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Toxic elitists in fractals?

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I was playing on my thief and people in the chat were talking about fractals. And someone said that fractals are full of elitists players that will kick you if you die even once. I am more of a pve player and it was pretty discouraging to hear that players won't even give you a chance to learn from your mistakes from a single death. I was looking foward to to doing a fractal run one day, but if players are gonna treat you badly for being a first timer, then what's the point of even going there :(

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> @"Magnedeus.4713" said:

> I was playing on my thief and people in the chat were talking about fractals. And someone said that fractals are full of elitists players that will kick you if you die even once. I am more of a pve player and it was pretty discouraging to hear that players won't even give you a chance to learn from your mistakes from a single death. I was looking foward to to doing a fractal run one day, but if players are gonna treat you badly for being a first timer, then what's the point of even going there :(


That more for high lvl fractals and CMs. And ofc not every1 are like that. Get in there :)

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Above statement are correct.

But just between me and you, even the worst toxic elitist may die in t4s ones or twice per daily run :)

Start your journey to t4s. t1 will show you the fractals, t2 will teach you the mech, t3 will make you think of your build and rotation. If you do your homework, you won't have any problem in t4s.

Welcome to fractals.

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> @"Magnedeus.4713" said:

> I was playing on my thief and people in the chat were talking about fractals. And someone said that fractals are full of elitists players that will kick you if you die even once. I am more of a pve player and it was pretty discouraging to hear that players won't even give you a chance to learn from your mistakes from a single death. I was looking foward to to doing a fractal run one day, but if players are gonna treat you badly for being a first timer, then what's the point of even going there :(


But also iv never met ppl that were raging at me when I was learning(I'm bad so I made lot of mistakes), that's why yr starting with tier 1,2 etc, to learn all mechanics. If u meet raging potatoes, just block em and look for another group, these are exceptions

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T1-T3 you should not ever see that. I can't remember ever being yelled/kicked during those 'training' phases. Come T4/CM yes, you will have a good shot of see those, ESPECIALLY CM's.

T4's are very easy to tell, right off the bat, if they will kick you for silly things--the title of the LFG for example. If they have a very specific requirement for their group on a non-hard dailies (exceptions to SR/Twilight etc) or asking for 'non-newbs' (or things of that nature). Or if they leader starts questioning your dps, cause they are parsing everyone.


Here is a tip. Most smooth runs I've found/started are usually with ppl like myself that have played fractals for years that start a group and call it something like 'Chill T4 dailies' etc. A hard set group comp is not needed, as the most challenging fractals can be completed as ppl understand the mechanics of each encounter. I will say however, some fractals and instabilities are very punishing for even veterans....so, a healer might be required.

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Most of people who scream "reeeeeee toxic elitists kicked me" never look at themselves, they are never ever at fault, it's always others. I've seen people join as DPS who do worse than supporting roles or supports who, well, don't support and don't pull their own weight. A lot of the time they are way more toxic than those who kicked them. Overall this is not a common thing. I've been pugging challange modes and t4 for about a year and I've seen someone getting kicked 4 or 5 times and was kicked once or twice.


Since you are new player, you should never go beyond tier one (you wont be able to open lfg for t2-t4 anyway). On T1, nobody cares about anything. Even if you keep dying over and over again, most people will just carry you through.


T1 -> nobody really cares, if you get kicked for some reason you shouldn't feel bad, becase you wouldn't want to touch people who kicked you with 10 feet pole, let alone play with them.


T2 -> pretty much similiar to T1


T3 -> This is probably worst tier to go through, because difficulty spikes up and it's filled with people who didn't really bother learning anything in t1/t2. Don't be like that.

Use your time in T1/T2 to learn fractals,mechanics, instabilities and your own build/class well.


T4 -> It's back to being somewhat normal again. Most of people know what to do. Just avoid CM runs and meta parties until you are comfortable enaugh and can play with those builds.


Here are some useful materials about fractals:

https://discretize.eu/ - builds, guides, various trick&tips.

Pretty nice guide for starting fractals on YouTube





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Fractals are high level **GROUP** content, people are farming the higher tier since years; it's logical sometimes they're a bit annoyed (and toxic) of some players who don't know mechanics and/or are very bad dps/support. They are not here to carry newbies, they're here to farm quickly their dailies.

Imagine you do them everyday, with sometimes a wobbly composition, a lack of coordination or some mistakes/death, but it goes well.... And someone joins you, quiet, sneaky ... and he dies often against trashmobs, he has very low DPS, he doesn't run the "right" build (dps/support) and your group spend its time to revive him, to wait for him, or wipe trying.... He's in T4, not in the tutorial, not alone in open world. Of course you're toxic.


But it's not simple to enter T4 ( won't talk about CMs lol) ;

I don't agree about t2-t3 to learn mechanics. The big issue in these tiers, you are with others new players who don't know well mechanics either, how to skip parts etc ... and some fractals are still very simple you just don't care about mechanics, attacks etc, you just smash keys to DPS. Do them in order, but there is a lot of gimmicks you won't learn, or understand.

It's often easier, and faster, to learn to play upon joining T4 dailies, discreetly being carried to a certain extent. But, first of all you need to look at your gear, your build, your rotation of skills:




Have a DPS meter will help you too to learn your rotation and check your DPS; ArcDPS is the most common one (and tolerated by Anet)


Otherwise, thief is not the simpler class to get in fractals : like weaver/elem; no good cleave, selfish, and pretty squishy /lack of sustain/panic skills.

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> I pug T4 every day and people rarely get kicked.


> However, some advice: Once you get to T4, don't join groups that say "exp," "pots," and so on. If you see "T4 dailies," join it. You can also make your own group.


This is bit of misleading, you enter t4 wthout LARGE Pots, 90% you will get kicked.

This is your initial goal to get in fractals


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I get annoyed at some players that advertise for power dps and tell me mirage is suboptimal for CMs but proceed to do 70% or less of my dps. Those players that do beat my dps usually beat it by 5-10% and never complain. There are definitely some of trash elitists around. I also remember this guy that always hide behind playing BS and complain about other people's dps.

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I'd suggest as a new player to take the advice from in game chat (especially LA map chat) with a grain of salt when it comes to the harder content in game. The reality of the community is that there is a very large percentage of the player base who do not spend the time required to create/seek out effective builds with synergistic traits, or learn how many game mechanics work. Nothing wrong with that, the game is a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but when someone who is unprepared steps into a raid or harder fractal, they may end up being kicked for not performing at a level the rest of the group desires.


The game alone doesn't do a great job of telling people how well they actually perform, so in most cases the person who's been kicked has been able to get through most in game content, so understandably feels that their general performance is fine, that the people who voted to kick are toxic and elitist, and then sometimes spreads the word that people in fractals/raids are toxic.


My advice would just be to always ask if you're not sure you belong in a group. If you just say at the beginning of any run that you're relatively new, and not fully experienced, groups will either let you come along anyway, and probably be kind with you, or they'll just say that they want someone experienced, and ask you to find another group. Just use common sense and be humble, and you're not likely to run into any major problems.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > I pug T4 every day and people rarely get kicked.

> >

> > However, some advice: Once you get to T4, don't join groups that say "exp," "pots," and so on. If you see "T4 dailies," join it. You can also make your own group.


> This is bit of misleading, you enter t4 wthout LARGE Pots, 90% you will get kicked.

> This is your initial goal to get in fractals

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infinite_Mist_Omnipotion


No, it's not misleading. I pugged T4s without buying or using any temporary potions until I got my infinite omnipotion. I never once got kicked for that. I have also never seen anyone get kicked for that, when joining chill or no-requirement groups. If you join a group that requires pots and you don't have pots, of course you will get kicked.

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If you're new and learning, tell the group when you join. If you get kicked because of it, you dodged a bullet. If you're accepted, the group will hopefully help you learn or at worst, they'll carry you, allowing you to at least learn from a different perspective.


> @"Magnedeus.4713" said:

> And someone said that fractals are full of elitists players that will kick you if you die even once.

That's not true as it's been phrased.

* There are players who will kick for ... seemingly arbitrary or misguided reasons.

* There are elitists = people who prefer playing with people of similar skill/experience/ability.

* Reasonably competent people with reasonable attitudes can reasonably expect to encounter reasonable people.


My static group has kicked maybe two people who joined our "T4 + Recommended; bring food & pots" runs. One was a member of an elite guild and, despite having been asked, kept running out in front of the group (aggroing every foe and their sister). The other was kicked for going AFK during fights without warning (and mostly they got kicked because we weren't sure if they were returning... after the 5th time).


Here's who we haven't kicked:

* So-called DPS players doing less damage than our support/healer.

* Parents with kids who (having warned us) need to AFK suddenly.

* Players with bad ping spikes who had trouble with certain mechanics.

* People obviously new to the mechanics, even if they didn't take time to mention it.

* People with low AP or who didn't actually bring food or pots.





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Listening to random people on the map chat talk about raids and Fractals is pretty close to listening to drunk right-wingers talk about the middle east. They have never been there, they'll never go there, they only know the worst of stereotypes about said people and countries.

Or in short: Bad apples do exist, they are a minority, go make up your own mind.

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> @"squallaus.8321" said:

> I get annoyed at some players that advertise for power dps and tell me mirage is suboptimal for CMs but proceed to do 70% or less of my dps. Those players that do beat my dps usually beat it by 5-10% and never complain. There are definitely some of trash elitists around. I also remember this guy that always hide behind playing BS and complain about other people's dps.


Yeah there is a big misunderstanding about dmg or builds in fractals. I've also seen Scourges, Mirages, FB, even condi Daredevil and Berserker Banners doing better than DH and Holo.

This is right some bosses or phases are way faster with a power comp and bursts, like Skorvald, Ark, Molten Boss, Subject 6... Most of condi builds have burst, of course there is a delay and sadly the same average DPS than power, that the reason power is most requested; it makes same dmg, but way faster.

But the condition is to actually have power/burst !!! Not 2 average DPS+ semi-afk BS and 2 supports ... Unfortunate, it's the most common PUG.


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