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Is there another Expansion in the works?

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> @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> I think you are a bit confused.

> The F2P players are not at all profitable.

I think _you_ are confused here. The f2p players are immensely profitable - just in an indirect way. How, you say, if they won't pay a dime? Simple - they make the paying players stay, by giving the game an image of being alive. They also attract more players, some of whose may end up being paying ones.


It's simple as that. A visibly dying game will hemorrhage players, while a thriving, live one will attract them. And the main difference between those is the population numbers. In order to keep the paying players from living, you need to keep the population numbers high. Even if it means keeping a lot of f2p players.


> Only the whales are. They are the ones that keep the game afloat.

No whale is going to stay in a game that has only whales left.


> But, i have to say that i don't understand why vertical progression means "alienating the playerbase".

Because a lot of the playerbase got attracted to this game specifically because of no vertical progression, and would leave in a heartbeat if it got introduced.


> It would give the game a much more vibrant dynamic where maps can feel as rewarding as season 3's were (thinking of the snow one mostly) and the later gear can be achieved from actual gameplay rather than crafting or a complex and costly collection. People just want to jump in and have fun you know.

...you are contradicting yourself. Gear progression is anything _except_ being able to jump in and have fun, because you need to follow the whole progression first.


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> @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> I mean, i shouldn't even bother to explain basic things to people.

> Vertical progression allows things like for example being able to get ascended gear with the living map currencies and have the end-game gear drop from the actual greastest challenge in the game. This is not "grind", it's called PROGRESSION.

You can already get ascended gear from living map currencies, and legendary armor from raids. And if the raids are to remain challenging, why would they offer gear meant to make them less challenging?


> It populates both the outer world and the instanced world.

It also completely kills any content that doesn't offer those gear. LS4 kills LS3. PoF raids kill HoT raids etc. Because if it's gear progression, it isn't going to stop at any point, and each new content is going to invalidate the previous one.


> Wich is what GW2 does not have and needs. At this point, to get into end-content you need to have an ascended set already

You really don't. I did quite well initially with exotic armor and ascended trinkets from LS3 on by banner PS warrior. My healer was originally in exotics (ascalon catacombs set) and noone even commented on it.


> I know you guys are probably still here cause you don't care. But, most people do.

Most people do care. That is why we don't have any gear progression - the reaction of people to Anet trying to introduce it by a backdoor back in 2012 was anything but small, and told the devs the community doesn't want it.


> Like for example a new player that want to come in and tank or heal for their guild. Do you know how much work they have to put in before they can?

Yes, i do. They can be geared up in weeks, which is much faster than in any gear progression game i have ever seen.


> Exotic gear is useless. It's missing important stats like concentration.

...ok, so you don't even know basics of the issue you try to speak of with such "authority".

Hint: exotic gear can, too, have concentration (and expertise) stats.


> You cannot perform your job efficiently without the proper gear. So, the player either stays in a grind for weeks to craft that gear only to no longer have rewards to look forward to, or just gives up and leaves. I honestly don't care that you refuse to see reality. It is still reality.

I am really baffled how you refuse to see that in a gear grind game it would be the same. Only, instead of crafting/doing fractals/ls3 maps you'd be doing ls3, then ls4, then dungeons, then tier after tier of fractals, untill finally you've been geared up right for raids. And in gear grind game (unlike in gw2) you wouldn't be able to do raids in exotics, because the difference between gear tiers would be much greater.

So in truth, gear grind game would be the same, but worse.


> The game needs to change or it will die. It's that simple. If you prefer it dies, so be it. It's your prerogative. You want to go down with the ship. Well... i want to try and save it. Thus i left different feedback. Deal with it.


The changes you propose would kill the game even faster. So, if you want to save the game, you really need to think of something else.


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  • 4 months later...

One thing I am hoping to see is a Northern expansion, they've expanded West, then South, so North or East are next... right? Jormag and the Norn influence needs some coverage. Always loved the feeling of when I saw the ''claw of jormag'' world boss and thought ''Woah! that's just an offspring? this will be amazing!''

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> Mike says with the next LS u will get 9 elite spezialisations [...] and a new way to costumize ur charracter and that all for free!


Wait, seriously? Will we get new elite specs with the next LS?

All I care about those expansions are new elite specs, to be honest. A good story would be nice too, but my personal wish is to get a new spec for Elementalist, that allows me to stick into one element, and gives an elite skill that is not useless.



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> @"Frostchant.1523" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > Mike says with the next LS u will get 9 elite spezialisations [...] and a new way to costumize ur charracter and that all for free!


> Wait, seriously? Will we get new elite specs with the next LS?

> All I care about those expansions are new elite specs, to be honest. A good story would be nice too, but my personal wish is to get a new spec for Elementalist, that allows me to stick into one element, and gives an elite skill that is not useless.




Wait a sec, i never read that. I would like a link to this

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> Mike says with the next LS u will get 9 elite spezialisations [...] and a new way to costumize ur charracter and that all for free!


Link for proof or it never happened.


> @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> Exotic gear is useless. It's missing important stats like concentration.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations - This goes for exotic, ascended and legendary gear.

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> @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

> I think this is starting to worry a lot of players actually. I love the Living World, but no more expansions would be very hard to swallow.


> Living World is cool, it makes you feel big, like you're the center of the universe. But lots of games do that. MMO's like Guild Wars are at their best when they make you feel like a tiny speck in a vast world. Stepping into the Heart of Maguuma and Elona made me feel small like that. Living World is great but it just can't do that.


> I doubt Anet will confirm or deny a new expansion, but I see a lot of people starting to worry and I think just knowing that there is one being worked on for *someday*, even just the indeterminate future after Season 5, would greatly reassure people.


Couldn't agree more.


I enjoy living world too, but it's no replacement for expansions..

I want my big, paid, content dump expansion content in Gw2.. if the rest of the game's story will be essentially free episodic updates then i'm going to be very disappointed.

The nature of living world tends to be.. introduction mission.. run around map talking to NPC's/completing hearts.. do another instance or mission.. more running around talking to NPC's or doing some kind of fetch quest or go here and place something.. then finally big epic finale mission.

It gets a little tedious a times tbh.. not so much when the episode is new, but on repeat playthroughs playing a seasons episodes back to back.. you do notice it and it does get very tedious.

Then there's the new maps.. and the content in those maps.

Pretty much all of Living world from 3 onwards especially has been introduce a new map with a unique new currency and have people grind events and nodes for some new toys and skins.. it gets very repetitive tbh and that's usually why I only play the new maps for a week or so, get a few things I want and then go off and do something else like level an alt or something.


While there are no doubt some really epic moments in the living world.. the episodic formula living world uses not to mention the waiting period between releases just doesn't compete with the large content dump that an expansion provides.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

> > I think this is starting to worry a lot of players actually. I love the Living World, but no more expansions would be very hard to swallow.

> >

> > Living World is cool, it makes you feel big, like you're the center of the universe. But lots of games do that. MMO's like Guild Wars are at their best when they make you feel like a tiny speck in a vast world. Stepping into the Heart of Maguuma and Elona made me feel small like that. Living World is great but it just can't do that.

> >

> > I doubt Anet will confirm or deny a new expansion, but I see a lot of people starting to worry and I think just knowing that there is one being worked on for *someday*, even just the indeterminate future after Season 5, would greatly reassure people.


> Couldn't agree more.


> I enjoy living world too, but it's no replacement for expansions..

> I want my big, paid, content dump expansion content in Gw2.. if the rest of the game's story will be essentially free episodic updates then i'm going to be very disappointed.

> The nature of living world tends to be.. introduction mission.. run around map talking to NPC's/completing hearts.. do another instance or mission.. more running around talking to NPC's or doing some kind of fetch quest or go here and place something.. then finally big epic finale mission.

> It gets a little tedious a times tbh.. not so much when the episode is new, but on repeat playthroughs playing a seasons episodes back to back.. you do notice it and it does get very tedious.

> Then there's the new maps.. and the content in those maps.

> Pretty much all of Living world from 3 onwards especially has been introduce a new map with a unique new currency and have people grind events and nodes for some new toys and skins.. it gets very repetitive tbh and that's usually why I only play the new maps for a week or so, get a few things I want and then go off and do something else like level an alt or something.


> While there are no doubt some really epic moments in the living world.. the episodic formula living world uses not to mention the waiting period between releases just doesn't compete with the large content dump that an expansion provides.


I agree. I am not a big fan of living world episodes myself. There is no real new 'mechanic' just repetitive grind for currency if you need it to build gear but with legendary armor and easily available ascended trinkets/accessories even that is not necessary anymore. Without new elite specs things just get stale and there is little to no shake-up with balance patches (or unbalance patches) to offset the boredom. Maybe if new "skills" or weapon abilities were introduced it would be a different story but short of that....no thanks.

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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

> > > I think this is starting to worry a lot of players actually. I love the Living World, but no more expansions would be very hard to swallow.

> > >

> > > Living World is cool, it makes you feel big, like you're the center of the universe. But lots of games do that. MMO's like Guild Wars are at their best when they make you feel like a tiny speck in a vast world. Stepping into the Heart of Maguuma and Elona made me feel small like that. Living World is great but it just can't do that.

> > >

> > > I doubt Anet will confirm or deny a new expansion, but I see a lot of people starting to worry and I think just knowing that there is one being worked on for *someday*, even just the indeterminate future after Season 5, would greatly reassure people.

> >

> > Couldn't agree more.

> >

> > I enjoy living world too, but it's no replacement for expansions..

> > I want my big, paid, content dump expansion content in Gw2.. if the rest of the game's story will be essentially free episodic updates then i'm going to be very disappointed.

> > The nature of living world tends to be.. introduction mission.. run around map talking to NPC's/completing hearts.. do another instance or mission.. more running around talking to NPC's or doing some kind of fetch quest or go here and place something.. then finally big epic finale mission.

> > It gets a little tedious a times tbh.. not so much when the episode is new, but on repeat playthroughs playing a seasons episodes back to back.. you do notice it and it does get very tedious.

> > Then there's the new maps.. and the content in those maps.

> > Pretty much all of Living world from 3 onwards especially has been introduce a new map with a unique new currency and have people grind events and nodes for some new toys and skins.. it gets very repetitive tbh and that's usually why I only play the new maps for a week or so, get a few things I want and then go off and do something else like level an alt or something.

> >

> > While there are no doubt some really epic moments in the living world.. the episodic formula living world uses not to mention the waiting period between releases just doesn't compete with the large content dump that an expansion provides.


> I agree. I am not a big fan of living world episodes myself. There is no real new 'mechanic' just repetitive grind for currency if you need it to build gear but with legendary armor and easily available ascended trinkets/accessories even that is not necessary anymore. Without new elite specs things just get stale and there is little to no shake-up with balance patches (or unbalance patches) to offset the boredom. Maybe if new "skills" or weapon abilities were introduced it would be a different story but short of that....no thanks.


Nothing beats an expansion, the amount of zones and content cant be reproduced in a living world episode. It gives people a good long amount of time and content to play through.

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > It gives people a good long amount of time and content to play through.


> **looks back at all of the "There isn't enough content, when does season x start??" threads a week after the expansions are released...



Well you will always have burners, they burn through the expansion in a weeks time. That is not the norm, even wow that has a truckload of content has burners on the forums complaining they did every thing a few days after release. Now where i can see a problem is gw2 lack of defined questing paths. In most games you drop an expansion, get a lead in story to go to the new area, then you get involved with the locals, and start doing stories and quests for them, at the same time gaining a foothold in the area. All this leads up to completing the zone and leading to the next step and the next zone. GW2 dont really play that way, thats both good and bad i suppose, but yeah i can see people burning through story chapters, because they dont take long, and open world is not really quest linked.



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If they had any plans for future expansion, then they are most likely working on it as we speak. It might not be lighting speed effort, more like creating assets or some initial locations so that they can occupy some of their employees that are not needed anywhere else. In any case, we should know a bit more about their plans half way through Season 5 when some controlled leaks will start to happen.


I’m also more inclined to believe that new expansion will take place in Cantha or some similarly vast and unexplored place and Living World Season 5 will take us further into the north (either further into Charr Homelands or into Far Shiverpeaks (or both at the same time)). I’m also inclined to think there is one more possibility - underworld where dwarves and Asura fought Primordus. ANet proved multiple times that they can design underground locations pretty well.

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> @"Omernon.9762" said:

> If they had any plans for future expansion, then they are most likely working on it as we speak.

If they were working on one, it would have made it into their long-term plans they mentioned in that blog post after layoffs. Remember, expansion is a big thing. Just mentioning there's one being worked on would have done wonders to quell the uncertainty many players now feel about GW2 future - even if it was followed by a mention that it's not close to being ready. Instead of that, all we heard is Anet talking about how they see the future of GW2 in _Living World_ delivery system.


Anyone that still believes there's an expac coming, and are predicting where it is going to send us (Cantha, for sure...) is dreaming, and will almost certainly end up heavily disappointed.


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I have a feeling Season 5 will have expansion like content in it (more than 6 episodes, elite specs, more than one mount etc.) and we will be headed to Far Shiverpeaks for a bit (possibly 6 episodes of that) and then east into the Blood Legion Homelands (last 6 episodes) we shall wait and see what the 30th announces to us~

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If Anet attempts to pass the LS5 off as an expansion like they did prior to HoT the results will be the same and it will amount to a nail in the coffin of a great game. Regardless of the content promised it will lead to a major loss of interest to many who have heard all this before, so I'll leave this here as it is absolutely relevant; Albert Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> If Anet attempts to pass the LS5 off as an expansion like they did prior to HoT the results will be the same and it will amount to a nail in the coffin of a great game. Regardless of the content promised it will lead to a major loss of interest to many who have heard all this before, so I'll leave this here as it is absolutely relevant; Albert Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


It depends if LS5 will be like previous LS or they try something completely new and expansion-like this time. New Elite Specializations, new mastery abilities, new expansive maps that offer multiple different stories instead of focusing on a single story point, loads of new armors/weapons to be acquired in-game and so on, is what makes an expansion for me and what we don't get in the Living World.

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> @"LadyGal.8365" said:

> I have a feeling Season 5 will have expansion like content in it (more than 6 episodes, elite specs, more than one mount etc.)

If they could do that, then why wouldn't they bundle it up and sell as an expansion, getting better PR, and additional, not so insignificant income from box sales to boot? I mean, i don't see what they'd get from it to balance the loss of income.


The only reason i can think why they might give us an LS season with an "expansion-like content" is because it _wouldn't_ really be truly equal to an expansion worth of content.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"LadyGal.8365" said:

> > I have a feeling Season 5 will have expansion like content in it (more than 6 episodes, elite specs, more than one mount etc.)

> If they could do that, then why wouldn't they bundle it up and sell as an expansion, getting better PR, and additional, not so insignificant income from box sales to boot? I mean, i don't see what they'd get from it to balance the loss of income.


> The only reason i can think why they might give us an LS season with an "expansion-like content" is because it _wouldn't_ really be truly equal to an expansion worth of content.



I can think of a few reasons:

a) Season 5 episodes can start releasing much sooner than an expansion. If they went for expansion, there might be a need for a lengthy content drought, those aren't fun.

b) It could be that they are re-thinking the expansion idea as a whole. Either because they want to go back to Season 1 system or to find another way of releasing their expansions.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> If Anet attempts to pass the LS5 off as an expansion... it will lead to a major loss of interest to many who have heard all this before...


Pretty much this. I was there for the entire S1 experiment. It was a failure back then. The community outcry for real, meaty content was even worse back then than it is now. If anet tries to go back to that, they will just end up driving whats left of their veteran fans away.


I don't care what anyone says. The living world is not a proper format for delivering substantive content. It's filler fluff. That's why it's free and only takes 2 hours to complete. I'd rather pay money for something I can really sink my teeth into.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am absolutely embarrassed for them at this point, and man are they totally out of touch with their player base! This was such an overhype for so minimal amount of content it made me uncomfortable to watch it once I realized there was nothing of substance. I feel bad for all those who pushed to build this game over the last decade, I'd be crushed to see where this has been taken and how many golden opportunities were missed.

I hope this gives them the black eye they deserve and that the management team gets bounced and replaced by people who actually want to continue to grow the game.


All in all this left me feeling pretty hollow, and now I'm certain this game is headed for life support, as it wasn't even an attempt to deliver the "expansion worth of content in LW"....it was, well nothing to do about nothing!

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> I am absolutely embarrassed for them at this point, and man are they totally out of touch with their player base! This was such an overhype for so minimal amount of content it made me uncomfortable to watch it once I realized there was nothing of substance. I feel bad for all those who pushed to build this game over the last decade, I'd be crushed to see where this has been taken and how many golden opportunities were missed.

> I hope this gives them the black eye they deserve and that the management team gets bounced and replaced by people who actually want to continue to grow the game.


> All in all this left me feeling pretty hollow, and now I'm certain this game is headed for life support, as it wasn't even an attempt to deliver the "expansion worth of content in LW"....it was, well nothing to do about nothing!


I've got a similar feeling though I'm not quite as devastated or mad as some of the other people have been, I did take what good I could from the announcement considering there was _some_ good news. However, I don't feel GW2 is on life support and I'm gonna try to take this Saga format as the last long road to either an expansion at the end or not. Hoping for the former.

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> @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

> I think this is starting to worry a lot of players actually. I love the Living World, but no more expansions would be very hard to swallow.


> Living World is cool, it makes you feel big, like you're the center of the universe. But lots of games do that. MMO's like Guild Wars are at their best when they make you feel like a tiny speck in a vast world. Stepping into the Heart of Maguuma and Elona made me feel small like that. Living World is great but it just can't do that.


> I doubt Anet will confirm or deny a new expansion, but I see a lot of people starting to worry and I think just knowing that there is one being worked on for *someday*, even just the indeterminate future after Season 5, would greatly reassure people.


^^ Very nice post, totally agree.


I'm not one to think about what "might" come in Gw2 as I constantly see players speculating on everything from i) New Elite Specs, ii) WvW re-work, iii) PvP re-work, iv) UW expansion : This is all just "pipe-dreams" and just leads you to become impatient, frustrated, annoyed and resting on "hope" which imo is a futile waste of your time and energy, and if nothing else can lead you into a black hole of doom and oblivion: So try not to go there to speculate "What ? When? Why? If? " Anet will do whatever they will do, not that I agree with all of their decisions at all, but it's their job to create, design, implement new content: So I'm not putting my "hope" in that basket and then be shot to flames.


For the majority of players it could well be very inspiring of Anet to actually state they will launch a 3rd Expansion in 2022. I think most wouldn't mind the 3 year wait: Would just relish the Communication. I think the effect of actually saying this would be massively positive on the community and could inspire players on many different levels (new players, and old-timers alike) and am sure server numbers would grow over this period; but personally I don't even think or hope about stuff like this, as you just set yourself up for disappointment when things don't happen.


It's the chain of "Chinese Whispers" that is more damaging: One player starts speculating about new changes, others getting talking about it in game on forum, it spreads like a virus, and then you get an impatient or salty forum post or poll when it does not happen or their is no communication from Anet, and this just breeds more negativity and impatience, so nothing more than a destructive exercise for everyone.


I personally just enjoy playing the game as it is here and now, if and when we get new content then fantastic. But I certainly wouldn't be dragged into that mindless abyss of speculation and hope. It's a waste of mental energy.



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If am not mistaken they told as months ago that for now we will keep on going to living story from living story ! Some people don't like that but I think its cool the fact that they give you "free" content and it build up the excitement ! Many said that the next season will be a fail before even playing it but I feel like it will be a build up for a new expansion ! Obviously a LS season takes up to a year from start to finish so for the next year 2019-2020 we will have LS episodes but not to promise anything if there's going to be an expansion there is going to be a teaser/trailer for the expansion at the last episode of the season !


I mean ok this year they did almost the same with aurine flying away but didn't really showed the upcoming "dangers" ! Personally I have high hopes and I feel like the next season is promising but I wish for it to be good in terms of content !

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