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THE WARCLAW - Announcement


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I'm honestly just reminded of how I actually have wasted more than 6000 hours playing a singular gamemode, and eventually started to dislike it more and more due to power creep/expansions/people's behaviour and I could never quit because heck, I've spent so much time I can't get out because I'm so invested.


And then I hear rumors of a "Great and exciting WvW update" on the stream, and I see Ben P (god bless him) in the stream chats of many of the "GvG" streamers and I just thought, hell maybe they'd actually update WvW and add a nice twist or a new area in the map, or a reason to actually win your matchup or a reason to actually play WvW (barring the legendary stuff cos why bother when you have like 20 sets of ascended armor) and I just feel so DAMN disappointed and honestly sad that in the end;


I wasted six hecking years of my life playing 1 gamemode and lost many paychecks worth of gems, not because I enjoyed it, but because I used to enjoy it in the vanilla game and the nostalgia held me back.


Think it's honestly time for me to throw in the towel and go join the military just to get deployed to the middle east because how the HELL am I supposed to find a reason to use my computer when the absolute SHAME of playing this goddamn mode is finally setting in

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I wonder how bad lag and queues will be during double exp week to get it...I see horrendous queues all over...I never wanted mounts in WvW but I'll check it out before saying anything except if its kitten am not gonna quit like so many say but gonna lower my WvW gaming time drastically is all and that's about 90% of my time.


At Kazu: lets have a Warclaw headbutting zerging contest from the looks of it!

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I've got nothing to say. I didn't think this would ever actually happen.


I'm going to hold my tongue until I see it perform but as of right now, "mad" is how I feel.



I'm going to go ahead and suggest nerfs right now. If they're not already in place when it's released, they fucking well better be after they see what it's going to do to WvW.


1. Can only be used out of combat.

2. Can only be accessed via specific locations. eg supply camps, supply huts, etc.

3. Has a time limit, let's say 5 minutes.

4. No engage abilities. Or alternatively, engage abilities do not effect players, only siege and objectives such as walls/gates.

5. Same health limitations as PvE mounts. You get a maximum of 5 - 10k health so it's easy to be knocked off.

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wvw developers are clearly not wvwers, nor do they listen to what wvwers want or need right now.

We certainly were not crying for a mount. F


I'm now expecting a temporary increase in the wvw population for the boost and those who want the mount. Short term goals anet - clearly not a long term fix for the issues



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> @"Delrago.2098" said:

> Wow its almost like every forum and stream since we heard "big wvw announcement" has been saying no mounts but anet knows what we want right?


You really think they wouldn't release it because a week ago people said "don't do this"? That's pretty disconnected from rationality.

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> @"Colly.4073" said:

> And to think i just came back after a 6 months break and was kinda getting back into roaming (or what's left of it) well now i guess it's time to really shelf my account.


Serious question, because I see this position from many roamers. If you have the same mount and same mount abilities as the enemy roamers, what advantage are you losing?


Now on my second account with no expansions, I'm going to look silly with no mount, but I bought that account to make gold.

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Well as someone who rarely plays WvW it seems like good news to me: I hate having to return to the battle on foot after dying which can take 5+min sometimes. I need to hear some arguments on why this is bad. Maybe bad for small group roamers? but doesnt it allow for you to take camps faster too? That thing looked liked it moved fast making it not necessary to have +movespeed/swiftness/movement skills when ooc but that could just be the video. Yeah there will prob be mount skins for this for sure hehe, I hope its not exclusive to WvW either tbh.

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> @"Taurid.1753" said:

> I was hoping for a Dolyak but I'll settle for this.

> Too bad it looks like it has a WXP level requirement, based on the wording of the news post and the double XP event going along with it.


Yip.. no doubt this will have a money sync and time gate to it.. I am guessing it's a rushed through plug to quell the growing unrest caused by staleness and no further info on alliances other than to say it aint coming yet.... perhaps we will have to buy a bubble head and go swimming round borderlands to kill some things with claws... lots and lots of times.

Out of touch indeed, unwanted, not needed and likely just another sync to keep all but the whales busy for ever, but who knows maybe we will all be pleasantly surprised... or not.

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> @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> Well as someone who rarely plays WvW it seems like good news to me: I hate having to return to the battle after dying on foot which can take 5+min sometimes. I need to hear some arguments on why this is bad. Maybe bad for small group roamers? but doesnt it allow for you to take camps faster too? That thing looked liked it moved fast making it not necessary to have +movespeed/swiftness/movement skills when ooc but that could just be the video. Yeah there will prob be mount skins for this for sure hehe, I hope its not exclusive to WvW either tbh.


Off the top of my head,

+More input lag

+More FPS drops

+No chance of attacking an objective while outnumbered, cos defenders can "go fast lul vroom vroom warclaw xdddd"



But we can use chairs in WvW now?


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