get back at everyone that beats us because anyone that does is either stick carried or isn't playing by the rules.


So what you're saying is you want Super Adventure Box, where everyone gets a stick and can only do the same stuff (nun chucks ftw later on)... sadly you habe to wait 49 more days for that buddy ;)

Bit in all honesty, every mmo has it's own balancing problems and in every mmo people whine about it... just ignore them and enjoy your character and your compagnions/friends in the game.

Have a nice day :)

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Actually could be nice with universal cooldowns, something like:

Weap skill 2: 10 seconds

Weap skill 3: 15 seconds

Weap skill 4: 25 seconds

Weap skill 5: 40 seconds


Utility skills would come in 3 classes:

Short: 30 seconds

Medium: 60 seconds

Long: 90 seconds


Elite skills would be buffed and given 180 second cd.


20% recharge reduction traits would still apply.

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> @"Morroth.8652" said:

> > @"Vincenzo.3145" said:

> > So let's remove every skill from the game and give everyone a stick. Oh and please be sure to report any player that is using a bot to use their 1 for them. We all know they could just be using their autoattack, but who can tell the difference? Besides, we're salty. Gotta get back at everyone that beats us because anyone that does is either stick carried or isn't playing by the rules.


>every mmo has it's own balancing problems and in every mmo people whine about it... just ignore them and enjoy your character and your compagnions/friends in the game.

> Have a nice day :)




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Would still not fix things as some classes simply have more hp / def for being that class so there stick set up will be more tankly then others just because anet.


If you want a real talk about balancing we can think of it in a view of having a stick being the "auto" attk. Then there the question of uitily who gets what effects who gets what self only or support who gets what attks effects on-top of who gets what hp / def.

When a class like ele lacks effects it should have something to make up for it and its a very valid thing to say there is a balancing problem if they do not. At the same time classes who have every thing like scorge and FB and often are used 2/5 for pts make up there needs to be a real talk about nerfing them.

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