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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Ahtuno.8537" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > Why do you think that your opinion based on nothing but your personal feelings alleviates anything? I dunno what their plans are and whether or not a next expansion is in the works but your wish that everything will be ok doesn't really tell me anything about what will happen.

> >

> > The post was speculation about the future, go back and read it, I made it very clear.


> I read it. Nothing there that alleviates any concerns as far as I'm concerned.


Alleviate concerns by speculation yes, its up to you if you agree or not as the post was subjective. I.E It was my opinion on what is going on, I wasnt stating any fact, just theorycrafting.

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> @"Ahtuno.8537" said:


> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Ahtuno.8537" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > Why do you think that your opinion based on nothing but your personal feelings alleviates anything? I dunno what their plans are and whether or not a next expansion is in the works but your wish that everything will be ok doesn't really tell me anything about what will happen.

> > >

> > > The post was speculation about the future, go back and read it, I made it very clear.

> >

> > I read it. Nothing there that alleviates any concerns as far as I'm concerned.


> Alleviate concerns by speculation yes, its up to you if you agree or not as the post was subjective. I.E It was my opinion on what is going on, I wasnt stating any fact, just theorycrafting.


Well and that's exactly my point. Since it's purely subjective and not factual, why would you think it would alleviate any concerns? It may be that I don't get that but for me it's odd that people would feel better because someone speculates things could be fine without any real indication why. So maybe that's just something I don't get.


My take on the next expansion is that revenue is up for GW2 and considerably so. The last few quarters show a 50% increase in revenue. That means that the micro-transactions are doing really well. For their business model it's important to keep a good stream of revenue so it's better for them to delay the expansion until they really need it, meaning when gem store sales start going down. That makes sense to me in a long term plan, but it's also why I don't like micro-transactions because it's not great for the players that they are rewarded with a delay in content for spending more on the game.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> The reason we're getting LW5 after LW4 is the next expansion is not ready and Anet learned the hard way that content droughts suck the life out of players.


The story is planned years beforehand and so that includes the living world and expansions. The decision to release LW5 right after LW4 was made a very long time before they figured that an expansion "wasn't ready". They couldn't possibly change the entire story of LW5 to be before the expansion, instead of after it.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Ahtuno.8537" said:

> >

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > @"Ahtuno.8537" said:

> > > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > Why do you think that your opinion based on nothing but your personal feelings alleviates anything? I dunno what their plans are and whether or not a next expansion is in the works but your wish that everything will be ok doesn't really tell me anything about what will happen.

> > > >

> > > > The post was speculation about the future, go back and read it, I made it very clear.

> > >

> > > I read it. Nothing there that alleviates any concerns as far as I'm concerned.

> >

> > Alleviate concerns by speculation yes, its up to you if you agree or not as the post was subjective. I.E It was my opinion on what is going on, I wasnt stating any fact, just theorycrafting.


> Well and that's exactly my point. Since it's purely subjective and not factual, why would you think it would alleviate any concerns? It may be that I don't get that but for me it's odd that people would feel better because someone speculates things could be fine without any real indication why. So maybe that's just something I don't get.


> My take on the next expansion is that revenue is up for GW2 and considerably so. The last few quarters show a 50% increase in revenue. That means that the micro-transactions are doing really well. For their business model it's important to keep a good stream of revenue so it's better for them to delay the expansion until they really need it, meaning when gem store sales start going down. That makes sense to me in a long term plan, but it's also why I don't like micro-transactions because it's not great for the players that they are rewarded with a delay in content for spending more on the game.


I get what you mean, but I think you're latching on to two words I used in my original post a bit too much, its just language is all. I dont believe my theories about a game would soothe the masses so to speak ?

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> @"Ahtuno.8537" said:





> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > So please elaborate where race matters and what features can be added only by adding a new race and by no other means. I'm all ears.


> Let me answer your question with a question. seeing as you think race doesn't matter, when you entered the character creation screen im assuming you picked a race at random then? Because race doesn't matter right? I highly doubt that. You pick a race based on what appeals to you about their Lore, appearance and overall feel. If race really didnt matter as you say, you would have face rolled character creation and picked all options at random.


> I dont know if the game isnt making it clear for you, but the Personal Story, Living World and Expansion Questlines are all letting you know that this is a story driven game. If you didnt want an MMORPG (note the RPG part there) then you should've picked a different game.


> But to answer your initial question, a new Race would bring an entire new Personal Story, map completion in the racial capital with new vistas, landmarks, cultural armor vendor and (I know you couldnt care less) but a lot of additional lore to the game.




To answer your question with an answer, an answer you'd know had you read my first post. Yes race matters in terms of visuals and roleplay. I chose many chars to be sylvari because of their lore and their look, I rerolled my warrior from charr to norn as I didn't like the animations on the big catcow. I chose my ele to be an asura as it fitted my imagination of an elementalist the best, that's also why my engi is a charr. Yes, race matters FOR VISUALS. In gameplay-terms, as I have stated numerous times in my first post which you obviosly didn't read, race doesn't matter and I like it like that. I like that every race can play every class, go everywhere, do everything and that racial skills are sub par on purpose to not make certain races better or more desireable than others.


Now to answer your argument with a few counter arguments, as that is usually the way things go in a discussion. In personal story, your race stops mattering after the first 5 missions, after that it all revolves around your order and then the fight against Zhaitan. In post-core story your race matters in such a tiny way, a few lines of dialoge here and there, that it's hard to argue that it matters at all. Map completion is not in any way shape or form tied to race, I don't know where you get that from. Allthough humans and charr have been fighting for decades, despite the fact that asura have used sylvari for terrible experiments, I can freely roam the other races capital w/o anything changing for me as a player. New Lore, hmm...haven't we learned a lot about other non playable races and cultures so far w/o having them playable? I know a few things about the kodan w/o playing one. New map...well, ANet added 20+ maps to the core game so far w/o introducing a new race, worked well so far I'd say. Cultural Armor, goes the same line as new maps. Many new armors have been introduced to the game w/o the hassle of adding a new race so far.


So may I ask you again to elaborate on something beside the visuals that can only be achieved by introducing a new race?


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> @"Ahtuno.8537" said:

> People are worried that we won't even be seeing another expansion and I want to alleviate those concerns by saying that I do believe that the expansion is already in the works as we speak. The reason behind the release of season 5 before the next expansion will be to tide us over until the next expansion release, which will be a BIG one. Why do I think the next expansion will be a big one you ask? Well it all comes down to each 'Gimmick' each expansion has, and the new gimmick next expansion will bring.


I share this opinion, I have no doubt we'll see another expansion after season 5 and I do believe it will be a big, tradiitional style expansion which is what fans have been asking for since HoT failed to deliver it.

I've enjoyed both HoT and PoF but I do feel that if the 3rd expansion fails to impress those who want that big expansion experience.. they may not stick around for the next one.


> That question leads me to the reason that I believe the next expansion will be a while off (but is most certainly in the works). Seeing as we don't have much else to add, I reckon the next thing we are going to get alongside our new set of Elite Specialisations is a brand new race, most likely the Tengu. Adding in a new race is a monumental task when you consider all the factors that go into adding them with reference to how Guild Wars 2 works. New Texture mapping for EVERY ITEM IN THE GAME and the new items introduced in the next expansion. Animations for every class, Personal story with all branching paths to be written, new Racial city, additions to the existing lore and so on.



I really can't see this being possible.. the work load for a new race is simply far to big.

I'd love a Tengu in Gw2 myself but unless we're getting a whole new continent with a stand alone story like Gw1 expansion/releases.. a new race simply isnt going to happen.

There would have to be so many changes to the personal story etc just to fit them into the game world without conflicts.. and considering race in Gw2 is completely irrelevant after completing the first bunch of personal story mission this would just be a colossal waste of the devs time tbh.

We would get a lot more out of adding a Tengu NPC to our story guild team than being able to play one..

It's also a lot easier and quicker to make a Tengu combat tonic.


I don't know what the next expansion gimmic is.. tbh I don't even care if there is one or not.

I'd be more than happy to see another batch of mounts tbh.. a proper flying mount would be great, as would an underwater mount.

We could also have mounts exclusive to specific regions of the world.. a mount that can only exist in the mists.. or one that allows us to burrow into the depths of the world giving us a whole new subterranean world map where parts of it can only be accessed by burrowing from certain points all over the surface Tyria map.

Just some examples I could come up with which sounded cool to me ^^


Either way i'm really looking forward to finding out what comes next :D


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In my opinion game grown to much. We have lots on meta events, lots of new maps, lots of everything and not enough players for that.

Anet will end currnet story in seson 5 with big BOOM at the end, and next we will get new game.

All know Fashion Wars is GW2 meta. Devs will implement all sets of armors and weapons into the new game so change will be painless.

And fun will start again.

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> @"Timo.1065" said:

> In my opinion game grown to much. We have lots on meta events, lots of new maps, lots of everything and not enough players for that.

> Anet will end currnet story in seson 5 with big BOOM at the end, and next we will get new game.

> All know Fashion Wars is GW2 meta. Devs will implement all sets of armors and weapons into the new game so change will be painless.

> And fun will start again.


Politely disagree, and for the reason you gave. Guild wars doesnt have the playerbase for a third iteration in the series and in a volatile game market like we have today, it'd be a huge risk to try and make another MMO from scratch with an already limited playerbase. If Living World Season 5 is a hit, followed by an amazing Expansion, then there might be the playerbase for a third game. But from a marketing standpoint, it'd be suicide to try and release another MMO now.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> I will never understand people's obsession with expansions. I'd be happy with living world forever. -shrugs-


Same here.


For expansions to be continuously added they would need to address the issues with the core game coding (spaghetti code) which they have said repeatedly they can't. How can you sell an expansion in 2019-20 for a game that continues to run on Dx9? Blizzard has repeatedly revamped their game engine which does increase the min system requirements, but also insures smooth performance.


IMO the best course of action going forward is small incremental changes, which to me means more Living Story; just continue the story going in the existing game with the existing professions and specs, and tweak what you can when you can. I think that will keep players going for at least a few more years, as well as there are players who just log in to PvP/WvW, do Fractals or open world - to whom extra story and maps aren't even relevant.




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> @"Ahtuno.8537" said:





> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > So please elaborate where race matters and what features can be added only by adding a new race and by no other means. I'm all ears.


> Let me answer your question with a question. seeing as you think race doesn't matter, when you entered the character creation screen im assuming you picked a race at random then? Because race doesn't matter right? I highly doubt that. You pick a race based on what appeals to you about their Lore, appearance and overall feel. If race really didnt matter as you say, you would have face rolled character creation and picked all options at random.


> I dont know if the game isnt making it clear for you, but the Personal Story, Living World and Expansion Questlines are all letting you know that this is a story driven game. If you didnt want an MMORPG (note the RPG part there) then you should've picked a different game.


> But to answer your initial question, a new Race would bring an entire new Personal Story, map completion in the racial capital with new vistas, landmarks, cultural armor vendor and (I know you couldnt care less) but a lot of additional lore to the game.




All that is possible without a new race tho.

Instead of cultural armor for 1 race it could be added to all 5 of em. ( wishfull thinking I know.)

Why lock a personal story for 1 race when you can just continue the story for all 5 races.

Instead of a racial city make it a neutral one like amnoon that all 5 races can map complete.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> > @"Ahtuno.8537" said:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > > So please elaborate where race matters and what features can be added only by adding a new race and by no other means. I'm all ears.

> >

> > Let me answer your question with a question. seeing as you think race doesn't matter, when you entered the character creation screen im assuming you picked a race at random then? Because race doesn't matter right? I highly doubt that. You pick a race based on what appeals to you about their Lore, appearance and overall feel. If race really didnt matter as you say, you would have face rolled character creation and picked all options at random.

> >

> > I dont know if the game isnt making it clear for you, but the Personal Story, Living World and Expansion Questlines are all letting you know that this is a story driven game. If you didnt want an MMORPG (note the RPG part there) then you should've picked a different game.

> >

> > But to answer your initial question, a new Race would bring an entire new Personal Story, map completion in the racial capital with new vistas, landmarks, cultural armor vendor and (I know you couldnt care less) but a lot of additional lore to the game.

> >

> >

> >


> So may I ask you again to elaborate on something beside the visuals that can only be achieved by introducing a new race?


So there's nothing?


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