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Why do you play GW2?

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I mostly play as completionist, working on achievements, targets, ranks and collections. This is why I start the game on a daily basis.


But in reality, I play for the entire experience:

* I would not play this as singleplayer game. I love the community and the social aspects of the game. Hanging out with just NPC's is not fun.

* I love the scenery and I love to explore the world.

* I like hanging out in WvW. Sometimes just casual fun, sometimes on a conquering spree.

* Collecting nice gear, experimenting with builds and stats.

* Character appearance, fashion wars, outfits, casual play, hanging out, helping newbies, chilling at the daily JP chest.

* I'm not too much into story and lore with all its deep details, but it is still very important for the game and the universe. Story ultimately gives excitement and direction.

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The votes for story is discouraging. It' not even that good, RuneScape has a better story and even after 10 years I still remember some of it's lore. The only "content" this game gets is every 3 months of mediocre nothing when instead we could be getting actual content (mini battles, WvW updates, minigames, GvG, Guild updates) the huge majority of devs are tasked on the story because everyone keeps buying gems but complaining about the story... yet voting for the story. I know I vote with my wallet. When I see some love for WvW then maybe that will change.

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ALL OF THE ABOVE!!! And more. Platforming, JPs, WvW, exploring, CHARRS, the dyeing feature and how it works, skins, CHARRS, alt-friendly, raids, CHARRS, awesome story, best lore and world building in any MMO franchise ever, the random funny moments, CHARSS, friends, fractals, PVP, guild hall decorating, CHARRS, voice acted characters, asura, sylvari, loathing humans, norn shapeshifts, CHARRS, soloing dungeons and other random content, achievement hunting, messing around, musical instruments, CHARRS, guild missions, festivals, all the new content and events and current events and and... CHARRS, legendaries, mounts, mount skins, no gear treadmill, no grind, CHARRS, miniatures, novelties, no sub fee, no silly maintenance times, CHARRS, really beautiful visuals and sound effects theyre superb, non-cluttered UI, lot of quality of life features we've got, enviromental weapons, pretty looking skyboxes, detailed and interesting maps, all the various bestiary, different races and their cultures and their own languages, CHARRS, breaking out of maps for fun, underwater combat is tolerable, love having weapon skins, love the skill system and combat and dodging and the physics, CHARRS, the awesome lighting, the emotes, the chairs, the smallest little things that make you smile, the easter eggs, the magic in it, the secrets, the mysteries, CHARRS, hating on activities, facing my mortal enemy chak, adventures, mount races, bounties, non-grindy dailies, guild hall building and their services, no silly raid queue system, fractals, combo fields, how the CCs and conditions and all the fancy little combat stuff works like how traits have synergy and can change the world, all the classes we have and their elite specs and racial skills are fun too, all the fun special gameplay in story, backpacks, wing skins, gliders, masteries, pocket raptors, tangled detphs, DS meta, Deimos, titles I want to get, siege weapons in WvW and... ... ... *enter more things here* ... ... ... charrs.


In no particular order.

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I'm a relatively new player, only been around a year or so (though I did go back and play GW1 to get all the backstory). Games appeal to me primarily based on their stories, explorable worlds and aesthetics. GW2 tends to be hit-or-miss on the story part, but knocks it out of the park as far as exploration and cool stuff to look at. The griffon is amazing; I'm working toward world completion on a second character just because I enjoy flying around the maps so much.

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I started GW2 and still play it for various reasons. The graphics, the combat system that promotes moving around and looking for tells, crafting legendary items, there is always pve content to do even not instanced, no sub fee, profession variety even if i dont stick to just 1 or 2, ability to customize the appearance of my characters (more armor choices is always better), currently doing my completion for my 3rd time and glad that heart completion can be done in more ways than just combat, friendlier community than in most mmos.

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Meta events, done right (read: HoT) are what make me pick GW2 over any other MMO.

Casual , raid-ish content, without obligation, but offering satisfying co-op gameplay and a nice drip-feed of rewards.

Add to that alting. I grind (gold->gems) for skins and QoL until I'm happy and can just relax slowly leveling alts (ten plus now). I've never found an MMO I enjoy alting in, until GW2.

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A friend invited me to play because he believed it is a good mmo and enjoyed pve and just gameplay. For some reason the personal story felt so unique for me for a mmo storyline that I started playing it like a regular story driven rpg(too bad I missed out on S1 and had to catch up on S2 on yt, sorry, I'm not paying separately for all this old content even though story is great. I got S3 though) through both expansions and living world. I enjoy pve, pvp(especially wvw), but I stayed for the world, the lore and the characters.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > 1. B2p (No sub)

> > 2. Minimum p2w

> > 3. Happen to be there when I was looking for another mmo to play


> There is no p2w in GW2.


That is subjective and relative. You might think certain elements as not p2w just because it does not significantly impact the gameplay. However, to me, as long it technically fit the p2w criteria, then, it is a p2w element, regardless of how insignificant it impact the gameplay.


To put it into perspective, a p2w content generally be understood as "any forms of advantage made possible by spending of cash".


So, what kind of advantage? For example ascended, through pure farming or grinding (either maps, fotm, whatever), one will take a certain amount of time to obtain. Relatively, if you compare this between two newbies who started exactly at the same time, play exactly amount of hours etc with only one main difference and that is one of them use cash to purchase gems and convert it to gold to buy things off trading posts. The one with gems will be the first to obtain the ascended. Sure, such advantage may be arguably moot in pve but it can't be said so for wvw.


There are also lot of other advantages. I am sure people who play the game long enough would have seen thread complaining about harvesting item in gem store a p2w item. People complain that because it fall into that definition, technically, regardless of how insignificant it impact the game.

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I'm new to the game(highest lvl is 44) so I haven't experienced all the game has to offer just yet, but there are three big reasons I'm playing right now:

1. PvP. I have some pretty mixed feelings about GW2's combat system, but I've grown to accept it after a while. Won't get into that here. Anyways, at first PvP was too fast and chaotic, but after a couple games things got better and the game became more fun (except for vs mesmers, things are still a bit too much for me). I usually don't care about PvE a lot, so this is important.

2. Story. I've never come across this particular form of storytelling before in an MMO(that is, choices that are actually relevant and particularly distinct).

3. It's free. I enjoy GW2 and would play it regardless but if I had more money to spend, I'd be using at least some of my time with FFXIV. The game is great and it's PvE actually fun, a rarity for me.

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PvE, PvP, WvW.


PvE - Fractals, legendary crafting, Fashion Wars, exploration and story

PvP - Tournaments

WvW - I have a lot of fun playing WvW, it doesnt deserve so much hate, it's amazing and I feel rewarded, but would be nicer if pips and rewards would be given every 2-3 mins rather than 5. It's a bit too much and its not newbies friendly that start from 0. So thats my only complaint about WvW so far, but I really enjoy that.


Other than that I love GW2's music and thats the main reason I play PvE and story, because music connects me to environment. I really like Season 4's music so far.

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