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Mirage cloak while stunned


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Remove the ability to do this without the trait that breaks stuns. Its infuriating to completely outplay a mirage only to have them evade through any cc you put on them. This alone is what makes them so ridiculously powerful in pvp/wvw, its not the still insane daze and blind clone spam. Right now mirage cloak completely removes any counterplay and the only way to kill mirage is to make them waste all their cds. I have no idea how this has gone on this long. There are forum posts every month where people state how broken this is. If people think this is acceptable game design why dont we let other classes dodge while stunned too.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Bort.8647" said:

> > > If people think this is acceptable game design why dont we let other classes dodge while stunned too.

> > You can stun other classes with their plethora of passives and cc immunity?! O.o

> >


> Remove dodge while stunned but give mirage stab on dodge!


Return stab on BD *

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Or you could play around the existence of Mirage Cloak similar to how one must play around any distinct mechanic in the game? When you land a CC on a Mirage, think about what you're actually going to do before hand and make sure you're counting dodges as you should be against every class anyway. Don't be predictable and do punish the Mirage if it decides to use all its endurance during the CC window.


Also, on Mirage I tend to eat CC knowing fully well this will cause my opponents to waste important big damage skills on me. Just time your Mirage Cloak within the CC window and huzzah! So in this case, it would be the Mirage that outplayed the - probably a Warrior still relying on Shield Bash to land Eviscerate - instead of the other way around. I like that it often must appear that I was being outplayed (although, since when has landing CC been anything other than trivial?) but all along I was in complete control. Peak Mesmery Miragey stuff!

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> @"Bort.8647" said:

> There are forum posts every month where people state how broken this is. If people think this is acceptable game design why dont we let other classes dodge while stunned too.


Why not let every class to have permanent stealth? Why not let every class to have the best range pressure? Why not let every class to have insane sustain?

And posts like this are weekly if not daily... Mesmer forum become the bin of QQ

I see people complain about how good staff, about the number of evades, about the number of conditions mesmer can apply, and now even how mesmer dodge? Basically everything that mesmer has is BOKEN, OP, ULTIMATE such a nice thing to see that all the mesmer mains are on the <250 leaderboards on both EU and NA... Oh wait...

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> @"Nepster.4275" said:


Basically everything that mesmer has is BOKEN, OP, ULTIMATE such a nice thing to see that all the mesmer mains are on the <250 leaderboards on both EU and NA... Oh wait...


Mes not being on leaderboard has NOTHING to do with it being OP. Mes has so many "haha gotcha" traits/abilities its insane, and needs to be addressed period.

Nerfed thief into the ground. Nerfed Warrior to be moderate. Mesmers turn. Don't be mad when the hammer drops. and I PRAY to the anet gods Boonbeast follows.

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> @"xZombieTaco.5809" said:

> > @"Nepster.4275" said:


> Basically everything that mesmer has is BOKEN, OP, ULTIMATE such a nice thing to see that all the mesmer mains are on the <250 leaderboards on both EU and NA... Oh wait...


> Mes not being on leaderboard has NOTHING to do with it being OP. Mes has so many "haha gotcha" traits/abilities its insane, and needs to be addressed period.

> Nerfed thief into the ground. Nerfed Warrior to be moderate. Mesmers turn. Don't be mad when the hammer drops. and I PRAY to the anet gods Boonbeast follows.


But it is indicative of the class over performing or under performing. ANet looks at play rate to win rate ratio along with what traits/utilities/weapons that are doing a bit much.


It’d be reasonable to think that if Mirage was truly broken according to every nonsensical post on the forums that the leaderboard would be primarily Mirage players. There’s no denying that Mirage is a tad overturned but not to the degree of every complaint we see.


This is the fine line and tough situation ANet is put in because their behind the scene analytics tell a different story than what public perception is.


I expect nerfs to Mirage today but I also don’t expect them to blow up the class as you’d think based on biased forum feedback.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"xZombieTaco.5809" said:


> > Nerfed thief into the ground.


> lul

> When?!


Yikes. Thief has been in the trash can relative to other specs for a long time now in competitive game modes. With only mobility keeping it meta for decaps. The likes this post got reminded me Im definitely in the mirage main thread. I'm going to go shower.

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> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"xZombieTaco.5809" said:

> >

> > > Nerfed thief into the ground.

> >

> > lul

> > When?!


> Yikes. Thief has been in the trash can relative to other specs for a long time now in competitive game modes. With only mobility keeping it meta for decaps. The likes this post got reminded me Im definitely in the mirage main thread. I'm going to go shower.


Since you're gonna shower don't forget to wash away that thief victim complex too.

Thief is one of the few professions whose all specs are viable.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > @"xZombieTaco.5809" said:

> > >

> > > > Nerfed thief into the ground.

> > >

> > > lul

> > > When?!

> >

> > Yikes. Thief has been in the trash can relative to other specs for a long time now in competitive game modes. With only mobility keeping it meta for decaps. The likes this post got reminded me Im definitely in the mirage main thread. I'm going to go shower.


> Since you're gonna shower don't forget to wash away that thief victim complex too.

> Thief is one of the few professions whose all specs are viable.


Yeah they sure do make a good +1 at best huh.... sure is nice not being able to fight anything in the game, but hey at least all of our professions = half of a profession ya know.

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> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > > @"xZombieTaco.5809" said:

> > > >

> > > > > Nerfed thief into the ground.

> > > >

> > > > lul

> > > > When?!

> > >

> > > Yikes. Thief has been in the trash can relative to other specs for a long time now in competitive game modes. With only mobility keeping it meta for decaps. The likes this post got reminded me Im definitely in the mirage main thread. I'm going to go shower.

> >

> > Since you're gonna shower don't forget to wash away that thief victim complex too.

> > Thief is one of the few professions whose all specs are viable.


> Yeah they sure do make a good +1 at best huh.... sure is nice not being able to fight anything in the game, but hey at least all of our professions = half of a profession ya know.


If a spec has the highest mobility and the highest escape potential it **shouldn't** win fair fights (1v1, 2v2 etc). Ideally it should also lose 1v1 to other roamers with less mobility (like fresh air ele). There are two things i have to say about thief:

* Thief should get a viable alternative to the roamer role however this build should not have extreme mobility (sword, shortbow, etc)

* Thief still keeps other squishies at bay like always (but it doesnt hardcounter shatter mesmer as much anymore because they gave it mobility to compete with thief). However it struggles in this meta due to the current sidenoders being overpowered and hard to kill even +1. I am talking about Chrono, Chaos Mirage, Soulbeast and even Spellbreaker.

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The fact that you can Mirage Cloak while stunned is part of the unique mechanic. You still can't do anything but NOT be hit without the now (useless) Trait, so I see it as fine. Frankly I think that trait should not break stuns, Core Mesmer utility skills already have a ton of ways to break stun, and Mirage added another utility to do it. I think EM should instead Clear 2 conditions and extend the Mirage Cloak to 2 seconds. Useful, but doesn't break stun (again, we got lot's of utility options for that) but not OP.


However, if they did decided Mirage Cloak needed to go, then a LOT of the ambush skills would need to be reworked for it. Most of them are based on the fact that the dodge does not interrupt actions. When they first released Mirage, I wondered why it stayed in place in AoE's (which kept me off it for months), and thought instead it should be a short distance Blink to dodge instead. Now I get Mirage Cloak, and it's an increase in DPS (cause no interruption) but is somewhat countered by AOEs or skillful play as the enemy knows they also don't have to move to chase you down after a dodge. So I don't think changing it to a Bink would work out.

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> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > > @"xZombieTaco.5809" said:

> > > >

> > > > > Nerfed thief into the ground.

> > > >

> > > > lul

> > > > When?!

> > >

> > > Yikes. Thief has been in the trash can relative to other specs for a long time now in competitive game modes. With only mobility keeping it meta for decaps. The likes this post got reminded me Im definitely in the mirage main thread. I'm going to go shower.

> >

> > Since you're gonna shower don't forget to wash away that thief victim complex too.

> > Thief is one of the few professions whose all specs are viable.


> Yeah they sure do make a good +1 at best huh.... sure is nice not being able to fight anything in the game, but hey at least all of our professions = half of a profession ya know.


Yeah yeah, thief is trash, thief players are so kitten skillfull and thief needs a huge damage buff, I read it a thousand times, that would fly on your forums, here not so much.

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